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Patton P., Jayaswal B. — Design for Trustworthy Software: Tools, Techniques, and Methodology of Developing Robust Software
Patton P., Jayaswal B. — Design for Trustworthy Software: Tools, Techniques, and Methodology of Developing Robust Software

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Название: Design for Trustworthy Software: Tools, Techniques, and Methodology of Developing Robust Software

Авторы: Patton P., Jayaswal B.


This book presents an integrated technology, Design for Trustworthy Software (DFTS), to address software quality issues upstream such that the goal of software quality becomes that of preventing bugs in implementation rather than finding and eliminating them during and after implementation. The thrust of the technology is that major quality deployments take place before a single line of code is written!

This customer-oriented integrated technology can help deliver breakthrough results in cost, quality, and delivery schedule thus meeting and exceeding customer expectations. The authors describe the principles behind the technology as well as their applications to actual software design problems. They present illustrative case studies covering various aspects of DFTS technology including CoSQ, AHP, TRIZ, FMEA, QFD, and Taguchi Methods and provide ample questions and exercises to test the readers understanding of the material in addition to detailed examples of the applications of the technology.

The book can be used to impart organization-wide learning including training for DFTS Black Belts and Master Black Belts. It helps you gain rapid mastery, so you can deploy DFTS Technology quickly and successfully.

Learn how to

• Plan, build,maintain, and improve your trustworthy software development system

• Adapt best practices of quality, leadership, learning, and management for the unique software development milieu

• Listen to the customer’s voice, then guide user expectations to realizable, reliable software products

• Refocus on customer-centered issues such as reliability, dependability, availability, and upgradeability

• Encourage greater design creativity and innovation

• Validate, verify, test, evaluate, integrate, and maintain software for trustworthiness

• Analyze the financial impact of software quality

• Prepare your leadership and infrastructure for DFTS

Design for Trustworthy Software will help you improve quality whether you develop in-house, outsource, consult, or provide support. It offers breakthrough solutions for the entire spectrum of software and quality professionals—from developers to project leaders, chief software architects to customers.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 1st edition

