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Heath T.L. (ed.) — Thirteen Books of Euclid's Elements, Vol. 1 |
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Surface-loci of Euclid, Pappus' lemmas on 15 16
Suter, H.Sn., 8n., 9n., 17n 18n. 25n. 78n. 85—90
Suvoroff, Pr. 113
Swinden, J.H. van 169
Synthesis see “Analysis and Synthesis”
Syrianus 30 44 176 178
Ta'rikh al — Hukama 4n.
Tacquet, Andre 103 105 111
Taittiriya — Samhita 362
Tannery, P. 7n. 37—40 44 160 163 221 223 224 225 232 305 353
Tartaglia, Niccolo 3 103 106
Taurinus, F.A. 219
TAURUS 62 184
Taylor, H.M. 248 377—378 404
Taylor, Th. 259
Thabit b. Qurra, translator of Elements 9n. 42 75—80 82 84 87 94
Thabit b. Qurra, translator of Elements, proof of I. 47 364—365
Thales 36 37 185 252 253 278 317 318 319
Thales on distance of ship from shore 304—305
Theaetetus 1 37
Theodoras Cabasilas 72
Theodorus Antiochita 71
Theodorus Metochita 3
Theognis 371
Theon of Alexandria, changes made by 46
Theon of Alexandria, character of changes by 54—58
Theon of Alexandria, edition of Elements 46
Theon of Alexandria, principles for detecting his alterations, by comparison of P, ancient papyri and "Theonine" mss. 51—53
Theon of Alexandria, Simson on "vitiations" by 46
Theon of Smyrna 172 357 358 371 398
Theorem and problem, "general" and "not-general" (or partial), theorems (Proclus) 325
Theorem and problem, Amphinomus 125 128
Theorem and problem, and of Geminus 128
Theorem and problem, Carpus 127 128
Theorem and problem, distinguished by Speusippus 125
Theorem and problem, Euclid 126
Theorem and problem, Menaechmus 125
Theorem and problem, views of Proclus 127—128
Theorem and problem, Zenodotus, Posidonius 126
Theudius of Magnesia 117
Thibaut, B.F. 321
Thibaut, C. On Sulvasutras 360 363—364
Thompson, Thomas Perronet 112
Thucydides 333
Tibbon, Moses b. 76
Tiraboschi 94n.
Tittel, K. 39
Todhunter, I. 112 189 246 258 277 283 293 298 307
Tonstall, Cuthbert 100
Transformation of areas 346—347 410
Trapezium a theorem on area of parallel-trapezium 338—339
| Trapezium Euclid's definition his own 189
Trapezium further division into trapezia and trapezoids (Posidonius, Heron) 189—190
Treasury of Analysts 8 10 11 138
Trendelenburg 146n. 148 149
Treutlein, P. 358—360
Triangle, "four-sided" triangle, called also "barb-like" and (by Zenodorus), 27 188
Triangle, construction of isosceles and scalene triangles 243
Triangle, seven species of 188
Trisection of an angle 265—267
Unger, E.S. 108 169
Vachtchenko — Zakhartchenko 113
Vaiiati, G. 144n. 145n.
Valerius Maximus 3
Valla, G., De expetendis et fugiendis rebus 73 98
Van Swinden 169
Vatican MS. 190
Vatican MS. (P) 46 47
Vaux, Carra de 20
Verona palimpsest 91
Veronese, G. 157 168 175 180 193—194 195 201 226—227 228 249 328
Vertical (angles) 278
Viennese MS. (V) 48 49
Vinci, Lionardo da 365—366
Vitruvius 352
Vitruvius and Heron 20 21
Viviani, Vincenzo 107 401
Vogt, Heinrich 360 364
Vooght, C.J. 108
Wachsmuth, C. 32n. 73
Wallis, attempt to prove Post. 5 210—211
Wallis, edited Comm. on Ptolemy's Harmonica 17
Wallis, John 103
Weber (H.), and Wellstein (J.) 157
Weissenborn, H. 78n. 92n. 94n. 95 96 97n.
Whiston, W. 111
Williamson, James 111 293
Witt, H.A. 113
Woepcke, F., discovered De divisionibus in Arabic and published translation 9
Woepcke, F., on Pappus' commentary on Elements 25 66 77 85n. 86 87
Xenocrates 268
Ximenes, Leonardo 107
Xy lander 107
Yahya b. Khalid b. Barmak 75
Yahya b. Muh. b. 'Abdan b. Abdalwahid (Ibn al-Lubudl) 90
Yrinus = Heron 22
Yuhanna b. Yusuf b. al-Harith b. el-Bitrlq al-Qass 76 87
Zamberti, Bartolomeo 98—100 101 104 106
Zeno the Epicurean 34 196 197 199 242
Zenodorus 26 27 188 333
Zenodotus 126
Zeuthen, H.G. 15 139 141 146n. 151 355—356 360 363 387 398 399
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