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Herrington J. — Podcasting Hacks |
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hosting, free content service
hosting, making money with
hosting, MP3 files
hosting, web servers 2nd
hosts, HotRecorder application
hosts, multiple
hosts, role of 2nd 3rd
HTML, Podcastamatic and
HTML, Tk support
HTMLServerSide variable (Podcastamatic)
hum, recording interviews and
Hurricane Electric service
hypercardioid microphones
IB Audio
Ibbot 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
ID3 tags, licensing information
ID3 tags, Perl modules and
ID3 tags, setting
IIS (Internet Information Services) 2nd 3rd 4th
Illegal Art
iMic (USB adapter)
importing 2nd 3rd 4th
independent artists 2nd 3rd
Independent Radio Drama, Productions
informal networks 2nd
informational interview 2nd
input devices 2nd
Inside the Magic podcast
Insomnia Radio podcast
installing Perl modules 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
Instant messaging
instrumentals 2nd
integrated file management 2nd
Intellectual property rights
Interface Builder 2nd 3rd
Internet Archive storage system 2nd 3rd 4th
Internet Explorer browser 2nd
Internet Information Services (IIS) 2nd
Internet Movie Database 2nd 3rd
Internet, connection to
Internet, hosting MP3 files on
Internet, independent bands and
interpretive interview 2nd
interview scripts 2nd
interviews, arranging for
interviews, background ambience
interviews, consent to recording
interviews, editing 2nd 3rd 4th
interviews, for stories 2nd
interviews, host role and
interviews, marketing and
interviews, recording 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
interviews, recording on Skype 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
interviews, recording telephone 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
interviews, sports podcasts
interviews, tips for 2nd 3rd
interviews, two-enders and
introduction, audio editors
introduction, fade outs and
introduction, need for
introduction, podcasts and
introduction, speech synthesizers and 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
investigative reporting
IP addresses 2nd 3rd
iPodcast Producer
iPodder, BitTorrent network and
iPodder, discussion board
iPodder, iTunes support
iPodder, podcast directories
iPodder, podcast maintenance
iPodder, submissions and
ipodder-dev mailing list
ipodder.org Sports Directory
iPodderSP program
iPodderX Lite
iPodderX, iTunes support
iPods, Audio Hijack Pro support
iPods, downloading iTunes
iPods, Flash playback device
iPods, Griffin iTalk
iPods, Griffin iTrip
iPods, updating automatically 2nd
iRiver (MP3 recorder), field recording and
ISDN 2nd
iSpeak It application
ISPs, bandwidth overage and
ISPs, blog software and 2nd
ISPs, hosting service and 2nd
ISPs, podcasts and 2nd 3rd
ISPs, uploading scripts to
ISPs, web seeding and
iTunes, ID3 tags and
iTunes, importing podcasts
iTunes, locating song files
iTunes, maintaining library
iTunes, podcatcher support 2nd 3rd
Jabra BT250 headset
JazlerShow cart application
JK Audio 2nd 3rd
Journalism 2nd 3rd 4th
JPEG/JPG images
K7 voice mail line
k7.com service
Kahn 2nd
Kaye, optimizing compression
Kaye, reverb
Kaye, room equalization
Kaye, TechNation podcast
Keyboard Maestro application
Kjaerhus Audio Classic Series, plug-ins
KVR Audio web site
LAME software, Audacity and
LAME software, encoding with 2nd
LAME software, free version
large-small-large technique 2nd
lastBuildDate field (RSS)
leading blank segments
legal considerations, interviews and
legal considerations, libel and slander
legal considerations, mash-ups
legal considerations, recording calls
Liberated Syndication 2nd
licensing, copyrighted material
licensing, Creative Commons 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
licensing, GarageBand.com site and
licensing, music shows and 2nd
licensing, statutory
lifting the script off the page
Lime podcast
linear narrative 2nd
link field (RSS)
