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Simon J.R. — Windows 2000 API SuperBible |
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GetMenuItemCount menu support function
GetMenuItemID menu support function
GetMenuItemInfo menu support function
GetMenuItemRect menu support function
GetMenuState menu support function
GetMenuString menu support function
GetMessage message-processing function, 2nd
GetMessageExtraInfo message-processing function
GetMessagePos message-processing function
GetMessageTime message-processing function
GetMetaRgn function, 2nd
GetMiterLimit function, 2nd
GetMouseMovePointsEx user input function, 2nd
GetNearestColor function, 2nd
GetNearestPaletteIndex function
GetNextDlgGroupItem dialog box function, 2nd
GetNextDlgTabItem dialog box function
GetNextWindow windows support function, 2nd
GetNumberFormat function, 2nd
GetObject function, 2nd
GetObjectType function
GetOEMCP function, 2nd
GetOpenClipboardWindow function, 2nd
GetOutlineTextMetrics function, 2nd
GetOverlappedResult function, 2nd
GetPaletteEntries function, 2nd
GetParent windows support function
GetPath function, 2nd
GetPixel function
GetPolyFillMode function
GetPriorityClass function, 2nd
GetPriorityClipboardFormat function, 2nd
GetPrivateProfileInt initialization file function, 2nd
GetPrivateProfileSection initialization file function
GetPrivateProfileSectionNames initialization file function
GetPrivateProfileString initialization file function
GetPrivateProfileStruct initialization file function
GetProcAddress function, 2nd
GetProcessAffinityMask function, 2nd
GetProcessHeap function
GetProcessHeaps function
GetProcessPriorityBoost function
GetProcessShutdownParameters function
GetProcessTimes function
GetProcessVersion function
GetProcessWorkingSetSize function
GetProfileInt initialization file function, 2nd
GetProfileSection initialization file function
GetProfileString initialization file function
GetProp windows support function, 2nd
GetQueueStatus function, 2nd
GetRandomRgn function, 2nd
GetRasterizerCaps function, 2nd
GetRegionData function, 2nd
GetRgnBox function
GetROP2 function
GetRValue function, 2nd
GetScrollInfo scrollbar function, 2nd
GetScrollPos scrollbar function
GetScrollRange scrollbar function
GetStartupInfo system information function, 2nd
GetStdHandle function, 2nd
GetStockObject function, 2nd
GetStretchBltMode function, 2nd
GetStringTypeEx function, 2nd
GetSubMenu menu support function, 2nd
GetSysColor system information function, 2nd
GetSystemDefaultLangID system information function
GetSystemDefaultLCID system information function
GetSystemDirectory system information function
GetSystemInfo system information function
GetSystemMenu menu support function, 2nd
GetSystemMetrics function, 2nd
GetSystemPaletteEntries function, 2nd
GetSystemPaletteUse function
GetSystemPowerStatus system information function, 2nd
GetSystemTime system information function
GetSystemWindowsDirectory system information function
GetTabbedTextExtent function, 2nd
GetTempFileName function, 2nd
GetTempPath function
GetTextAlign function, 2nd
GetTextCharacterExtra function
GetTextColor function
GetTextExtentExPoint function
GetTextExtentPoint32 function
GetTextFace function
GetTextMetrics function
GetThreadContext function, 2nd
GetThreadLocale function, 2nd
GetThreadPriority function, 2nd
GetThreadPriorityBoost function
GetThreadSelectorEntry function
GetThreadTimes function
GetTickCount function, 2nd
GetTimeFormat function, 2nd
GetTimeZoneInformation system information function, 2nd
GetTitleBarInfo windows support function, 2nd
GetTopWindow windows support function
GetUpdateRect function, 2nd
GetUpdateRgn function
GetUserDefaultLangID system information function, 2nd
GetUserDefaultLCID system information function
GetUserName system information function
GetUserNameEx system information function
GetVersionEx system information function
GetViewportExtEx function, 2nd
GetViewportOrgEx function
GetVolumeInformation system information function, 2nd
GetWindow windows support function, 2nd
GetWindowContextHelpId function, 2nd
