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Simon J.R. — Windows 2000 API SuperBible |
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Clipboard functions, 2nd, GetClipboardFormatName
Clipboard functions, 2nd, GetClipboardOwner
Clipboard functions, 2nd, GetClipboardViewer
Clipboard functions, 2nd, GetOpenClipboardWindow
Clipboard functions, 2nd, GetPriorityClipboardFormat
Clipboard functions, 2nd, IsClipboardFormatAvailable
Clipboard functions, 2nd, OpenClipboard
Clipboard functions, 2nd, RegisterClipboardFormat
Clipboard functions, 2nd, SetClipboardData
Clipboard functions, 2nd, SetClipboardViewer
Clipboard, clipboard formats, rendering
Clipboard, clipboard owners
Clipboard, clipboard readers
Clipboard, clipboard viewers, 2nd
Clipboard, delayed rendering of data
Clipboard, Windows management of data
ClipCursor user input function, 2nd
clipping regions See : nhMetaFile function Clo 2nd
CloseClipboard function, 2nd
CloseFigure function
CloseHandle function, 2nd
CloseWindow windows support function, 2nd
closing windows
Code listings, Sample Dialog Box
Code page identifiers (CharNextExA function), 2nd
Color matching and palette functions, 2nd, AnimatePalette
Color matching and palette functions, 2nd, CheckColorsInGamut
Color matching and palette functions, 2nd, ColorCorrectPalette
Color matching and palette functions, 2nd, ColorMatchToTarget
Color matching and palette functions, 2nd, CreateColorSpace
Color matching and palette functions, 2nd, CreateHalftonePalette
Color matching and palette functions, 2nd, CreatePalette
Color matching and palette functions, 2nd, DeleteColorSpace
Color matching and palette functions, 2nd, EnumICMProfiles
Color matching and palette functions, 2nd, GetBValue
Color matching and palette functions, 2nd, GetColorAdjustment
Color matching and palette functions, 2nd, GetColorSpace
Color matching and palette functions, 2nd, GetDeviceGammaRamp
Color matching and palette functions, 2nd, GetGValue
Color matching and palette functions, 2nd, GetICMProfile
Color matching and palette functions, 2nd, GetLogColorSpace
Color matching and palette functions, 2nd, GetNearestColor
Color matching and palette functions, 2nd, GetNearestPaletteIndex
Color matching and palette functions, 2nd, GetPaletteEntries
Color matching and palette functions, 2nd, GetRValue
Color matching and palette functions, 2nd, GetSystemPaletteEntries
Color matching and palette functions, 2nd, GetSystemPaletteUse
Color matching and palette functions, 2nd, RealizePalette
Color matching and palette functions, 2nd, ResizePalette
Color matching and palette functions, 2nd, SelectPalette
Color matching and palette functions, 2nd, SetColorAdjustment
Color matching and palette functions, 2nd, SetColorSpace
Color matching and palette functions, 2nd, SetDeviceGammaRamp
Color matching and palette functions, 2nd, SetICMMode
Color matching and palette functions, 2nd, SetICMProfile
Color matching and palette functions, 2nd, SetPaletteEntries
Color matching and palette functions, 2nd, SetSystemPaletteUse
Color matching and palette functions, 2nd, UpdateColors
Color matching and palette functions, 2nd, UpdateICMRegKey
Color palettes, 2nd
Color palettes, 2nd, logical palette
Color palettes, 2nd, system default palette
Color, system color values
ColorCorrectPalette function, 2nd
ColorMatchToTarget function
Colors, color profiles
Colors, color spaces
Colors, image color matching
Colors, predefined system color constants
Column heading controls
CombineRgn function, 2nd
Combo box styles, 2nd
Combo boxes, drop-down combo boxes
ComboBox class
COMBOBOX dialog box control statement
Command buttons
Command buttons (title bars)
Command creation value
Commands, registering
CompareFileTime function, 2nd
CompareString function, 2nd
COMPUTER_NAME_FORMAT enumeration values
Constants, CALTYPE constants (EnumCalendarInfo function)
