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Economou E.N. — Green's Functions in Quantum Physics |
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Inequality 352
Inertia 176
Inner product 341 343
Instability, numerical 91
Insulator 126
integral 17
Integral equation 56 57 59 227 229 320
Integral equation, inhomogeneous 72
Integral Quantum Hall Effect (IQHE) 213 239
Integral, elliptic 94 97
Integral, elliptic, complete 90 91
Interaction, effective 307 317
Interaction, electron-electron 196 201 239
Interaction, electron-phonon 131 132
Interaction, energy 270
Interaction, harmonic 135
Interaction, on-site 327
Interaction, picture 290
Interaction, repulsive 333
Interaction, screened Coulomb 176
Interaction, short-range, repulsive 319
Interaction, spin-orbit 223
INTERFACE 196 212 213 238
Interference 203 204
Interference, constructive 199
Interference, destructive 199
Interference, quantum 240
Ionic crystal 99
Ionic motion 78 82
Ionic solid 79
Jellium model 312
Jellium model, high-density 313
k-representation 5 65
Kernel 56
KKR method 70
Klein — Gordon case 47 50
Klein — Gordon equation 31 47 48 51
Kondo effect 111 129 135 139
Kondo Hamiltonian 134
Kondo problem 133 139
Kramers — Kronig relation 174
Kubo — Greenwood formalism 217
Kubo — Greenwood formula 180 195
LA (longitudinal acoustic) 385
Ladder, approximation 319 321 322
Ladder, diagram 319
Lagrangian 203
Lagrangian, density 379
Lame coefficient 158
Landau’s theory 332
Laplace equation 11 12 345—347
Laplace, transform 25
Lattice 77 101
Lattice, bcc 422
Lattice, Bethe 98—102 145 147 360 361
Lattice, body-centered 97
Lattice, body-centered cubic (BCC) 103
Lattice, constant 84 90
Lattice, diced 94
Lattice, face-centered 97
Lattice, face-centered cubic (fcc) 103
Lattice, fcc 423
Lattice, Honeycomb 94
Lattice, path in 358
Lattice, relaxation 126
Lattice, simple cubic 94 96 97 119—121 147 170
Lattice, square 84 89 92 95 124
Lattice, triangular 94
Lattice, vector 78
Lattice, vibration 100 131 136 137 164 165
LCAO 79 102
Legendre polynomial 339
Length, localization 212
Length, screening 317
Length, Thomas — Fermi 317
Level, bound 119 120 122 124—126 129 209
Level, discrete 66 68 69 73 74 120 122 123 138 145—147
Level, Fermi 310
Level, non-degenerate 138
Level, repulsion 226
Level, resonance 122 123 139
Level, spacing 226
Level, spacing, statistics 225
LiF 100
Lifetime 118 276 277 283 318 332
Line 301
Line of singularity 6
Linear chain 375
Linear Combination of Atomic Orbitals (LCAO) 79 102
Linear density 85
Linear response 283
Linear response, function 263 272
Linear response, theory 180
Liouville’s theorem 363
Lippman — Schwinger equation 59
Liquid 313
Liquid He-4 52
Liquid, Luttinger 281 283
Local conductivity 179
Local moment 133 134 139
Local oscillation 136
localization 192 197 209 219 224 230
Localization, Anderson 240 243
Localization, effect, weak 213
Localization, function 234
Localization, in disordered system 209
Localization, length 209 210 213—215 221 225 229 240 241
Localization, length, inverse 227
Localization, problem 201
Localization, regime, strong 210
Localization, regime, weak 216 240
Localization, theory 238
Localization, weak 205
Locator 144
Locator, expansion 165
Logarithmic derivative 220
Logarithmic divergence 69 314
Longitudinal 163
Longitudinal, dielectric function 273
Lorentzian 150 168 170
Lorentzian, distribution 201
Lorentzian, function 337
Lorentzian, shape 277
Luttinger liquid 281 283
Luttinger model 281
Lyapunov exponent 214 215
Magnetic coupling 330
Magnetic excitation 164 165
Magnetic field 86 192 202 239 364 366
Magnetic field, external 223
Magnetic flux 206 208 241
Magnetic flux, quantum 206
Magnetic force 212
magnetic moment 329 331
Magnetic ordering 327 328
Magnetic phase 333
magnetic susceptibility 134
Magnetoresistance, negative 202 213 241
Magnetoresistance, tensor 367
Magnon 333
Mass, center of 127
Mass, effective 120 310 311 312 332
material 238
Material, superconducting 312
Mathematical data 17
Matrix 148
Matrix element 61 79 80 101 150
Matrix element of current operator 179
