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Simon J.R. — Windows 2000 API SuperBible
Simon J.R. — Windows 2000 API SuperBible

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Название: Windows 2000 API SuperBible

Автор: Simon J.R.


Following in the tradition of the Win 95 and Win32 NT SuperBibles, this book is a comprehensive reference for all of the APIs needed by the Windows programmer. It is arranged topically with related functions presented in the same chapter. Using relevant examples that are complete and appropriate to the task at hand, the user will be able to see clearly the most effective usage for each function. The user-friendly organization of the book will save programmers valuable time, and negate the need to sift through vendor supplied documentation with is spotty and disorganized.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2000

Количество страниц: 1608

Добавлена в каталог: 19.08.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Timers, 2nd, Windows time
Title bars (windows), 2nd
Title bars (windows), 2nd, command buttons
Titles, menu titles
Titles, window titles
TlsAlloc function, 2nd      
TlsFree function
TlsGetValue function
TlsSetValue function      
ToAscii function, 2nd
TOGGLEKEYS structure      
Toolbars, 2nd
Top-level menus (main menus)
TPMPARAMS structure
TrackBar controls
TrackPopupMenu menu support function, 2nd      
TrackPopupMenuEx menu support function
Training cards
Translate Accelerator menu support function
TranslateMDISysAccel function, 2nd      
TranslateMessage message-processing function      
TranslateName system information function, 2nd      
Translations (character sets), 2nd      
Tree view controls, 2nd      
TrueType fonts      
Try blocks, 2nd      
TryEnterCriticalSection function, 2nd      
Type flags, DrawState function      
Type values, GetPath function      
UArrowFlags values, EnableScrollBar scrollbar function      
UCmd values (GetWindow windows support function)
uCommand values, WinHelp function      
uFileType values, DlgDirList dialog box function      
uFlags flag values, DrawEdge function      
uFlags flags values, AppendMenu menu support function      
uFlags values, ActivateKeyboardLayout user input function      
uFlags values, CopyImage function      
uFlags values, DrawText function      
uFlags values, GlobalAlloc function      
uFlags values, GlobalReAlloc function      
uFlags values, LoadKeyboardLayout user input function      
uFlags values, RedrawWindow function      
uFlags values, TrackPopupMenu menu support function      
uLoad values, LoadImage function      
uMapType values, MapVirtualKey user input function      
uMode values, SetTextAlign function
Unavailable appearance (controls)      
UNC (Universal Naming Convention) paths
UnhandledExceptionFilter function, 2nd      
UnhookWindowsHookEx message-processing function, 2nd      
UnionRect function, 2nd
Universal Naming Convention (UNC) paths      
UnloadKeyboardLayout user input function, 2nd      
UnlockFile function, 2nd      
UnlockFileEx function      
UnmapViewOfFile function      
UnrealizeObject function, 2nd      
UnregisterClass function, 2nd      
UnregisterHotKey function, 2nd      
uOptions values, ExtTextOut function      
UpdateColors function, 2nd      
UpdateICMRegKey function      
UpdateLayeredWindow windows support function, 2nd      
UpdateWindow function, 2nd      
User input functions, 2nd      
User input functions, 2nd, ActivateKeyboardLayout      
User input functions, 2nd, BlockInput      
User input functions, 2nd, ClientToScreen      
User input functions, 2nd, ClipCursor      
User input functions, 2nd, CopyCursor      
User input functions, 2nd, CreateCaret      
User input functions, 2nd, CreateCursor      
User input functions, 2nd, DestroyCaret      
User input functions, 2nd, DestroyCursor      
User input functions, 2nd, DragDetect      
User input functions, 2nd, GetAsyncKeyState      
User input functions, 2nd, GetCapture      
User input functions, 2nd, GetCaretBlinkTime      
User input functions, 2nd, GetCaretPos      
User input functions, 2nd, GetClipCursor      
User input functions, 2nd, GetCursor      
User input functions, 2nd, GetCursorInfo      
User input functions, 2nd, GetCursorPos      
User input functions, 2nd, GetDoubleClickTime      
User input functions, 2nd, GetInputState      
User input functions, 2nd, GetKeyboardLayout      
User input functions, 2nd, GetKeyboardLayoutList      
User input functions, 2nd, GetKeyboardLayoutName      
User input functions, 2nd, GetKeyboardState      
User input functions, 2nd, GetKeyboardType      
User input functions, 2nd, GetKeyNameText
User input functions, 2nd, GetKeyState
User input functions, 2nd, GetLastInputInfo
User input functions, 2nd, GetMouseMovePointsEx      
User input functions, 2nd, HideCaret      
User input functions, 2nd, LoadCursor      
User input functions, 2nd, LoadCursorFromFile      
User input functions, 2nd, LoadKeyboardLayout      
User input functions, 2nd, MapVirtualKey      