GetWindowDC function, 2nd
GetWindowExtEx function
GetWindowInfo windows support function, 2nd
GetWindowLong windows support function
GetWindowOrgEx function, 2nd
GetWindowPlacement windows support function, 2nd
GetWindowRect windows support function
GetWindowRgn function, 2nd
GetWindowsDirectory system information function, 2nd
GetWindowsLongPtr windows support function, 2nd
GetWindowText windows support function
GetWindowTextLength windows support function
GetWindowThreadProcessId windows support function
GetWindowWord windows support function
GetWinMetaFileBits function, 2nd
GET_PS_FEATURESETTING printer escape, 2nd
Global atom tables, 2nd
Global atoms, exchanging data
Global memory, 2nd
GlobalAddAtom function, 2nd
GlobalAlloc function, 2nd
GlobalDeleteAtom function, 2nd
GlobalDiscard function, 2nd
GlobalFindAtom function, 2nd
GlobalFlags function, 2nd
GlobalFree function
GlobalGetAtomName function, 2nd
GlobalHandle function, 2nd
GlobalLock function
GlobalMemoryStatus function
GlobalMemoryStatusEx function
GlobalReAlloc function
GlobalSize function
GlobalUnlock function
Graphical user interface (GUI)
Graphics Device Interface (GDI), 2nd
Graphics Device Interface (GDI), 2nd, device context, selecting objects
Graphics Device Interface functions, 2nd
| Graphics Device Interface functions, 2nd, AddFontMemResourceEx
Graphics Device Interface functions, 2nd, AddFontResource
Graphics Device Interface functions, 2nd, AddFontResourceEx
Graphics Device Interface functions, 2nd, CancelDC
Graphics Device Interface functions, 2nd, ChangeDisplaySettings
Graphics Device Interface functions, 2nd, CreateCompatibleDC
Graphics Device Interface functions, 2nd, CreateDC
Graphics Device Interface functions, 2nd, CreateFont
Graphics Device Interface functions, 2nd, CreateFontIndirect
Graphics Device Interface functions, 2nd, CreateIC
Graphics Device Interface functions, 2nd, CreateScalableFontResource
Graphics Device Interface functions, 2nd, DeleteDC
Graphics Device Interface functions, 2nd, DPtoLP
Graphics Device Interface functions, 2nd, EnumDisplaySettings
Graphics Device Interface functions, 2nd, EnumFontFamilies
Graphics Device Interface functions, 2nd, EnumFontFamiliesEx
Graphics Device Interface functions, 2nd, GetDC
Graphics Device Interface functions, 2nd, GetDCEx
Graphics Device Interface functions, 2nd, GetDCOrgEx
Graphics Device Interface functions, 2nd, GetDeviceCaps
Graphics Device Interface functions, 2nd, GetFontData
Graphics Device Interface functions, 2nd, GetFontLanguageInfo
Graphics Device Interface functions, 2nd, GetGraphicsMode
Graphics Device Interface functions, 2nd, GetMapMode
Graphics Device Interface functions, 2nd, GetSystemMetrics
Graphics Device Interface functions, 2nd, GetViewportExtEx
Graphics Device Interface functions, 2nd, GetViewportOrgEx
Graphics Device Interface functions, 2nd, GetWindowDC
Graphics Device Interface functions, 2nd, GetWindowExtEx
Graphics Device Interface functions, 2nd, GetWindowOrgEx
Graphics Device Interface functions, 2nd, LPtoDP
Graphics Device Interface functions, 2nd, OffsetViewportOrgEx
Graphics Device Interface functions, 2nd, OffsetWindowOrgEx
Graphics Device Interface functions, 2nd, PtVisible
Graphics Device Interface functions, 2nd, RectVisible
Graphics Device Interface functions, 2nd, ReleaseDC
Graphics Device Interface functions, 2nd, RemoveFontMemResourceEx
Graphics Device Interface functions, 2nd, RemoveFontResource
Graphics Device Interface functions, 2nd, RemoveFontResourceEx
Graphics Device Interface functions, 2nd, RestoreDC
Graphics Device Interface functions, 2nd, SaveDC
Graphics Device Interface functions, 2nd, ScaleViewportExtEx
Graphics Device Interface functions, 2nd, ScaleWindowExtEx
Graphics Device Interface functions, 2nd, SelectObject
Graphics Device Interface functions, 2nd, SetGraphicsMode
Graphics Device Interface functions, 2nd, SetMapMode
Graphics Device Interface functions, 2nd, SetMapperFlags
Graphics Device Interface functions, 2nd, SetViewportExtEx
Graphics Device Interface functions, 2nd, SetViewportOrgEx
