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Acklen L., O'Brien P. — Special Edition Using WordPerfect Office X3 |
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sizing, scanned graphics
sizing, watermarks
Skew tab (Table Format dialog)
skewed columns/rows
Skip All option (Spell Checker)
Skip Labels option (Presentations X-Axis Properties dialog)
skipping cursors, troubleshooting
skipping slides
Slide Outliner 2nd
Slide Properties dialog
Slide Properties dialog, Appearance tab
Slide Properties dialog, Appearance tab, backgrounds, changing
Slide Properties dialog, Appearance tab, skipping slides
Slide Properties dialog, Appearance tab, slide layouts
Slide Properties dialog, Display Sequence tab
Slide Properties dialog, Sound tab
Slide Properties dialog, Speaker Notes tab
Slide Properties dialog, Transition tab
Slide Sorter 2nd
slides, adding
slides, aesthetic properties of
slides, bullet boxes
slides, bullet boxes, customizing boxes
slides, bullet boxes, customizing bullets
slides, bullet boxes, preset animations
slides, bullet boxes, working with
slides, components of
slides, creating
slides, data charts (Presentations), converting to
slides, handouts, printing
slides, navigating
slides, printing 2nd
slides, properties, modifying
slides, recycling between shows
slides, skipping
slides, text boxes
slides, text boxes, adding
slides, text boxes, aesthetic modifications 2nd
slides, text boxes, contouring to shapes
slides, text boxes, sizing
slides, text boxes, special effects, adding
slides, text boxes, WordPerfect's correlated options
slides, title boxes
slides, troubleshooting
slides, writing tools
Slideshows 2nd 3rd
slideshows, animation
slideshows, animation, bullets
slideshows, animation, graphics/text boxes
slideshows, animation, overview
slideshows, animation, preset bullet animations
slideshows, animation, reducing for the Web
slideshows, animation, transitions and
slideshows, audiences
slideshows, audiences, Audience Notes, printing
slideshows, audiences, Custom Audience feature (Presentations)
slideshows, audiences, determining
slideshows, audiences, engaging
slideshows, backgrounds
slideshows, backgrounds, colors
slideshows, backgrounds, custom backgrounds, creating
slideshows, backgrounds, design backgrounds, changing
slideshows, backgrounds, grouping objects
slideshows, backgrounds, omitting
slideshows, backgrounds, overview
slideshows, bullets, adding links
slideshows, Custom Audience feature (Presentations)
slideshows, design gallery
slideshows, display sequences, choosing
slideshows, Drawing mode (Presentations), comparing to
slideshows, handouts, printing
slideshows, layouts
slideshows, layouts, custom layouts, creating
slideshows, layouts, editable items
slideshows, layouts, elements of, modifying
slideshows, layouts, grouping objects
slideshows, layouts, overview
slideshows, layouts, predefined layouts, using
slideshows, layouts, slide-by-slide changes
slideshows, master templates, creating
slideshows, media objects, inserting
slideshows, movies, adding
slideshows, navigating
slideshows, outlines
slideshows, playing
Slideshows, saving
slideshows, Show On the Go feature
slideshows, Slide Sorter
slideshows, slides
slideshows, slides, adding
slideshows, slides, aesthetic properties of
slideshows, slides, bullet boxes
slideshows, slides, components of
slideshows, slides, creating
slideshows, slides, data charts (Presentations), converting to
slideshows, slides, handouts, printing
slideshows, slides, navigating
slideshows, slides, printing 2nd
slideshows, slides, properties, modifying
slideshows, slides, recycling between shows
slideshows, slides, skipping
slideshows, slides, text boxes 2nd
slideshows, slides, title boxes
slideshows, slides, troubleshooting
slideshows, slides, writing tools
slideshows, sounds
slideshows, sounds, background sounds, inserting
slideshows, sounds, clips, inserting
slideshows, sounds, music 2nd
slideshows, Speaker Notes
slideshows, Speaker Notes, overview
slideshows, Speaker Notes, printing
slideshows, Speaker Notes, Web-based presentations
slideshows, SpeedLinks/SpeedKeys
slideshows, text
slideshows, transitions, animation
slideshows, troubleshooting 2nd
SmartQuotes 2nd
Snap to Grid feature (Presentations)
Soft Hyphen option (Other Codes dialog)
Soft/Loud option (Sound tab Slide Properties dialog)
software, SDK (Software Developer's Kit)
software, sound recorders
software, speech recognition
solution cells (Optimizer)
Solve For feature (Quattro Pro)
Solve tool (Optimizer)
Sort command 2nd
Sort dialog
Sort Order option (New Sort dialog)
Sort Slice option (Presentations data chart layouts)
sorting, Address Book entries
sorting, concordance file entries
sorting, data files (merges)
sorting, database data
sorting, files
sorting, indented paragraphs, troubleshooting
sorting, sheet data 2nd
Sound Clips dialog
Sound command (Insert menu)
Sound option (Bulleted List Properties dialog)
Sound Recorder program (Sound Clips dialog)
Sound tab (Slide Properties dialog)
sound, document accessibility, adapting to
sound, drivers, installing
sound, MIDI (.mid) file formats
| sound, multimedia documents