User input functions, 2nd, MapVirtualKeyEx      
User input functions, 2nd, OemKeyScan      
User input functions, 2nd, ReleaseCapture      
User input functions, 2nd, ScreenToClient      
User input functions, 2nd, SetCapture
User input functions, 2nd, SetCaretBlinkTime      
User input functions, 2nd, SetCaretPos      
User input functions, 2nd, SetCursor      
User input functions, 2nd, SetCursorPos      
User input functions, 2nd, SetDoubleClickTime      
User input functions, 2nd, SetKeyboardState      
User input functions, 2nd, ShowCaret      
User input functions, 2nd, ShowCursor      
User input functions, 2nd, SwapMouseButton      
User input functions, 2nd, UnloadKeyboardLayout      
User input functions, 2nd, VkKeyScan      
User input functions, 2nd, VkKeyScanEx      
User interface features, 2nd      
USR (INI file mapping prefix)      
uStyle values, MessageBox dialog box function      
UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) value      
uType values, CopyImage function      
VALENT structure      
ValidateRect function, 2nd      
ValidateRgn function      
Values (registry), 2nd      
Values (registry), 2nd, setting key values      
Values, biCompression values      
Values, biCompression values, BITMAPINFOHEADER biCompression values      
Values, BroadcastSystemMessage message-processing function, dwFlags values      
Values, bSerifStyle values, PANOSE bSerifStyle values      
Values, caIlluminantIndex values, COLORADJUSTMENT caIlluminantIndex values      
Values, code page identifiers (CharNextExA function)      
Values, COMPUTER_NAME_FORMAT enumeration values      
Values, creation values      
Values, DeferWindowPos windows support function, hwndInsertAfter values      
Values, DEVMODE dmFields values      
Values, DEVMODE dmICMIntent values      
Values, DEVMODE dmPaperSize values      
Values, drives reported by GetDriveType system information function      
Values, dwAccess values, OpenProcess function      
Values, dwAttrsAndFlags values, CreateFile function, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th      
Values, dwCreateFlags values, CreateProcess function, 2nd, 3rd      
Values, dwFileAttributes values, WIN32_FIND_DATA dwFileAttributes values      
Values, dwFileFlags values, VS_FIXEDFILEINFO dwFileFlags values      
Values, dwFileOS values, VS_FIXEDFILEINFO dwFileOS values      
Values, dwFileSubtype values, VS_FIXEDFILEINFO dwFileSubtype values      
Values, dwFilter values, FindFirstChangeNotification function      
Values, dwFlags values, STICKYKEYS dwFlags values      
Values, dwFlags, STARTUPINFO dwFlags values      
Values, dwOptions values, RegCreateKeyEx registry function      
Values, dwPenStyle values, ExtCreatePen function, 2nd      
Values, dwProtect section attributes, CreateFileMapping function      
Values, dwProtect values,VirtualAlloc function      
Values, EXTENDED_NAME_FORMAT enumeration values      
Values, flags values, GetDCEx function      
Values, fSearchOp values, FindFirstFileEx function      
Values, fwCapability values, DeviceCapabilities function, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th      
Values, GetClassLong windows support function, nIndex values      
Values, GetWindow windows support function, uCmd values      
Values, hbmpItem values, MENUITEMINFO hbmpItem values      
Values, InjectionPoint values, PSINJECTDATA printer escape, 2nd      
Values, IsTextUnicode flags      
Values, key access options (RegCreateKeyEx registry function)      
Values, LoadImage values, LoadImage function      
Values, lpClass values, GCP_RESULTS lpClass values      
Values, lpDateFormat values, GetDateFormat function      
Values, lpInData values, GET_PS_FEATURESETTING printer escape      
Values, lpszType values, EnumResourceLanguages resource function      
Values, MENUINFO dwStyle values      
Values, MENUINFO fMask values      
Values, nCommand values, UpdateICMRegKey function      
Values, nEscape values, ExtEscape function      
Values, nIndex values, GetSystemMetrics function, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th      
Values, nMapMode values, SetMapMode function      
Values, nStretchMode values, SetStretchBltMode function      
Values, predefined cursor identifiers (LoadCursor user input function)      
Values, return flag values, GetTextAlign function      
Values, return values, GetROP2 function      
Values, SetClassLongPtr windows support function, nIndex values      
Values, SetWindowLongPtr windows support function, nIndex values      
Values, SetWindowPos windows support function, nFlags values      
Values, ShowWindow windows support function, nCmdShow values      
Values, style values, DrawFrameControl function, 2nd      
Values, system color values      
Values, type values, GetPath function      
Values, uArrowFlags values, EnableScrollBar scrollbar function      
Values, uCommand values, WinHelp function, 2nd      
Values, uFileType values, DlgDirList dialog box function      
Values, uFlags flag values, DrawEdge function      
