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Bulger B., Greenspan J., Wall D. — MySQL/PHP Database Applications
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Íàçâàíèå: MySQL/PHP Database Applications
Àâòîðû: Bulger B., Greenspan J., Wall D.
Àííîòàöèÿ: This guide explains how to write web-based applications with PHP and MySQL and get data-driven web sites up and running, then walks through a sample guest book, survey, content management system, discussion board, and shopping cart. The second edition covers MySQL 4.0. The CD-ROM contains MySQL, the Apache web server, PHP 4, and example applications.
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Èçäàíèå: 2nd Edition
Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2003
Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 818
Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 13.05.2005
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String functions, input, concatenating (STR_REPEAT()) 139—140
String functions, INSERT 717
String functions, integers, ASCII-code values of (CHAR) 711
String functions, leading and trailing spaces, removed (TRIM) 715—716
String functions, leading spaces, removed (LTRIM) 715
String functions, left-padded (LPAD) 713
String functions, leftmost len characters (LEFT) 713—714
String functions, len characters long (SUBSTRING) 714
String functions, length 712
String functions, manipulation 610—614
String functions, measuring (ELT) 718
String functions, octal value (OCT) 710
String functions, one-way hash of string, returning (CRYPT()) 139
String functions, position of last occurrence of search character (STRRPOS()) 140—141
String functions, position of substring (INSTR) 713
String functions, position, LOCATE 712—713
String functions, position, STRPOS() 140
String functions, repeating certain number of times (REPEAT) 717
String functions, returning as binary value (BIN) 710
String functions, right-padded (RPAD) 713
String functions, rightmost len characters (RIGHT) 714
String functions, slashes 138—139
String functions, soundex string 716
String functions, space characters (#) 717
String functions, specially-formatted ASCII string (ORD) 709
String functions, STRCHR() and STRSTR() 140
String functions, substring, returning (SUBSTR()) 141
String functions, SUBSTRING_INDEX 714—715
String functions, text, image (GETIMAGESIZE()) 181
String functions, trailing-space characters, removed (RTRIM) 715
String functions, upper case, changing characters to (UCASE) 719
String functions, white spaces, trimming (TRIM()) 139
String, argument, value writing to file (FWRITE()) 172
String, array elements, concatenating (JOIN()) 154
String, array, turning into (IMPLODE()) 151
String, cleaning up for use as HTML tag (make_page_title()) 670
String, connection, content-management system 362—365
String, date 36
String, delimiting, PHP scripts 94—96
String, encrypting for Unix 731—732
String, for matches to a pattern (PREG_MATCH_ALL()) 148
String, formatting according to C-style pattern (SPRINTF()) 166
String, match, testing for (ereg()) 143—144
String, MD5 checksum, calculating 732
String, one-way hash, returning (CRYPT()) 139
String, password, encrypting and decrypting 732
String, Perl regular expression string, transforming into array (PREG_SPLIT()) 152—153
String, regular expression, transforming into array (SPLIT()) 151—152
String, replacing based on complex patterns (EREG_REPLACE()) 144—145
String, transforming into array (EXPLODE()) 150—151
String, type of variable, returning as (GETTYPE()) 153
String, URL functions, encoding (urlencode()) 185
String, variable functions, testing (is_array(), is_numeric(), and is_string()) 148
String, zero-length 24
Style, catalog, class 433—434
Style, catalog, inserting (MAP_STYLE()) 429
Style, catalog, printing 436—437
Submit field, form 674
Subpattern 147
Subqueries, correlated 86—87
Subset of columns, grouping (group by options) 79—80
Substring, position (INSTR) 713
Substring, returning (SUBSTR()) 141
Subtitles, HTML element 672
Sum of given column, returning (sum() function) 77—78
Sunday, week beginning (DAYOFWEEK) 719—720
