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Economou E.N. — Green's Functions in Quantum Physics |
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-function singularity 114
-model, nonlinear 224
1BZ (first Brillouin zone) 85—87
A15 compound 80
Absorption 162 171 239
Absorption, cross section 162 171
Absorption, optical 100 210
Acceleration 120
Aharonov — Bohm effect 207 208 241
Amplitude 83 115
Amplitude, current 372
Amplitude, exponential decay 230
Amplitude, fluctuation 240
Amplitude, reflection 217 237 370 373 429
Amplitude, reflection, current 372
Amplitude, scattering 46 65 67 73 159 161 171 319 320
Amplitude, scattering, forward 66
Amplitude, transmission 217 237 370 373 429
Amplitude, transmission current 217 218
Amplitude, transmission, current 372
Analytic behavior 353
Analytic continuation 9 117 276—278 283
Anderson localization 240 243
Anderson model 201
Anderson transition 212 212
Annihilation operator 250 252 255 383
Annihilation operator, phonon 258
Anti-ferromagnetic ordering 328
Anticommutation relation 252 381
Anticommutator 35 36
Antiferromagnetic coupling 134
Antiferromagnetic phase 329 330
Approximation, Born 65 75 131
Approximation, Hartree 285 288 328—331
Approximation, Hartree — Fock 289 303 307 334
Approximation, independent-particle 183
Approximation, ladder 319 321 322
ATA (average t-matrix approximation) 152 153 154 163 164 168
Atomic orbital 79
Atomic orbital, hybrid 79 104
Attraction, phonon mediated 131 132
Average 150
Average t-matrix approximation (ATA) 152
Average, energy 289 330
Average, t-matrix 153
Average, thermal 324
Ballistic motion 205
Band 78 80 91 94 96 101 104 145
Band, conduction 126 210
Band, conduction, tail 210
Band, edge 46 69 78 84 89 91 96 97 99 104 119 121 122 124 136 137 170 210 353
Band, index 78 104
Band, tail 157
Band, valence 126 210
Band, valence, tail 210
Bandwidth 84 85 89 96 101
BC (boundary condition) 345
bcc (body-centered cubic) 103
BCs 130 139
BE (Boltzmann’s equation) 363
Bessel equation 349
Bessel function 12 45 118
Bessel function, modified 45 349
Bessel function, spherical 346
Bethe lattice 98—102 145 147 360 361
Bethe lattice, double spacing periodic case 98
Bethe — Salpeter equation 320
Binary alloy 150 164 170
Binary case 157
binary distribution 165—167 201
Binding energy 128 129 135 139
Bloch, eigenfunction 355
Bloch, function 78 138
Bloch, ket 342
Bloch, wave 115 394
Bloch’s, theorem 70
Body-centered cubic (BCC) lattice 103
Bohr radius 313
Boltzmann’s equation 177 196 197 363
Boltzmann’s equation, linearized 365
BOND 164
Born approximation 65 75 131
Bose condensation 258 265 300
Bose function 257
Bose thermal equilibrium distribution 263
Bose — Einstein distribution 262
Boson 252 254 381
Bosonic density operator 306
Bound 137
Bound pair 128 130
Bound state 74 75
Boundary condition 3 11 15 41 345
Boundary, natural 6 15 233
Branch cut 6 9 15 22 42 44 57 72 117 232
Brillouin zone, first 78 84—87 90 94 102 105
bulk modulus 85 158 159 171 385
Canonical transformation 276 306
Capacitance 239
Cartesian coordinate 25 173
Cauchy’s Theorem 114
Causality 174
Cayley tree 98 99 126 140
Cayley tree, double spacing periodic case 98
Center of mass 127
Cermet topology 158
Channel 217 218
Characteristic length 225
Charge density 8
chemical potential 175 219 242 364 436
Chronological product 298
Classical wave 238
Cluster 157 165 168
Cluster, scattering 165
Cluster-Bethe-lattice 101
Coefficient, diffusion 25 193 197 204 208 220 240
Coefficient, Lame 158
Coefficient, reflection 125 170 215 371
Coefficient, transmission 125 170 215—217 371 372
Coherent potential approximation (CPA) 141 153 169
Collective (plasma) oscillation 318
Commutation relation 252 381
Commutator 35 36
Commutator, current-current 273
Completeness 355
Completeness of a set 4
Completeness, relation 338 342 389
Complex propagation constant 155
Concentration 37 175 177
condensate 128
Conductance 216 218 220 221 239 242 437
Conductance of nanotube 240
Conductance, Hall 239
Conduction, band 126 210
Conduction, band, tail 210
Conductivity 126 173 189 193 204 210 212 213 216 222 240 241 244 273 364
Conductivity, AC 175
Conductivity, DC 175 209
Conductivity, electrical 173 195 197
Conductivity, local 179
Conductivity, metallic 199
Conductivity, post-CPA correction 192
Conductivity, tensor 174 367
Conductivity, thermal 25
Conductor, perfect 180 197 239
Conductor, quasi 1-d 218
Conductor, quasi-1-d 243
Configuration 150
Conjugate momentum 385
Connected diagram 294
