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Acklen L., O'Brien P. — Special Edition Using WordPerfect Office X3
Acklen L., O'Brien P. — Special Edition Using WordPerfect Office X3

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Название: Special Edition Using WordPerfect Office X3

Авторы: Acklen L., O'Brien P.


Special Edition Using WordPerfect Office X3 is crammed full of tips, tricks, and practical examples that you won’t find anywhere else! Covering all of the applications within WordPerfect Office Standard including WordPerfect, Quattro Pro, and Presentations, this is an all-inclusive reference for every user. Whether you are just looking to learn the new features of the latest version or need to know how to use the entire feature set more effectively, this book will answer all the questions you have along the way.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Руководства по программному обеспечению/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2006

Количество страниц: 1008

Добавлена в каталог: 14.10.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Page Setup dialog, Print Preview toolbar      
Page Setup dialog, Restore button      
Page Setup dialog, slide backgrounds, creating      
Page Styles option (Internet Publisher)      
Page view      
Page view, comments      
Page view, footnotes      
Page view, headers/footers      
Page view, page breaks, inserting      
Page view, subdocuments      
page x of y page numbers      
Page, Border/Fill command (Format menu)      
Page, Center command (Format menu)      
Page, Delay Codes command (Format menu)      
Page, Force Page command (Format menu)      
Page, Insert Page Number command (Format menu)      
Page, Numbering command (Format menu)      2nd 3rd
Page, Page Setup command (Format menu)      
Page, Suppress command (Format menu)      
pages, divided pages (booklets)      
pages, formatting      
pages, formatting, margins      
pages, formatting, page breaks      
pages, graphics lines, applying to      
pages, index pages, creating      
pages, landscape orientation      
pages, letterheads      
pages, logical      
pages, paper size      
pages, paper size, choosing      
pages, paper size, custom sizes      
pages, paper size, default size, replacing      
pages, paper size, deleting      
pages, paper size, restoring      
pages, Print dialog option      
pages, selected pages, printing      
pages, sizing      
pages, subdividing      
pages, tables, positioning      
paint roller pointer (QuickFormat)      
Paintbrush tool (Presentations)      
paired codes      
paired styles      
Paper Feed option (Print dialog, Advanced tab)      
paper, letterheads      
paper, sizes      
paper, sizes, choosing      
paper, sizes, custom sizes      
paper, sizes, default sizes, replacing      
paper, sizes, deleting      
paper, sizes, printing      
paper, sizes, restoring      
paper, sizes, WordPerfect default setting      
Parabrk.wcm macro      
Paragraph Border/Fill dialog      
Paragraph Border/Fill dialog, Apply Border to Current Paragraph Only option      
Paragraph Border/Fill dialog, Available Border Styles list box      
Paragraph Border/Fill dialog, Color button      
Paragraph Border/Fill dialog, Discontinue button      
Paragraph Border/Fill dialog, Fill tab      
Paragraph Border/Fill dialog, Line Style button      
Paragraph Border/Fill dialog, opening      
Paragraph Border/Fill dialog, Shadow tab      
Paragraph command (Format menu)      
Paragraph Format dialog      
Paragraph, Border/Fill command (Format menu)      2nd
Paragraph, Drop Cap command (Format menu)      
Paragraph, Format command (Format menu)      
paragraphs, borders, removing      
paragraphs, drop caps      
paragraphs, graphics lines, applying to      
paragraphs, indenting, troubleshooting      
paragraphs, numbering, table of contents      
paragraphs, spacing      
paragraphs, styles      
paragraphs, styles, applying      
paragraphs, styles, troubleshooting      
paragraphs, titles, splitting      
Parallel columns      
Parallel with Block Protect columns      
Parse Tree diagrams (Grammatik)      
partial-circle effects (shapes)      
Parties section (Pleading Expert Filler)      
Parts of Speech diagrams (Grammatik)      
Password Level tab (Notebook Properties dialog)      
Password Protect option      
Password Protect option, Save File dialog      
Password Protect option, Save Template dialog      
