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Herrington J. — Podcasting Hacks |
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(Cool) Shite on the Tube podcast
--longhelp command-line argument (lame)
.elp format
.forward file
.torrent file 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
a cappellas 2nd 3rd
A versus B mash-ups 2nd
AAC (Advanced Audio Coding) format 2nd
Ableton Live
AC-3 format
accent coaching
ACID (Sony), creating music 2nd 3rd
ACID (Sony), mash-ups and 2nd 3rd
Acoustic Rooms
ActiveState Perl, installing 2nd 3rd
ActiveState Perl, Podcastamatic and
ActiveState Perl, podcatchers and
ActiveState Perl, Tk support
ActiveSync program 2nd
Add or Remove Programs control panel
Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) format
AeroPlayer player
AGC (automatic gain control)
Aggregators, Libsyn directory and
Aggregators, RSS feeds and
Aggregators, tracking blog mentions
ahs 2nd
AIF files
AIFF (Audio Interchange File Format)
Air America Radio network
AKG microphones 2nd 3rd
Album field (MP3 files)
Alesis portable mixers
All Music web site
All Podcasts directory
AltaVista Audio site
Alto microphone preamps
Amazon.com, Associates program
Amazon.com, Honor System
Amazon.com, sports section 2nd
Ambience, adding background
Ambience, interviews and
Ambience, wind noise as
AMEK microphone preamp
American Press Institute
Amplitude graph
Amplitude, graphic equalizers and
Amplitude, men's voices
Amplitude, of signals 2nd
Amplitude, parametric equalizers and
Analog sound 2nd
Analogue Samples site
ANT client
Apache web server 2nd
APHEX 320A Compellor
Apis 2nd
AppleScript Studio 2nd 3rd 4th
AppleScript, Audio Hijack Pro and
AppleScript, automation toolkit
AppleScript, speech synthesis and 2nd
Archos portable media player
ART microphone preamps
Artful editing 2nd 3rd
Artist field (MP3 files)
ASCAP, composer rights and
ASCAP, copyrighted material and
ASCAP, podcast songlist and
ASCII characters
Atom syndication standard 2nd
ATRAC3plus format (Sony)
Attack parameter (compression)
Attenuating signals
Audacity application, beercasts
Audacity application, changing speed and 2nd
Audacity application, compressor support
Audacity application, diffing signal
Audacity application, enveloping and
Audacity application, functionality
Audacity application, ID3 tags and
Audacity application, maintaining consistent levels and
Audacity application, multitrack editing and
Audacity application, pitch shifting and
Audacity application, plug-ins and
Audacity application, political podcasts
Audacity application, room equalization
Audacity application, sports podcasts
Audacity application, tunable noise filters
Audacity application, WAV format
Audience, beercasts and
Audience, keeping engaged
Audience, knowing the
Audio Converter for HotRecorder application
Audio Hijack Pro application, automating
Audio Hijack Pro application, cart programs
Audio Hijack Pro application, incorporating effects
Audio Hijack Pro application, interviews and
Audio Hijack Pro application, music shows 2nd
Audio Hijack Pro application, review shows
Audio Hijack Pro application, simulating rewind
Audio Hijack Pro application, Skype and 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Audio Hijack Pro application, Soundflower tool and
Audio Hijack Pro application, speech synthesis
Audio In tool
Audio Interchange File Format (AIFF)
audio theatre 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
Audio Theatre.com
Audio Unit (AU) plug-ins 2nd
Audio Weblogs 2nd
Audio, background ambience 2nd
Audio, copyrighted material 2nd
Audio, digital
Audio, editing 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
Audio, FireWire adapters 2nd
Audio, fixing common problems
Audio, grabbing legally 2nd 3rd
Audio, integrating email feedback 2nd
Audio, mash-ups 2nd 3rd 4th
Audio, recording to files
Audio, setting up home studio 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
Audio, speech synthesis 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Audio-Technica, condenser microphones 2nd
Audio-Technica, field recording microphones 2nd
Audio-Technica, shotgun microphones 2nd
Audio-Technica, stereo microphones
Audio-Technica, studio microphones