Superset, text values (set) 32—33
Survey application, claim code, checking (claim.php) 304—308
Survey application, code overview 270—273 274—276
Survey application, database design 266—270
Survey application, described 294—298
Survey application, HTML functions, arguments, handling 276—281
Survey application, HTML functions, character separating directory names (path_separator()) 292
Survey application, HTML functions, checkbox, default status 290—291
Survey application, HTML functions, directory, adding to default path (ADD_TO_INCLUDE_PATH()) 292—293
Survey application, HTML functions, initialization code 293—294
Survey application, HTML functions, questions, adding, editing and deleting (admin/questions.php) 298—303
Survey application, HTML functions, random winner, drawing (admin/get_winner.php) 303
Survey application, HTML functions, scope and goals 261—266
Survey application, HTML functions, site configuration, sharing information (book_constants()) 291
Survey application, HTML functions, tags, creating common (FROM /BOOK/FUNCTIONS/HTML/) 281—289
Survey application, HTML functions, text field, printing 289—290
Survey application, HTML functions, winner, notifying (admin/winners.php) 303—304
System requirements, back-of-the-book CD 557
Table structure (first normal form) 10—11
Table, BerkeleyDB 40—41
Table, catalog, inherited classes (LEGAL_VALUES()) 420—421
Table, catalog, query for later-named (FETCH_SIMPLE_QUERY()) 415
Table, columns, adding 42
Table, columns, definitions, changing 43—44
Table, columns, dropping 43
Table, columns, types 29—37
Table, content-management system, authors (write_author()) 381—382
Table, content-management system, building for workflow stages (stage_table_name()) 380—381
Table, content-management system, of stories, creating or updating (write_story()) 382—387
Table, creating 26—29 47—48
Table, data storage, simple and problematic 6
Table, default working, defining (use command) 27
Table, deleting data 59—61
Table, described 600—601
Table, eliminating duplicate data (distinct clause) 70
Table, Flush 591
Table, group by and aggregate functions 74—80
Table, Heap 41
Table, HTML tags, cell 673
Table, HTML tags, closing 672
Table, HTML tags, row 672—673
Table, HTML tags, table inside paragraph (start_table()) 672
Table, indexes, adding 43
Table, indexes, creating 37—38
Table, indexes, dropping 43
Table, InnoDB 40—41
Table, inserting data 53—55
Table, interfaces 23
Table, joining 80—87
Table, MyISAM 39—40
Table, name, changing 41—42
Table, name, returning result (FETCH_SIMPLE()) 415—416
Table, null values 24—25
Table, query, laying out in (select_to_table()) 679
Table, replacing data 61—64
Table, retrieving values, select statement 64—67
Table, retrieving values, with predicate (in/not in) 71—72
Table, retrieving values, with wildcard characters (like clause) 72
Table, retrieving values, within a range (between) 70—71
Table, rows, restricting number returned (limit parameter) 73
Table, rows, retrieving limited (where clause) 67—70
Table, rows, returned, restricting number (limit) 73
Table, rows, specifying order returned (order by command) 73
Table, selecting values (db_fetch_record()) 670
Table, separating into multiple new 5
Table, SQL, deleting from (delete_row()) 678
Table, staff (fetch_staff()) 453—454
Table, status (show command) 47
Table, updating data 55—59
Table, user 599—600
Table, username and password, verifying against (authenticate()) 669
Table, viewing 45
Tags, creating common for HTML survey (FROM /BOOK/FUNCTIONS/HTML/) 281—289
Tags, HTML and PHP, removing (cleanup_text()) 669
Tags, Netscape references 696
Tags, string, cleaning up for use as HTML (make_page_title()) 670
Tags, title (MAKE_PAGE_TITLE()) 240
Tangent (TAN) 706
Tasks, project management database 543
Tasks, status, project management database 542
Terminating, command (G) 176
Terminating, script after outputting argument string (die()) 176
Testing end of file (FEOF()) 172
Testing for array (is_array()) 113
Testing for Boolean (is_bool()) 113—114
Testing for existence of directory (IS_DIR()) 174
Testing for existence of file (FILE_EXISTS()) 173