passwords, case sensitivity      
passwords, cracking      
passwords, file security      
passwords, notebooks      2nd
passwords, PDF documents      
passwords, security levels      
passwords, templates      
Paste button (Quattro Pro)      
Paste command      
Paste command, Edit menu      2nd 3rd
Paste command, QuickMenu      
Paste Special dialog      
Paste Special dialog, Quattro Pro      2nd
Paste Special dialog, WordPerfect      
Pasting      [See cutting/pasting.]
paths, fast searches      
paths, hyperlinks      
paths, modifying, default folders      
Pattern button      
Pattern button, Font Properties dialog      
Pattern button, Paragraph Border/Fill dialog, Fill tab      
Pause Printing command (Document menu)      
Pause While Recording/Executing a Macro button (Macro toolbar)      
pausing print jobs      
PDF (Portable Document Format)      
PDF Import dialog      
PDF, documents      
PDF, documents, converting/opening for WordPerfect      
PDF, documents, saving WordPerfect documents as      
PDF, Internet publishing (Presentations)      2nd
percentage rates (data analysis), troubleshooting      
percentile and rank calculations, Analysis Expert (Quattro Pro)      
PerfectExpert      2nd 3rd 4th
PerfectExpert, accessing      2nd
PerfectExpert, Address Book dialog      
PerfectExpert, Create New tab      2nd
PerfectExpert, custom styles, saving to templates      
PerfectExpert, documents      
PerfectExpert, documents, editing      
PerfectExpert, documents, templates, creating from      
PerfectExpert, Edit WP Template dialog      
PerfectExpert, Edit WP Template dialog, Prompt Builder dialog      
PerfectExpert, Edit WP Template dialog, templates, converting      
PerfectExpert, Go Back button      
PerfectExpert, Go Forward button      
PerfectExpert, Help Topics dialog      
PerfectExpert, Learning Center on the Web (Corel), accessing      
PerfectExpert, Microsoft Word mode      
PerfectExpert, mortarboard button      
PerfectExpert, navigating      
PerfectExpert, New Project/Existing Document option      
PerfectExpert, Newsletter page      
PerfectExpert, Presentations, starting      
PerfectExpert, question mark button      
PerfectExpert, Set Up the Document page      
PerfectExpert, Standard Fax project, Fax Cover Sheet Heading dialog      
PerfectExpert, starting      
PerfectExpert, Table page      
PerfectExpert, Template toolbar      
PerfectExpert, templates      
PerfectExpert, templates, building      
PerfectExpert, templates, choosing      
PerfectExpert, templates, customizing      
PerfectExpert, templates, documents, creating      
PerfectExpert, templates, editing      
PerfectExpert, templates, opening      
PerfectExpert, Work On tab      
PerfectScript, macros      
PerfectScript, message box, re-enabling      
PerfectScript, templates      
Person option (Address Book dialog, New dialog)      
Personal Fields dialog (Prompt Builder dialog)      
perspective, Presentations 3D data charts      
perspective, Quick 3-D      
photos, adding to data files (merges)      
pie data charts (Presentations)      
Placement button (Header/Footer dialog)      
Play button (Windows Media Player)      
Play Macro dialog      
Play Macro dialog, accessing      
Play Macro dialog, Endfoot option      
Play Macro dialog, Footend option      
Play Slideshow dialog (Presentations)      
Pleading button (Legal toolbar)      
pleading documents      
Pleading Expert Designer      
Pleading Expert Designer, Court Name section      
Pleading Expert Designer, Create/Edit Pleading section      
Pleading Expert Designer, pleading styles, creating      
Pleading Expert Filler      
Pleading Expert Filler, Attorneys & Firms section
Pleading Expert Filler, Case Selection section      
Pleading Expert Filler, Existing Cases list      
Pleading Expert Filler, Parties section      
Pleading Expert Filler, Select Court section      2nd
Pleading Expert Filler, Title & Case No. section
pleading macros      
Pleading Paper dialog      
Pleading Paper macros      2nd 3rd
pleading.wcm macro      
plus sign (+) operator      
Pocket Oxford Dictionary      
portrait orientations      
Position drop-down list arrow      
Position drop-down list arrow, Index tab, Define Index dialog      
Position drop-down list arrow, List tab, Edit List dialog      
Position option      
Position option, Bulleted List Properties dialog      