Constants, locale currency display format information (SetLocaleInfo function)
Constants, locale date and time formats (SetLocaleInfo function)
Constants, locale language data (SetLocaleInfo function)
Constants, locale numeric display format control (SetLocaleInfo function)
Context-sensitive help, 2nd
CONTROL dialog box control statement, 2nd
Control styles
Control styles, button styles
Control styles, combo box styles
Control styles, dialog box styles
Control styles, edit control styles
Control styles, list box styles
Control styles, rich edit specific styles
Control styles, scrollbar styles
Control styles, static control styles
Control styles, window styles
controls, check boxes
Controls, column heading controls
controls, command buttons
Controls, dialog box control statements, STATE3
Controls, group boxes
Controls, list boxes, tree view controls, 2nd
Controls, list view controls
controls, option buttons
Controls, predefined controls, atom values (dynamic dialog boxes), 2nd
Controls, progress indicator controls
Controls, property sheets
controls, scrollbars
Controls, slider controls
Controls, status bars
Controls, tab controls
Controls, text fields, text boxes, 2nd
Controls, toolbars
Controls, ToolTips
Controls, visual control states, unavailable appearance
ConvertDefaultLocale function, 2nd
ConvertThreadToFiber function, 2nd
CopyAcceleratorTable menu support function, 2nd
CopyCursor user input function, 2nd
CopyEnhMetaFile function, 2nd
CopyFile function, 2nd
CopyFileEx function
CopyIcon function, 2nd
CopyImage function
CopyMemory function, 2nd
CopyRect function, 2nd
CountClipboardFormats function, 2nd
CPINFO structure
Create flags, CreateProcess function
CreateAcceleratorTable menu support function, 2nd
CreateBitmap function, 2nd
CreateBitmapIndirect function
CreateBrushIndirect function, 2nd
CreateCaret user input function, 2nd
CreateColorSpace function, 2nd
CreateCompatibleBitmap function, 2nd
CreateCompatibleDC function, 2nd
CreateCursor user input function, 2nd
CreateDC function, 2nd
CreateDialog dialog box function, 2nd
CreateDialogIndirect dialog box function
CreateDialogIndirectParam dialog box function
CreateDialogParam dialog box function
CreateDIBitmap function, 2nd
CreateDIBPatternBrushPt function, 2nd
| CreateDIBSection function, 2nd
CreateDirectory function, 2nd
CreateDirectoryEx function
CreateEllipticRgn function, 2nd
CreateEllipticRgnIndirect function
CreateEnhMetaFile function, 2nd
CreateEvent function, 2nd
CreateFiber function
CreateFile function, 2nd
CreateFileMapping function
CreateFont function, 2nd
CreateFontIndirect function
CreateHalftonePalette function, 2nd
CreateHatchBrush function, 2nd
CreateIC function, 2nd
CreateIcon function, 2nd
CreateIconFromResource function
CreateIconFromResourceEx function
CreateIconIndirect function
CreateMDIWindow function, 2nd
CreateMenu menu support function, 2nd
CreateMutex function, 2nd
CreatePalette function, 2nd
CreatePatternBrush function, 2nd
CreatePen function
CreatePenIndirect function
CreatePolygonRgn function
CreatePolyPolygonRgn function
CreatePopupMenu menu support function, 2nd
CreateProcess function, 2nd, dwFlags values
CreateProcess function, 2nd, parameters
CreateProcess function, 2nd, PROCESS_INFORMATION structure
CreateProcess function, 2nd, STARTUPINFO structure
CreateProcessAsUser function
CreateRectRgn function, 2nd
CreateRectRgnIndirect function
CreateRemoteThread function, 2nd
CreateRoundRectRgn function, 2nd
CreateScalableFontResource function, 2nd
CreateSemaphore function, 2nd
CreateSolidBrush function
CreateThread function, 2nd, 3rd
CreateWaitableTimer function
CreateWindow function, 2nd, button styles
CreateWindow function, 2nd, combo box styles
CreateWindow function, 2nd, dialog box styles
CreateWindow function, 2nd, edit control styles
CreateWindow function, 2nd, list box styles
CreateWindow function, 2nd, messages