Matrix element, diagonal 7—9 42 80 81 87 89 92 95 96 111 231
Matrix element, off-diagonal 80 81 89 99 101 103 151 155 165
| Matrix, Pauli 344 387
Maximally crossed diagram 191 192
Mean free path 155 155 156 159 210 230 240
Mean free path, elastic 194
Mean free path, scattering 178 229
Mean free path, transport 180 204 229
Mean, arithmetic 184
Mean, geometric 184
Medium, effective 166
Medium, homogeneous 49
Medium, periodic 49
Medium, polarizable 130
Medium, random 163
Medium, strongly scattering 158
Medium, strongly scattering, disordered 158
Medium, strongly scattering, periodic 158
Metal 80 312
Metal, transition 80
Metal-insulator transition 173
Metallic conductivity 199
Metallic regime 221
Method of residues 88
Method of stationary phase 92
Method, continued fraction 166
Method, equation of motion 307
Method, pseudopotential 79
Method, recursion 166 224
Mobility, averaged 175
Mobility, edge 201 210 211 235
Mobility, microscopic 175
Model, Anderson 201
Model, Heisenberg 328
Model, Hubbard 327—331 333
Model, Luttinger 281
Model, nearly-free electron 78
Model, tight-binding 79 80
Model, XY 224
Moment of inertia 348
Moment, local 133 134 139
Moment, magnetic 329 331
Momentum 18 46 388
Momentum, angular 348
Momentum, conjugate 385
Momentum, conservation of 128
Momentum, eigenstate 383
Momentum, electronic 387
Momentum, Fermi 278 281 311 332
Momentum, ket 342
Momentum, operator 343
Momentum, total 127
Motion, ballistic 205
Motion, equation of 135
Motion, ionic 78 82
Multichannel case 237
NaCl 100
Nanoelectronics 240
nanotube, carbon 240
Nearly-free electron model 78
Negative energy solution 48
Network topology 158
Newton’s equation 176
NFE 78 79
Nonanalyticity 165
Nonmagnetic phase 329 330
Normal state 280
Normalized eigenstate 6
Number density operator 383
Number of states 7 18 49—52 104 394
Number operator 382
Numerical technique 224
Occupation number 175
One-dimensional quasi 217
Operator 18 23 61
Operator, adjoint 19 381
Operator, annihilation 250 252 255 383
Operator, annihilation, phonon 258
Operator, bosonic density 306
Operator, chronological 251
Operator, creation 250 252 255 383
Operator, creation, phonon 258
Operator, differential 14
Operator, displacement 385
Operator, field 250
Operator, hermitian 3 5 14 15 17 19 33 391
Operator, linear 3 14 33
Operator, momentum 343
Operator, number 382
Operator, number density 383
Operator, position 4 343
Operator, positive definite 8
Operator, slave boson 306
Operator, spin 344
Operator, time-evolution 23 43
Operator, time-independent 33
Operator, unit 5
Optical absorption 100 210
Optical theorem 63 66 73 161
Orbital 77
Orbital, antibonding 104
Orbital, atomic 79
Orbital, atomic, hybrid 79 104
Orbital, atomiclike 101 126
Orbital, bonding 104
Orbital, d-like 79
Orbital, local 163
Orbital, p-like 79
Orbital, s-like 79
Orbital, tube 204
Order, short-range 151 168
Ordering, anti-ferromagnetic 328
Ordering, chronological 63
Ordering, ferromagnetic 328
Ordering, magnetic 328
Orthonormal 388
Orthonormality 79 355 392
Oscillation, charge, longitudinal 176
Oscillation, collective (plasma) 318
Oscillation, collective, transverse 176
Oscillation, Friedel 317
Oscillation, local 136
Oscillation, small 135
Oscillator, harmonic 78
Oxide superconductor 80
Pair of equations 326
Pair, bound 281
Pair, electron 132
Partial differential equation, first-order 33
Partial differential equation, homogeneous, first-order 21
Partial differential equation, inhomogeneous, first-order 21
Partial summation 301
Particle, dressed 276 283
Particle, number 279
Particles, interacting 253
Path 142
Path, integral 203
Path, self-avoiding 358 360
Path, skeleton 358
Pauli matrix 344 387
Pauli principle 127 129 313 379
Permeability 158 163 377
Permittivity 158 175 176 195 377
Perturbation 55 64 70 142
Perturbation, expansion 14 285
Perturbation, series 55
Perturbation, theory 55
Perturbation, theory, second-order 133
Perturbation, theory, time-dependent 61
Perturbative approach 36
Phase 42 83
Phase, antiferromagnetic 329 330
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