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Bulger B., Greenspan J., Wall D. — MySQL/PHP Database Applications
Bulger B., Greenspan J., Wall D. — MySQL/PHP Database Applications

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Íàçâàíèå: MySQL/PHP Database Applications

Àâòîðû: Bulger B., Greenspan J., Wall D.


This guide explains how to write web-based applications with PHP and MySQL and get data-driven web sites up and running, then walks through a sample guest book, survey, content management system, discussion board, and shopping cart. The second edition covers MySQL 4.0. The CD-ROM contains MySQL, the Apache web server, PHP 4, and example applications.

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Èçäàíèå: 2nd Edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2003

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 818

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 13.05.2005

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Complex if statement      123—124
Concatenating, arguments (CONCAT)      711—712
Concatenating, array elements in a string (JOIN())      154
Concatenating, arrays (ARRAY_MERGE())      156
Concatenating, string input (STR_REPEAT())      139—140
Conditions, checking      125—127
Configuration, option (ini_get())      189
Configuration, PHP      580—581
Configuration, value, assigning (ini_set())      189
Connection, database      670
Connection, persistent      365—368
Connection, string      362—365
Constant, defining to use in bitmask (get_constant())      345—347
Constant, Guestbook 2003 (FROM /GUESTBOOK2K/GLOBALS.PHP)      241—242
Constant, value of defined      149
constructor      213—214 422—423
Content-management system, administrator functions (content/admin/user.php)      389—392
Content-management system, application scope and goals      350—353
Content-management system, author, finding all stories by (function fetch_author())      378
Content-management system, authors table, creating or updating records (write_author())      381—382
Content-management system, code overview      361—362
Content-management system, connection string      362—365
Content-management system, customization, need for      349—350
Content-management system, database design      355—361
Content-management system, editorial review (content/story.php)      392—394
Content-management system, error handling (db_error_handler())      368—369
Content-management system, NULL value, checking for (nullop())      373—374
Content-management system, persistent connection, creating (db_connect())      365—368
Content-management system, query, shorthand (db_values_array())      372—373
Content-management system, records, getting (db_fetch_record())      369—372
Content-management system, security      353—355
Content-management system, stages, looking up (stage(), stage_id(), stages())      379—380
Content-management system, stories table, creating or updating records (write_story())      382—387
Content-management system, story record, getting (fetch_story())      375—376
Content-management system, table, building for workflow stages (stage_table_name())      380—381
Content-management system, user and password validation (connect_validate_login())      374—375
Content-management system, user authentication (content/authenticate.php)      387—389
Content-management system, user postings, finding all (fetch_user())      378—379
Content-management system, version of story, getting (fetch_story_version())      376—378
Continue loop      131—132
Control characters      186
Converting, array elements into variables (COMPACT())      153
Converting, current time to seconds (SEC_TO_TIME)      730
Converting, floating-point numbers to formatted string (NUMBER_FORMAT())      154
Converting, type when comparing variables      92—93
Cookie, browser-passed variables, accessing      104—106
Cookie, HTTP header, setting (setcookie())      180
Copy, joining tables to itself (self)      85—86
Copying, files (COPY())      173—174
Copying, part of image (IMAGECOPYRESIZED())      181—182
Cosine (COS)      706
Cotangent (COT)      707
Counting, array functions (ARRAY_COUNT())      157—158
Counting, characters in string (STRLEN())      140
Counting, number of rows in each group (count() function)      74—77
Counting, repeating string certain number of times (REPEAT)      717
Credit-card processor, shopping cart      486
CURL function      641
Current date (CURDATE)      729
Current date and time (NOW)      729
Current time      169 729 730
Cursor array, resetting (RESET())      162
Customer, ID, finding by (fetch_customer())      454—455
Customer, identifying by phone number or email address (find_customer())      457—459
Customer, response in (write_customer.php)      466—473
Customer, sending email (notify_customer())      461—462
CyberCash function      643
Daemon, MySQL, checking for alive and running      588
Data Definition Language      See DDL
Data stream, thumbnails, retrieving as (EXIF_THUMBNAIL())      183
Data, catalog      403—407
Data, complex types, SOAP      523—524
Data, deleting from tables      59—61
Data, eliminating duplicate from tables (distinct clause)      70
Data, inserting into tables      53—55
Data, replacing in tables      61—64
Data, retrieving from tables (select)      64—67
Data, shopping cart      479—480
Data, simple table      6
Data, threaded discussion      316—320
Data, tracking updates (history_entry())      459—461
Data, updating tables      55—59
Database, call, putting together (SELECT_ENTRIES())      253—254
Database, defining default working (use command)      27
