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Patton P., Jayaswal B. — Design for Trustworthy Software: Tools, Techniques, and Methodology of Developing Robust Software
Patton P., Jayaswal B. — Design for Trustworthy Software: Tools, Techniques, and Methodology of Developing Robust Software

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Название: Design for Trustworthy Software: Tools, Techniques, and Methodology of Developing Robust Software

Авторы: Patton P., Jayaswal B.


This book presents an integrated technology, Design for Trustworthy Software (DFTS), to address software quality issues upstream such that the goal of software quality becomes that of preventing bugs in implementation rather than finding and eliminating them during and after implementation. The thrust of the technology is that major quality deployments take place before a single line of code is written!

This customer-oriented integrated technology can help deliver breakthrough results in cost, quality, and delivery schedule thus meeting and exceeding customer expectations. The authors describe the principles behind the technology as well as their applications to actual software design problems. They present illustrative case studies covering various aspects of DFTS technology including CoSQ, AHP, TRIZ, FMEA, QFD, and Taguchi Methods and provide ample questions and exercises to test the readers understanding of the material in addition to detailed examples of the applications of the technology.

The book can be used to impart organization-wide learning including training for DFTS Black Belts and Master Black Belts. It helps you gain rapid mastery, so you can deploy DFTS Technology quickly and successfully.

Learn how to

• Plan, build,maintain, and improve your trustworthy software development system

• Adapt best practices of quality, leadership, learning, and management for the unique software development milieu

• Listen to the customer’s voice, then guide user expectations to realizable, reliable software products

• Refocus on customer-centered issues such as reliability, dependability, availability, and upgradeability

• Encourage greater design creativity and innovation

• Validate, verify, test, evaluate, integrate, and maintain software for trustworthiness

• Analyze the financial impact of software quality

• Prepare your leadership and infrastructure for DFTS

Design for Trustworthy Software will help you improve quality whether you develop in-house, outsource, consult, or provide support. It offers breakthrough solutions for the entire spectrum of software and quality professionals—from developers to project leaders, chief software architects to customers.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 1st edition

