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Acklen L., O'Brien P. — Special Edition Using WordPerfect Office X3 |
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codes, HRt codes, separating records
codes, Hyperlink Begin codes
codes, Mark Text codes
codes, reveal codes
codes, reveal codes, printing
codes, reveal codes, turning on/off
codes, searching, Find and Replace feature
codes, subdocuments, accidentally deleted from
codes, Unknown codes
codes, variables
codes, variables, creating
codes, variables, options
codes, variables, saving/retrieving
codes, variables, views
collaboration, comments
collaboration, digital signatures
collaboration, Document Compare feature
collaboration, Document Review feature
collaboration, document routing
collaboration, highlighting
collaboration, highlighting, colors, changing
collaboration, highlighting, deleting
collaboration, highlighting, hiding
collaboration, highlighting, text
collapsing, organization chart branches (Presentations)
collapsing, outlines
Color Adjustment option (Quick 3-D)
Color button (Paragraph Border/Fill dialog)
Color option (Bulleted List Properties dialog)
color, applying
color, backgrounds, data charts (Presentations)
color, borders, changing
color, color wheel
color, comments, adding
color, customizing
color, drop shadows, changing in
color, highlighting, changing when
color, page numbers
color, palettes 2nd
color, redline color, turning on/off
color, revisions, Document Review
color, schemes (Presentations)
color, series
color, slides
color, strikeout color, turning on/off
color, text color, applying to cells (spreadsheets)
Column Between style
Column Between style, Available Border Styles list box
Column Between style, Columns Border/Fill dialog
column border (Quattro Pro)
Column option
Column option, Presentations data chart layouts
Column option, WordPerfect New Sort dialog
Column Widths section (Columns dialog)
Columns Border/Fill dialog
Columns command (Format menu) 2nd
Columns dialog 2nd
columns, adding 2nd
columns, Address Book, displaying in
columns, aligning, troubleshooting
columns, Balanced Newspaper columns 2nd
columns, borders
columns, datasheets, including/excluding from
columns, defining
columns, deleting 2nd 3rd
Columns, Discontinue command (Format menu)
columns, dragging/dropping 2nd
columns, fills
columns, gutters
columns, headings
columns, hyphenating words
columns, indicators, displaying
columns, inserting 2nd
columns, justification, troubleshooting
columns, keyboard shortcuts
columns, moving
columns, multiple columns
columns, navigating
columns, Newspaper columns 2nd 3rd
columns, Parallel columns
columns, QuickTips
columns, selecting 2nd
columns, separators
columns, setting up
columns, skewed columns
columns, splitting
columns, spreadsheets [See also data series (columns).]
columns, spreadsheets, adding, troubleshooting
columns, spreadsheets, clearing
columns, spreadsheets, copying
columns, spreadsheets, cutting/pasting
columns, spreadsheets, deleting 2nd
columns, spreadsheets, dragging/dropping
columns, spreadsheets, hiding/revealing
columns, spreadsheets, inserting
columns, spreadsheets, locking/unlocking
columns, spreadsheets, outline groups
columns, spreadsheets, selecting
columns, spreadsheets, width, adjusting
columns, tables, creating in
columns, tabular columns, converting to tables
columns, text
columns, text, deleting
columns, text, formatting
columns, titles
columns, turning on/off
columns, types of
columns, typing/editing in
columns, vertical lines
columns, width, adjusting 2nd 3rd 4th
combination page numbers
Comment codes
Comment, Create command (Insert menu)
comment-editing window
comments, colors, inserting
comments, creating
comments, dates, inserting
comments, deleting
comments, Draft view
comments, editing
comments, icons, hiding
comments, initials, inserting
comments, inserting
comments, names, inserting
comments, Page view
comments, printing
comments, shaded boxes
comments, text, converting to
comments, times, inserting
comments, viewing
Compare button (Field Options dialog)
Compare Only option (Document Compare feature)
Compare/Review option (Document Compare feature) 2nd
comparing, documents, Document Compare feature
comparing, styles and macros
Compatibility toolbar, exporting WordPerfect documents
compression (files)
Concord macro
Concordance File dialog (Define Index dialog)
concordance files 2nd
Cond 1 text box (Select Records dialog)
Condense Master button (Reference toolbar)
Condense/Save Subdocuments dialog
condensing master documents
| Conditional End of Page feature 2nd
Connectors dialog (Presentations)
Consolidate Expert (Quattro Pro)
Constraints cells (Optimizer)
Constraints tab 2nd
Contacts (Outlook), exporting as .csv files
Contents dialog (Styles Editor dialog)
Contour Text dialog
Contrast tool (Image Tools dialog)
conversion drivers
conversion filters
Conversion Utility
Convert command (Table menu)
Convert End to Foot button (Shipping Macros toolbar)
Convert File Format dialog
Convert Foot to End button (Shipping Macros toolbar)
Convert Settings dialog, setting ASCII delimiters
Convert Template dialog
Convert Text to Merge Data File (.dat) option (Convert: Table to Text dialog)
Convert: Table to Text dialog 2nd 3rd
converting, documents 2nd
converting, endnotes to footnotes
converting, footnotes to endnotes
converting, quotation marks to SmartQuotes
converting, templates
converting, word lists (Spell Checker)
Copy and Paste feature
Copy and Paste feature, Quattro Pro
Copy and Paste feature, QuickMenu
Copy Cells dialog (Quattro Pro)
Copy command
Copy command, Edit menu 2nd
Copy command, Options menu
Copy command, QuickMenu
Copy Formula dialog
Copy Project command (Options menu)
Copy to Folder command (Edit menu)
Copy/Remove Object dialog (Template toolbar) 2nd 3rd
copying, basic copying/cutting command
copying, cells (spreadsheets) 2nd
copying, columns (spreadsheets)
copying, files
copying, folders
copying, formulas
copying, keyboards, between templates
copying, macros
copying, menus, between templates
copying, rows (spreadsheets)
copying, styles (Quattro Pro)
copying, tables
copying, template objects
copying, text 2nd 3rd
copying, toolbars, between templates
copyrights (Internet graphics)
Corel on the Web command (Help menu)
Corel, ftp site
Corel, Help Web site
Corel, Learning Center on the Web
CorelCENTRAL Address Book [See Address Book.]
