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Herrington J. — Podcasting Hacks |
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Core Sound
Coverville podcast
crash box
Crazy Dog Audio Theatre
Creative Commons, free content service and
Creative Commons, GarageBand.com and
Creative Commons, legal issues and
Creative Commons, Obi Show and
Creative Commons, Ourmedia and
Creative Labs 2nd
cron jobs
Curry 2nd
Cutoff frequency 2nd
Cygwin Perl 2nd
DAC (digital-to-analog) converters
Daily Source Code, games and
Daily Source Code, hosting for
Daily Source Code, RSS file example 2nd
Daily Source Code, staying up-to-date and
Dailysonic MP3zine
DAT recorders
Data::Dumper module
dateCreated field (OPML)
dateModified field (OPML)
DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) 2nd
De Blieck
debugging Perl scripts
decibels (dB), compression parameters
decibels (dB), maximizing filters and
Deck application
delay effects
deleting, podcasts 2nd
deleting, portions of recordings
deleting, videoblogs
Denon recording systems
derivative works
Description field (Podcastamatic)
description field (RSS)
destination formats (videocasting)
detail, in storytelling 2nd
Digidesign, Pro Tools 2nd
Digidesign, USB sound adapters
Digigram PC Card adapters
Digital audio 2nd
Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
Digital Performer
Digital Podcast
Digital rights management (DRM)
digital-to-analog (DAC) converters
DirCaster 2nd
DirectSound plug-ins (Microsoft)
DivX encoding
DIY pellas
DJ Earworm
DNS service
documentary interview
Dolby compression standard
Doppler Radio podcatcher 2nd 3rd
dospeak function (JavaScript)
downloads, Audacity application
downloads, BitTorrent support
downloads, demos
downloads, enclosures 2nd
downloads, Flash players
downloads, length as deterrent
downloads, multithreaded
downloads, resuming 2nd
downloads, scripting
downloads, sound effects 2nd
downloads, to PDAs
DreamHost service 2nd
driveway potential
Drupal blogging application
dry signal 2nd
DSL connections
DSP-Quattro 2 package
DVD output
dynamic microphones, microphone cables
Dynaudio BM5As monitor
DynDNS service
E-MU sound cards
early reflections
Earthsongs radio show
eating the mic
echo effect
Echo, FireWire audio adapters
Echo, PC Card sound cards
echo123 program 2nd
EDGE data service
Edirol, UA-25 device
editing, artful 2nd
editing, Audacity support
editing, audio production software
editing, Audioblogger and
editing, conference calls
editing, envelope
editing, interviews 2nd 3rd
editing, multitrack
editing, news
editing, sound
effects, Audio Hijack Pro support 2nd
effects, hardware/software processors
effects, incorporating
effects, multiple
effects, recording
effects, signal amplitude and
effects, SoX utility
Egress program
Electro-Voice, dynamic microphones 2nd 3rd 4th
Electronic Musician web site
Elements 2nd 3rd
elevator pitch
email, mailing list registration
emotional interview
enclosures, adding tags 2nd
enclosures, Liberated Syndication and
enclosures, podcasting applications
enclosures, resume capability
enclosures, RSS readers and 2nd 3rd
enclosures, WordPress and
encoding, H.264 format
encoding, LAME software 2nd
encoding, video formats
Ender 2nd
envelope editing
enveloping 2nd
event handlers 2nd
| Experience 2nd
exporting, show notes
eye contact
fade ins, as effect
fade ins, blank sound
fade ins, editing and 2nd
Fair use 2nd 3rd 4th
Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting web site
Fairness Doctrine
Fantasy Focus podcast
FCC (Federal Communications Commission)
FEED Validator 2nd 3rd
feedback, beercasts
feedback, importance of
feedback, opinion and
feedback, personal podcasts
feedback, phone-message-to-email service
feedback, sound quality
FeederReader application 2nd 3rd
Feedster service 2nd
FFTea application
field recording, microphones listed 2nd
file chunking
File Explorer
file management 2nd
File::Find module
Fillet of Fish plug-ins
filters, Audacity support
filters, consistent levels with 2nd
filters, for wind noise
filters, frequency 2nd 3rd 4th
filters, headphones and
filters, LAME software and
filters, maximizing
filters, Movable Type support
filters, noise training
filters, normalizing
filters, Smart Playlist
filters, software
filters, speed
Final Cut Pro
FindSounds site
Firefox browser, listening to podcasts 2nd 3rd
FireWire (IEEE-1394) standard, DAW and
FireWire (IEEE-1394) standard, videocasting and
Fireworks program
FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec) format
flash cards
Flash devices 2nd 3rd
Flash memory
FOIA (Freedom of Information Act)
format elements
formats, adopting for podcasts 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
formats, audio theatre 2nd
formats, Mystery Science Theater 2nd
formats, sports podcasts 2nd
formats, story shows 2nd 3rd
formats, technology podcasts
Fox News network
free content hosting service
Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC), format
Freedom Forum
Freeplay Music
Freeverb plug-in
Frequency application
frequency, boosting
frequency, characteristics of
frequency, editing process and
frequency, hiss and
frequency, hum and
ftp (file transfer protocol) 2nd 3rd
FuzzMeasure application
gain control, MIDI and
gain enveloping, Audacity support
gain enveloping, diffing and
gain enveloping, editing sound and
Games 2nd
GarageBand, building music 2nd
GarageBand, functionality
GarageBand, previewing music
Genelec 8000 monitor
Genre field (MP3 files)
genres, amplitude management and
genres, customizing feeds by
genres, ID3 tags and
GIF images 2nd
GigaDial service
Glass 2nd
Global Network Navigator
GodCast Network 2nd 3rd 4th
Google, AdSense 2nd
Google, Alerts
Google, Gmail
Google, News
GPO Access
graphic equalizers, frequency and
graphic equalizers, muffled voices
graphic equalizers, removing hiss
graphical user interfaces (GUIs)
Green Oak plug-ins
Griffin Technology, iMic USB adapter
Griffin Technology, iTalk recorder
Griffin Technology, iTrip FM transmitter
ground loops, ironing out
Guitar Rig plug-in (Native Instruments)
gverb effect
H.264 encoding format 2nd
hand signals
handset taps
hardware, digitizing
hardware, for interviews 2nd
hardware, improving setup 2nd
hardware, selecting microphones 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
hardware, setting up home studio 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th
hardware, sound mixers 2nd 3rd
Harmony Central web site
Harry Fox Agency 2nd
headphones, host role and
headphones, monitoring with
headphones, noise reduction
headphones, public spaces and
headphones, talking naturally and
headsets, USB 2nd 3rd
Herrington 2nd
Hertz (Hz)
high pass effect
high-pass filters
hiss, frequency filters and
hiss, headsets and
hiss, software filters and
hiss, studio setting and
History Channel
home studio, building 2nd
home studio, compression and limiting
hosting, file services
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