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Bulger B., Greenspan J., Wall D. — MySQL/PHP Database Applications
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Название: MySQL/PHP Database Applications
Авторы: Bulger B., Greenspan J., Wall D.
Аннотация: This guide explains how to write web-based applications with PHP and MySQL and get data-driven web sites up and running, then walks through a sample guest book, survey, content management system, discussion board, and shopping cart. The second edition covers MySQL 4.0. The CD-ROM contains MySQL, the Apache web server, PHP 4, and example applications.
Рубрика: Руководства по программному обеспечению /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Издание: 2nd Edition
Год издания: 2003
Количество страниц: 818
Добавлена в каталог: 13.05.2005
Операции: Положить на полку |
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# (space character) 717
$ (dollar sign) 91
= (equals sign) 92
=== (triple equals sign) 93
Absolute pathname, returning (REALPATH()) 175
Absolute value 702
Abstract classes 212—215
Access key 568
Action, object See Method
Active projects, showing 544—545
Active threads, viewing 589—590
Adding, column to table 42
Adding, files automatically 581—582
Adding, index to table 43
Adding, survey questions (admin/questions.php) 298—303
Adding, to beginning of array (ARRAY_UNSHIFT()) 160
Adding, to end of array (ARRAY_PUSH()) 160
Adding, user to project 545
Address book 4
Address table, manipulating 490—491
Address, file or Web page See URL
Administrative tasks 389—392 586—587
Alias (as) 76
Alphabetical order, array (SORT()) 163
Alphabetical order, list of entries in table 73
Anchor tag 671
AND, bitwise (BIT_AND) 734
anomalies 5 8 10
Anonymous users 257
Apache 109—111 696
Application design, Guestbook 2003 229—230
Application design, NuSOAP 527—528
Application design, problem-tracking system 441—444
Application design, project management 537—541
Application design, shopping cart 477—479
Application design, survey 261—266 294—298
Application design, threaded discussion 312—315
Application design, XML parsing 506—508
Arc cosine (ACOS) 706
Arc sine (ASIN) 706
Arc tangent (ATAN) 706
Arc tangent of two arguments (ATAN2) 707
Argument, arc tangent of two (ATAN2) 707
Argument, concatenation of (CONCAT) 711—712
Argument, handling, HTML survey functions 276—281
Argument, PHP functions 134—135
Argument, printing (PRINT_INPUT_FIELDS()) 249—250
Argument, replacing (STR_REPLACE()) 140
Argument, script control functions, obtaining, information (func_get_arg(), func_get_args(), and func_num_args()) 176—177
Argument, string, outputting and then terminating script (die()) 176
Argument, value in first is found in second (IN_ARRAY()) 159
Argument, variable number 205—206
Array, adding to beginning (ARRAY_UNSHIFT()) 160
Array, assigning, PHP scripts 96—99
Array, associative 162 671
Array, browser-passed variables 102—104
Array, common elements (ARRAY_INTERSECT()) 159
Array, concatenating in a string (JOIN()) 154
Array, converting into variables (COMPACT()) 153
Array, counting (ARRAY_COUNT()) 157—158
Array, creating and populating (RANGE()) 154
Array, cursor, resetting (RESET()) 162
Array, described 615—619
Array, differences (ARRAY_DIFF()) 159
Array, end, adding to (ARRAY_PUSH()) 160
Array, filtering (ARRAY_FILTER()) 157—158
Array, first element, return and remove (ARRAY_SHIFT()) 160
Array, key / last element, return and remove (ARRAY_POP()) 160
Array, key / value pair, exchanging (ARRAY_FLIP()) 155—156
Array, key / value pair, pulling and making into standalone variables (EXTRACT()) 153—154
Array, key / value pair, returning (EACH()) 161
Array, key / value pair, seeking (ARRAY_KEY_EXISTS()) 159—160
Array, key, returning all (ARRAY_KEYS()) 158
Array, key, true / false whether exists (ARRAY_KEY_EXISTS()) 158
Array, matching (PREG_GREP()) 147
Array, merging or concatenating (ARRAY_MERGE()) 156
Array, of matched subpatterns, assigning (PREG_MATCH()) 147
Array, of properties (get_object_vars()) 164
Array, passing through function (ARRAY_WALK()) 161
Array, Perl regular expression string, transforming into (PREG_SPLIT()) 152—153
Array, random elements, picking (ARRAY_RAND()) 162—163
Array, randomizing elements (SHUFFLE()) 163
Array, regular expression string, transforming into (SPLIT()) 151—152
Array, removing specific elements (ARRAY_SPLICE()) 156—157
Array, return values generated by called function, in original order (ARRAY_MAP()) 158—159
Array, returning values defined in enum field (enum_to_array()) 679—680
Array, sorting in ascending or alphabetical order 163
Array, string, transforming (EXPLODE()) 150—151
Array, testing (is_array()) 113
