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Bulger B., Greenspan J., Wall D. — MySQL/PHP Database Applications
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Íàçâàíèå: MySQL/PHP Database Applications
Àâòîðû: Bulger B., Greenspan J., Wall D.
Àííîòàöèÿ: This guide explains how to write web-based applications with PHP and MySQL and get data-driven web sites up and running, then walks through a sample guest book, survey, content management system, discussion board, and shopping cart. The second edition covers MySQL 4.0. The CD-ROM contains MySQL, the Apache web server, PHP 4, and example applications.
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Èçäàíèå: 2nd Edition
Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2003
Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 818
Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 13.05.2005
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Listing, unmapped root-level catalog styles (LIST_UNMAPPED_STYLES()) 425
Literal patterns 659—660
Logarithm, base-10 (LOG10) 705
Logarithm, e raised to the power of X (EXP) 704
Logarithm, natural logarithm (LOG) 705
Logging, error functions (error_log()) 186—187
Logging, Flush activities 591
Logical operator 123
Loops 127—132
Low control 700—702
Lowercase, characters, changing to (LCASE) 718
Lowercase, string, changing to (STRTOLOWER()) 141
Lowest values, removing (min() function) 78
M remainder of # divided by (MOD) 703
Macintosh 557 575—578
MacSQL 50—52
mailing lists 692 695—696
Malicious text, barring (CLEANUP_TEXT()) 239
Many-to-many relationships 17—19
Mappings, retrieving catalog (LIST_MAPPED_STYLES()) 426—428
Match, array, returning (PREG_GREP()) 147
Match, field value, getting all (FETCH_ALL()) 417
Match, string to a pattern (PREG_MATCH_ALL()) 148
Match, testing string (ereg()) 143—144
Mathematical functions, arc cosine (ACOS) 706
Mathematical functions, arc sine (ASIN) 706
Mathematical functions, arc tangent (ATAN) 706
Mathematical functions, arc tangent of two arguments (ATAN2) 707
Mathematical functions, base-10 logarithm (LOG10) 705
Mathematical functions, BC 640
Mathematical functions, cosine (COS) 706
Mathematical functions, cotangent (COT) 707
Mathematical functions, dates (DATE_ADD) 723—725
Mathematical functions, described 628—632
Mathematical functions, difference of months in period (PERIOD_DIFF) 723
Mathematical functions, e raised to the power of X (EXP) 704
Mathematical functions, largest argument (GREATEST) 708
Mathematical functions, largest integer value not greater than X (FLOOR) 703
Mathematical functions, months, adding to period (PERIOD_ADD) 722—723
Mathematical functions, natural logarithm (LOG) 705
Mathematical functions, negative or positive (SIGN) 702
Mathematical functions, non-negative square root (SQRT) 705
Mathematical functions, pi, approximating 705
Mathematical functions, raising to power of Y (POW) 705
Mathematical functions, random floating-point value (RAND) 707
Mathematical functions, remainder of # divided by M (MOD) 703
Mathematical functions, rounding to integer and specified number of decimal places (ROUND) 704
Mathematical functions, segments 708—709
Mathematical functions, sine (SIN) 706
Mathematical functions, smallest argument (LEAST) 707—708
Mathematical functions, smallest integer value not greater than X (CEILING) 703
Mathematical functions, tangent (TAN) 706
Mathematical functions, truncating to D decimals (TRUNCATE) 704
Mathematical functions, X, absolute value of 702
MD5 checksum, calculating string, functions (MySQL) 732
Measuring string (ELT) 718
Merging arrays (ARRAY_MERGE()) 156
Message, sending error (trigger_error() and user_error()) 187
Method, defined 209
Method, object / class functions, whether defined (method_exists()) 164
Method, overloading (__GET() and __CALL()) 430—431
Method, static variables, using (DBH()) 413—414
Microsoft Windows See Windows (Microsoft)
Midgard project 694
Minimum value / maximum value, returning random number (mt_rand()) 178
Monday, week beginning (WEEKDAY) 720
Month, day of 720
Month, difference of in period (PERIOD_DIFF) 723
Month, full name of 721
Moving file, after checking uploaded (MOVE_UPLOADED_FILE()) 175
Multi-statement transaction (TRANSACTION()) 421—422
Multiple conditions 125—127
Multiple occurrences, regular expressions 663—665
Multiple select, HTML form input 565—566
Multiple tables, deleting data 60
Multiple while loop 129
MyISAM 39—40
MySQL Control Center 50
MySQL, checking for alive and running, daemon 588
MySQL, PHP functions 179
MySQL, resources 695—696
Mysqldump 591—595
Name, absolute pathname, returning (REALPATH()) 175
Name, and value of all defined constants (get_defined_constants()) 149
Name, catalog table, returning (FETCH_SIMPLE()) 415—416
Name, database, creating 26—27
Name, database, current 730
Name, directory, character separating (path_separator()), HTML survey 292