CreateWindow function, 2nd, parameters
CreateWindow function, 2nd, rich edit specific styles
CreateWindow function, 2nd, scrollbar styles
CreateWindow function, 2nd, static control styles
CreateWindow function, 2nd, window styles
CreateWindowEx function, extended window styles
CreateWindowEx function, parameters
Creation support (registry)
Creation values
Critical section objects
CTEXT dialog box control statement
Currency, locale currency display format information (SetLocaleInfo function)
Cursor identifiers, predefined (LoadCursor user input function)
Cursor identifiers, system (LoadCursorFromFile user input function)
CURSORINFO structure
Cursors, standard system cursors
Custom resources, 2nd
CWPSTRUCT structure
Data creation value
Data exchanges with global atoms, 2nd
Data structure definitions (dynamic dialog boxes), 2nd
Data type formatting options (wsprintf function)
Data types, registry data types
date and time
Date and time, locale date and time formats (SetLocaleInfo function)
DBCS (double-byte character sets)
DDB (device-dependent bitmaps), 2nd
decompressing files
Decompression and installation functions, 2nd
Decompression and installation functions, 2nd, GetExpandedName
Decompression and installation functions, 2nd, GetFileVersionInfo
Decompression and installation functions, 2nd, GetFileVersionInfoSize
Decompression and installation functions, 2nd, LZ
Decompression and installation functions, 2nd, LZClose
Decompression and installation functions, 2nd, LZCopy
Decompression and installation functions, 2nd, LZInit
Decompression and installation functions, 2nd, LZOpenFile
Decompression and installation functions, 2nd, LZRead
Decompression and installation functions, 2nd, VerFindFile
Decompression and installation functions, 2nd, VerInstallFile
Decompression and installation functions, 2nd, VerQueryValue
Default palette
DefDlgProc dialog box function, 2nd
DeferWindowPos windows support function, 2nd
DefFrameProc function, 2nd
Defining menus in resource files, 2nd
DefMDIChildProc function
DEFPUSHBUTTON dialog box control statement
DefWindowProc message-processing function, 2nd
Delayed rendering of clipboard data, 2nd
DeleteAtom function, 2nd
DeleteColorSpace function, 2nd
DeleteCriticalSection function, 2nd
DeleteDC function, 2nd
DeleteEnhMetaFile function, 2nd
DeleteFiber function, 2nd
DeleteFile function, 2nd
DeleteMenu menu support function, 2nd
DeleteObject function, 2nd
Descriptor flags, file system descriptor flags
DestroyAcceleratorTable menu support function, 2nd
DestroyCaret user input function, 2nd
DestroyCursor user input function
DestroyIcon function, 2nd
DestroyMenu menu support function, 2nd
DestroyMenuBar menu support function
DestroyWindow function, 2nd
Device context, 2nd, 3rd
Device context, 2nd, 3rd, clipping regions
Device context, 2nd, 3rd, drawing tools
Device context, 2nd, 3rd, extents
Device context, 2nd, 3rd, mapping modes
Device context, 2nd, 3rd, origins
Device context, 2nd, 3rd, private device contexts
Device context, 2nd, 3rd, selecting objects
Device-dependent bitmaps (DDB), 2nd
Device-independent bitmaps (DIB)
DeviceCapabilities function, 2nd
DeviceCapabilities function, 2nd, DEVMODE structure
DeviceCapabilities function, 2nd, members
DeviceCapabilities function, 2nd, parameters
Devices, color profiles
Devices, color spaces
Devices, drawing areas, specifying
Devices, drawing tools
DEVMODE dmFields values
DEVMODE dmICMIntent values
DEVMODE dmPaperSize values, 2nd
DEVMODE structure
Dialog box control statements, 2nd
Dialog box control statements, 2nd, AUTO3STATE
Dialog box control statements, 2nd, AUTOCHECKBOX
Dialog box control statements, 2nd, AUTORADIOBUTTON
Dialog box control statements, 2nd, CHECKBOX
Dialog box control statements, 2nd, COMBOBOX
Dialog box control statements, 2nd, CONTROL
Dialog box control statements, 2nd, CTEXT
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