| Linux environment, Perl language support
Linux environment, remote control and
listening, as rewarding experience
listening, detail in storytelling and
listening, for structure
Logic Express
Logitech keyboard/mouse
Lost & Found Sound site
loud signals 2nd 3rd
low pass effect
low-pass filters 2nd
Lucent Technologies
LWP::Simple module 2nd 3rd
LWP::UserAgent module
M-Audio, FireWire audio adapters
M-Audio, MobilePre USB device
M-Audio, USB interface
Mac::Glue module 2nd
Mac::Path::Util module
Macintosh environment, audio editors
Macintosh environment, BitTorrent clients
Macintosh environment, blogging service
Macintosh environment, building sound cart 2nd
Macintosh environment, cart applications
Macintosh environment, helper applications
Macintosh environment, Perl language support
Macintosh environment, PlayStation Portable and
Macintosh environment, podcatcher support
Macintosh environment, sound effects
Macintosh environment, speech synthesis on 2nd
Mackie sound mixers
MadTracker web site
Mail::Box module
mailing lists 2nd 3rd
Marantz, portable recorders
Marantz, solid-state recorders
marketing podcasts 2nd 3rd
Marshall microphones 2nd
MAS (MOTU Audio System) plug-ins
mash-ups 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
master gain 2nd 3rd
master use rights 2nd
MaxEmail service
Mbox device (Digidesign) 2nd 3rd
MDA VST Effects plug-ins
MDF (medium density fiberboard)
mechanical license/rights 2nd 3rd
media trainers
Memory Management
memory sticks
Microphone Flags
microphone preamp, mixers and
microphone preamp, MP3 recorders
microphones, computer noise and 2nd
microphones, flags for
microphones, monitor headphones and
microphones, positioning
microphones, proximity effect
microphones, self-noise
microphones, speakerphones and
microphones, speaking into 2nd
microphones, stereo sound and 2nd
microphones, tunable noise filtering
microphones, unidirectional
microphones, USB
microphones, windscreens
microphones, XLR standard 2nd 3rd
Microsoft 2nd
Middle Atlantic Products
MIDI (Musical Instruments Digital Interface) standard 2nd 3rd
mini-DV video cameras
mix-down operation 2nd
MixCast Live
MixMeister Technology
Modem Spy
monitoring systems
mono sound 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Morning Stories (WGBH-FM) 2nd 3rd
MOTU (Mark of the Unicorn) 2nd 3rd
MOTU Audio System (MAS) plug-ins
Movable Type, automating podcasting to 2nd 3rd
Movable Type, feeding MP3s to
Movable Type, RSS feeds and
MovieWavs site
MP2 format 2nd
MP3 format, browser support 2nd 3rd
MP3 format, constructing files 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
MP3 format, demand for
MP3 format, email feedback
MP3 format, feeding to Movable Type 2nd 3rd
MP3 format, finding files
MP3 format, hosting
MP3 format, ID3 tags 2nd
MP3 format, microphone preamps and
MP3 format, Odeo support
MP3 format, PDAs and
MP3 format, PlayStation Portable
MP3 format, speech synthesizers and
MP3 format, tagging files 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
MP3 format, tools for 2nd
Mp3 Tag Tools
MP3::Info module 2nd 3rd
MP4 format
MP4::Info module
MPEG-4 standard
mpgcat utility
mpgdemux utility
mpginfo utility 2nd
mpgjoin utility
mpgsplit utility
mpgtx tools 2nd
MSN Alerts service
MT::Enclosure plug-in 2nd
MTEntries tag (RSS)
MTEntryEnclosures tag (RSS)
MT_DIR variable
multitrack editing 2nd 3rd
MUSIC 2nd 3rd
music podcasts 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
Music Womb web site
Musical Instruments Digital Interface, (MIDI) standard
MuVo MP3 player
My Sports Radio Directory
Mystery Science Theater 2nd
n-Track Studio
Nady portable mixers
Narain 2nd
narrative arc
narrowcasting 2nd
NAT (Network Address Translation) 2nd
National Public Radio (NPR) 2nd
Native Instruments Guitar Rig
Net::FTP module
Net::MovableType module 2nd
Net::SFTP module 2nd
NetNewsWire aggregator 2nd
Network Address Translation (NAT)
networks, building
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