Database, design, anomalies      5—10
Database, design, content-management system      355—361
Database, design, Guestbook 2003      234—235
Database, design, normalization      10—14
Database, design, problem-tracking system      444—452
Database, design, project management      541—544
Database, design, referential integrity      19—20
Database, design, relational databases, benefits of      3—5
Database, design, relationships      15—19
Database, design, stored procedures      21—22
Database, design, survey      266—270
Database, design, transactions      20—21
Database, examining (show command)      44—48
Database, form data, inserting for threaded discussion (create_topic())      329—332
Database, functions, user-defined      670—671
Database, GUI tools      48—52
Database, name, current      730
Database, record tree structure      488—490
Database, table, creating      26—27
Database, table, user administration      600—601
Database, table, username and password, verifying against (authenticate())      669
Database, table, variable format (SESSION_ENCODE())      485
Date and time, calculations, arithmetic (DATE_ADD)      723—725
Date and time, calculations, day from specified year (FROM_DAYS)      726
Date and time, calculations, difference of months in period (PERIOD_DIFF)      723
Date and time, calculations, months, adding to period (PERIOD_ADD)      722—723
Date and time, calculations, valid dates (MKTIME())      168—169
Date and time, changes, recording most recent (timestamp)      36
Date and time, current      169 729
Date and time, date, current (CURDATE)      729
Date and time, day number (TO_DAYS)      726
Date and time, day of the month      720
Date and time, day of year      720
Date and time, described      620
Date and time, format, current time as seconds (TIME_TO_SEC)      730
Date and time, format, full name of month      721
Date and time, format, full name of weekday (DAYNAME)      721
Date and time, format, hour      722
Date and time, format, hour, minute, second (time)      37
Date and time, format, setting (DATE_FORMAT)      726—728
Date and time, format, two-digit year (year[(2|4)])      37
Date and time, format, week beginning with Monday index (WEEKDAY)      720
Date and time, format, week beginning with Sunday index (DAYOFWEEK)      719—720
Date and time, format, week of year (YEARWEEK)      722
Date and time, format, year      722
Date and time, format, year, month, day      36
Date and time, format, year, month, day, time      36
Date and time, insert statements      35
Date and time, interpretation      35
Date and time, location in manual      170
Date and time, minute      722
Date and time, month      720
Date and time, PHP scripts      166—170
Date and time, quarter of year      721
Date and time, returning (DATE())      166—168
Date and time, second      722
Date and time, seconds since Unix Epoch (MICROTIME())      169—170
Date and time, seconds, converting to (SEC_TO_TIME)      730
Date and time, since UNIX time      730
Date and time, UNIX timestamp      729—730
Date and time, week      721
DDL (Data Definition Language)      23
Debugging, constant, defining to use in bitmask (get_constant())      345—347
Debugging, described      332—333
Debugging, function, calling when error occurs (error_handler())      337—345
Debugging, level displayed and logged      333
Debugging, simplifying (push_handler() and pop_handler())      337
Debugging, tracking responses to types      333—336
Decimals, rounding to integer with specified number (ROUND)      704
Decimals, storing as characters (decimal)      35
Decimals, truncating to D (TRUNCATE)      704
Declaring variables, PHP scripts      91—93
Decomposition      5
Decrypting password      732
Default path, adding to directory (ADD_TO_INCLUDE_PATH())      292—293
Defined constants      149
Defining, variable with specified name and value (define())      149
Definitions, column, changing      43—44
Degrees, radians, converting segment to (RADIANS)      709
Degrees, segment, converting from radian (DEGREES)      708
Delete anomaly      8 9
Deleting, all path elements but base (BASENAME())      175
Deleting, catalog records (DELETE_FROM_DB())      417
Deleting, control characters from URL functions (base64_encode())      186
Deleting, from arrays, first element (ARRAY_SHIFT())      160
Deleting, from arrays, last element from array (ARRAY_POP())      160
Deleting, from strings, HTML and PHP tags (STRIP_TAGS())      137—138
Deleting, from strings, leading spaces (LTRIM)      715
Deleting, from strings, survey questions (admin/questions.php)      298—303
Deleting, from strings, trailing-space characters (RTRIM)      715
Deleting, from tables, data      59—61
Deleting, from tables, duplicate data (distinct clause)      70
Deleting, from tables, in SQL (delete_row())      678
Deleting, Guestbook 2003 entries      257—258
Deleting, highest value (max() function)      78
Deleting, HTML and PHP tags (cleanup_text())      669
Deleting, leading and trailing spaces (TRIM)      715—716
Deleting, lowest value (min() function)      78
Deleting, slashes from insert and update queries (STRIPSLASHES())      138—139
Deleting, specific elements (ARRAY_SPLICE())      156—157
Dependencies      11 13—14
Descriptions of object      See Properties
Destructors, described      219
Deviation, standard of expr (STD/STDDEV)      733
Differences, array functions (ARRAY_DIFF())      159
Differences, of months in period (PERIOD_DIFF)      723
Dimensions, image      182
Directory, adding to default path (ADD_TO_INCLUDE_PATH())      292—293
Directory, creating (MKDIR())      174