Array, turning into string (IMPLODE()) 151
Array, two-dimensional arrays, assigning 99
Array, type other than, testing (is_scalar()) 114
Array, user-defined function, passing (call_user_func_array()) 176
Array, value in first argument is found in second argument (IN_ARRAY()) 159
Array, values, returning all (ARRAY_VALUES()) 161
Array, variable functions, testing (is_array(), is_numeric() and is_string()) 148
Ascending order, array, sorting (SORT()) 163
ASCII, integers, values of (CHAR) 711
ASCII, string function values 709
ASCII, string, specially-formatted (ORD) 709
Associative array, database (db_values_array()) 671
Associative array, defined 97—98
Associative array, values, returning (ARRAY_COUNT_VALUES()) 162
Atomic value 11
Authentication, project management code 546—548
Authentication, user for content-management system (content / authenticate.php) 387—389
Authentication, user-defined functions 669—670
Author, creating or updating records (write_author()) 381—382
Author, finding all stories by (function fetch_author()) 378
Average (avg()), group by and aggregate functions 78—79
Babelfish application 532—534
Barnes & Noble application 528—531
Base, numbers, converting (CONV) 710
Base, path elements, cutting off all but (BASENAME()) 175
Base-10 logarithm (LOG10) 705
BC math function 640
BEGIN(), catalog classes 422
Beginning of array, adding to (ARRAY_UNSHIFT()) 160
BerkeleyDB 40—41
BINARY cast operator 700
Binary installation 572—575
Binary objects (tinytext/tinyblob, text/blob, mediumtext/mediumblob, longtext) 31—32
Binary value, string functions, returning (BIN) 710
Bitmask, constant, defining to use (get_constant()) 345—347
Bitwise operators 733—734
Blocking See Security
Body, SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) 521—522
Boolean, testing for (is_bool()) 113—114
Border, HTML form text surrounded by thin line (fieldset) 569
Border, page 201
Break loop 131 132
Break, HTML adding after each newline (NL2BR()) 141—142
Browser, arrays 102—104
Browser, HTML forms 100—102
Browser, HTTP header 179—180
Browser, information stored by 104—106 180
Browser, sessions 106—107
Browser, username and password, getting (authenticate()) 669
Buffering, PHP output 187—189
Bulleted list (ul_list()) 672
Bytes, file pointer reading to specified (FREAD()) 172
C-style pattern string, formatting (SPRINTF()) 166
Calculating See also Mathematical functions
Calculating, MD5 checksum 732
Calculating, valid dates (MKTIME()) 168—169
Called function, return values, generated in original order (ARRAY_MAP()) 158—159
Capitalization, changing, characters, (LCASE) 718
Capitalization, changing, functions (UCASE) 719
Capitalization, changing, string (STRTOLOWER(), STRTOUPPER(), UCFIRST() and UCWORDS()) 141
Case-insensitivity, pattern match (split()) 155
Case-insensitivity, regular expression functions, altering (sql_regcase()) 145—146
Cast operator, BINARY 700
Casting, variable types, changing 114—115
Catalog, classes, base 412—413 431—432
Catalog, classes, BEGIN(), COMMIT() and ROLLBACK() 422
Catalog, classes, inherited (LEGAL_VALUES()) 420—421
Catalog, classes, values, saving (WRITE_TO_DB()) 420
Catalog, data 403—407
Catalog, deleting record (DELETE_FROM_DB()) 417
Catalog, described 397 411—412
Catalog, empty properties, leaving out (DATA_FIELDS()) 418
Catalog, file system, accessing 408
Catalog, ID value, getting record by (FETCH_FROM_DB()) 416—417
Catalog, image, extending 432—433
Catalog, list of fields (FIELDLIST()) 417—418
Catalog, matching field value, getting all (FETCH_ALL()) 417
Catalog, multi-statement transaction (TRANSACTION()) 421—422
Catalog, new objects, instantiating (__CONSTRUCT()) 413
Catalog, new record, creating (CREATE_RECORD()) 419
Catalog, object-oriented approach 408 410—411
Catalog, products 422—431
Catalog, property values, setting (BUILD()) 414
Catalog, query for later-named table (FETCH_SIMPLE_QUERY()) 415
Catalog, sample script 434—439
Catalog, scope and goals, determining 398—403
Catalog, single record, returning (FETCH_RECORD()) 416
Catalog, static variables, using in methods (DBH()) 413—414
Catalog, style 433—434
Catalog, table name, returning result (FETCH_SIMPLE()) 415—416
Catalog, updating record (UPDATE_RECORD()) 419
Catalog, uploading files 409—410
Catalog, values, saving them (WRITE_TO_DB()) 420
Categories, shopping cart 492—493
CD, back-of-the-book, applications 558—559
CD, back-of-the-book, eBook version of text 560
CD, back-of-the-book, example applications 558
CD, back-of-the-book, system requirements 557
CD, back-of-the-book, troubleshooting 560
CD, back-of-the-book, using 558
Cell tag 673
Certificates, security 481—482
Changes, recording most recent (timestamp), date and time columns 36