Audioblog, hosting MP3 files
Audioblogger service 2nd
AudioPathServerSide variable (Podcastamatic)
AudioPathWebSide variable (Podcastamatic)
AudioTrak sound cards
Audition (Adobe), encoding with
Audition (Adobe), extraction tools
aural exciter
Auralex 2nd
AutoCast program 2nd
Automatic gain control (AGC)
Azureus client
band-pass filters 2nd
Bandwidth 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
basic editing, adding special effects 2nd
| basic editing, Audio Hijack Pro and 2nd 3rd
basic editing, building sweet sound
basic editing, fixing audio problems 2nd
basic editing, gain control 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
basic editing, multiple tracks
basic editing, selecting tools 2nd 3rd
basic editing, sound considerations 2nd 3rd
Basketball Babble
bass traps
batteries, spare
beatmapping 2nd
beats per minute (BPM) 2nd 3rd
beercasts 2nd 3rd
Behringer, microphone preamps
Behringer, MIDI mix boxes
Behringer, portable mixers
Behringer, sound mixers
Behringer, studio microphones
being in the moment
Bellari microphone preamps
beyerdynamic microphones 2nd
Bias 2nd 3rd
binaural microphones, explaining
BitTorrent P2P network 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
blank sound recording
Blog Torrent tracker
Blogger service
Bloglines 2nd 3rd
blogs, ads and
blogs, bandwidth and 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
blogs, comments system
blogs, conference calling
blogs, converting text-based
blogs, first podcasts and
blogs, MP3 files 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
blogs, podcasts and 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
blogs, podcasts by email 2nd 3rd
blogs, podcasts without 2nd 3rd
blogs, political podcasts and
blogs, trading links to
BlueHost service 2nd
Bluetooth, call recording and
Bluetooth, hands-free headset
bluggcaster (Blugg.com)
BOND 2nd
BPM (beats per minute) 2nd
breaking news
breath sounds 2nd
broadband connection 2nd
Broadcast Host
broadcasting, coaches for
broadcasting, creating networks
broadcasting, professional-quality
broadcasting, voice considerations
browsers, displaying HTML show notes
browsers, finding podcasts with 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th
browsers, playing podcasts
browsers, RSS and
BugCast podcast
bulletin boards 2nd 3rd
bumpers 2nd
C-SPAN Archives
cabling, microphones and 2nd 3rd
cabling, signal path noise and
cadence of speech 2nd
Call Corder site 2nd
call-ins, political podcasts
cardioid microphones 2nd
Caribbean Free Radio podcast
cart applications, example code
cart applications, sound effects and
category management 2nd 3rd
ccLookup tool
ccPublisher tool 2nd
Cedub Studio 2nd 3rd 4th
cell phones, call-recording feature
cell phones, controlling recordings with
cell phones, data connections
Cepstral Text-to-Speech
Cepstral Voices
cgi-bin directory 2nd
change pitch effect
change speed effect 2nd
change tempo effect 2nd 3rd
channels, mixers and
chorus, mixers and
Cinecast podcast
civic journalism
click event handler 2nd
clipped signals 2nd 3rd
CNN network
Code Generation Network
COM objects
commentary 2nd 3rd 4th
Comments 2nd
Comments field (MP3 files)
commercial networks
commercial status 2nd 3rd 4th
composer license/rights 2nd
compression rate (MP3 files)
compression, hardware effects processors and
compressors, Audacity support
compressors, clipping and
compressors, noise from
compressors, signals and 2nd 3rd
computers, mash-ups and
computers, noise from 2nd 3rd
computers, speakers on
computers, USB standard
condenser microphones, interviewing and
condenser microphones, moisture and
condenser microphones, power to 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
condenser microphones, recording ambience
condenser microphones, sample setups
Conference Call
contemplative silence
content, creating elements
content, importance of
content, listening for
Cool Edit 2nd
copyrighted material, fair use
copyrighted material, grabbing audio legally
copyrighted material, infringement issues
copyrighted material, legal considerations 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
copyrighted material, licensing and 2nd
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