Год издания: 2006

Количество страниц: 798

Добавлена в каталог: 20.10.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Testing, regression testing      2nd
testing, review questions      
testing, software      
Testing, system testing      2nd
testing, testing and debugging anomalies
testing, unit or module testing      
Testing, white box testing      
TextPad PDE
The Machine That Changed the World
Theory of Constraints (TOC)      2nd
Theory of Constraints (TOC), complexity
Theory of Constraints (TOC), layers of resistance to change      
Theory of Constraints (TOC), problems
Theory of Constraints (TOC), resources
Theory of Constraints (TOC), Thinking Processes
Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TIPS)      [See TRIZ (Teoriya Resheniya Izobreatatelskikh Zadatch).]
Thinking Processes
Three-Step Model of Permanent Social Change      
throwaway prototype software development model      
Tickit process
time pressure, impact on software reliability      
TOC      [See Theory of Constraints (TOC).]
tolerance design      2nd 3rd
top-down integration testing      
Total quality management (TQM)      2nd
Toyota Production System (TPS)      2nd 3rd
Toyota Production System (TPS), people      
Toyota Production System (TPS), philosophy      
Toyota Production System (TPS), planning
Toyota Production System (TPS), production      
Toyota Production System (TPS), Toyota Production System
Toyota Production System (TPS), Toyota's five corporate values      
TPOV (Teachable Point of View)      
TPS      [See Toyota Production System (TPS).]
TQM (Total Quality Management)      2nd 3rd 4th
tracking CoSQ (Cost of Software Quality)
traditional QFD, problems with "House of Quality" matrix      
traditional QFD, problems with criteria versus solutions
traditional QFD, problems with failures      
traditional QFD, problems with false positives
traditional QFD, problems with poor results
traditional QFD, problems with time requirements      
training, 5S implementation
training, DFTS black belt training      2nd
training, DFTS master black belt training      2nd
training, inadequate training      
training, organization-wide learning
training, support personnel      
training, support personnel, Senior Executives and Champions (SEC) seminars      
training, support personnel, white belt training      
training, TPOV (Teachable Point of View)
training, training evaluation and certification
training, Virtuous Teaching Cycle
tree diagrams      2nd
tree diagrams, creating
tree diagrams, definition of
tree diagrams, example of
tree diagrams, recommended applications
triceratops project      [See MD Robotics case study.]
TRIPS (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving)      [See TRIZ (Teoriya Resheniya Izobreatatelskikh Zadatch).]
TRIZ (Teoriya Resheniya Izobreatatelskikh Zadatch)      
TRIZ, additional resources      
TRIZ, discussion questions and projects      
TRIZ, Goldfire™ Innovator's Optimizer Workbench
TRIZ, ideality
TRIZ, in software development      2nd 3rd
TRIZ, Internet exercises      
TRIZ, key points      
TRIZ, nesting
TRIZ, overview of      
TRIZ, Rea'a analogies for Altschuller's inventive principles      
TRIZ, recursively      
TRIZ, relationship with QFD and Taguchi Methods
TRIZ, resources
TRIZ, review questions
TRIZ, segmentation      
TRIZ, solution process      
TRIZ, TechOptimizer      
trustworthy software
trustworthy software, history of      
trustworthy software, Microsoft Trustworthy Computing Initiative
trustworthy software, Microsoft Trustworthy Computing Initiative, communications      
trustworthy software, Microsoft Trustworthy Computing Initiative, goals of      
trustworthy software, Microsoft Trustworthy Computing Initiative, secure by default      
trustworthy software, Microsoft Trustworthy Computing Initiative, secure by design      
trustworthy software, Microsoft Trustworthy Computing Initiative, secure in deployment      
trustworthy software, nature of trustworthiness
trustworthy software, user expectations
TSP      [See Toyota Production System (TPS).]
UCLs (upper control limits)      
UDEs (undesirable effects)
UML (Uniform Modeling Language)      
uncontrollable factors      
Understanding Media
undesirable effects (UDEs)      
Uniform Modeling Language (UML)
unintended function failure mode      
unique SLOC      
Unit testing
Univac 1107 computers
Univac 1108 computers
Univac Defense Systems      
Universal Studios robotic triceratops project      [See MD Robotics case study.]
unnecessary motion      
unnecessary transportation
unrefusable offers (UROs)      
unreliability, causes of
unstated requirements
upper control limits (UCLs)
upstream internal failure costs
URO (unrefusable offer)      
use cases
users, expectations
users, interaction with
users, obtaining input from
validation, additional resources      
validation, content validity      
validation, criterion-related validity
validation, definition of      2nd
validation, discussion questions
validation, Internet exercises
validation, key points      
validation, predictive validity
validation, problems      
validation, reliability compared to validity      
validation, review questions      
validation, Taguchi Methods for software validation      
Value Engineering      2nd
value, definition of      2nd
value, delivering to customers
value, essential items      
value, of CoSQ analysis
value, value analysis
value, value management      
Verification      2nd
verification, additional resources      
verification, definition of
verification, discussion questions      
verification, Internet exercises      
verification, key points      
verification, problems      
verification, program verification
verification, pseudocode
verification, review questions      
verification, Taguchi Methods for RTOS design verification      
verification, when to perform      
Virtuous Teaching Cycle
visual simulations      
VOC (Voice of the Customer)      2nd 3rd
VOC, CVTs (Customer Voice Tables)      2nd 3rd 4th
VOC, Voice of Customer Analysis      
waste      2nd
waterfall software development model      
WBS (Work Breakdown Structure)
What Is Total Quality Control? The Japanese Way
white belt training
White box testing
Work breakdown structure (WBS)      
work environment, improving      
Work-Out: General Electric (GE) Six Sigma initiative      
worksheets, FMEA analysis worksheet      
wrong implementation strategies      
wrong success indicators      
XmR charts      
XP (Extreme Programming)      2nd
Zero (Defect) Quality Control (ZQC)      [See deploying poka yoke systems.]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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