sound, Presentations slideshows
sound, recording 2nd 3rd
sound, recordings, transcribing
sound, requirements for
sound, sound cards
sound, speech recognition software
sound, spreadsheets, adding to
sound, troubleshooting
sound, wav file formats
Source list (Edit Page Definition dialog)
Source text box (Copy/Remove Template Objects dialog)
Space Between Notes text box (Advanced Footnote Options dialog)
Space Between text box (Columns dialog)
Spacing palette (Box Border/Fill dialog)
spacing, bullets
spacing, lines
spacing, paragraphs
Speaker Notes
Speaker Notes, overview
Speaker Notes, printing
Speaker Notes, Web-based presentations
special characters
special characters, fonts
special characters, inserting
special characters, troubleshooting
Special Effects dialog (Presentations)
special effects, slideshow text
Speech recognition
speech recognition, document accessibility
speech recognition, software
Speed option (Bulleted List Properties dialog)
SpeedFormat, databases, importing/exporting to tables
SpeedFormat, Formats list box
SpeedFormat, tables
SpeedKeys 2nd
SpeedLinks tab (QuickCorrect)
SpeedLinks, acronyms
SpeedLinks, case sensitivity
SpeedLinks, inserting
SpeedLinks, slideshows
SpeedLinks, sounds, inserting
SpeedLinks, troubleshooting
SpeedLinks, URL
spell checker
Spell Checker, Auto Replace option
Spell Checker, changes, undoing
Spell Checker, customizing
Spell Checker, dictionaries, converting via Spell Utility
Spell Checker, languages, switching
Spell Checker, main word lists
Spell Checker, misspelled words
Spell Checker, Print Preview toolbar option
Spell Checker, Skip All option
Spell Checker, spreadsheets
Spell Checker, troubleshooting
Spell Checker, turning on/off
Spell Checker, word lists
Spell Checker, word lists, converting
Spell Checker, word lists, creating
Spell Checker, word lists, editing
Spell Checker, word lists, main
Spell Checker, word lists, user
Spell Checker, word lists, versions
Spell Checker, word processing files, converting
Spell Checker, words
Spell Checker, words, adding 2nd
Spell Checker, words, deleting
Spell Checker, words, skipping
Spell Checker/Grammatik/Thesaurus/Dictionary dialog
Spell-As-You-Go feature
Spell-As-You-Go feature, troubleshooting
Spell-As-You-Go feature, turning on/off
Spell-As-You-Go feature, words, correcting
spinner arrows (line spacing)
Split Cell dialog
Split, Cell command (Table menu)
Split, QuickSplit Row/Column command (Table menu)
splitting footnotes
Spreadsheet Page Setup dialog (Quattro Pro)
Spreadsheet Print dialog (Quattro Pro)
spreadsheets [See also datasheets.]
spreadsheets, backups
spreadsheets, cells
spreadsheets, cells, addresses 2nd
spreadsheets, cells, borders
spreadsheets, cells, clearing
spreadsheets, cells, Constraints cells (Optimizer), defining
spreadsheets, cells, copying
spreadsheets, cells, cutting/pasting 2nd
spreadsheets, cells, data entry, QuickFill feature
spreadsheets, cells, deleting
spreadsheets, cells, dragging/dropping 2nd
spreadsheets, cells, editing
spreadsheets, cells, Expense formulas
spreadsheets, cells, fill series
spreadsheets, cells, floating cells
spreadsheets, cells, formulas, troubleshooting
spreadsheets, cells, information, finding/replacing 2nd
spreadsheets, cells, inserting
spreadsheets, cells, joining
spreadsheets, cells, locking/unlocking 2nd
spreadsheets, cells, name tables 2nd
spreadsheets, cells, naming
spreadsheets, cells, numeric formatting 2nd
spreadsheets, cells, Retirement Income Plan template formulas (Quattro Pro)
spreadsheets, cells, Salary formulas
spreadsheets, cells, seed values
spreadsheets, cells, selecting
spreadsheets, cells, shading
spreadsheets, cells, solution cells
spreadsheets, cells, styles, applying
spreadsheets, cells, text, aligning
spreadsheets, cells, troubleshooting
spreadsheets, cells, undoing/redoing actions
spreadsheets, cells, Variable cells (Optimizer), defining
spreadsheets, columns
spreadsheets, columns, adding
spreadsheets, columns, clearing
spreadsheets, columns, copying
spreadsheets, columns, cutting/pasting
spreadsheets, columns, deleting 2nd
spreadsheets, columns, dragging/dropping
spreadsheets, columns, hiding/revealing
spreadsheets, columns, hyphenating text in
spreadsheets, columns, inserting
spreadsheets, columns, locking/unlocking
spreadsheets, columns, outline groups
spreadsheets, columns, selecting
spreadsheets, columns, width, adjusting
spreadsheets, consolidating data
spreadsheets, data entry
spreadsheets, data files (merges), exporting data to
spreadsheets, datasheets (Presentations), expo rting to
spreadsheets, files, importing
spreadsheets, filtering data 2nd
spreadsheets, formulas
spreadsheets, formulas, calculation errors, troubleshooting
spreadsheets, formulas, cell addresses 2nd
spreadsheets, formulas, cell names, troubleshooting
spreadsheets, formulas, copying
spreadsheets, formulas, editing
spreadsheets, formulas, elapsed time, calculating
spreadsheets, formulas, entering
spreadsheets, formulas, Formula Composer
spreadsheets, formulas, mathematical characters table
spreadsheets, formulas, order of precedence
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