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Bourbaki N. — Algebra I: Chapters 1-3 |
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Invariant subgroup, stable subgroup I § no.
Inverse limit Limit inverse
Inverse system System inverse
Inverse, left inverse, right inverse, element I § no.
Inverse, left, right inverse, of a linear mapping II § no.
Inversion in a bigebra III § Exercise
Inversion of a permutation I § no.
Invertible square matrix II § no.
Invertible, left invertible, right invertible, element I § no.
Invertible, left, right invertible, linear mapping II § no.
Irreducible ideal I § Exercise
Isobaric element II § no.
Isomorphic magmas I § no.
Isomorphism, magma I § no.
Jacobi identity III § no.
Jordan — Holder theorem I § no.
Jordan-Holder series I § no.
Juxtaposition I § no.
K-differential III § no.
Kernel of a group homomorphism I § no.
Kernel of a linear mapping II § no.
Kronecker symbol II § no.
Krull's theorem I § no.
Laplace expansion III § no.
Law and equivalence relation, compatible I § no.
Law not everywhere defined I § no.
Law of composition I § no.
Law of left, right, operation of a monoid on a set I § no.
Law of right, left action associated with an action I § no.
Law written additively, multiplicatively I § no.
Law, associative I § no.
Law, commutative I § no.
Law, group I § no.
Law, induced I § no.
Law, left distributive, right distributive, distributive with respect to another I § nos.
Law, opposite I § no.
Law, quotient I § no.
Least common multiple (l.c.m.) of two integers I § no.
Leibniz formula III § no.
Lemma, Zassenhaus's I § no.
Length of a decomposition in an amalgamated sum I § no.
Length of a group I § no.
Length of a module II § no.
Length of a word I § no.
Length of an element in a free group I § Exercise
Length of an element in a free magma I § no.
Limit, direct, of -algebras III § no.
Limit, direct, of -modules II §6 no.
Limit, direct, of actions I § no.
Limit, direct, of graded algebras III § no.
Limit, direct, of groups, of groups with operators, of monoids I § no.
Limit, direct, of magmas I § no.
Limit, direct, of rings I § no.
Limit, inverse, of -algebras III § no.
Limit, inverse, of -modules II § no.
Limit, inverse, of groups, of groups with operators, of monoids I § no.
Limit, inverse, of magmas I § no.
Limit, inverse, of rings I § no.
Line (passing through 0) in a vector space II § no.
Line, affine II § nos.
Line, projective II § no.
Linear equation, system II § no.
Linear equation, system, homogeneous II § no.
Linear form II § no.
Linear group II § no.
Linear group, special III § no.
Linear mapping II § no.
Linear mapping, function, affine II § no.
Linear mapping, projective II § no.
Linear problem II § no.
Linear variety II § nos. 7
Linear variety, affine II § no.
Linear variety, projective II § nos.
Linearity, principle of extension by II § no.
Linearly dependent, linear independent, elements II § no.
Linearly disjoint subalgebras III § no.
M-morphism (M a monoid of operators) I § no.
M-set (M a monoid of operators) I § no.
Magma I § no.
Magma of mappings into a magma I § no.
Magma, associative I § no.
Magma, commutative I § no.
Magma, defined by generators and relations I § no.
Magma, free, over a set I § no.
Magma, opposite I § no.
Magma, product I § no.
Magma, quotient I § no.
Magma, unital I § no.
Magmas, isomorphic I § no.
Mapping compatible with an action I § no.
Mapping compatible with the operation of a monoid I § no.
Mapping distributive with respect to a variable I § no.
Mapping! linear, determined by a mapping II § no.
Mapping, affine linear, affime II § no.
Mapping, alternating multilinear III § no.
Mapping, biadditive, -bilinear II § no.
Mapping, C-bilinear II § no.
Mapping, C-multilinear II § no.
Mapping, linear, A-linear II § no.
Mapping, linear, associated with an affine mapping II § no.
Mapping, multiadditive, -multilinear II § no.
Mapping, orbital I § no.
Mapping, projective linear, projective II § no.
Mapping, right invertible linear, left invertible linear II § no.
Mapping, semi-linear II § no.
Mapping, symmetric multilinear III § no.
Matrices differing only by the order of the columns, rows II § no.
Matrices, equivalent II § no.
Matrices, similar square II § no.
Matrix obtained by bordering a matrix II § no.
Matrix obtained by suppressing columns, rows II § no.
Matrix of a linear mapping with respect to two bases II § no.
Matrix of a linear system II § no.
Matrix of a permutation II § no.
Matrix of a semi-linear mapping with respect to two bases II § no.
Matrix of an element with respect to a basis II § no.
Matrix of an endomorphism with respect to a basis II § no.
Matrix of passing from one basis to another II § no.
Matrix units II § no.
Matrix with only zeros below (above) the diagonal II § no.
Matrix, contragredient, of an invertible matrix II § no.
Matrix, diagonal II § no.
Matrix, empty II § no.
Matrix, invertible II § no.
Matrix, lower triangular, upper triangular II § no.
Matrix, matrix of type (p, q) II § no.
Matrix, monomial II § no.
Matrix, scalar II § no.
Matrix, square, square matrix of order n II § no.
Matrix, unimodular III § no.
Matrix, zero II § no.
Maximal ideal I § no.
Minimal normal stable subgroups I § Exercise
Minimal simple group I § Exercise
Minor, minor of order p of a matrix III § no.
Minors, complementary III § no.
Mixed tensor III § no.
Module of finite length II § no.
Module of formal linear combinations II § no.
Module of linear relations II § no.
Module over an algebra III § no.
Module, bigraded II § no.
Module, divisible II § Exercise
Module, dual II § no.
