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Economou E.N. — Green's Functions in Quantum Physics |
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DOS, indirect-process 134
DOS, tail 210 434
DOS, total 220
Drift velocity 176
Dynamic behavior 278
Dyson’s equation 300 304
Effect, Aharonov — Bohm 207 208 241
Effect, interference 203 204
Effect, Kondo 111 129 135 139
Effect, weak localization 213
Effective, interaction 307 317
Effective, interaction, interparticle 304
Effective, mass 120 310—312 332
Effective, medium 158
Eigenenergy 64 70 81 83 104 224 227
Eigenenergy, discrete 42 66 67
Eigenenergy, resonance 115 120 140
Eigenfrequency 83 130 131 176 177
Eigenfrequency, discrete 136
Eigenfunction 4 9 16 55 57—59 70 71 81 83 102 156 224
Eigenfunction, Bloch 355
Eigenfunction, bound 114
Eigenfunction, causal 60
Eigenfunction, discrete 59 113 118
Eigenfunction, localized 113
Eigenfunction, nondegenerate 9
Eigenfunction, orthogonal 17
Eigenfunction, scattering 118
Eigenmode 83
Eigensolution, linear superposition of 380
Eigenstate 6 42 114 138 157
Eigenstate, bound 115
Eigenstate, extended 6 42 116 139 196 200 201 226 231 232
Eigenstate, localized 6 42 116 157 196 200 201 221 226 231 232 233
Eigenstate, nondegenerate 42
Eigenstate, normalized 6
Eigenstate, propagating 6 42 116 139
Eigenstate, resonance 115—118 136
Eigenstate, scattering 138
Eigenstate, scattering, extended 169
Eigenvalue 3 5 10 11 15 16 19 41 55 71 102
Eigenvalue, discrete 5 9 15 16 57—59 118
Eigenvalue, nondegenerate 19
Eigenvector 4 19
Einstein’s relation 174 175
electric field 8 173 364
Electric susceptibility 175 182 209
Electrical conductivity 173 195 197
Electrical resistivity 131 133
Electrochemical potential 217 218
Electromagnetic equation 48
Electromagnetic theory 31
Electromagnetic wave 238
Electromagnetism 14 377
Electron, dressed 132
Electron, gas, high-density 332
Electron, pair 132
Electron, quasi 132
Electron-electron interaction 201 239
Electron-phonon interaction 131 132
Electronic current density 387
Electronic density 273
Electronic Hamiltonian 387
Electronic momentum 387
Electronic polarizability 100
Electronic potential energy 176
Electronic spectrum 137
Electronic spin density 387
Electronic structure 164
Electronic trajectory 86
Electrostatics 11
Elementary excitation 281
Eliashberg gap equation 133
Elliptic integral 94 97
Elliptic integral, complete 90 91
Energy, average 289 330
Energy, binding 128 129 135 139
Energy, conservation of 128
Energy, critical 235
Energy, cutoff 130 134 139
Energy, flux 171
Energy, ground-state 316
Energy, interaction 270
Energy, kinetic 270 282 313 383
Energy, mismatch 219
Energy, potential 282 313 383
Energy, potential, electronic 176
Energy, resonance 116 120
Energy, total 126 271 381
Ensemble 150 199
Ensemble, Canonical 182
Ensemble, Grand Canonical 254
Equation of motion 135
Equation of motion approach 324
Equation of motion method 307
Equation of state 289
Equation, Bessel 349
Equation, Bethe — Salpeter 320
Equation, Boltzmann’s 177 196 197 363
Equation, Boltzmann’s, linearized 365
Equation, diffusion 25 37
Equation, diffusion type 33
Equation, Dyson’s 300 304
Equation, electromagnetic 48
Equation, Helmholtz 345 397
Equation, Helmholtz, in cartesian coordinates 345
Equation, Helmholtz, in cylindrical coordinates 345
Equation, Helmholtz, in polar coordinates 346
Equation, Helmholtz, in spherical coordinates 346
Equation, homogeneous 9 14—16 22 24 28 29 35
Equation, inhomogeneous 9 16 17 24 27 30 35 59
Equation, integral 320
Equation, Klein — Gordon 31 47 48 51
Equation, Laplace 11 12 345—347
Equation, Lippman — Schwinger 59
Equation, Newton’s 176
Equation, Poisson’s 11 13 126 273
Equation, relativistic 33
Equation, Schroedinger 41 43 44 46 52 58 69 75 158 159 251 348
Equation, Schroedinger type 33
Equation, Schroedinger, time-dependent 60
Equation, time-evolution 325
Equation, weak localization 201
Equations, hierarchy of 256
Euler’s constant 69 130
Excitation, elementary 281
Expansion, asymptotic 97 103
Expansion, power series 314
Exponent, critical 50 223
Exponent, Lyapunov 214 215
External static point charge, response to 317
Extinction, cross section 162
Face-centered cubic (fcc) lattice 103
fcc (face-centered cubic) 103
Fermi distribution 127 129 139 178 183
Fermi energy 127
Fermi function 257
Fermi level 219 310
Fermi momentum 278 281 311 332
Fermi sea 127 129
Fermi surface 131 210 278 278 280
Fermi system, low-density 333
Fermi system, normal 309 332
