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Bulger B., Greenspan J., Wall D. — MySQL/PHP Database Applications
Bulger B., Greenspan J., Wall D. — MySQL/PHP Database Applications

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Название: MySQL/PHP Database Applications

Авторы: Bulger B., Greenspan J., Wall D.


This guide explains how to write web-based applications with PHP and MySQL and get data-driven web sites up and running, then walks through a sample guest book, survey, content management system, discussion board, and shopping cart. The second edition covers MySQL 4.0. The CD-ROM contains MySQL, the Apache web server, PHP 4, and example applications.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Руководства по программному обеспечению/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 2nd Edition

Год издания: 2003

Количество страниц: 818

Добавлена в каталог: 13.05.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
User-defined function, arguments, variable number of      205—206
User-defined function, authentication and text manipulation      669—670
User-defined function, basics      200—203
User-defined function, calling (call_user_func())      176
User-defined function, database, working with      670—671
User-defined function, email validation      682—688
User-defined function, form elements      673—675
User-defined function, HTML elements, creating      671—673
User-defined function, passing array (call_user_func_array())      176
User-defined function, queries, dealing with common      676—680
User-defined function, returning values      203—205
User-defined function, session handling      680—682
User-defined function, variable scope      206—208
User-defined function, Web server documents, examining      688—690
Username, current      731
Username, guestbook, verifying      257—258
Utilities, administrative tasks, performing (mysqladmin)      586—587
Utilities, command-line interface (mysql)      583—586
Utilities, status-information commands      587—590
Validating, email      682—688
Validating, email addresses      266
Validating, user and password (connect_validate_login())      374—375
Value of all defined constants (get_defined_constants())      149
Value, and keys, exchanging (ARRAY_FLIP())      155—156
Value, array, returning all (ARRAY_VALUES())      161
Value, array, returning defined in enum field (enum_to_array())      679—680
Value, catalog classes, saving them (WRITE_TO_DB())      420
Value, configuration option, assigning (ini_set())      189
Value, defined superset, storing (set)      32—33
Value, finding (isset())      112
Value, in first argument is found in second argument (IN_ARRAY())      159
Value, key, seeking in array (ARRAY_KEY_EXISTS())      159—160
Value, limited potential (enum)      32
Value, lowest, removing (min() function)      78
Value, matching field, getting all (FETCH_ALL())      417
Value, NULL, checking for (nullop())      373—374
Value, of defined constant (constant())      149
Value, of specified type, returning (intval(), doubleval(), and stringval())      115
Value, of string argument, writing to file (FWRITE())      172
Value, PHP functions      135—136
Value, property, setting in catalog classes (BUILD())      414
Value, removing highest (max() function)      78
Value, retrieving, user-defined functions      203—205
Value, retrieving, with predicate (in/not in)      71—72
Value, retrieving, with wildcard characters (like clause)      72
Value, retrieving, within a range (between)      70—71
Value, selecting database (db_fetch_record())      670
Value, unmask, setting (UMASK())      173
Value, variable, defining (define())      149
Vandals, blocking form input      231—234
Variable functions, defining with specified name and value (define())      149
Variable functions, name and value of all defined constants (get_defined_constants())      149
Variable functions, rounding down floating-point (floor())      149
Variable functions, true / false (isset())      148
Variable functions, unsetting      148
Variable functions, user-defined      206—208
Variable functions, value of defined constant (constant())      149
Variable type, changing      114—115
Variable type, returning (GETTYPE())      153