Directory, existing, testing for (IS_DIR())      174
Directory, functions      621
Directory, name, returning (DIRNAME())      174
Directory, names, character separating (path_separator()), HTML survey      292
Disconnecting, Guestbook library (MYSQL_DBCONNECT())      242—243
Display, active projects in project management      544—545
Display, file contents      553
Display, image matching catalog product (THUMBNAIL())      430
Display, threaded discussion (display_kids())      321—326
Display, XML parsing      512—518
DNS functions      621—622
do...while loop      129
Document, Web server      688—690
Documentation, PHP functions      136—137
Dollar sign ($)      91
Domain-socket connection (fsock)      627
Double numbers, testing for (is_double())      113
Double quotes (“)      94
Double-precision floating-point numbers (double / doubleprecision / real)      35
Duplicate data, joining tables      85—86
Duplicate data, removing (distinct clause)      70
e (base of natural logarithms) raised to the power of X (EXP)      704
E-NOTICE level error message      92
eBook version of text      560
Editing survey questions (admin/questions.php)      298—303
Editorial review, content-management system (content/story.php)      392—394
Element, adding to beginning (ARRAY_UNSHIFT())      160
Element, array, creating and populating with (RANGE())      154
Element, first, return and remove (ARRAY_SHIFT())      160
Element, passing through function (ARRAY_WALK())      161
Element, path, cutting off all but base (BASENAME())      175
Element, random, picking (ARRAY_RAND())      162—163
Element, removing specific from arrays (ARRAY_SPLICE())      156—157
Ellison, Larry (Oracle founder)      3
email, address, identifying customer by (find_customer())      457—459
email, address, validating versus non-validating      266
email, message, sending to customer (notify_customer())      461—462
email, validation      682—688
Empty, properties, leaving out (DATA_FIELDS())      418
Empty, setting, testing variables for      112—113
Empty, variable functions      148—149
Encoding, character-set value (CHARSET())      238—239
Encoding, control characters, undoing in URL functions (base64_decode())      186
Encoding, undoing URL functions (urldecode())      185
Encoding, URL functions (urlencode())      185
Encryption, certificates      481—482
Encryption, described      480—481
Encryption, password      235 732
Encryption, public-key / private-key      481
Encryption, tools      482
End of file, testing (FEOF())      172
End, array, adding elements to (ARRAY_PUSH())      160
End, file pointer reading to (FREAD())      172
End, form      673
Entries, deleting      257—259
Entries, PHP configuration      580—581
Entries, problem script (problem.php)      464—465
Entries, viewing      255—257
enum field, array, returning values defined in (enum_to_array())      679—680
Envelope, SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)      520—521
Equals sign (=)      92
Error functions, custom functions, specifying (set_error_handler())      187
Error functions, logging (error_log())      186—187
Error functions, PHP      186—187
Error functions, reporting level (error_reporting())      186
Error functions, user-level error message, sending (trigger_error() and user_error())      187
Error-handling, content-management system (db_error_handler())      368—369
Error-handling, described      332—333
Error-handling, function, calling when error occurs (error_handler())      337—345
Error-handling, level displayed and logged      333
Error-handling, simplifying (push_handler() and pop_handler())      337
Error-handling, threaded discussion constant, defining to use in bitmask (get_constant())      345—347
Error-handling, tracking responses to types      333—336
Escape codes, translating characters into (HTMLENTITIES() and HTMLSPECIALCHARS())      139
Escape sequences, character      54
Examining database (show command), columns, viewing      46
Examining database, index, viewing      46—47
Examining database, server, availability on      44—45
Examining database, statement used to create table      47—48
Examining database, table status      47
Exceptions, object-oriented programming      219—220
Executing, code stored in variable, executing (eval())      176
Executing, functions      622
Executing, time      581
Existence, testing for directory (IS_DIR())      174
Existence, testing for file (FILE_EXISTS())      173
Existence, testing for of script control functions (function_exists())      177
expr      733—734
Extensible Markup Language      See XML parsing
Extensions, listing loaded      189
External files, including, described      197—199
External files, including, only once      199—200
External files, including, required files      199
FALSE      See True or false
Fields      417—418
File pointer, closing (FCLOSE())      172
File pointer, opening to indicated file or URL (FOPEN())      171—172
File pointer, reading to specified number of bytes or to the end (FREAD())      172
File system, absolute pathname, returning (REALPATH())      175
File system, catalog, accessing      408
File system, checks and then moves uploaded file (MOVE_UPLOADED_FILE())      175
File system, close pointer to file (FCLOSE())      172
File system, copying (COPY())      173—174
File system, described      170
File system, end of file, testing (FEOF())      172
File system, existence, testing for (FILE_EXISTS())      173
File system, file name, creating (TEMPNAM())      174
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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