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Acklen L., O'Brien P. — Special Edition Using WordPerfect Office X3 |
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Insert menu commands, Shapes, Action
Insert menu commands, Sound
Insert menu commands, Variable, Options
Insert menu commands, Variables
Insert menu commands, Watermark
Insert Merge Code dialog (Merge dialog)
Insert Merge Code dialog (Merge dialog), Date option
Insert Merge Code dialog (Merge dialog), fill-in-the-blanks forms, creating
Insert New Outline/List Within Current Outline/List option (Bullets & Numbering dialog)
Insert New Rows Automatically option (Table Format dialog, Table tab)
Insert New Slide button (Presentations)
Insert Object dialog 2nd
Insert Page Break dialog (Quattro Pro)
Insert Page Number dialog
Insert Rows dialog (Quattro Pro)
Insert Rows/Columns dialog (Create Data File dialog)
Insert Sound Clip into Document dialog (Sound Clips dialog)
Insert the Currently Selected Annotation in the Text of the Document button (Reviewer property bar)
insertion points [See also cursors.]
insertion points, footnotes
insertion points, form files (merges), positioning in
insertion points, merges, location in completed merges
insertion points, positioning (formatting)
insertion points, tabs
insertion points, templates, creating for
Insertions tab (Document Compare Settings dialog)
Inserts All Annotations into the Document Text button (Reviewer property bar)
Inside option (Borders/Fill dialog)
Install New Font command (File menu)
Install Wizard 2nd
installing, fonts
installing, Internet Explorer
installing, sound drivers
installing, video drivers
IntelliMouse, zoom adjustments
interactive documents
interactive documents, hyperlinks
interactive documents, hyperlinks, action shapes
interactive documents, hyperlinks, case sensitivity
interactive documents, hyperlinks, creating
interactive documents, hyperlinks, deleting
interactive documents, hyperlinks, documents, linking to
interactive documents, hyperlinks, editing
interactive documents, hyperlinks, graphics
interactive documents, hyperlinks, Internet, linking to
interactive documents, hyperlinks, macros, linking to
interactive documents, hyperlinks, naming
interactive documents, hyperlinks, navigating via
interactive documents, hyperlinks, sound
interactive documents, hyperlinks, styles
interactive documents, hyperlinks, text, appearance of
interactive documents, publishing
interactive documents, sound
interactive documents, video
interactive documents, viewing, requirements for
Intermittent error messages (macros)
Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer, digital signatures
Internet Explorer, Explorer 6, installing
Internet Publisher (Presentations)
Internet Publisher (Presentations), audience-based versus Web-based presentations
Internet Publisher (Presentations), browsers, opening
Internet Publisher (Presentations), case sensitivity
Internet Publisher (Presentations), downloadability, allowing
Internet Publisher (Presentations), explanations, adding
Internet Publisher (Presentations), fancy features, reducing
Internet Publisher (Presentations), hyperlinks
Internet Publisher (Presentations), navigational assistance, providing
Internet Publisher (Presentations), PDF formats
Internet Publisher (Presentations), presentations, saving with
Internet Publisher (Presentations), publishing
Internet Publisher (Presentations), publishing, considerations prior to
Internet Publisher (Presentations), publishing, Web publishing, reasons for
Internet Publisher (Presentations), servers, transferring files to
Internet Publisher (Presentations), troubleshooting
Internet, graphics
Internet, graphics, copying
Internet, graphics, copyrights
Internet, graphics, importing
Internet, graphics, jagged graphics
Internet, Help, Corel Web sites
Internet, hyperlinks
Internet, hyperlinks, automatic hyperlinks
Internet, hyperlinks, creating
Internet, hyperlinks, deleting
Internet, hyperlinks, editing
Internet, hyperlinks, SpeedLinks
intranet hyperlinks
Invalid Field Name error messages 2nd
Invisible option (SpeedLinks)
Italic option (Styles Editor dialog, Font dialog)
italicized text 2nd 3rd
jagged graphics
Join Cells option (Alignment tab)
Join, Cell command (Table menu)
justification 2nd
Justification command 2nd 3rd
Keep Print History option (Print dialog, Advanced tab)
Keep Text Together dialog
Keep Text Together dialog, Block Protect section
Keep Text Together dialog, headings, hard page breaks
Keep Text Together dialog, Widow/Orphan section
Key option (WordPerfect New Sort dialog)
Keyboard Shortcuts dialog
Keyboards tab (Customize Settings dialog), assigning macros to keystrokes
keyboards, access (document accessibility)
keyboards, custom keyboards, copying between templates
keyboards, documents, navigating
keyboards, editing modes
keyboards, focus (document accessibility)
keyboards, shapes, creating
keyboards, shortcuts
keyboards, shortcuts, cursors
keyboards, shortcuts, Find and Replace feature
keyboards, shortcuts, lists, printing
keyboards, shortcuts, lists, saving
keyboards, shortcuts, notebooks, navigating in
keyboards, templates, associating in
keyboards, text, selecting
Label Font tab (Presentations X-Axis Properties dialog)
Labels command (Format menu) 2nd 3rd
Labels dialog 2nd 3rd
labels, creating
labels, data charts (Presentations)
labels, data charts (Presentations), data labels, modifying
labels, data charts (Presentations), X/Y-axis labels, modifying
labels, datasheets (Presentations)
labels, definitions
labels, forms, Address Book entries, inserting into
labels, identical labels
labels, page breaks
Labels, printing 2nd
labels, Quattro Pro
landscape orientation (pages) 2nd
Language Resource Files (LRS files)
Language, Hyphenation command (Tools menu)
Language, Settings command (Tools menu)
languages, foreign language alphabets
languages, switching
languages, Thesaurus
large documents, navigating
Laser Printed option (Labels dialog)
last modified, organizing files by
layers (slides)
Layout Gallery, slideshow layouts
| Layout Layer, creating custom slideshow layouts
Layout option (Internet Publisher)
Layout tab
Layout tab, Page Setup dialog, setting margins
Layout tab, Presentations Print dialog
Layout tab, Print dialog
Layout/Type Properties dialog (Presentations) 2nd
layouts, data charts (Presentations), changing in 2nd
layouts, grouping objects
layouts, organization charts (Presentations)
layouts, slideshows
layouts, slideshows, custom layouts, creating
layouts, slideshows, editable items
layouts, slideshows, elements, modifying
layouts, slideshows, overview
layouts, slideshows, predefined layouts, using
layouts, slideshows, slide-by-slide changes
LDAP directory server address books
leaders (dot)
leading zeros option (Create Format dialog)
Learning Center on the Web (Corel)
Leaving Formatting Codes in Document option (Delete Styles dialog)
Left Align tab
left justification
Left, Right, Top or Bottom option (Table Borders/Fill dialog)
legal documents [See Pleading Expert Designer.]