Год издания: 2006

Количество страниц: 798

Добавлена в каталог: 20.10.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
goals of Blitz QFD      
going to gemba      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
Goldfire™ Innovator's Optimizer Workbench      
gradient sensitivity analysis      
graphs      [See charts ; diagrams.]
Guide to Quality Control      
Handbook of Statistical Methods for Engineers and Scientists      
hardware reliability      
Harvard-IBM Sequence-Controlled Calculator      
Hewlett-Packard, FURPS (functionality, usability, reliability, performance, and serviceability)      
Hewlett-Packard, software quality      
Hierarchy Diagrams      2nd
Hierarchy Diagrams, creating      
Hierarchy Diagrams, definition of      
Hierarchy Diagrams, example of      
Hierarchy Diagrams, recommended applications      
high-level flowcharts      
high-tech start-up enterprises, managing complexity in      
histograms, definition of      
histograms, distribution patterns      
histograms, recommended applications      
histograms, specifications      
histograms, stratification      
history of OOP (object-oriented programming)      
history of QFD      
history of software development      
history of Taguchi Methods      
Hoshin Planning      2nd
Host-Marriott QFD (Quality Function Deployment)      
How to Operate QC Circle Activities      
I.D.s (interrelationship diagrams)      
I.D.s (interrelationship diagrams), creating      
I.D.s (interrelationship diagrams), definition of      
I.D.s (interrelationship diagrams), example of      
I.D.s (interrelationship diagrams), recommended applications      
IBM, SanFrancisco™ (SF) project      
IBM, software quality      
ideal synthesis      2nd
IEEE, Metric Set Description Paradigm      
IEEE, Software Quality Metrics Methodology      
implementing DFTS      [See DFTS implementation.]
implicit parameter design      
improvements and gains, freezing      2nd 3rd
improving      [See optimizing.]
in-process quality metrics for software testing      
inadequate reward and incentives for change      
inadequate training      
incentives, impact on software reliability      
incentives, incentives for change      
incoherent development      
incoherent development, Critical Path Method (CPM)      
incoherent development, value management      
incremental implementation      
incremental iterative software development      
incremental software development model      
Indian Statistical Institute      
information technology portfolio alignment      [See IT portfolio alignment.]
informative inspections      
inner arrays (Taguchi Methods)      
inner noise      
innovation, creativity      
innovation, creativity, brainstorming      
innovation, creativity, importance of      
innovation, creativity, key points      
innovation, creativity, Pugh concept selection      
innovation, importance of      
innovation, TRIZ (Teoriya Resheniya Izobreatatelskikh Zadatch)      
innovation, TRIZ, additional resources      
innovation, TRIZ, discussion questions and projects      
innovation, TRIZ, Goldfire™ Innovator's Optimizer Workbench      
innovation, TRIZ, ideality      
innovation, TRIZ, in software development      2nd 3rd
innovation, TRIZ, Internet exercises      
innovation, TRIZ, key points      
innovation, TRIZ, nesting      
innovation, TRIZ, overview of      
innovation, TRIZ, Rea's analogies for Altschuller's inventive principles      
innovation, TRIZ, recursively      
innovation, TRIZ, relationship with QFD and Taguchi Methods      
innovation, TRIZ, resources      
innovation, TRIZ, review questions      
innovation, TRIZ, segmentation      
innovation, TRIZ, solution process      
innovation, TRIZ, TechOptimizer      
installation testing      2nd
Institute for Scientific and Technical Research      
Institute of Management Accountants      2nd
integrating DFTS initiatives      2nd 3rd
integrating DFTS initiatives, additional resources      
integrating DFTS initiatives, challenges of      
integrating DFTS initiatives, cultural changes      
integrating DFTS initiatives, discussion questions and projects      
integrating DFTS initiatives, implementation practices      
integrating DFTS initiatives, integration testing      
integrating DFTS initiatives, Internet exercises      
integrating DFTS initiatives, Internet integration      
integrating DFTS initiatives, key points      
integrating DFTS initiatives, management principles      
integrating DFTS initiatives, problems      
integrating DFTS initiatives, review questions      
integrating DFTS initiatives, Supermarine Spitfire case study      
integration and expansion      
integration testing      
intellectual property      
IntelliJ IDEA 4.5      2nd
interactive control systems      
intermittent function failure mode      
internal customers      
internal rate of return (IRR)      
Internet exercises      
Internet integration      
interrelationship diagrams      
interrelationship diagrams, creating      
interrelationship diagrams, definition of      
interrelationship diagrams, example of      
interrelationship diagrams, recommended applications      
IRR (Internal Rate of Return)      
ISO 14001 standard      
ISO 17799 standard      
ISO 9000-3 standard      
ISO 9001 standard      2nd
IT portfolio alignment      
IT portfolio alignment, challenges of      
IT portfolio alignment, design      
IT portfolio alignment, extensions      
IT portfolio alignment, IT project proposals      
IT portfolio alignment, iterative process phases      
IT portfolio alignment, measurement      
IT portfolio alignment, objectives hierarchy      
IT portfolio alignment, objectivity      
IT portfolio alignment, optimization      
IT portfolio alignment, overview of      
IT portfolio alignment, risk      
IT portfolio alignment, structuring complexity      
IT portfolio alignment, synthesis      
iterative processes      
iterative processes, design      
iterative processes, measurement      
iterative processes, optimization      
iterative processes, structuring complexity      
iterative processes, synthesis      
iterative software development model      
Japan Business Consultants      
Japanese quality management systems      [See Taguchi Methods.]
Japanese Standards Association      
Java Creator      
Java Development Kit (JDK)      
Java middleware      
JDK (Java Development Kit)      
JetBlue Airbus 320 case study      
jidoka (autonomation)      2nd
Johnson and Johnson credo      
