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Simon J.R. — Windows 2000 API SuperBible |
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Icon, metafile, and bitmap functions, 2nd, GetEnhMetaFileHeader
Icon, metafile, and bitmap functions, 2nd, GetEnhMetaFilePaletteEntries
Icon, metafile, and bitmap functions, 2nd, GetIconInfo
Icon, metafile, and bitmap functions, 2nd, GetMetaRgn
Icon, metafile, and bitmap functions, 2nd, GetStretchBltMode
Icon, metafile, and bitmap functions, 2nd, GetWinMetaFileBits
Icon, metafile, and bitmap functions, 2nd, LoadBitmap
Icon, metafile, and bitmap functions, 2nd, LoadIcon
Icon, metafile, and bitmap functions, 2nd, LoadImage
Icon, metafile, and bitmap functions, 2nd, LookIconIdFromDirectory
Icon, metafile, and bitmap functions, 2nd, LookupIconIdFromDirectoryEx
Icon, metafile, and bitmap functions, 2nd, PatBlt
Icon, metafile, and bitmap functions, 2nd, PlayEnhMetaFile
Icon, metafile, and bitmap functions, 2nd, PlayEnhMetaFileRecord
Icon, metafile, and bitmap functions, 2nd, SetBitmapDimensionEx
Icon, metafile, and bitmap functions, 2nd, SetDIBits
Icon, metafile, and bitmap functions, 2nd, SetDIBitsToDevice
Icon, metafile, and bitmap functions, 2nd, SetEnhMetaFileBits
Icon, metafile, and bitmap functions, 2nd, SetMetaRgn
Icon, metafile, and bitmap functions, 2nd, SetStretchBltMode
Icon, metafile, and bitmap functions, 2nd, SetWinMetaFileBits
Icon, metafile, and bitmap functions, 2nd, StretchBlt
Icon, metafile, and bitmap functions, 2nd, StretchDIBits
ICONINFO structure
Icons, 2nd
Icons, 2nd, creating at runtime
Icons, 2nd, registering
Icons, 2nd, standard system icons
Image color matching, 2nd
InflateRect function, 2nd
INI files (initialization files)
INI files (initialization files), accessing
INI files (initialization files), file mapping prefixes
INI files (initialization files), keys
INI files (initialization files), mapping private initialization files
INI files (initialization files), private profile files
INI files (initialization files), sections
InitAtomTable function, 2nd
Initialization file functions, 2nd
Initialization file functions, 2nd, GetPrivateProfileInt
Initialization file functions, 2nd, GetPrivateProfileSection
Initialization file functions, 2nd, GetPrivateProfileSectionNames
Initialization file functions, 2nd, GetPrivateProfileString
Initialization file functions, 2nd, GetPrivateProfileStruct
Initialization file functions, 2nd, GetProfileInt
Initialization file functions, 2nd, GetProfileSection
Initialization file functions, 2nd, GetProfileString
Initialization file functions, 2nd, WritePrivateProfileSection
Initialization file functions, 2nd, WritePrivateProfileString
Initialization file functions, 2nd, WritePrivateProfileStruct
Initialization file functions, 2nd, WriteProfileSection
Initialization file functions, 2nd, WriteProfileString
Initialization files (INI files), accessing
Initialization files (INI files), file mapping prefixes
Initialization files (INI files), keys
Initialization files (INI files), mapping private initialization files
Initialization files (INI files), private profile files
Initialization files (INI files), sections
InitializeCriticalSection function, 2nd
InjectionPoint values, PSINJECTDATA printer escape
Input and output (I/O)
Input and output (I/O), asynchronous I/O
Input and output (I/O), creating files
Input and output (I/O), file mapping
Input and output (I/O), opening files
Input and output (I/O), overlapped I/O
Input and output (I/O), reading files
Input and output (I/O), writing files
Input focus appearance (controls)
Input, user input functions, VkKeyScanEx, 2nd, 3rd
InSendMessage message-processing function, 2nd
InSendMessageEx message-processing function
InsertMenuItem menu support function, 2nd
Installation and decompression functions, 2nd
