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Simon J.R. — Windows 2000 API SuperBible |
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String manipulation and character set functions, 2nd, OemToCharBuff
String manipulation and character set functions, 2nd, SetLocaleInfo
String manipulation and character set functions, 2nd, SetThreadLocale
String manipulation and character set functions, 2nd, ToAscii function
String manipulation and character set functions, 2nd, WideCharToMultiByte function
String manipulation and character set functions, 2nd, wsprintf
String manipulation and character set functions, 2nd, wvsprintf
String tables, 2nd
Strings, format strings, FormatMessage function
StrokeAndFillPath function, 2nd
StrokePath function
Structures, WNDCLASSEX structure
STYLE dialog box template statement
Style guide (Windows 2000 applications)
Style guide (Windows 2000 applications), controls, ToolTips
Style guide (Windows 2000 applications), list view controls
Style guide (Windows 2000 applications), menus, Window pop-up menus
Style guide (Windows 2000 applications), system integration, registry, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th
Style guide (Windows 2000 applications), visual design, control appearance, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
Style guide (Windows 2000 applications), windows, title bars, 2nd, 3rd
Style values, DrawFrameControl function
Styles, button styles
Styles, combo box styles
Styles, dialog box styles
Styles, edit control styles
Styles, extended window styles
Styles, list box styles
Styles, rich edit specific styles
Styles, scrollbar styles
Styles, static control styles
Styles, window class styles
Styles, window styles
Subkeys (registry), 2nd, 3rd, RunOnce subkey
SubtractRect function, 2nd
SuspendThread function, 2nd
SwapMouseButton user input function, 2nd
SwitchToFiber function
Synchronization objects, 2nd
Synchronization objects, 2nd, nonsignaled state
Synchronization objects, 2nd, signaled state
Synchronization objects, 2nd, wait functions
SYS (INI file mapping prefix)
System color constants, 2nd
System color values
System cursor identifiers (LoadCursorFromFile user input function)
system cursors
System default palette
System icons
System Information
System information functions, 2nd
System information functions, 2nd, DnsHostNameToComputerName
System information functions, 2nd, ExpandEnvironmentStrings
System information functions, 2nd, GetCommandLine
System information functions, 2nd, GetComputerName
System information functions, 2nd, GetComputerNameEx
System information functions, 2nd, GetCurrentDirectory
System information functions, 2nd, GetDiskFreeSpaceEx
System information functions, 2nd, GetDriveType
System information functions, 2nd, GetEnvironmentStrings
System information functions, 2nd, GetEnvironmentVariable
System information functions, 2nd, GetLocalTime
System information functions, 2nd, GetLogicalDrives
System information functions, 2nd, GetLogicalDriveStrings
System information functions, 2nd, GetStartupInfo
System information functions, 2nd, GetSysColor
System information functions, 2nd, GetSystemDefaultLangID
System information functions, 2nd, GetSystemDefaultLCID
System information functions, 2nd, GetSystemDirectory
System information functions, 2nd, GetSystemInfo
System information functions, 2nd, GetSystemPowerStatus
System information functions, 2nd, GetSystemTime
System information functions, 2nd, GetSystemWindowsDirectory
System information functions, 2nd, GetTimeZoneInformation
System information functions, 2nd, GetUserDefaultLangID
System information functions, 2nd, GetUserDefaultLCID
System information functions, 2nd, GetUserName
System information functions, 2nd, GetUserNameEx
System information functions, 2nd, GetVersionEx
System information functions, 2nd, GetVolumeInformation
System information functions, 2nd, GetWindowsDirectory
System information functions, 2nd, SetComputerName
System information functions, 2nd, SetComputerNameEx
System information functions, 2nd, SetCurrentDirectory
System information functions, 2nd, SetEnvironmentVariable
System information functions, 2nd, SetLocalTime
System information functions, 2nd, SetSysColors
System information functions, 2nd, SetSystemPowerState
System information functions, 2nd, SetSystemTime
System information functions, 2nd, SetTimeZoneInformation
System information functions, 2nd, SetVolumeLabel
System information functions, 2nd, SystemParametersInfo, TOGGLEKEYS structure
System information functions, 2nd, TranslateName
System information functions, 2nd, VerifyVersionInfo
System information functions, 2nd, VerLanguageName
System information, language support
System information, local time
System information, locales
System information, process environment information
System information, system time
System integration (Windows 2000 applications), 2nd
System integration (Windows 2000 applications), 2nd, installation, shortcuts, creating
System integration (Windows 2000 applications), 2nd, registry, state information, 2nd
System time
SystemParametersInfo system information function, 2nd
SystemParametersInfo system information function, 2nd, ACCESSTIMEOUT structure
SystemParametersInfo system information function, 2nd, ANIMATIONINFO structure
SystemParametersInfo system information function, 2nd, FILTERKEYS dwFlags values
SystemParametersInfo system information function, 2nd, FILTERKEYS structure
SystemParametersInfo system information function, 2nd, HIGHCONTRAST dwFlags values
SystemParametersInfo system information function, 2nd, HIGHCONTRAST structure