judgments, judgment inspections      
judgments, pairwise judgments      
Jurassic Park robotic triceratops project      [See MD Robotics case study.]
kaizen (continuous improvement)      2nd
Kano model      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Kansei Engineering      2nd 3rd 4th
key points      
key roles      
key roles, CEOs      
key roles, CQC (corporate quality council)      
key roles, CQO (Chief Quality Officer)      
key roles, ECs (Executive Champions)      
key roles, PLs (Project Leaders)      
key roles, software engineers      
KJ Method      
KLOC (1,000 lines of code)      
lack of management support      
lack of team cohesiveness      
Landmark™      2nd
launching DFTS initiatives      
launching DFTS initiatives, black belt training      
launching DFTS initiatives, control systems      
launching DFTS initiatives, control systems, belief systems      
launching DFTS initiatives, control systems, boundary systems      
launching DFTS initiatives, control systems, DFTS feedback review framework      
launching DFTS initiatives, control systems, diagnostic control systems      
launching DFTS initiatives, control systems, feedback control systems      
launching DFTS initiatives, control systems, interactive control systems      
launching DFTS initiatives, discussion questions      
launching DFTS initiatives, General Electric Operating System case study      
launching DFTS initiatives, improvements and gains, freezing      
launching DFTS initiatives, integration and expansion      
launching DFTS initiatives, integration and expansion, cultural changes      
launching DFTS initiatives, integration and expansion, implementation practices      
launching DFTS initiatives, integration and expansion, management principles      
launching DFTS initiatives, Internet exercises      
launching DFTS initiatives, key points      
launching DFTS initiatives, learning curricula design      
launching DFTS initiatives, master black belt training      
launching DFTS initiatives, organization-wide learning      
launching DFTS initiatives, overview of      
launching DFTS initiatives, PICS implementation framework      
launching DFTS initiatives, planning      2nd
launching DFTS initiatives, project management      
launching DFTS initiatives, review questions      
launching DFTS initiatives, small software firms and e-cottages      
launching DFTS initiatives, support personnel, training      
launching DFTS initiatives, support personnel, training, Senior Executives and Champions (SEC) seminars      
launching DFTS initiatives, support personnel, training, white belt training      
launching DFTS initiatives, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) case study      
launching DFTS initiatives, training evaluation and certification      
layers of resistance to change      
LCC (life-cycle costs)      2nd
LCLs (lower control limits)      
Lead User Research      2nd
leadership, development      
leadership, preparedness for DFTS      
leadership, preparedness for DFTS, customer focus      
leadership, preparedness for DFTS, leadership challenges      
leadership, preparedness for DFTS, leadership commitment      
leadership, preparedness for DFTS, leadership role      
leadership, preparedness for DFTS, organization-wide participation      
leadership, preparedness for DFTS, quality management capabilities      
leadership, preparedness for DFTS, strategic linkages      
lean DFTS process      
Lean Manufacturing      2nd 3rd
learning, learning curricula design      
learning, organization-wide learning      2nd
levels of CMM (Capability Maturity Model)      
levers of control      [See control systems.]
liability issues      
Life cycle      
life cycle, CoSQ (cost of software quality)      
life cycle, LCC (life-cycle costs)      2nd
life cycle, life-cycle models of software development      
life cycle, life-cycle models of software development, build-and-fix model      
life cycle, life-cycle models of software development, incremental model      
life cycle, life-cycle models of software development, rapid prototyping model      
life cycle, life-cycle models of software development, spiral model      
life cycle, life-cycle models of software development, waterfall model      
life cycle, life-cycle models of software development, XP (Extreme Programming)      2nd
LOC (lines of code)      2nd
loss of quality      
lower control limits (LCLs)      
Machiavelli, Niccolo      
Mahalanobis distance      
Mahalanobis-Taguchi System (MTS)      
maintenance, additional resources      
maintenance, discussion questions and projects      
maintenance, Internet exercises      
maintenance, key points      
maintenance, maintaining software functionality out of existence      
maintenance, overview of      
maintenance, problems      
maintenance, review questions      
maintenance, software field maintenance case study      
major failure      
Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777 case study      
Malcolm Baldridge award      
Management      2nd 3rd 4th
management awareness and buy-in      2nd
Management by Total Results      
management's consensus and commitment, communicating      
management, commitment, lack of      
management, communicating management's consensus and commitment      
management, fourteen points for managers      2nd
management, lack of management support      
management, management awareness and buy-in      2nd
management, management principles, integrating      
management, middle management apathy      
manufactured products, compared to software      
manufacturing variation      
mapping failure modes to sources      
marketing brand-new products      
master black belt training      2nd
matrices, Matrix Data Analysis      
matrices, matrix diagrams      
matrices, matrix diagrams, definition of      
matrices, matrix diagrams, recommended applications      2nd
matrices, orthogonal matrices      2nd
matrices, prioritization matrices      
matrices, prioritization matrices, Combination I.D./Matrix Method      
matrices, prioritization matrices, Consensus Criteria Method      
matrices, prioritization matrices, definition of      
matrices, prioritization matrices, Full Analytical Criteria Method      
Maximum Value Table (MVT)      2nd
MD Robotics case study      2nd
MD Robotics case study, body deployment      
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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