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Herrington J. — Podcasting Hacks |
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RSS feeds, comment support
RSS feeds, full-text
RSS feeds, multitasking with
RSS feeds, renaming files
RSS files, blogless alternatives
RSS files, podcasts and
RSS files, tagging
RSS readers, aggregators as
RSS readers, enclosures and 2nd
RSS readers, podcatchers and
RTAS plug-ins
RubyTube plug-in
running gags
RuyaSonic web site
S/PDIF connectors
Safari browser 2nd 3rd
Salling Clicker program 2nd 3rd
Samson C01U-USB microphone
saucer eyes
Scripting News
Search engines 2nd
SEC Helper application
Secure Digital flash cards
security considerations
segment producer
segments, downloading
segments, noise gates between
segments, recurring
segments, review
segments, stingers and
selecting for music show
Sennheiser, headphones
SFTP standard, uploading files
show notes, displaying in Windows
show notes, interviews and
show prep 2nd
show producer
Shure, studio microphones 2nd
signal path noise, effects boxes and
signals, amplitude of 2nd
signals, gain enveloping
signals, ground loops and
signals, microphone preamps and
Six Apart
Skype service, feedback via 2nd
Skype service, recording calls
Skype service, recording interviews 2nd 3rd
Skype service, Soundflower and
slander 2nd
Slashdot service
Sledhead Radio podcast
Smart Playlist feature (iTunes) 2nd
SmartElectronix plug-ins
smith 2nd
Society of Professional Journalists
soft signals
software, filtering options
Sonic Foundry
Sonique media application
Sony, ACID 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
Sony, field recording microphones
Sony, Sound Forge
Soulseek service
sound bed
Sound Byte cart application
sound cards 2nd 3rd
sound carts 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
Sound Forge (Sony) 2nd
sound loops 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
sound mixers, hardware considerations
sound mixers, old consoles
sound mixers, variety in
Sound on Sound web site
sound recording applications 2nd 3rd
sound treatment
Soundcraft portable mixers
Sounddogs.com 2nd
SoundExchange 2nd
Soundflower tool, Audacity and
Soundflower tool, recording Skype 2nd
Soundflower tool, rerouting audio with
Soundflowerbed tool
soundseeing tours, binaural podcasts and
SoundSoap plug-in
soundtracks 2nd
source format (videocasting)
Southern Sports Week podcast
SoX tool 2nd
spam messages
specialty journalism
speech synthesizers, podcast introductions 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
speech, classes for
speech, stress and
speech, training your voice 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
speed, of teleprompter
speed, speed filters
Split at Cursor function (ACID) 2nd
sponsorship information
sports podcasts 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Stand Alone Inc.
starting out, first podcasts
starting out, professional-quality podcasts
statutory licenses
Steinberg web site
stereo sound, adapters
stereo sound, adapters for
stingers 2nd
story podcasts 2nd 3rd
storytelling, audio theatre and
storytelling, experimenting with
storytelling, interviewing for 2nd
storytelling, Morning Stories
storytelling, principles of effective
stretch effect
studio microphones 2nd
Studio Projects 2nd 3rd
studio setup 2nd
style 2nd
submissions 2nd 3rd
sudo command
surround sound 2nd 3rd
sweet sound 2nd 3rd 4th
synchronization, iPods to iTunes
synchronization, video and audio
syndication to radio 2nd
tagmp3 utility 2nd
talk shows 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Tapco portable mixers
tape syncs
Tascam, audio adapters
Tascam, recording systems
TDM (Time Division Multiplexing), plug-ins
TechNation radio show
technical elements
| technology podcasts 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
teleconferencing systems
telephone hybrids 2nd 3rd
telephone, audio feedback via
telephone, recording interviews 2nd 3rd 4th
Telos Systems
text editors 2nd
TextEdit text editor 2nd
The Dawn and Drew Show
The Nationals Play-by-Play podcast
The Rock and Roll Geek Show
The Sports Pod
The Theory of Everything podcast
theatre of the mind
TheForce.Net podcast
theme songs 2nd
This American Life 2nd
This and That with Jeff and Pat, podcast
Time Division Multiplexing (TDM), plug-ins
timestamping show notes 2nd
Timing 2nd 3rd
title field, OPML
Title field, Podcastamatic
title field, RSS
Tk toolkit 2nd 3rd
Tomato Torrent
Top Ten List
Total Recorder Pro 2nd 3rd
Total Sound Recorder
Track field (MP3 files)
tracks, ambient noise
tracks, mash-ups 2nd
tracks, multiple 2nd
trade journalism
Transition elements
Transom web site
Triathlete's Garage podcast
trivia questions
TRS (Tip-Ring-Sleeve) connectors
tunable noise filters 2nd 3rd
tuning mash-ups
Turtle Beach sound cards
Two Rights podcast
two-person shows 2nd
two-source rule
ums 2nd
Universal Audio processor
Unix environment 2nd
unlicensed materials
up cuts
urban legends
USB (Universal Serial Bus) standard, microphones
USB (Universal Serial Bus) standard, support for 2nd 3rd 4th
USB (Universal Serial Bus) standard, video cameras and
Vancouver Beercast Squad
variable bit rate (VBR) encoding
Various and Sundry DVD podcast
Vbox feature 2nd
VBR (variable bit rate) encoding
video devices 2nd
Videobloggers mailing list
videoblogs, creating videocasts 2nd
videoblogs, teleprompters
videoblogs, tuning into
videocasts 2nd
Viking Youth Power Hour podcast
virtual directories 2nd
Virtual Directory Creation Wizard
Virtual network computing (VNC)
visudo command
VNC (Virtual Network Computing)
vocal skills, hard consonants
vocal skills, monitoring
vocal skills, podcasting voice 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
voice mail service 2nd 3rd
voice of the people interviews
voice over effect
Voice over IP 2nd
VoiceMix Studio
voices, amplitude of
voices, chorus effect and
voices, frequency of
voices, mash-ups of 2nd
voices, muffled
voices, of God
volume, adjustments to
volume, ambience and
volume, consistency in
volume, hand signal for
volume, pitch and
volume, power and
Vonage service
Vox Pop
Voxengo plug-ins
VST (Virtual Studio Technology), Audition and
VST (Virtual Studio Technology), DSP-Quattro and
VST (Virtual Studio Technology), plug-in sites 2nd
walla effect
WAV format, PRX service and
WAV format, solid-state recorders and
WAV format, voice mail and
Waves plug-in 2nd
WDW Magic
web seeding 2nd
web servers, hosting
web servers, Perl support 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
Web sites 2nd
WebIntellects service
wet signal 2nd
White House
WiFi 2nd 3rd
Win32::OLE module
Win32::Sound module
wind noise 2nd 3rd
window glass 2nd
Windows environment, ActiveState Perl and 2nd 3rd 4th
Windows environment, audio editors
Windows environment, building sound cart
Windows environment, cart applications
Windows environment, COM interfaces
Windows environment, file formats
Windows environment, ID3 tags
Windows environment, sound effects
Windows environment, speech synthesis on 2nd
Windows Media Audio (WMA) format 2nd
Windows Media Player 2nd 3rd
Windows Movie Maker
windscreens, plosives and
Winer 2nd
Winpodcast application
WireTap software
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