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Economou E.N. — Green's Functions in Quantum Physics |
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Phase, diagram 327 330
Phase, ferromagnetic 329 330
Phase, incoherence 214 230
Phase, incoherence, inelastic length 204
Phase, incoherence, inelastic time 204 205 240
Phase, incoherence, length 204
Phase, incoherence, time 200
Phase, magnetic 333
Phase, nonmagnetic 329 330
Phase, Shift 162
Phase, space 18 280 363
Phase, velocity 85 156
Phase, velocity of sound 85
Phonon 48 132 333 386
Phonon, frequency 131
Phonon, longitudinal acoustic (LA) 255 385
Photoconductivity 100
Photon 48
Plane wave, expansion of 403
Plane wave, normalized 342
Plasma frequency 131 318
Plasmon 128 281 318 332
Poisson’s equation 11 13 126 273
Polarizability 176
Polarizability, electronic 100
Polarization 162 304 306
Polarization, part 307
Polarization, proper 304 306 313
Polarization, proper, part 307
Pole 9 10 16 22 42 57 66—69 72 73 117 145 277 310 332
Pole, simple 5 15
Polynomial, Legendre 339
Position, eigenstate 383
Position, ket 341
Position, operator 4 343
Positive energy solution 48
Post-CPA 222
Post-CPA, contribution to 196
Post-CPA, correction 194
Post-CPA, correction to conductivity 192
Post-CPA, vertex inclusion 195
Potential, attractive 145
Potential, centrifugal 348
Potential, chemical 175 219 242 364 436
Potential, Coulomb, attractive 66 67
Potential, disordered 51
Potential, electrochemical 217 218
Potential, thermodynamic 307
Potential, vector 206
Potential, well 69 209
Potential, well, analogy 210 212 244
Potential, well, circular 69
Potential, well, shallow 67 68 73
Power 178
Power series expansion 314
Pressure 159 171 271
Primitive cell 87
Primitive crystal cell 79
Principal axis 106
Principal value 393
Principle of least action 379
probability 150
Probability, amplitude 60 61 73 117 203 231 341
Probability, conservation of 371
Probability, distribution 150 226
Probability, distribution, joint 229
Probability, reflection 216
Probability, transmission 216 218
Process, direct 322
Process, indirect 129 322
Propagation constant 161 162
Propagator 23 133 144 280
Propagator, bare 322
Propagator, dressed 322
Proper self-energy 132
Property, optical 176
Pseudopotential method 79
PWA (potential well analogy) 216
Quantized sound wave 128
Quantum, condensation 128
Quantum, dot 239
Quantum, field theory 35
Quantum, interference 240
Quantum-mechanical 14
Quasihole 278
Quasiparticle 263 276 278 280 283 312 316 332
R-representation 4 43 64
Radius, Bohr 313
Radius, cyclotron 200 240
Random phase approximation (RPA) 316
Random walk problem 224
Random, 1-d system 214
Random, matrix 214
Random, medium 163
Random, variable 156
Random, variable, Gaussian 180
Randomness, off-diagonal 164
Ray approximation 159
Rayleigh scattering 159
Reciprocity relation 9
Rectangular, case 157
Rectangular, distribution 150 201
Recurrence relation 90 91 93 103
Recursion method 166 224
Recursion relation 93
Reflection, amplitude 237 370 373 429
Reflection, amplitude, current 372
Reflection, coefficient 125 170 215 371
Regime, critical 239
Regime, extended 239
Regime, strong localization 210
Regime, weak localization 216 240
Relation, anticommutation 252
Relation, commutation 252
Relation, Einstein’s 174 175
Relation, Kramers — Kronig 174
Relaxation time 156 156 159 196 363
Relaxation time, transport 176 196
Renormalized perturbation expansion (RPE) 98 230 234 359
Representation 341
Representation, diagrammatic 169
Residue 9 16 42 72 112 277 283
Residue, theorem 10
Resistance 213 216
Resistance, contact 217
Resistance, total 217
resistivity 134 135 139
Resistivity, electrical 131 133
Resistivity, tensor 174
Resonance 66 121 122 125 146
Resonance, eigenenergy 120 140
Resonance, eigenstate 117 118 136
Resonance, energy 116 120
Resonance, level 139
Resonance, state 212
Resonance, tunneling 239
Response 9 24
Response, function 273
Response, linear 283
Ring 208
Role 173
RPA (random phase approximation) 316 318 319
RPE (renormalized perturbation expansion) 98 227
Rule 295 299
Rule, final 294
S-matrix 61 73 74 235 244 372
Saddle point 91 106 107
Scaling 133
Scaling, approach 219 223 224 243