Variable type, returning as string (GETTYPE())      153
Variable type, setting      634—635
Variable type, testing (is_array(), is_numeric(), and is_string())      148
Variable variables, PHP scripts      115—116
Variable, array elements, converting (COMPACT())      153
Variable, formatting (SESSION_ENCODE())      485
Variable, global      580
Variable, PHP scripts, arrays, assigning      96—99
Variable, PHP scripts, creating (SESSION_DECODE())      485
Variable, PHP scripts, declaring      91—93
Variable, PHP scripts, strings, delimiting      94—96
Variable, PHP scripts, two-dimensional arrays, assigning      99
Variable, printing      166
Variable, setting to specified type (SETTYPE())      153
Variable, static, using in methods (DBH())      413—414
Verifying user information (CREATE_ENTRY())      250—253
Verifying username and password (authenticate())      669
Version, MySQL server      731
Version, PHP      188
Version, version of story, getting in content-management system (fetch_story_version())      376—378
Viewing, files, project management      545
Viewing, Guestbook 2003 entries      255—257
Viewing, Guestbook 2003 library (FROM /GUESTBOOK2K/FUNCTIONS.PHP), arguments, printing (PRINT_INPUT_FIELDS())      249—250
Viewing, Guestbook 2003 library (FROM /GUESTBOOK2K/FUNCTIONS.PHP), database call, putting together (SELECT_ENTRIES())      253—254
Viewing, Guestbook 2003 library (FROM /GUESTBOOK2K/FUNCTIONS.PHP), disconnecting (MYSQL_DBCONNECT())      242—243
Viewing, Guestbook 2003 library (FROM /GUESTBOOK2K/FUNCTIONS.PHP), navigational elements, creating (NAV())      254—255
Viewing, Guestbook 2003 library (FROM /GUESTBOOK2K/FUNCTIONS.PHP), query, printing (PRINT_ENTRY())      248—249
Viewing, Guestbook 2003 library (FROM /GUESTBOOK2K/FUNCTIONS.PHP), user authentication (GUESTBOOK_AUTHENTICATE())      244—248
Viewing, Guestbook 2003 library (FROM /GUESTBOOK2K/FUNCTIONS.PHP), verifying user information (CREATE_ENTRY())      250—253
Viewing, project status      548—552
Viewing, user grants      604
WDDX functions      639
Web server documents, examining      688—690
Web-development site      694
Webmonkey Web site      695
Week, beginning with Monday index (WEEKDAY)      720
Week, beginning with Sunday index (DAYOFWEEK)      719—720
Week, full name of day (DAYNAME)      721
Week, of year (YEARWEEK)      722
where clause, updating      55—56
while loop, multiple      129
while loop, syntax      127
while loop, with list() = each() structure      128
White spaces, trimming (TRIM())      139
Width, image (GETIMAGESIZE())      181
Wildcard characters, strings, matching      697
Wildcard characters, values, retrieving with      72
Windows (Microsoft), CD, back-of-the-book      557
Windows (Microsoft), installation, MySQL/PHP, binaries, assorted      572—575
Windows (Microsoft), installation, MySQL/PHP, NuSphere      572
Windows (Microsoft), installation, MySQL/PHP, phpdev bundle      571—572
Winner, claim code, checking (claim.php)      304—308
Winner, random, drawing in survey (admin/get_winner.php)      303
Winner, survey, notifying (admin/winners.php)      303—304
Workflow stages, table, building for content management system (stage_table_name())      380—381
Workflow stages, table, building for workflow stages (stage_table_name())      380—381
Writing, custom handlers (SESSION_SET_SAVE_HANDLER()), shopping cart session      485
Writing, queries to Guestbook 2003 (SAFE_MYSQL_QUERY())      243—244
X, absolute value of      702
XML (eXtensible Markup Language) parsing, application scope and goals      506—508
XML (eXtensible Markup Language) parsing, displaying      512—518
XML (eXtensible Markup Language) parsing, parsers, described      508—509
XML (eXtensible Markup Language) parsing, reasons to use      505
XML (eXtensible Markup Language) parsing, Simplexml      509—511
XML (eXtensible Markup Language) parsing, Slashdot headline      511—512
XPAT functions      637—639
Year, calculating day from specified (FROM_DAYS)      726
Year, day of      720
Year, month, day format      36
Year, quarter      721
Year, week of (YEARWEEK)      722
zend.com Web site      692—693
Zero-length string      24
“ (double quotes)      94
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