CorelCENTRAL button (Open Address Book dialog)
Corner Style and Color option (Bulleted List Properties dialog)
correcting text
Count Blank Lines option (Line Numbering dialog)
Counter dialog (Reference Tools dialog, Cross Reference tab)
counters, creating graphics box cross-references
Court Name section (Pleading Expert Designer)
Coworker option (organization charts)
Create a New Address Book button (Address Book toolbar)
Create a New Address Entry button (Address Book dialog)
Create Bookmark dialog
Create Category command (Options menu)
Create command (Table menu)
Create command (Table menu), field names, entering
Create command (Table menu), Format Records in a Table check box
Create command (Table menu), Insert Rows/Columns dialog
Create command (Table menu), Name Field text box
Create command (Table menu), Quick Data Entry dialog
Create command (Table menu), Save File dialog
Create command (Table menu), Table Format dialog
Create command (Table menu),Create Data File dialog
Create Format dialog (Bullets & Numbering dialog)
Create from File command (Insert Object dialog)
Create Graphics Line dialog
Create New tab 2nd 3rd 4th
Create option (Footnote/Endnote dialog)
Create QuickShow option (Play Slideshow dialog)
Create Table dialog
Create Table dialog, columns, displaying number of
Create Table dialog, Drag to Create a New Table option
Create Table dialog, floating cells
Create Table dialog, opening
Create Table dialog, rows, displaying number of
Create Table dialog, SpeedFormat feature
Create Web Query dialog (Quattro Pro)
Create WP Template dialog
Create/Edit Pleading section (Pleading Expert Designer)
Create/Modify Series dialog (QuickFill feature)
Cross Reference tab (Reference Tools dialog)
Cross Tabs feature (Quattro Pro) 2nd
cross-references [See also references.]
crosshairs line shapes
CrossTab Options dialog (Quattro Pro)
CrossTab Report dialog (Quattro Pro)
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
ctrlm.wcm macro
cursors [See also insertion points.]
cursors, keyboard shortcuts
cursors, moving
cursors, shadow cursors
cursors, skipping cursors, troubleshooting
Custom Address Format dialog (Format Address Book dialog)
Custom Audience feature (Presentations)
Custom Border dialog (Table Borders/Fills dialog)
Custom Page Numbering dialog
Custom Page Numbering dialog, custom numbering schemes, creating
Custom Page Numbering dialog, Insert in Format
Custom Page Numbering dialog, page numbering styles, creating
Custom tab (Chart Type Gallery)
Custom WP Templates category (Create New tab)
Custom WP Templates category (Create New tab), Edit WP Template option 2nd 3rd
Custom WP Templates category (Create New tab), Styles Editor dialog
Customize Button dialog, macro buttons
Customize Settings dialog
Customize Settings dialog, Keyboards tab, assigning macros to keystrokes
Customize Settings dialog, keyboards, copying between templates
Customize Settings dialog, Menus tab, assigning macros to menus
Customize Settings dialog, menus, copying templates between
Customize Settings dialog, Toolbar Editor dialog
Customize Settings dialog, Toolbar Options dialog
Customize Settings dialog, toolbars
Customize Settings dialog, toolbars, macros, assigning to
Customize Settings dialog, toolbars, templates, copying between
customizing, Address Book
customizing, color
customizing, Dictionary
customizing, Document Compare
customizing, document summary fields
customizing, fast searches
customizing, Format-As-You-Go feature (QuickCorrect)
customizing, Grammatik
customizing, keyboards, copying between templates
customizing, page-numbering schemes
customizing, print settings
customizing, Spell Checker
customizing, styles
customizing, styles, creating
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