Name, directory, returning (DIRNAME()) 174
Name, file, creating (TEMPNAM()) 174
Name, index 37
Name, of class, returning (get_class()) 164
Name, of month 721
Name, state, assigning 670
Name, tables, changing 41—42
Name, username, current 731
Name, variable, defining (define()) 149
Name, weekday (DAYNAME) 721
Natural logarithm, e raised to the power of X (EXP) 704
Natural logarithm, function (LOG) 705
Navigational elements, Guestbook 2003 library 254—255
Negative number (SIGN) 702
Netscape tag references 696
New project, creating 545
New record, creating (CREATE_RECORD()) 419
Newline operator, errors 196
Newline operator, HTML break, adding after (NL2BR()) 141—142
Non-negative square root (SQRT) 705
Normalization, multi-column primary keys (second normal form) 11—13
Normalization, table structure (first normal form) 10—11
Normalization, transitive dependencies (third normal form) 13—14
Notes, adding to catalog products 424—425
Notifying survey winner (admin/winners.php) 303—304
NULL value, allowing or forbidding 28
NULL value, checking content for (nullop()) 373—374
NULL value, E-NOTICE level error message 92
NULL value, flow control based on 701—702
NULL value, outer joins 82—85
NULL value, tables 24—25
NULL value, variables, testing for 113
Number of rows in each group, counting (count() function) 74—77
Numbers, columns, storing, decimals as characters (decimal) 35
Numbers, columns, storing, described 33
Numbers, columns, storing, double-precision floating-point (double / doubleprecision / real) 35
Numbers, columns, storing, floating-point (float) 34—35
Numbers, columns, storing, integers (int/integer, tinyint, mediumint, bigint) 34
Numbers, converting, bases (CONV) 710
Numbers, converting, floating-point to formatted string (NUMBER_FORMAT()) 154
Numbers, random, generating 177—178 632
Numbers, variable functions, testing (is_array(), is_numeric(), and is_string()) 148
NuSOAP, application goals, determining 527—528
NuSOAP, Babelfish application 532—534
NuSOAP, Barnes & Noble application 528—531
NuSOAP, described 524—526
NuSOAP, server application, writing 534—535
NuSOAP, service call, sample 526—527
NuSphere 572
Object, cloning 218—219
Object, determining (is_object()) 164
Object, functions, described 163—164
Object, functions, determining (is_object()) 164
Object, functions, method, whether defined (method_exists()) 164
Object, testing for (is_object()) 114
Object, type other than, testing for (is_scalar()) 114
Object-oriented programming, catalog code 408
Object-oriented programming, classes 210—218
Object-oriented programming, described 209—210
Object-oriented programming, destructors 219
Object-oriented programming, exceptions 219—220
Object-oriented programming, object cloning 218—219
Object-oriented programming, theory 410—411
Octal value (OCT) 710
One-to-many relationships 15—16
One-to-one relationships 16—17
One-way hash of string, returning (CRYPT()) 139
Opening tags, HTML forms (form) 561—562
Or, bitwise of all bits in expr (BIT_OR) 733
Or, regular expressions, specifying 665
Oracle database 3—4 19
Order of columns 42
Order of rows, specifying 73
Order, shopping cart 491—492
OS X 575—578
Outer join, tables 82—85
Output buffering 187—189
Outputting, argument string and then terminating script (die()) 176
Outputting, image in PNG format (IMAGEPNG()) 182
Overloading methods (__GET() and __CALL()) 430—431
Pages, maintaining state between See Session
Paragraph, HTML 672
Parser 194 508—509
Password, form field 674
Password, function 731
Password, getting from browser or verifying against database table (authenticate()) 669
Password, guestbook, verifying 257—258
Password, strings, encrypting and decrypting 732
Password, validation, content-management system (connect_validate_login()) 374—375
Path, absolute pathname, returning (REALPATH()) 175
Path, elements, cutting off all but base (BASENAME()) 175
Path, including 582
Pattern matching, case-insensitive (split()) 155
Pattern matching, replacing string based on complex (EREG_REPLACE()) 144—145
Pattern matching, string (PREG_MATCH_ALL()) 148
Pattern matching, to series of known characters 659—660
Pattern matching, wildcard characters (LIKE and NOT LIKE) 697
Payflow Pro functions 651
PCRE (Perl-compatible regular expression), array of matched subpatterns, assigning (PREG_MATCH()) 147
PCRE (Perl-compatible regular expression), array, returning match (PREG_GREP()) 147
PCRE (Perl-compatible regular expression), benefits of using 146
PCRE (Perl-compatible regular expression), functions 633—634
PCRE (Perl-compatible regular expression), replacements (PREG_REPLACE()) 147
PCRE (Perl-compatible regular expression), string for matches to a pattern (PREG_MATCH_ALL()) 148
PDF functions 651—658
PEAR (PHP Extension and Application Repository), connection, database (db_connect()) 670