Scaling, one-parameter 223 439
| Scattered wave 163
Scattering 64 144 176
Scattering, amplitude 46 65 67 73 159 161 171 319 320
Scattering, amplitude, forward 66
Scattering, backward 229
Scattering, cross section 115 118 125 159 162 171
Scattering, elastic 173
Scattering, forward 229
Scattering, inelastic 173
Scattering, length 319
Scattering, limit, strong 156
Scattering, mean free path 178 229
Scattering, multiple 144 157 165 169 199 217 322
Scattering, probability 131
Scattering, process 239
Scattering, Rayleigh 159
Scattering, regime, weak 222
Scattering, spin flip 133
Scattering, spin-orbit 223
Scattering, theory 57 63
Scattering, weak 134
Schroedinger case 49
Schroedinger equation 41 43 44 46 52 58 69 75 158 159 251 348
Schroedinger equation, time-dependent 60
Schroedinger picture 290
Second quantization 379
Second quantization, formalism 249
Self-consistency 126
Self-energy 153 154—156 160 166 169 185 190 240 243 301 301 307 359 360
Self-energy, proper 132 301 302 307 314 315
Semiconductor 103 126 210
Semiconductor, amorphous 151
Semiconductor, doped 126
Semiconductor, heavily doped 202
Set of eigenfunctions, complete 3 15 17 33 41
Set of eigenfunctions, orthonormal 3 15 17 41
Set, complete 355
Set, orthonormal 341 355
Shockley’s tube-integral formula 367
Si 103 104 127
Simple cubic 84 108
Simple cubic, lattice 119—121 147 170
Single-isotope impurity 136
Singlet state 128
Singular point 93 94
Singularity 23 26—28 34 42 52 57 104 133
Singularity, -function 114
Singularity, logarithmic 47 50 91 94
Singularity, square root 89
Singularity, Van Hove 94 96 97
Skeleton, diagram 301 303
Skeleton, path 358
Slave boson operator 306
Small oscillation 83 135
Solid, covalent 79
Solid, crystalline 77 78
Solid, ionic 79
Solid, periodic 70
Solid, tetrahedral 79
Solid, Wigner 313
Solid-state physics 46
Solution, normal 310
Solution, outgoing 115
Sound, propagation 171
Sound, velocity 159
Sound, wave 48 312
Sound, wave, quantized 128
Source 9 24
Source, unit point 9
Spacing, interparticle 313
Specific heat 25 334
Spectrum 4 78 136
Spectrum, Band 84
Spectrum, continuous 8—10 15 42 44 57—59 64 72 113 120 122 200
Spectrum, discrete 8 200
Spectrum, electronic 137
Speed of sound 385
Spherical harmonic 339 347
Spin 127
Spin, flip 134 139
Spin, flip, scattering 133
Spin, operator 344
Spin, part 128
Spring constant 83 164
State, bound 74 75 111 114 118 120 124 128 134 135 139 170 323 427
State, extended 210 226 233
State, ground 128 281
State, localized 209—211 226
State, normal 332
State, propagating 52
State, resonance 111 212
State, scattering 111
State, singlet 128
State, superconducting 334
State, triplet 128
Step function 23
Strip case 225
Strong coupling 130 132
Strong coupling, limit 318
Subband 99
Subband, width 100
Sublattice 80 81
Substitutional impurity 111
Sum rule 114 265
Supercell 166
Superconducting system 129
Superconductivity 124 139 322 333
Superconductivity, high 131
Superconductivity, theory of 69
Superconductor 129 283
Superfluid 312
Superfluid, system 129
Superlattice 166
Surface impedance 377
susceptibility 176
Susceptibility, electric 175 182
Susceptibility, magnetic 134
Symmetry of time reversal 192
Symmetry, time reversal 204
System, disordered 6 15 141 150 167 169 209 221 240
System, Fermi, low-density 333
System, Fermi, normal 332
System, many-body 249
System, normal 278 283 311
System, quasi one-dimensional 223
System, quasi-1-d 215 242
System, quasi-one-dimensional 225
System, random 150 151 169
System, random, 1-d 214
System, superconducting 129
System, superfluid 129
System, TB, 2-d 238
System, three-dimensional 223
System, two-dimensional 223
T-matrix 57 63 65 72 75 115 134 139 142 144 149 152 159 161 168 171 177 178 186 322 364
t-matrix, average 153
Tail in DOS 210 434
Tail, Urbach 210 434
TBH 81 101 111 137 327
TBM 79 80 83 103 136 141 151 186 201 210 220 238 374
TCS (total cross section) 436
Technique, transfer matrix 214
Temperature, critical 130 327
Temperature, finite 219
Tensor, conductivity 174 367
Tensor, magnetoresistance 367
Tensor, resistivity 174
Tetrahedral solid 79
Theorem, Bloch’s 70
Theorem, Cauchy’s 114
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