Installation and decompression functions, 2nd, GetExpandedName
Installation and decompression functions, 2nd, GetFileVersionInfo
Installation and decompression functions, 2nd, GetFileVersionInfoSize
Installation and decompression functions, 2nd, LZ
Installation and decompression functions, 2nd, LZClose
Installation and decompression functions, 2nd, LZCopy
Installation and decompression functions, 2nd, LZInit
Installation and decompression functions, 2nd, LZOpenFile
Installation and decompression functions, 2nd, LZRead
Installation and decompression functions, 2nd, VerFindFile
Installation and decompression functions, 2nd, VerInstallFile
Installation and decompression functions, 2nd, VerQueryValue
Installing applications, 2nd, auto play
Installing applications, 2nd, file placement
Installing applications, 2nd, network support
Installing applications, 2nd, shortcuts, creating
Installing, files, version information resource, 2nd
Integer atoms, 2nd
Interfaces, keyboard interface (dialog boxes)
Interfaces, menu interface
Interfaces, user interface features
InterlockedCompareExchange function, 2nd
InterlockedDecrement function
InterlockedExchange function
InterlockedExchangeAdd function
InterlockedIncrement function
IntersectClipRect function, 2nd
IntersectRect function
InvalidateRect function
InvalidateRgn function
Invalidation regions
InvertRect function
InvertRgn function
IsBadCodePtr function, 2nd
IsBadReadPtr function
IsBadStringPtr function
IsBadWritePtr function
IsCharAlpha function, 2nd
isCharAlphaNumeric function
IsCharLower function
IsCharUpper function
IsChild windows support function, 2nd
IsClipboardFormatAvailable function, 2nd
IsDBCLeadByte function, 2nd
IsDBCSLeadByteEx function
IsDialogMessage dialog box function, 2nd
IsDlgButtonChecked dialog box function
IsIconic windows support function, 2nd
IsMenu menu support function
IsRectEmpty function, 2nd
IsTextUnicode function, 2nd
IsValidCodePage function
IsValidLocale function
IsWindow windows support function, 2nd
IsWindowEnabled windows support function
IsWindowUnicode windows support function
IsWindowVisible windows support function
IsZoomed windows support function
Items (menu items), 2nd
Items (menu items), 2nd, labels
Items (menu items), 2nd, shortcut keys
Key access options (RegCreateKeyEx registry function)
Key names (initialization files)
Key values (initialization files)
Keyboard interface (dialog boxes), 2nd
Keyboard messages, 2nd
Keys (registry), 2nd, 3rd
Keys (registry), 2nd, 3rd, class-definition key
Keys (registry), 2nd, 3rd, creating
Keys (registry), 2nd, 3rd, filename-extension key
Keys (registry), 2nd, 3rd, values, setting
Keys, Alt+letter key selection logic, dialog boxes
Keys, arrow keys, dialog box keyboard interface
| Keys, initialization files (INI files)
Keys, Tab key, dialog box keyboard interface
Keys, virtual-key codes
KillTimer function, 2nd
Labels (menu items), 2nd
Labels (menu items), 2nd, shortcut keys
LANGUAGE dialog box template statement
Language support (system information)
Languages, locale language data (SetLocaleInfo function)
LCMapString function, 2nd
LDT_ENTRY structure
LeaveCriticalSection function, 2nd
LineDDA function, 2nd
LineTo function
Linking, dynamic linking, runtime dynamic linking, 2nd
List box styles, 2nd
List boxes, 2nd
List boxes, 2nd, drop-down list boxes
List boxes, 2nd, extended-selection list boxes
List boxes, 2nd, multiple-selection list boxes
List boxes, 2nd, single-selection list boxes
List boxes, 2nd, tree view controls
List view controls
ListBox class
LISTBOX dialog box control statement
LoadAccelerators menu support function, 2nd
LoadBitmap function, 2nd
LoadCursor user input function, 2nd
LoadCursorFromFile user input function
LoadIcon function, 2nd
LoadImage function
LoadKeyboardLayout user input function, 2nd
LoadLibrary function, 2nd
LoadLibraryEx function
LoadMenu menu support function, 2nd