PEAR (PHP Extension and Application Repository), described 224 361—365
PEAR (PHP Extension and Application Repository), functions 693—694
PEAR (PHP Extension and Application Repository), persistent connection, content-management system (db_connect()) 365—368
Perl regular expression string, transforming into array (PREG_SPLIT()) 152—153
Perl-compatible regular expression See PCRE
Phone number, identifying customer by 457—459
Phorum discussion server 694
PHP Extension and Application Repository See PEAR
PHP, control structures, conditions, checking against multiple (switch...case) 126—127
PHP, control structures, if statement 117—126
PHP, control structures, loops 127—132
PHP, environment, guide to all (phpinfo()) 188
PHP, functions, arguments 134—135
PHP, functions, array 155—163
PHP, functions, date / time 166—170
PHP, functions, described 133
PHP, functions, documentation 136—137
PHP, functions, error 186—187
PHP, functions, file system 170—175
PHP, functions, form 134
PHP, functions, HTTP header 179—181
PHP, functions, image 181—184
PHP, functions, MySQL 179
PHP, functions, object/class 163—164
PHP, functions, output buffering 187—189
PHP, functions, print 164—166
PHP, functions, random number generator 177—178
PHP, functions, regular expression 142—148
PHP, functions, return values 135—136
PHP, functions, script control 175—177
PHP, functions, session 179
PHP, functions, string handling 137—142
PHP, functions, URL 184—186
PHP, functions, variable 148—155
PHP, information functions 628
PHP, resources, mailing lists 692
PHP, resources, Midgard project 694
PHP, resources, PEAR 693—694
PHP, resources, Phorum discussion server 694
PHP, resources, php.net Web site 691
PHP, resources, PHPBuilder 693
PHP, resources, PHPclasses 694
PHP, resources, phpMyAdmin on Sourceforge 693
PHP, resources, Web-development site 694
PHP, resources, Webmonkey Web site 695
PHP, resources, zend.com Web site 692—693
PHP, scripts, browser-passed variables, accessing 100—107
PHP, scripts, built-in variables 108—112
PHP, scripts, testing variables 112—114
PHP, scripts, variable types, changing 114—115
PHP, scripts, variable variables 115—116
PHP, scripts, variables, assigning simple 91—99
PHP, tags, removing (cleanup_text()) 669
PHP, tags, removing from string (STRIP_TAGS()) 137—138
PHP, variables, creating (SESSION_DECODE()) 485
PHP, version 188
Phpdev bundle 571—572
Pi, approximating 705
Picture See image
Placeholders 369
PNG image format 182
Popup form field 675
Position of last occurrence of search character in string (STRPOS()) 140—141
Position of string (LOCATE, STRPOS()) 712—713
Position of substring (INSTR) 713
Positive number (SIGN) 702
Postings, finding users' (fetch_user()) 378—379
Predicate values, retrieving with (in/not in) 71—72
Preventative measures See security
Price, catalog products class 423
Primary keys, defined 10 11
Primary keys, index, creating 37—38
Primary keys, multi-column (second normal form) 11—13
Primary keys, repeating groups of data versus 14
Primary keys, replace statement 61—63
Print functions, basic (PRINT()) 165
Print functions, described 164—165
Print functions, language construct (ECHO()) 165
Print functions, string, formatting according to C-style pattern (SPRINTF()) 166
Print functions, variable, contents of (VAR_DUMP()) 166
Print functions, variable, printing entire contents to screen (PRINT_R()) 166
Printing, catalog, child products 437—439
Printing, catalog, product 435—436
Printing, catalog, styles 436—437
Printing, Guestbook 2003 library, arguments (PRINT_INPUT_FIELDS()) 249—250
Printing, Guestbook 2003 library, query (PRINT_ENTRY()) 248—249
Printing, HTML survey text field 289—290
Printing, shopping cart categories or products (DISPLAY.PHP) 492—493
Private-key encryption 481
Privileges, Flush 591
Problem-tracking system, blocking, needed 444
Problem-tracking system, code overview 452
Problem-tracking system, customer ID (fetch_customer()) 454—455
Problem-tracking system, customer, identifying by phone number or email address (find_customer()) 457—459
Problem-tracking system, database design 444—452
Problem-tracking system, described 441—442
Problem-tracking system, email, sending to customer (notify_customer()) 461—462
Problem-tracking system, necessary elements 442—444
Problem-tracking system, problem and related information (fetch_problem()) 455—456
Problem-tracking system, scripts, customer response (write_customer.php) 466—473
Problem-tracking system, scripts, enter or updating problem (problem.php) 464—465
Problem-tracking system, scripts, form (problem_entry_form.php) 465—466
Problem-tracking system, staff members, logging in (staff/problems.php) 473—475
Problem-tracking system, staff table (fetch_staff()) 453—454
Problem-tracking system, status, tracking (status_change()) 462—464
Problem-tracking system, updates, entering (history_entry()) 459—461