SystemParametersInfo system information function, 2nd, ICONMETRICS structure
SystemParametersInfo system information function, 2nd, MINIMIZEDMETRICS structure
SystemParametersInfo system information function, 2nd, MOUSEKEYS dwFlags values
SystemParametersInfo system information function, 2nd, MOUSEKEYS structure
SystemParametersInfo system information function, 2nd, NONCLIENTMETRICS structure
SystemParametersInfo system information function, 2nd, parameters
SystemParametersInfo system information function, 2nd, SERIALKEYS structure
SystemParametersInfo system information function, 2nd, SOUNDSENTRY structure
SystemParametersInfo system information function, 2nd, STICKYKEYS dwFlags values
SystemParametersInfo system information function, 2nd, STICKYKEYS structure
SystemParametersInfo system information function, 2nd, TOGGLEKEYS structure
SYSTEMTIME structure
SystemTimeToFileTime function, 2nd
SYSTEM_INFO structure
SYSTEM_INFO wProcessorLevel values
SYSTEM_INFO wProcessorRevision values
Tab controls, 2nd
Tab key, dialog box keyboard interface
TabbedTextOut function, 2nd
Tables, atom tables, local atom tables, 2nd
Tables, string tables
Templates, dialog box template statements, VERSION
TerminateProcess function, 2nd
TerminateThread function
Termination handlers
Text and printing output functions, 2nd
Text and printing output functions, 2nd, AbortDoc
Text and printing output functions, 2nd, DeviceCapabilities, parameters, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th
Text and printing output functions, 2nd, EndDoc
Text and printing output functions, 2nd, EndPage
Text and printing output functions, 2nd, Escape
Text and printing output functions, 2nd, ExtEscape
Text and printing output functions, 2nd, ExtTextOut
Text and printing output functions, 2nd, GetCharABCWidths
Text and printing output functions, 2nd, GetCharABCWidthsFloat
Text and printing output functions, 2nd, GetCharABCWidthsI
Text and printing output functions, 2nd, GetCharacterPlacement
Text and printing output functions, 2nd, GetCharWidth32
| Text and printing output functions, 2nd, GetCharWidthFloat
Text and printing output functions, 2nd, GetGlyphOutline
Text and printing output functions, 2nd, GetKerningPairs
Text and printing output functions, 2nd, GetOutlineTextMetrics
Text and printing output functions, 2nd, GetRasterizerCaps
Text and printing output functions, 2nd, GetTabbedTextExtent
Text and printing output functions, 2nd, GetTextAlign
Text and printing output functions, 2nd, GetTextCharacterExtra
Text and printing output functions, 2nd, GetTextColor
Text and printing output functions, 2nd, GetTextExtentExPoint
Text and printing output functions, 2nd, GetTextExtentPoint32
Text and printing output functions, 2nd, GetTextFace
Text and printing output functions, 2nd, GetTextMetrics
Text and printing output functions, 2nd, ResetDC
Text and printing output functions, 2nd, SetAbortProc
Text and printing output functions, 2nd, SetTextAlign
Text and printing output functions, 2nd, SetTextCharacterExtra
Text and printing output functions, 2nd, SetTextColor
Text and printing output functions, 2nd, SetTextJustification
Text and printing output functions, 2nd, StartDoc
Text and printing output functions, 2nd, StartPage
Text and printing output functions, 2nd, TabbedTextOut
Text and printing output functions, 2nd, TextOut
Text boxes, 2nd
Text dimensions
text fields
Text fields, combo boxes
Text fields, drop-down combo boxes
Text fields, rich-text boxes
Text fields, spin boxes
Text fields, static text fields
Text fields, text boxes
text output
TEXTMETRIC structure, 2nd
TextOut function
Thread base priority levels (GetThreadPriority function)
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, AttachThreadInput
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, CancelWaitableTimer
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, ConvertThreadToFiber
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, CreateEvent
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, CreateFiber
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, CreateMutex
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, CreateProcess, STARTUPINFO structure
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, CreateProcessAsUser
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, CreateRemoteThread
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, CreateSemaphore
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, CreateThread, 2nd
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, CreateWaitableTimer
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, DeleteCriticalSection
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, DeleteFiber
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, DuplicateHandle
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, EnterCriticalSection
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, ExitProcess
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, ExitThread
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, GetCurrentFiber
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, GetCurrentProcess
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, GetCurrentProcessId
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, GetCurrentThread
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, GetCurrentThreadId
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, GetExitCodeProcess
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, GetExitCodeThread
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, GetFiberData
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, GetPriorityClass