Fermi thermal equilibrium distribution 263
Fermi — Dirac distribution 262
Fermion 252 254 278 381
Fermion, closed loop 296 299
Fermi’s Golden Rule 62 75 178
Ferromagnetic ordering 328
| Ferromagnetic phase 329 330
ferromagnetism 327
Feynman diagram 293 297 298 300
Feynman’s path integral 203
Field, elastic wave 162
Field, electric 8 173 364
Field, electromagnetic 162
Field, EM 163 171
Field, magnetic 86 202 239 364 366
Field, magnetic, external 223
Field, momentum 380
Field, operator 35 36 250
Field, operator for noninteracting quantum fields 36
Field, transverse 162
Field, vector classical 162
film 196 238
Film, metallic 212
First Brillouin zone 78 84—87 90 94 102 105
Fluctuation-dissipation theorem 182 273
Flux, average 206
Flux, magnetic 206 208 241
Flux, magnetic, quantum 206
Force, Coulomb 313
Force, friction 176
Force, magnetic 212
Force, restoring harmonic 177
Force, short-range 311
Formalism, second quantization 249
Formula, Kubo — Greenwood 180 195
Four probe 218
Fourier, function 337
Fourier, series 287
Fourier, transform 5 21 25 27 33 34 57 58 174 176 255 258
Frequency, Debye 131
Frequency, mismatch 200
Frequency, natural 177
Frequency, phonon 131
Frequency, plasma 318
Friction force 176
Friedel oscillation 317
Fullerene 131
Function, analytic 5 9 22
Function, Bessel 12 45 118
Function, Bessel, modified 45 349
Function, Bessel, spherical 346
Function, Bloch 78 138
Function, Bose 257
Function, delta 337
Function, delta, derivative 337
Function, delta, in cartesian variables 338
Function, dielectric 283 305 334
Function, dielectric, retarded 305
Function, diffusion 174
Function, digamma 207
Function, Dirichlet 337
Function, Fermi 257
Function, Fourier 337
Function, Gamma 67 207
Function, gap 333
Function, Gaussian 337
Function, grand partition 271 282
Function, Hankel 12 45
Function, Hankel, spherical 163 347
Function, Hubbard dielectric 132
Function, linear response 263 272
Function, longitudinal dielectric 273
Function, Lorentzian 337
Function, orthogonal to 9 16
Function, response 273
Function, step 23
Function, theta 338
Function, Wannier 79 355
Furstenberg’s theorem 215
Gamma function 67 207
Gap 78 100 104 120 126 325 326
Gap, function 333
Gap, level 111
Gaussian 157
Gaussian, distribution 170
Gaussian, function 337
Gauss’ Theorem 11
Generalized DOS-like 265
Geometric average 150
Geometric optics 159
Grand partition function 271 282
Green’s function 250 255 265 325
Green’s function for noninteracting particles 257
Green’s function for the LA phonon field 258
Green’s function, 1-d 227
Green’s function, advanced 27 35
Green’s function, causal 27 35
Green’s function, causal, imaginary time 287 288
Green’s function, causal, perturbative expansion 292
Green’s function, diffusion 37
Green’s function, Hubbard 97 101 120 122 170
Green’s function, n-particle 256
Green’s function, retarded 27 35 272
Green’s function, two-particle 256
Green’s function, wave 37
Ground state 281
Ground-state, energy 316
Group velocity 85 155
Group velocity of sound 85
Hall, conductance 239
Hall, effect, integral quantum 213 239
Hall, voltage 239
Hamiltonian 384 385
Hamiltonian, density 380
Hamiltonian, electron-phonon 386
Hamiltonian, electron-phonon, total 386
Hamiltonian, electronic 387
Hamiltonian, Heisenberg type 333
Hamiltonian, Kondo 134
Hamiltonian, periodic 47 77 78
Hamiltonian, periodic, eigenfunction of 78
Hamiltonian, periodic, eigenvalue of 78
Hamiltonian, tight-binding 77 80 83 87 101 111
Hamiltonian, total 282
Hankel function 12 45
Hankel function, spherical 163 347
Harmonic approximation 386
Harmonic interaction 135
harmonic oscillator 78
Harmonic potential energy 388
Hartree approximation 285 288 328—331
Hartree — Fock, approximation 289 303 307 334
Heat, specific 334
Heisenberg, model 328
Heisenberg, picture 250 290
Helmholtz equation 345 397
Helmholtz equation in cartesian coordinates 345
Helmholtz equation in cylindrical coordinates 345
Helmholtz equation in polar coordinates 346
Helmholtz equation in spherical coordinates 346
Hermitian operator 3 5 14 15 17 19 33 391
Hierarchy of equations 256 285
High superconductivity 131
Hilbert space 80 341
hole 129
Hubbard dielectric function 132
Hubbard Green’s function 97 101 120 122 170
Hubbard model 327—331 333
Hyperbola 107 145
Imaginary time 299
Imperfection 77 78
Impurity 113 115 136 137 141 144 145 169
Impurity, band 202
Impurity, single-isotope 136
Impurity, substitutional 111
Independent-particle approximation 183
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