Graphics Device Interface functions, 2nd, SetWindowExtEx
Graphics Device Interface functions, 2nd, SetWindowOrgEx
Graphics Device Interface functions, 2nd, WindowFromDC
Graphics, bitmaps, device-independent bitmaps (DIB), 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th
Graphics, icons, creating at runtime
Graphics, metafiles, disk files, 2nd
GrayString function, 2nd
Group borders
group boxes
GROUPBOX dialog box control statement
GUI (Graphical User Interface)
Hardware color palettes
Hardware palettes, 2nd
HbmpItem values, MENUITEMINFO hbmpItem values
header controls
HeapAlloc function, 2nd
HeapCompact function
HeapCreate function
HeapDestroy function
HeapFree function
HeapReAlloc function
Heaps (private heaps), 2nd
HeapSize function, 2nd
Help file functions, 2nd
Help file functions, 2nd, GetMenuContextHelpId
Help file functions, 2nd, GetWindowContextHelpId
Help file functions, 2nd, SetMenuContextHelpId
Help file functions, 2nd, SetWindowContextHelpId
Help file functions, 2nd, WinHelp
Help file messages
Help file messages, WM_HELP
Help file messages, WM_TCARD
Help files
Help files, context-sensitive help
Help files, providing user access
Help files, training cards
Help menu
Help menu options
Help Topics menu item
HELPINFO structure
HideCaret user input function, 2nd
HIGHCONTRAST dwFlags values
HiliteMenuItem menu support function, 2nd
Hook function prototypes
Hook function prototypes, WH_CALLWNDPROC
Hook function prototypes, WH_CALLWNDPROCRET
Hook function prototypes, WH_CBT
Hook function prototypes, WH_DEBUG
Hook function prototypes, WH_FOREGROUNDIDLE
Hook function prototypes, WH_GETMESSAGE
Hook function prototypes, WH_JOURNALPLAYBACK
Hook function prototypes, WH_JOURNALRECORD
Hook function prototypes, WH_KEYBOARD
Hook function prototypes, WH_KEYBOARD_LL
Hook function prototypes, WH_MOUSE
Hook function prototypes, WH_MOUSE_LL
Hook function prototypes, WH_MSGFILTER
Hook function prototypes, WH_SHELL
Hook function prototypes, WH_SYSMSGFILTER
HwndInsertAfter flags values (DeferWindowPos windows support function)
I/O (input and output)
I/O (input and output), asynchronous I/O
I/O (input and output), creating files
I/O (input and output), file I/O functions, WriteFileEx, 2nd
I/O (input and output), file mapping
I/O (input and output), opening files
I/O (input and output), overlapped I/O
I/O (input and output), reading files
I/O (input and output), writing files
ICON dialog box control statement
Icon pop-up menus
Icon, metafile, and bitmap functions, 2nd
Icon, metafile, and bitmap functions, 2nd, BitBlt
Icon, metafile, and bitmap functions, 2nd, Clo
Icon, metafile, and bitmap functions, 2nd, CopyEnhMetaFile
Icon, metafile, and bitmap functions, 2nd, CopyIcon
Icon, metafile, and bitmap functions, 2nd, CopyImage
Icon, metafile, and bitmap functions, 2nd, CreateBitmap
Icon, metafile, and bitmap functions, 2nd, CreateBitmapIndirect
Icon, metafile, and bitmap functions, 2nd, CreateCompatibleBitmap
Icon, metafile, and bitmap functions, 2nd, CreateDIBitmap
Icon, metafile, and bitmap functions, 2nd, CreateDIBSection
Icon, metafile, and bitmap functions, 2nd, CreateEnhMetaFile
Icon, metafile, and bitmap functions, 2nd, CreateIcon
Icon, metafile, and bitmap functions, 2nd, CreateIconFromResource
Icon, metafile, and bitmap functions, 2nd, CreateIconFromResourceEx
Icon, metafile, and bitmap functions, 2nd, CreateIconIndirect
Icon, metafile, and bitmap functions, 2nd, DeleteEnhMetaFile
Icon, metafile, and bitmap functions, 2nd, DestroyIcon
Icon, metafile, and bitmap functions, 2nd, DrawIcon
Icon, metafile, and bitmap functions, 2nd, DrawIconEx
Icon, metafile, and bitmap functions, 2nd, EnumEnhMetaFile
Icon, metafile, and bitmap functions, 2nd, GdiComment
Icon, metafile, and bitmap functions, 2nd, GetBitmapDimensionEx
Icon, metafile, and bitmap functions, 2nd, GetDIBits
Icon, metafile, and bitmap functions, 2nd, GetEnhMetaFile
Icon, metafile, and bitmap functions, 2nd, GetEnhMetaFileBits
Icon, metafile, and bitmap functions, 2nd, GetEnhMetaFileDescription
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