Module, faithful II § no.
Module, faithful, associated with a module II § no.
Module, free II § no.
Module, graded free II § no.
Module, graded quotient II § no.
Module, graded, graded module with positive degrees II § no.
| Module, indecomposable II § Exercise
Module, injective II § Exercise
Module, left, right module, A-module E § no.
Module, monogeneous II § no.
Module, product II § no.
Module, projective II § no.
Module, quotient II § no.
Module, reflexive II § no.
Module, torsion, over an integral domain II § no.
Module, torsion-free, over an integral domain II § no.
Monogeneous group I § no.
Monogenous module II § no.
Monoid I § no.
Monoid defined by generators and relations I § no.
Monoid of differences I § no.
Monoid of fractions with denominators in S I § no.
Monoid operating faithfully on a set I § no.
Monoid, free, over a set I § no.
Monoidal sum I § no.
Monomial III § no.
Morphism of extensions I § no.
Morphism, A-module II § no.
Morphism, algebra III § no.
Morphism, cogebra III § no.
Morphism, graded bigebra, left graded bigebra morphism III § no.
Morphism, graded cogebra III § no.
Morphism, magma I § no.
Morphism, monoid I § no.
Morphism, ring I § no.
Morphism, unital algebra III § no.
Morphism, unital magma I § no.
Multiadditive, -multilinear, mapping II § no.
Multidegree in the free algebra of a monoid III § Exercise
Multiindex I § no.
Multilinear form II § no.
Multimodule II § no.
Multimodule, quotient II § no.
Multiple, left, right I § no.
Multiplication I § no.
Multiplication in an algebra III § no.
Multiplication table III § no.
Multiplicative group of a ring I § no.
M°-set opposite to an M-set I § no.
n-form III § no.
Negative of an element I § no.
Negative rational integer I § no.
Negative rational number I § no.
Nielson-Schreier Theorem I § Exercise
Nilpotent group, nilpotent group of class n I § no.
Norm in a quadratic algebra III § no.
Norm of a scalar relative to a module III § no.
Norm of an element in a K-algebra relative to E III § no.
Norm, Cayley III § no.
Normal stable subgroup I § no.
Normal subgroup I § no.
normalizer I § no.
Normalizing (element, subset) a subset I § no.
Null element I § no.
Number (rational), negative, positive, strictly negative, strictly positive I § no.
Number, prime I § no.
Number, rational I § no.
Numerator I § no.
Octonions of type ( , , , ) (algebra of) III Appendix no.
Octonions, Cayley III Appendix no.
Odd permutation I § no.
Operation by left, right, translation I § no.
Operation, left, right (laws of) I § no.
Operation, left, right, of a monoid I § no.
Operation, simply transitive I § no.
Operation, transitive I § no.
Operation, trivial I § no.
Operator I § no.
Opposite algebra III § no.
Opposite cogebra III § no.
Opposite law I § no.
Opposite magma I § no.
Opposite ring I § no.
Opposite to an M-set, M°-set I § no.
Orbit I § no.
Orbital mapping I § no.
Order of a cycle I § no.
Order of a formal power series with respect to certain indeterminates III § no.
Order of a group I § no.
Order of a square matrix II § no.
Order of an element in a group I § no.
Order, element of infinite I § no.
Order, total order, of a formal power series III § no.
Ordered sequence I § no.
Ordered sequences, similar I § no.
Origin I § no.
Origin, choice of, in an affine space II § no.
Orthogonal elements, sets II § no.
Orthogonal family of projectors II § no.
Orthogonal, submodule, to a subset of E (resp. E*) II § no.
p-group I § no.
p-regular element I § Exercise
p-unipotent element I § Exercise
p-vector III § no.
p-vector, pure III § no.
Parallel linear varieties II § no.
Parallelogram II § Exercise
Parameters, direction, of an affine line II § no.
Partial derivative III § no.
Partial graduation II § no.
Passage, matrix of II § no.
Permutable elements I § no.
Permutation, even, odd I § no.
Plane passing through 0 in a vector space II § no.
Plane, affine II § nos.
Plane, projective II § no.
Point of a projective space II § no.
Point of an affine space II § no.
Points at infinity II § no.
Points, affinely independent II § no 3
Polynomial containing no term in III § no.
Polynomial identities III § no.
Polynomial of degree n III § no.
Polynomial relators III § no.
Polynomial with no constant term III § no.
Polynomial with respect to a family of indeterminates, with coefficients in a ring III § no.
Polynomial, characteristic, of a scalar with respect to a module III §9 no.
Polynomial, characteristic, of an element in a K-algebra III § no.
Polynomial, characteristic, of an endomorphism III § no.
Positive rational integer I § no.
Positive rational number I § no.
Power, exterior, of a linear mapping III § no.
Power, exterior, of a matrix III § no.
Power, exterior, of a module III § no.
Power, n-th, under an associative law I § no.
Power, symmetric, of a linear mapping, of a module III § no.
Power, tensorial, of a linear mapping III § no.
Power, tensorial, of a module III § no.
Presentation of a group I § no.
Presentation of an algebra III § no.
Presented, finitely (group) I § Exercise
Preservation when passing to the quotient I § no.
Prime ideal I § no.
Prime number I § no.
Prime, relatively (integers) I § no.
Primitive element in a free group I § Exercise
Primitive element in a free magma generated by a single element I § Exercise
Primitive element of a graded bigebra III §11 no.
Principal G-set, homogeneous I § no.
Principal ideal I § no.
Principal series I § Exercise
Principal set under G, homogeneous I § no.
Principle of extension by linearity II § no.
Problem, linear II § no.
Product algebra III § no.
Product group with operators I § no.
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