LoadMenuIndirect menu support function
LoadResource resource function, 2nd
LoadString resource function
Loadtime dynamic linking
Local atom tables, 2nd
Local time (system information)
Locale currency display format information (SetLocaleInfo function), 2nd
Locale date and time formats (SetLocaleInfo function)
Locale language data (SetLocaleInfo function)
Locale numeric display format control (SetLocaleInfo function)
Locales (system information)
LocalFileTimeToFileTime function, 2nd
LockFile function
LockFileEx function
LockResource resource function, 2nd
LockSetForegroundWindow windows support function, 2nd
LockWindowUpdate function, 2nd
LOGBRUSH structure
LOGFONT structure
Logical palette, 2nd
Logical tools
LOGPALETTE structure
LOGPEN structure
LookIconIdFromDirectory function, 2nd
LookupIconIdFromDirectoryEx function
Loops, message loops
lParam values (WH_CBT hook function prototype)
lParam values, WH_SHELL hook function prototype
lpClass values, GCP_RESULTS lpClass values
lpDateFormat values, GetDateFormat function
lpInData values, GET_PS_FEATURESETTING printer escape
lpszType values, EnumResourceLanguages resource function
LPtoDP function, 2nd
Lstrcat function, 2nd
Lstrcmp function
Lstrcmpi function
Lstrcpy function
Lstrcpyn function
Lstrlen function
LTEXT dialog box control statement See : k function LZ 2nd
LZClose function
LZCopy function
LZInit function
LZOpenFile function
LZRead function
Main menus
Main window, creating, WinMain function, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th
Manual-reset event objects
MapDialogRect dialog box function, 2nd
Mapping files
Mapping modes (device contexts)
Mapping, private initialization files (INI files)
MapUserPhysicalPages function, 2nd
MapUserPhysicalPagesScatter function
MapViewOfFile function, 2nd
MapViewOfFileEx function
MapVirtualKey user input function, 2nd
MapVirtualKeyEx user input function
MapWindowPoints windows support function, 2nd
MAT2 structure
Maximizing windows
MBCS (multibyte character sets)
MDI (multiple-document interface) applications, 2nd
MDI (multiple-document interface) applications, 2nd, accelerator keys
MDI (multiple-document interface) applications, 2nd, child window, window procedures, 2nd
MDI (multiple-document interface) applications, 2nd, client window, creating, 2nd
MDI (multiple-document interface) applications, 2nd, creating
MDI (multiple-document interface) applications, 2nd, frame window, creating, 2nd
MDI (multiple-document interface) applications, 2nd, menus
MDI (multiple-document interface) applications, 2nd, registering
MDI functions, 2nd
MDI functions, 2nd, ArrangeIconicWindows
MDI functions, 2nd, CascadeWindows
MDI functions, 2nd, CreateMDIWindow
MDI functions, 2nd, DefFrameProc
MDI functions, 2nd, DefMDIChildProc
MDI functions, 2nd, TileWindows
MDI functions, 2nd, TranslateMDISysAccel
MDI messages
MDI messages, WM_MDINEXT
MDI messages, WM_MDITILE
Measurements (text)
Memory management functions, 2nd
Memory management functions, 2nd, AllocateUserPhysicalPages
Memory management functions, 2nd, CopyMemory
Memory management functions, 2nd, FillMemory
Memory management functions, 2nd, FreeUserPhysicalPages
Memory management functions, 2nd, GlobalAlloc
Memory management functions, 2nd, GlobalDiscard
Memory management functions, 2nd, GlobalFlags
Memory management functions, 2nd, GlobalFree
Memory management functions, 2nd, GlobalHandle
Memory management functions, 2nd, GlobalLock
Memory management functions, 2nd, GlobalMemoryStatus
Memory management functions, 2nd, GlobalMemoryStatusEx
Memory management functions, 2nd, GlobalReAlloc
Memory management functions, 2nd, GlobalSize
Memory management functions, 2nd, GlobalUnlock
Memory management functions, 2nd, HeapAlloc
Memory management functions, 2nd, HeapCompact
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