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Herrington J. — Podcasting Hacks |
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networks, commercial
networks, informal
networks, joining
networks, podcast 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Neumann, condenser microphones 2nd
newPost handler (XML-RPC)
news editing 2nd
news podcasts 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
news sources, anonymity
news sources, Google News
nodes 2nd
noise floor
noise gates 2nd
noise, ambient
noise, computers and 2nd
noise, headphones and 2nd
noise, headsets
noise, lavaliers and
noise, mic distance and
noise, microphones and
noise, recording problems and
noise, software filters
noise, Sound Forge application
noise, wind 2nd 3rd
NTONYX Virtual Audio Cable 3 system
Obi Show podcast
Odeo 2nd 3rd
OdeoSyncr application
off axis 2nd
off-the-record information
Ogg Vorbis format, HotRecorder application and
Ogg::Vorbis::Header module
Old Wave Radio podcast
omnidirectional microphones, field recording and
OmniOutliner document
Onebox service
Open Directory Project
Open Podcast 2nd
OPML directories, availability of
OPML directories, example
OPML directories, submissions and
OSXAudio web site
OurMedia service 2nd
outline element (OPML)
output devices 2nd
ownerEmail field (OPML)
ownerName field (OPML)
oXygen editor
P2P (peer-to-peer) networks
pace 2nd
Palm-powered PDAs 2nd
Pan control 2nd 3rd
parametric equalizers 2nd
PayPal service 2nd
PC Card adapters
PCI sound cards 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
PCM (pulse code modulated) format
Peak tool 2nd 3rd
Peavey portable mixers
peer-to-peer (P2P) networks
Performance 2nd
Perl modules 2nd
permission, downloading sounds
permission, independent artists
permission, letter of introduction
personal revelation
personal shows 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
Pew Center for Civic Journalism, condenser microphones and 2nd 3rd 4th
phase cancellation
phaser effect
Photoshop program
PHP scripts 2nd
phpBB bulletin board system
pick-up patterns 2nd
piece listing
pipe symbol (|)
Pipeline Comic Book Podcast
Pitch 2nd 3rd
pitch shifting 2nd 3rd
Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS)
Plantronics headset
play through
PlayStation Portable (PSP)
plosives, omnidirectional microphones and
plosives, stop
plosives, windscreens and
plug-in power
plug-ins, adding effects 2nd
plug-ins, Audacity and
plug-ins, equalizer
plug-ins, standards for 2nd
plug-ins, VST 2nd
Pluggo plug-ins
Plugzilla web site
Pocket PC PDAs, podcatching with 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
Pocket RSS program
Pocket Tunes player
Pod Razor web site
Podcast Alley, checking for tools
Podcast Alley, podcatcher list
Podcast Alley, sports directory
Podcast Bunker 2nd
podcast networks 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Podcast Promos
podcast-review mailing list
Podcastamatic 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Podcasters mailing list
podcasting applications 2nd
Podcasting News
Podcasting Tools
Podcastrevolution mailing list
podcasts, audio theatre 2nd
podcasts, blogs and 2nd 3rd 4th
podcasts, building networks 2nd 3rd
podcasts, by email
podcasts, categorizing feeds
podcasts, directories listed 2nd
podcasts, duration of
podcasts, in surround sound 2nd 3rd
podcasts, introductions
podcasts, listening on PDAs 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
podcasts, listening on Web 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
podcasts, making money with 2nd
podcasts, making the first 2nd 3rd 4th
podcasts, marketing
podcasts, music 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
podcasts, Mystery Science Theater
podcasts, news 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
podcasts, protecting
podcasts, recording
podcasts, review 2nd 3rd 4th
podcasts, speaking well for 2nd 3rd
podcasts, sports 2nd 3rd 4th
podcasts, technology 2nd 3rd
| podcasts, without blogs 2nd
PODCAST_DIR constant
PODCAST_URL constant
podcatchers, Blugg.com
podcatchers, enclosure tags
podcatchers, integrated file management
podcatchers, iTune support 2nd
podcatchers, iTunes and 2nd 3rd 4th
podcatchers, naming files
podcatchers, RSS aggregators and
PoddumFeeder podcatcher
Podscope service
political shows 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
pop stoppers, costs for
pop stoppers, microphone diaphragms
POP3 email box
port forwarding
port triggering
portable videocasts
POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service)
Poynter Institute
ppm (Programmer's Package Manager) utility 2nd
preparation, alternate commentary and
preparation, for interviews
preparation, interviewee and 2nd
preparation, review shows and
PreSonus 2nd
press releases
Pro Tools (Digidesign) 2nd 3rd
producer 2nd 3rd
production elements 2nd
Programmer's Package Manager (ppm) utility
promotion, community
promotion, get listed 2nd
promotion, launching categories
promotion, podcasting networks 2nd 3rd
promotion, podcasts
promotional spots (promos), diffing
promotional spots (promos), trading
proximity effect 2nd 3rd
PRX (Public Radio Exchange) service 2nd
pseudo pellas
PSP (PlayStation Portable)
public performance rights
Public Radio Exchange (PRX) service
publicists, producer role and
PubSub service 2nd
pulse code modulated (PCM) format
Q value
quality sound, Audioblog and
quality sound, considerations for
quality sound, constructing MP3 files 2nd 3rd
quality sound, editing
quality sound, engineer's role
quality sound, feedback on
quality sound, ISDN and
quality sound, mobile phones and
quality sound, reducing noise 2nd
quality sound, sound design and
questions, concentration and
questions, interview 2nd 3rd
Quick News (RSS reader) 2nd
Quick Take podcast
QuickTap handset tap
QuickTime Player, MP3 support 2nd
QuickTime Player, videocasting and
QVGA resolution
rack systems 2nd
Radio Clash podcast
Radio College
radio shows 2nd
radio theatre 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
Radio UserLand service 2nd 3rd 4th
RadioShack 2nd
Randi Rhodes Show
ratio parameter (compression) 2nd
RCA inputs
Real Audio media application
recorded announcement files
Recording Bin 2nd
recording booths
recording, ambience 2nd
recording, applications for 2nd 3rd
recording, editing
recording, first podcast 2nd
recording, hardware systems
recording, interviews 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
recording, interviews on Skype 2nd
recording, MP3
recording, phantom power and
recording, record levels for
recording, sessions
recording, sound effects
recording, telephone interviews 2nd 3rd
recording, through modems
recording, with mobile phone 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
recurring segments
Reel Reviews 2nd
release parameter (compression)
research, journalism and
research, movies
research, music shows
reverse effect
review podcasts 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
review segments 2nd
RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America), licensing and
RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America), mechanical rights
RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America), performer rights
RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America), permission from
riding the gain 2nd
RingCentral service
RMS adapters
roar of the crowd
Rogue Amoeba 2nd
Rolls microphone preamps
room considerations 2nd 3rd
round tables
RSS (Really Simple Syndication), Atom feed and
RSS (Really Simple Syndication), BitTorrent support
RSS (Really Simple Syndication), Drupal support
RSS (Really Simple Syndication), news sources and
RSS (Really Simple Syndication), videoblogs and
RSS (Really Simple Syndication), WordPress support
RSS Ads service
RSS feeds, Audioblog support
RSS feeds, bandwidth considerations and
RSS feeds, best of
RSS feeds, Bloglines 2nd
RSS feeds, building
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