Position option, Presentations Legend Properties dialog      
Post Close macro trigger      
Post New macro trigger      
Post Open macro trigger      
Post Print macro trigger      
Post Startup macro trigger      
Post Switch Doc macro trigger      
Post Tables macro trigger      
Poster feature (Presentations Drawing mode)      
PowerPoint mode (Presentations)      
PowerPoint, Presentations, using PowerPoint objects      
PowerPoint, saving slideshows for      
Pre Close macro trigger      
Pre New macro trigger      
Pre Open macro trigger      
Pre Print macro trigger      
Pre Switch Doc macro trigger      
Pre Tables macro trigger      
Precedence arrows (Consolidate Expert)      
Presentations Drawing option (PerfectExpert dialog)      
Presentations Slideshow option (PerfectExpert dialog)      
Presentations, animations      
Presentations, bullet boxes      
Presentations, bullet boxes, customizing boxes      
Presentations, bullet boxes, customizing bullets      
Presentations, bullet boxes, preset animations      
Presentations, bullet boxes, working with      
Presentations, chart editor, editing datasheets      
Presentations, color schemes, slideshows and      
Presentations, Custom Audience feature, creating custom slideshows      
Presentations, data charts, comparing to      
Presentations, Design Gallery      
Presentations, Design Gallery, slides, backgrounds      
Presentations, Design Gallery, slides, changing      
Presentations, Design Gallery, slides, choosing      
Presentations, Design Gallery, slideshow master templates      
Presentations, Drawing mode      2nd
Presentations, exiting      
Presentations, graphics      
Presentations, graphics, bitmaps, editing      
Presentations, graphics, bitmaps, saving      
Presentations, graphics, editing      
Presentations, graphics, grouping/ungrouping      
Presentations, graphics, layers, working with      
Presentations, handouts, printing      2nd
Presentations, Internet Publisher      
Presentations, Internet publishing      
Presentations, Internet publishing, audience-based versus Web-based presentations      
Presentations, Internet publishing, considerations before publishing      
Presentations, Internet publishing, explanations, adding      
Presentations, Internet publishing, fancy features, reducing      
Presentations, Internet publishing, hyperlinks      
Presentations, Internet publishing, navigational assistance, providing      
Presentations, Internet publishing, PDF format, using      
Presentations, Internet publishing, reasons for Web publishing      
Presentations, Internet publishing, servers, transferring files to      
Presentations, Internet publishing, troubleshooting      
Presentations, media objects, inserting      
Presentations, modes, switching between      
Presentations, movies, adding      
Presentations, objects, saving      
Presentations, organization charts      
Presentations, organization charts, boxes      
Presentations, organization charts, branches, collapsing/zooming      
Presentations, organization charts, layouts      
Presentations, organization charts, opening      
Presentations, organization charts, overview      
Presentations, organization charts, styles, modifying      
Presentations, organization charts, subordinates/co-workers, adding/removing      
Presentations, organization charts, troubleshooting      
Presentations, organization charts, WordPerfect hierarchical data, importing      
Presentations, PowerPoint      
Presentations, PowerPoint, comparing to      
Presentations, PowerPoint, importing objects from      
Presentations, preset animations      
Presentations, QuickMenu, playing slideshows      
Presentations, QuickPlay view      
Presentations, screen layout, touring      
Presentations, shapes      
Presentations, shapes, closed shape tools, using      
Presentations, shapes, line tools, using      
Presentations, shapes, overview      
Presentations, shapes, properties, modifying      
Presentations, show files (.shw)      
Presentations, Show on the Go feature      
Presentations, Slide Outliner, overview      
Presentations, Slide Sorter      
Presentations, slides      
Presentations, slides, adding      
Presentations, slides, bullet boxes      
Presentations, slides, components of      
Presentations, slides, creating      
Presentations, slides, data charts, converting to      
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