Connection of the notation 269
| Conservation of probability 371
Constant, complex propagation 155
Constant, diffusion 37
Constant, Euler’s 69 130
Constant, propagation 161 162
Contact 217 218
Contact, resistance 217
Continuation, analytic 9 117 276—278 283
Continued fraction method 166
Continuum 145 169
Contribution, diamagnetic 179 197
Contribution, paramagnetic 179
Convergence 234
Cooper pair 111 322—324
Coordinate, Cartesian 25 173
Coordinate, relative 127
Copper oxide 131
Correction, post-CPA 194 199 201
Coulomb blockade 240
Coulomb force 313
Coulomb interaction, energy 384
Coulomb interaction, screened 176
Coulomb potential, attractive 66 67
Coulomb repulsion 132
Coulomb repulsion, screened 132
Coupled pendula 81 83 101 200
Coupled pendula, equations of motion 81
Coupling limit, strong 318
Coupling limit, weak 318
Coupling, magnetic 330
Covalent solid 79
CPA 141 153 154 156—158 160 162—168 170 186 189 195 210 245
CPA for classical wave 158
CPA, homomorphic 164
CPA, muffin-tin 164
Creation operator 250 252 255 383
Creation operator, phonon 258
Critical dimensionality 201 213 242
Critical energy 235
critical exponent 50 223
Critical temperature 130 327
Critical value 138 223
Critical voltage 239
Cross section 115 163 177
Cross section, absorption 162 171
Cross section, differential 65 66 75
Cross section, differential, inelastic 176
Cross section, extinction 162
Cross section, scattering 115 118 125 159 162 171
Cross section, total 66 73 75 161 162 171 436
Crossover 134
Crystal cell, primitive 79
Crystal wavevector 104
CSI 100
Current 219
Current reflection amplitude 236
Current transmission amplitude 236 242
Current, amplitude 372
Current, density 173
Current-current commutator 273
Cutoff energy 130 134 139
Cutoff length, upper 199 205 240
Cyclotron radius 200 240
Debye frequency 131
Debye wave number 386
Decay length 75
Defect 126
Degeneracy 42 112
Delta function 337
Delta function, derivative 337
Delta function, in cartesian variables 338
density 158 161 171 270 271
Density of particles 282
Density of states 7 16 42 46 51 72 78 91 104 157 166 167 211 268 433
Density of states, generalized 275 281
Density, electronic 273
Density, fluctuation 128
Density, high 312
Density, low 313 319
Density, matrix 180
Density, wave 281 312
Density, wave, elementary 311
Derivative, logarithmic 220
Device, double-barrier 239
Devil’s staircase 52
Diagram 142 144 307
Diagram, connected 294
Diagram, Feynman 293 297 298 300
Diagram, ladder 319
Diagram, maximally crossed 191 192
Diagram, phase 327 330
Diagram, ring 316 317
Diagram, skeleton 301 303
Diagrammatic representation 169
Dielectric function 283 305 334
Dielectric function, retarded 305
Differential cross section 65 66 75
Differential equation 18 285
Differential equation, homogeneous, second-order 26
Differential equation, inhomogeneous 3
Differential equation, inhomogeneous, second-order 26
Differential equation, second-order 27 34
diffuse 220
Diffusion 25 239
Diffusion, classical 224
Diffusion, coefficient 25 193 197 204 208 220 240
Diffusion, constant 37
Diffusion, equation 25 37
Diffusion, function 174
Diffusion, length 200 240
Diffusion, length, inelastic 222
Digamma function 207
Dilute limit 156
Dimensionality, critical 75 201 213 242
Dirac notation, inner product 343
Dirac’s notation, bra 4 5 19 42 341
Dirac’s notation, inner product 341
Dirac’s notation, ket 4 5 19 42 341
Dirichlet function 337
Discontinuity 278
Disorder 156 173 200 235
Disorder, diagonal 164 168
Disorder, diagonal, binary 244
Disorder, environmental 151 165 168
Disorder, limit, weak 229
Disorder, off-diagonal 151 164 165 168
Disorder, strong 221
Disorder, topological 151
Displacement, operator 385
Displacement, vector 388
Dissipation of energy 273
Distribution, binary 165—167 201
Distribution, Bose thermal equilibrium 263
Distribution, Bose — Einstein 262
Distribution, Fermi 127 129 139 178 183
Distribution, Fermi thermal equilibrium 263
Distribution, Fermi — Dirac 262
Distribution, Gaussian 170
Distribution, Lorentzian 201
Distribution, rectangular 150 201
Divergence 209 234
Divergence, logarithmic 69 314
DOS 44—46 48 49 51 52 58 91 94 96 97 99 103 104 106 113 114 118 120—125 127—129 132 139—141 150 156 157 168 170 173 175 177 193 210 245 323 329 428
DOS (density of states) 7
DOS for bcc 423
DOS, average 154 228
DOS, direct process 135
DOS, direct-process 134
DOS, generalized 263 264
DOS, indirect process 135
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