Testing for existence of script control functions (function_exists()) 177
Testing for floating-point or double number (is_double()) 113
Testing for NULL value (nullop()) 373—374
Testing for object (is_object()) 114
Testing for resource (is_resource()) 114
Testing for text string (is_string()) 113
Testing for type of variable (gettype()) 114
Testing for type other than array, object, or resource (is_scalar()) 114
Testing value, finding (isset()) 112
Testing variable functions for type (is_array(), is_numeric(), and is_string()) 148
Testing variables for empty setting 112—113
Testing variables for integer (is_int()) 113
Testing variables for NULL 113
Testing whether values identical 119
Text box, form (textarea_field()) 673—674
Text entry, HTML form input (textarea) 566—567
Text field, form 674
Text field, printing, HTML survey 289—290
Text file, address book, creating 4
Text string, image function (GETIMAGESIZE()) 181
Text string, storing, char 30
Text string, storing, described 29
Text string, storing, large strings and binary objects (tinytext / tinyblob, text /blob, mediumtext / mediumblob, longtext) 31—32
Text string, storing, limited potential values (enum) 32
Text string, storing, values, defined superset (set) 32—33
Text string, storing, varchar 30
Text string, testing for (is_string()) 113
Text, buttons 569
Text, form 673
Text, HTTP, blocking further headers (header_sent()) 180
Text, manipulating with user-defined functions 669—670
Text, testing contents 119—121
Third normal form 13—14
Threaded discussion, application scope and goals 312—316
Threaded discussion, code, main functions 320—321
Threaded discussion, data 316—320
Threaded discussion, described 311—312
Threaded discussion, error-handling and debugging, constant, defining to use in bitmask (get_constant()) 345—347
Threaded discussion, error-handling and debugging, described 332—333
Threaded discussion, error-handling and debugging, function, calling when error occurs (error_handler()) 337—345
Threaded discussion, error-handling and debugging, level displayed and logged 333
Threaded discussion, error-handling and debugging, simplifying (push_handler() and pop_handler()) 337
Threaded discussion, error-handling and debugging, tracking responses to types 333—336
Threaded discussion, form data, inserting into database (create_topic()) 329—332
Threaded discussion, function displayed and described (display_kids()) 321—326
Threaded discussion, information about given topic, displaying (display_topic()) 326—329
Threaded discussion, reusable functions 321
Threads, viewing active 589—590
Thumbnails images 183 430
Time, current (CURTIME) 729
Timeout lock 732—733
Timestamp, UNIX 729—730
Title, Guestbook 2003 tags (MAKE_PAGE_TITLE()) 240
To, replacing from in string (REPLACE) 716
Token replacement 369
Topic, information about given topic, displaying (display_topic()) threaded discussion 326—329
Tracking error responses 333—336
Transaction 20—21 421—422
Translating, escape code characters into HTML (HTMLENTITIES() and HTMLSPECIALCHARS()) 139
Tree structure 488—490
Trimming white space 139
Triple equals sign (===) 93
Troubleshooting, CD, back-of-the-book 560
True or false, if statement 118—122
True or false, variable functions (isset()) 148
True or false, whether key exists in array (ARRAY_KEY_EXISTS()) 158
Truncating to D decimals (TRUNCATE) 704
Turning off, output buffering (OB_END_CLEAN(), OB_END_FLUSH()) 188
Two-digit year format (year[(2|4)]), date and time columns 37
Two-dimensional arrays, assigning, PHP scripts 99
Type of variable, returning as string (GETTYPE()) 153
Type of variable, setting 634—635
Type of variable, testing (is_array(), is_numeric(), and is_string(), gettype()) 114 148
Type, image function (GETIMAGESIZE()) 181
Type, image, checking (EXIF_IMAGETYPE()) 183
Type-conversion functions, array elements, case-insensitive pattern match (split()) 155
Type-conversion functions, array elements, comparing variables 92—93
Type-conversion functions, array elements, concatenating in a string (JOIN()) 154
Type-conversion functions, array elements, converting into variables (COMPACT()) 153