Character classes 661—663
Character, counting string (STRLEN()) 140
Character, decimals, storing as 35
Character, escape sequences 54
Character, escaping string 94
Character, HTML 4.0 entity references 696
Character, matching to series of known patterns 659—660
Character, non-alphanumeric 185
Character, order, reversing 717
Character, position of last occurrence in string (STRRPOS()) 140—141
Character, regular expressions 660—661
Character, separating directory names (path_separator()), HTML survey 292
Character-set 238—239
Checkbox, default status 290—291
Checkbox, form 675
Checkbox, multiple before pressing Submit button 104
Checking and moving uploaded file (MOVE_UPLOADED_FILE()) 175
Checkout, shopping cart 495—504
Child products, catalog, printing 437—439
Children, listing, catalog products class 423—424
Claim code, survey winner, checking (claim.php) 304—308
Class functions, described 163—164
Class functions, determining (is_a()) 164
Class functions, method, whether defined (method_exists()) 164
Class functions, name, returning (get_class()) 164
Class, abstract 212—215
Class, catalog, Base 412—413
Class, catalog, BEGIN(), COMMIT() and ROLLBACK() 422
Class, catalog, deleting record (DELETE_FROM_DB()) 417
Class, catalog, described 411—412
Class, catalog, empty properties, leaving out (DATA_FIELDS()) 418
Class, catalog, ID value, getting record by (FETCH_FROM_DB()) 416—417
Class, catalog, inherited (LEGAL_VALUES()) 420—421
Class, catalog, list of fields (FIELDLIST()) 417—418
Class, catalog, matching field value, getting all (FETCH_ALL()) 417
Class, catalog, multi-statement transaction (TRANSACTION()) 421—422
Class, catalog, new objects, instantiating (__CONSTRUCT()) 413
Class, catalog, new record, creating (CREATE_RECORD()) 419
Class, catalog, property values, setting (BUILD()) 414
Class, catalog, query for later-named table (FETCH_SIMPLE_QUERY()) 415
Class, catalog, single record, returning (FETCH_RECORD()) 416
Class, catalog, static variables, using in methods (DBH()) 413—414
Class, catalog, table name, returning result (FETCH_SIMPLE()) 415—416
Class, catalog, updating record (UPDATE_RECORD()) 419
Class, catalog, values, saving them (WRITE_TO_DB()) 420
Class, described 210
Class, determining (is_a()) 164
Class, inheritance 215—218
Class, interfaces 211—212
Class, shopping cart, Address table 490—491
Class, shopping cart, database record tree structure 488—490
Class, shopping cart, described 486
Class, shopping cart, orders 491—492
Class, shopping cart, requests 487—488
Cleaning up, output buffering (FLUSH()) 188
Cleaning up, string for use as HTML tag (make_page_title()) 670
Cleaning up, text, reversing (REVERSE_CLEANUP_TEXT()) 239—240
Client file, Barnes & Noble application 529—531
Cloning 218—219
Closing tag 561—562 672
Codd, E.F. (relational database inventor) 3
Code class See Class
Code, blocks, indenting 192—194
Code, catalog, file system, accessing 408
Code, catalog, files, uploading 409—410
Code, catalog, object-oriented approach 408
Code, comments 221—224
Code, content-management system 361—362
Code, external files, including 197—200
Code, Guestbook 2003 235—236
Code, HTML survey initialization 293—294
Code, indenting 191—197
Code, object-oriented programming 209—220
Code, problem-tracking system 452
Code, procedural versus object-oriented code 220—221
Code, project management, active projects, showing 544—545
Code, project management, authentication 546—548
Code, project management, file contents, displaying 553
Code, project management, logging in and establishing session 544
Code, project management, new project, creating 545
Code, project management, projects' status, viewing 548—552
Code, project management, session management 545—546
Code, project management, uploading files 545 552
Code, project management, user, adding 545
Code, project management, viewing files 545
Code, stored in variable, executing (eval()) 176
Code, survey 270—273 274—276
Code, threaded discussion, main functions 320—321
Code, user-defined functions 200—208
Column, date and time 35—37
Column, definitions, changing 43—44
Column, dependencies 11
Column, dropping 43
Column, excessive use of 19
Column, indexes, creating 37—38
Column, numeric 33—35
Column, sum of given, returning (sum() function) 77—78
Column, table, adding 42
Column, text strings 29—33
Column, viewing 46
Command, terminating (G) 176
Command-line interface (mysql) 583—586
Commands, bundle See Transaction
Comments, code, organized and readable 221—224
COMMIT(), catalog classes 422
Common elements, array functions (ARRAY_INTERSECT()) 159
Comparison operators 69 122
Complex data types, SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) 523—524