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Economou E.N. — Green's Functions in Quantum Physics
Economou E.N. — Green's Functions in Quantum Physics

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Название: Green's Functions in Quantum Physics

Автор: Economou E.N.


The new edition of a standard reference will be of interest to advanced students wishing to become familiar with the method of Green's functions for obtaining simple and general solutions to basic problems in quantum physics. The main part is devoted to the simplest kind of Green's functions, namely the solutions of linear differential equations with a -function source. It is shown that these familiar Green's functions are a powerful tool for obtaining relatively simple and general solutions of basic problems such as scattering and boundlevel information. The bound-level treatment gives a clear physical understanding of "difficult" questions such as superconductivity, the Kondo effect, and, to a lesser degree, disorder-induced localization. The more advanced subject of many-body Green's functions is presented in the last part of the book. This third edition is 50% longer than the previou and offers end-of-chapter problems and solutions (40% are solved) and additional appendices to helpit is to serve as an effective self-tutorial and self-sufficient reference. Throughout, it demonstrates the powerful and unifying formalism of Green's functions across many applications, including transport properties, carbon nanotubes, and photonics and photonic crystals.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: third edition

Год издания: 2006

Количество страниц: 477

Добавлена в каталог: 05.03.2008

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Theorem, fluctuation-dissipation      182 273
Theorem, Furstenberg’s      215
Theorem, Gauss’      11
Theorem, Liouville’s      363
Theorem, optical      63 66 73 161
Theorem, residue      10
Theorem, Wick’s      29.3 298
Theory of superconductivity      69
Theory, electromagnetic      31
Theory, Landau’s      332
Theory, linear response      180
Theory, perturbation      55 133
Theory, scattering      57 63
Thermal average      254 324
thermal conductivity      25
Thermodynamic potential      307
Thermodynamic property      45
Thermodynamic quantity      263 275
Thermodynamic relation      271
Theta function      338
Thomas — Fermi screening length      317
Tight-binding      84
Tight-binding for fcc      424
Tight-binding, bcc      422
Tight-binding, Hamiltonian      77 83 87 101 111
Tight-binding, Hamiltonian (TBH)      80
Tight-binding, Hamiltonian, coupled pendulum analog of      82
Tight-binding, Hamiltonian, coupled pendulum double spacing analog of      82
Tight-binding, model (TBM)      79 80
Tight-binding, simple cubic      85
Time, imaginary      299
Time-evolution equation      325
Time-evolution operator      23 43
Time-reversal symmetry      369
Topology, cermet      158
Topology, network      158
Total cross section      66 73 75 161 162 171 436
Total energy      271 381
Trajectory, classical      204
Transfer matrix      214 370 376 377
Transfer matrix, element      81 83 220
Transfer matrix, technique      214
Transformation, canonical      276 306
Transition, metal      79 80
Transition, metal compound      80
Transition, metal-insulator      173 327 333
Transition, probability      46 75
Transition, probability, rate of      62
Transmission      239 242
Transmission in quasi-1-d system      235
Transmission, amplitude      237 370 373 429
Transmission, amplitude, current      372
Transmission, coefficient      125 170 215 371 372
Transport, mean free path      180 204 229
Transport, property      173 186 226 238
Transport, relaxation time      176 196
Transverse      163
triplet state      128
Tunneling      132
Two-band model      427
Unitarity of S      63
Unitary      63 372
Urbach tail      210 434
Vacancy      170
Vacuum state      382
Valence, band      126 210
Valence, tail      210
Value, critical      138 222 223
Values, continuous      4
Values, discrete      4
van der Waals      289
van Hove singularity      94 96 97
VCA      151 152 168
Vector, classical field      162
Vector, derivative in cylindrical coordinates      347
Vector, derivative in spherical coordinates      347
Vector, displacement      388
Vector, potential      206
Vector, space      4
Velocity      158 159 161 310 318
Velocity of light      48
Velocity of sound      48
Velocity, longitudinal      158
Velocity, sound      159
Velocity, transverse      158
Vertex      301
Vertex, correction      184 186 188—193 196 208 222
Vertex, inclusion, post-CPA      195
Vertex, part      187 188 302 307 311 319 320 322 332
Vibration, longitudinal      385
Virtual Crystal Approximation (VCA)      151
Voltage      219
Voltage, critical      239
Voltage, probe      218
Wannier function      79 355
Wave equation      31 33 49 51 171
Wave equation, 2-d      31
Wave equation, homogeneous      36
Wave equation, inhomogeneous      30 36
Wave equation, scalar      37
Wave function      41
Wave ingoing      12 65
Wave outgoing      12
Wave packet, free quantum-mechanical      25
Wave packet, minimum uncertainty      25
Wave plane      4
Wave propagating      83
Wave, acoustic      161 163
Wave, classical      158 159 238
Wave, classical, acoustic      158
Wave, classical, elastic      158
Wave, classical, electromagnetic      158
Wave, elastic      163
Wave, electromagnetic      238
Wave, electromagnetic, scattering of      169
Wave, reflected      145
Wave, spherical      65
Wave, TE      378
Wave, TM      378
Wave, transmitted      145
Wavelength      155 156 158
Wavevector      49 52
Wavevector, crystal      104
Weak coupling limit      318
Weak localization equation      201
Weak scattering limit      156 221
Wick’s theorem      293 298
Wigner solid      313
Wire      196
Wire, case      225
Wire, thin      238
Zero sound      281 312 318 332
Zone, first Brillouin      78 84—87 90 94 102 105
1 2 3 4 5
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