Legal mode
Legal toolbar 2nd 3rd
Legal Tools, Pleading Expert Designer command (Tools menu)
Legal Tools, Pleading Expert Filler command (Tools menu)
Legend Properties dialog
Legend Properties dialog, Presentations
Legend Properties dialog, Quattro Pro
Legend Type option (Presentations Legend Properties dialog)
legends, data charts 2nd
legends, datasheets (Presentations)
Let Number Change As Pages Are Added or Deleted option (Select Page Numbering Format dialog)
levels, outlines
levels, outlines, adjusting
levels, outlines, defining
levels, outlines, Presentation outlines
levels, outlines, Show Levels button (Outline property bar)
levels, security
levels, table of contents
libraries (macros)
Line command
Line command, Format menu
Line command, Insert menu
Line drawing button (Styles dialog)
Line Numbering dialog
Line option (WordPerfect New Sort dialog)
Line Separator dialog (Advanced Footnote Options dialog)
Line Spacing dialog
Line Style button (Paragraph Border/Fill dialog)
Line tab (Series Property dialog)
line tools (Presentations)
Line, Numbering command (Format menu) 2nd
Line, Other Codes command (Format menu)
Line, Spacing command (Format menu)
lines, graphics
lines, horizontal lines (graphics)
lines, None style
lines, numbering 2nd
lines, page borders
lines, red squiggly
lines, series
lines, shapes (graphics)
lines, spacing 2nd
lines, tables
lines, tables, cells, turning off in
lines, tables, changing in
lines, tables, custom styles
lines, tables, troubleshooting
lines, vertical lines
lines, vertical lines, columns
lines, vertical lines, graphics
Link option (Create from File command)
Link Pie 2 to Slice option (Presentations data chart layouts)
Link to Address Book Field drop-down list (Prompt Builder dialog)
Link to File on Disk option (Insert Sound Clip into Document dialog)
Link to Spreadsheet option (Presentations Named Ranges dialog)
links [See hyperlinks.]
List Box Captions Automatically drop-down list arrow (List tab, Edit List dialog)
List Name list box (List tab, Define List dialog)
List tab (Reference Tools dialog)
List tab (Reference Tools dialog), Define List dialog
List tab (Reference Tools dialog), Edit List dialog
List tab (Reference Tools dialog), lists, marking entries
List view
lists, bulleted lists
lists, bulleted lists, bullets, erasing
lists, bulleted lists, creating 2nd
lists, bulleted lists, editing
lists, bulleted lists, lines, inserting
lists, bulleted lists, nesting
lists, bulleted lists, normal text, converting to
lists, bulleted lists, numbered lists, switching to
lists, bulleted lists, styles, changing
lists, bulleted lists, tab space, reducing
lists, consistency checks
lists, creating
lists, definitions, retrieving
lists, entries
lists, entries, deleting
lists, entries, editing
lists, entries, marking
lists, figure captions 2nd
lists, generating
lists, list definition codes, inserting
lists, Mrk Txt List codes
lists, multiple lists
lists, naming
lists, numbered lists
lists, numbered lists, bulleted lists, switching to
lists, numbered lists, creating
lists, numbered lists, editing
lists, numbered lists, lines, inserting
lists, numbered lists, nesting
lists, numbered lists, normal text, converting to
lists, numbered lists, styles, changing
lists, numbered lists, tab space, reducing
lists, numbered lists, turning on/off
lists, styles, editing
lists, toolbars
Lock Cell to Prevent Changes option (Table Format dialog)
Locked Titles option (Quattro Pro)
locking/unlocking, cell data (spreadsheets) 2nd
locking/unlocking, title rows/columns (spreadsheets)
logical pages
Longname.wcm macro
Loop Sound option (Sound tab Slide Properties dialog)
low level password protection (notebooks)
LRS (Language Resource Files) files
Macro command (Tools menu) 2nd 3rd
Macro Debugger screen (Quattro Pro)
Macro Library tab (Active Notebook dialog)
macro recorder
Macro toolbar
Macro, Edit command (Tools menu) 2nd
Macro, Play command (Tools menu) 2nd 3rd 4th
Macro, Record command (Tools menu)
macros [See also shortcuts.]
macros, assigning
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