Values, uFlags values, TrackPopupMenu menu support function      
Values, uMapType values, MapVirtualKey user imput      
Values, uMode values, SetTextAlign function      
Values, uOptions values, ExtTextOut function      
Values, uStyle value, MessageBox dialog box function, 2nd, 3rd      
Values, UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) value      
Values, uType values, CopyImage function      
Values, WH_CBT hook function prototype, wParam values      
Values, WH_SHELL hook function prototype, wParam values      
Values, wParam values, WM_TCARD message      
Values, wProcessorLevel values, SYSTEM_INFO wProcessorLevel values      
Values, wProcessorRevision values, SYSTEM_INFO wProcessorRevision values      
Values, wStyle values, LZOpenFile function      
VerFindFile function, 2nd      
VerifyVersionInfo system information function, 2nd      
VerInstallFile function, 2nd      
VerLanguageName system information function, 2nd      
VerQueryValue function, 2nd      
Version checking (file installation), 2nd      
VERSION dialog box template statement      
Version information resource (file installation), 2nd      
View menu      
Virtual memory, 2nd      
Virtual-key codes, 2nd      
VirtualAlloc function, 2nd      
VirtualAllocEx function      
VirtualFree function      
VirtualFreeEx function      
VirtualLock function      
VirtualProtect function      
VirtualProtectEx function      
VirtualQuery function      
VirtualQueryEx function      
VirtualUnlock function      
Visual design (Windows 2000 applications), 2nd      
Visual design (Windows 2000 applications), 2nd, border styles, window borders      
Visual design (Windows 2000 applications), 2nd, control appearance, unavailable appearance      
VkKeyScan user input function, 2nd      
VkKeyScanEx user input function      
VS_FIXEDFILEINFO dwFileFlags values      
VS_FIXEDFILEINFO dwFileOS values      
VS_FIXEDFILEINFO dwFileSubtype values      
VS_FIXEDFILEINFO structure      
wait functions      
WaitForInputIdle function, 2nd      
WaitForMultipleObjects function      
WaitForMultipleObjectsEx function      
WaitForSingleObject function      
WaitForSingleObjectEx function      
WaitMessage message-processing function      
Web sites, Microsoft,Windows 2000 application minimum requirements      
WH_CALLWNDPROC hook function prototype, 2nd      
WH_CALLWNDPROCRET hook function prototype      
WH_CBT hook function prototype      
WH_DEBUG hook function prototype      
WH_FOREGROUNDIDLE hook function prototype      
WH_GETMESSAGE hook function prototype      
WH_JOURNALPLAYBACK hook function prototype      
WH_JOURNALRECORD hook function prototype      
WH_KEYBOARD hook function prototype      
WH_KEYBOARD_LL hook function prototype      
WH_MOUSE hook function prototype      
WH_MOUSE_LL hook function prototype      
WH_MSGFILTER hook function prototype      
WH_SHELL hook function prototype      
WH_SYSMSGFILTER hook function prototype      
WideCharToMultiByte function, 2nd      
WidenPath function, 2nd      
Win32 API (Application Programming Interface)      
Win32 API (Application Programming Interface), advantages      
Win32 API (Application Programming Interface), Win32 application sample source code      
Win32 API (Application Programming Interface), Win32s      
Win32 API, exception handling      
Win32 application, sample source code      
Win32s (Win32 API)      
WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA structure      
WIN32_FIND_DATA structure      
Window borders      
Window class styles      
Window classes      
Window classes, predefined window classes      
Window classes, WNDCLASSEX structure      
Window menu      
Window pop-up menus      
Window styles, 2nd      
Window styles, 2nd, extended window styles      
WindowFromDC function, 2nd      
WindowFromPoint windows support function      
Windows 2000 applications, controls, ToolTips      
Windows 2000 applications, menus, Window pop-up menus      
Windows 2000 applications, minimum requirements      
Windows 2000 applications, system integration, registry, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th      
Windows 2000 applications, user interface features      
Windows 2000 applications, visual design, control appearance, 2nd, 3rd, 4th      
Windows 2000 applications, windows, title bars, 2nd, 3rd      
Windows Help      See : registry Windows registry
Windows support functions, 2nd      
Windows support functions, 2nd, AdjustWindowRect      
Windows support functions, 2nd, AdjustWindowRectEx      
Windows support functions, 2nd, AllowSetForegroundWindow      
Windows support functions, 2nd, AnimateWindow      
Windows support functions, 2nd, BeginDeferWindowPos      
Windows support functions, 2nd, BringWindowToTop      
Windows support functions, 2nd, ChildWindowFromPoint      
Windows support functions, 2nd, ChildWindowFromPointEx      
Windows support functions, 2nd, CloseWindow      
Windows support functions, 2nd, DeferWindowPos      
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