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, GetProcessAffinityMask
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, GetProcessHeap
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, GetProcessHeaps
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, GetProcessPriorityBoost
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, GetProcessShutdownParameters
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, GetProcessTimes
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, GetProcessVersion
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, GetProcessWorkingSetSize
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, GetQueueStatus
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, GetThreadContext
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, GetThreadPriority
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, GetThreadPriorityBoost
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, GetThreadSelectorEntry
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, GetThreadTimes
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, InitializeCriticalSection
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, InterlockedCompareExchange
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, InterlockedDecrement
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, InterlockedExchange
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, InterlockedExchangeAdd
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, InterlockedIncrement
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, LeaveCriticalSection
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, MsgWaitForMultipleObjects
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, OpenEvent
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, OpenMutex
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, OpenProcess
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, OpenSemaphore
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, OpenWaitableTimer
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, Pul
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, QueueUserAPC
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, Rai
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, ReadProcessMemory
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, RegisterHotKey
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, ReleaseMutex
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, ReleaseSemaphore
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, ResetEvent
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, ResumeThread
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, SetEvent
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, SetPriorityClass
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, SetProcessAffinityMask
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, SetProcessPriorityBoost
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, SetProcessShutdownParameters
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, SetProcessWorkingSetSize
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, SetThreadAffinityMask
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, SetThreadContext
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, SetThreadIdealProcessor
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, SetThreadPriority
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, SetThreadPriorityBoost
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, SetUnhandledExceptionFilter
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, SetWaitableTimer
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, SignalObjectAndWait
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, Sleep
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, SleepEx
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, SuspendThread
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, SwitchToFiber
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, TerminateProcess
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, TerminateThread
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, TlsAlloc
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, TlsFree
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, TlsGetValue
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, TlsSetValue
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, TryEnterCriticalSection
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, UnhandledExceptionFilter
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, UnregisterHotKey
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, WaitForInputIdle
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, WaitForMultipleObjects
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, WaitForMultipleObjectsEx
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, WaitForSingleObject
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, WaitForSingleObjectEx
Thread, fiber, and process functions, 2nd, WriteProcessMemory
threads, creating
Threads, priority levels (SetThreadPriority function)
TileWindows function, 2nd
time and date
Time and date, locale date and time formats (SetLocaleInfo function)
Timer functions, 2nd
Timer functions, 2nd, GetTickCount
Timer functions, 2nd, KillTimer
Timer functions, 2nd, QueryPerformanceCounter
Timer functions, 2nd, QueryPerformanceFrequency
Timer functions, 2nd, SetTimer
Timers, 2nd
Timers, 2nd, callback functions
Timers, 2nd, firing intervals
Timers, 2nd, message-based timers
Timers, 2nd, performance monitor counters
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