Type-conversion functions, array elements, described 149—150
Type-conversion functions, array elements, floating-point numbers, converting to formatted string (NUMBER_FORMAT()) 154
Type-conversion functions, array elements, key / value pairs, pulling from array and making into standalone variables (EXTRACT()) 153—154
Type-conversion functions, array elements, Perl regular expression string, transforming into array (PREG_SPLIT()) 152—153
Type-conversion functions, array elements, regular expression string, transforming into array (SPLIT()) 151—152
Type-conversion functions, array elements, scalar variable, returning as integer or floating-point variable (INTVAL() and FLOATVAL()) 153
Type-conversion functions, array elements, setting to specified (SETTYPE()) 153
Type-conversion functions, array elements, string, transforming into array (EXPLODE()) 150—151
Type-conversion functions, array elements, type of variable, returning as string (GETTYPE()) 153
Type-conversion functions, array, creating and populating with elements (RANGE()) 154
Type-conversion functions, array, turning into string (IMPLODE()) 151
U.S. dollar value, formatting (money()) 670
Unencoding non-alphanumeric characters in URL functions (rawurldecode()) 185
Uniform Resource Locator See URL
Unix, CD, back-of-the-book 557
Unix, epoch, time since 730
Unix, installation, MySQL/PHP, described 575—578
Unix, installation, MySQL/PHP, PHP/Apache 578—580
Unix, seconds since Epoch (MICROTIME()) 169—170
Unix, string, encrypting 731—732
Unix, timestamp 729—730
Unmapped root-level styles, retrieving (LIST_UNMAPPED_STYLES()) 425
Unmask value, setting (UMASK()) 173
Unordered (ul_list()) 672
Unsetting variable functions 148
Update queries, adding slashes (ADDSLASHES()) 138
Update queries, removing slashes (STRIPSLASHES()) 138—139
Update queries, testing 124
Update, anomalies 5 8
Update, SQL statements, running 677—678
Updating catalog record (UPDATE_RECORD()) 419
Updating content-management system, authors table (write_author()) 381—382
Updating content-management system, stories table (write_story()) 382—387
Updating data in tables 55—59
Updating problem-tracking system, individual entries (history_entry()) 459—461
Updating problem-tracking system, script (problem.php) 464—465
Uploaded file, check and then move (MOVE_UPLOADED_FILE()) 175
Uploaded file, HTTP, checking (IS_UPLOADED_FILE()) 174
Uploading files to catalog 409—410
Uploading files, project management 545 552
Uppercase, letters, changing (STRTOLOWER(), STRTOUPPER(), UCFIRST(), and UCWORDS()) 141
Uppercase, string, changing (STRTOLOWER(), STRTOUPPER(), UCFIRST(), and UCWORDS()) 141
URL (Uniform Resource Locator), control characters 186
URL (Uniform Resource Locator), described 184—185
URL (Uniform Resource Locator), file pointer, opening to indicated (FOPEN()) 171—172
URL (Uniform Resource Locator), non-alphanumeric characters 185
URL (Uniform Resource Locator), string, encoding (urlencode()) 185
URL (Uniform Resource Locator), undoing encoding (urldecode()) 185
User administration, database table 600—601
User administration, grant statement 602—604
User administration, reloading grants 605
User administration, revoke statement 602 604
User administration, rights, granting 597—598
User administration, tables_priv 601—602
User administration, user table 599—600
User administration, viewing grants 604
User authentication, content-management system (content/authenticate.php) 387—389
User authentication, getting from browser or verifying against database table (authenticate()) 669
User authentication, Guestbook 2003 library (GUESTBOOK_AUTHENTICATE()) 244—248
User, error message, sending (trigger_error() and user_error()) 187
User, postings, finding all (fetch_user()) 378—379
User, project management database, adding information 545
User, project management database, design 542
User, project management database, mapping 543
User, project management database, types 541—542
User, project management database, verifying information, (CREATE_ENTRY()) 250—253
User, validating (connect_validate_login()) 374—375