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Karp D.A., Mott T., O'Reilly T. — Windows XP in a Nutshell |
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redirection, < (directing file contents to command's input)
redirection, \\> (redirecting command output to file, overwriting existing file)
redirection, \\>\\> (redirecting command output and append to existing file)
redirection, | (pipe), sending command output to second program or command
refresh rate (video card)
RegDelete method (Shell) 2nd
regedit.exe (Registry Editor)
Regional and Language Options (intl.cpl) 2nd
Regional and Language Options (intl.cpl), Advanced tab
Regional and Language Options (intl.cpl), command line, accessing from
Regional and Language Options (intl.cpl), Languages tab
Registered User information
registered users
registered users, changing for XP
Registry Console Utility (reg.exe) 2nd
Registry Console Utility (reg.exe), commands and parameters
Registry Editor (regedit.exe) 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Registry Editor (regedit.exe), changes, automatic saving of
Registry Editor (regedit.exe), context menus
Registry Editor (regedit.exe), expanded string values
Registry Editor (regedit.exe), patches, exporting/importing data
Registry Editor (regedit.exe), remembering where you were
Registry Editor (regedit.exe), string array values
Registry Editor (regedit.exe), string values
Registry path
Registry, accessing through WSH Shell object methods
Registry, adding and deleting keys and values
Registry, backing up 2nd
Registry, backing up, local backups
Registry, changes you can make
Registry, changes you can make, default installation path
Registry, changes you can make, disabling Shut Down
Registry, changes you can make, expand IE AutoComplete
Registry, changes you can make, My Computer
Registry, changes you can make, navigation shortcuts
Registry, changes you can make, registered user and company names for XP
Registry, changes you can make, Registry Editor remembering where you were
Registry, changes you can make, remove system tray icons
Registry, changes you can make, roll back setting to Windows default
Registry, changes you can make, Start menu, alphabetizing
Registry, contents of
Registry, contents of, keys
Registry, contents of, values
Registry, data organization in the interface
Registry, files of [See system files]
Registry, hives
Registry, importing/exporting data with patches
Registry, organization of
Registry, organization of, HKCU\\\\Software and HKLM\\\\SOFTWARE keys
Registry, organization of, HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT (HKCR) key
Registry, organization of, HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG (HKCC) key
Registry, organization of, HKEY_CURRENT_USER (HKCU) key
Registry, organization of, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (HKLM) key
Registry, organization of, HKEY_USERS (HKU) key
Registry, organization of, root keys
Registry, Registry Editor
RegRead method (Shell)
RegWrite method (Shell)
relative paths
relative paths, cd or chdir command and
release notes (readme files)
rem (remarks) command
Remote Access Auto Connection Driver
Remote Access Auto Connection Manager
Remote Access Connection Manager
Remote Access drivers
Remote Assistance (rcimlby.exe) 2nd 3rd
remote computer terminal access
Remote Copy (rcp.exe) 2nd
Remote Desktop Connection (mstsc.exe) 2nd 3rd 4th
Remote Desktop feature 2nd
Remote Desktop Help Session Manager
Remote Desktop Sharing (NetMeeting)
remote host
Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
Remote Procedure Call (RPC), Locator (locator.exe)
Remote Registry
Remote tab (System Properties)
RemoteAccess key (HKCU)
remoteshell command (FTP)
removable media
removable media, label, changing
Removable Storage Management Snap-in (MMC)
Remove Programs [See Add or Remove Programs]
RemoveNetworkDrive method (Network)
RemovePrinterConnection method (Network)
ren (rename) command (Recovery Console) 2nd
rename command (FTP)
renaming, Desktop icons
renaming, desktop items
renaming, files/folders
reordering text input
Repair action (Connection Manager)
Repair, using TweakUI
reporting crashes to Microsoft
resizing windows
resizing windows, keyboard accelerators, using
resizing windows, without the mouse
resolution (screen)
resources, sharing
resources, sharing, administrative shares
resources, sharing, mapping drives
resources, sharing, permissions
resources, sharing, printers
Restart option (Turn off the Computer)
restore command (Registry Console Utility)
restore points
restoring the system
restoring the system, System Restore tab (System Properties)
restoring the system, System Restore tool 2nd
restoring windows from the toolbar
Restricted zone
Resultant Set of Policy Snap-in (MMC)
Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) model
Reversi (Internet)
RF (radio frequency) wireless standard (Bluetooth)
rich text email
right mouse button
right mouse button, accessing the Clipboard
right mouse button, clicking to activate context menu
right mouse button, context menus, displaying
right mouse button, dragging files with
right mouse button, dragging with
right mouse button, Properties sheet, displaying
RJ45 ports, networking computers
rmdir command
rmdir command, ftp
rmdir command, Recovery Console
root branches (Registry)
Root Directory
root directory, creating folder and copying files into, using the command line
root keys, Registry
RootFolder property (Drive)
Route (route.exe) 2nd
Route (route.exe), command option
Route (route.exe), destination option
Route (route.exe), gateway option
route of communication across the Internet, tracing
routers, advantages over ICS
routers, SSID Broadcast feature
Routing and Remote Access
routing tables
RPC (Remote Procedure Call)
RPC (Remote Procedure Call), Locator (locator.exe)
| RPN (Reverse Polish Notation) mode
RSACi (Recreational Software Advisor Council Internet advisor)
rstrui.exe (System Restore) 2nd 3rd 4th
Run 2nd 3rd
Run As (runas.exe) 2nd
Run dialog
Run method (Shell)
Run, Address Bar vs.
Run, shortcut property
Run, showing in Start menu
Rundll32 (rundll32.exe) 2nd
rvsezm.exe (Internet Reversi)
Sachs, Jim
SAM (Security Accounts Manager)
SAM, HKLM\\\\SAM key
save command (Registry Console Utility)
Save dialog (file)
Scan for hardware changes (Device Manager)
Scanners and Cameras (wiaacmgr.exe) 2nd 3rd
scanners, color matching with cameras, monitors, and printers
Scheduled Tasks 2nd 3rd 4th
Scheduled Tasks Console (schtasks.exe) 2nd 3rd
Scheduled Tasks, Settings tab
Scheduled Tasks, Task tab
scientific calculations (calculator program)
scope of variables
screen, fonts
screen, high contrast colors
screen, magnifying a portion of
screen, resolution and color depth
screen, Windows XP style
screensavers 2nd 3rd 4th
Script Host [See WSH]
Scripting languages
scripting languages, using in Windows with WSH
scripting languages, WSH (Windows Script Host)
scripts, WSH
scripts, WSH, creating
scripts, WSH, executing
scripts, WSH, VBScript
Scroll Programs option, turning off
scrollbars 2nd 3rd
scrolling, smooth
Seagate Backup Exec
Search (Start menu) [See Windows Explorer]
search path, managing
Secdrv (secdrv.sys)
Secondary Logon
secondary menus
secpol.msc (Local Security Policy) 2nd
Security Accounts Manager (SAM)
Security Accounts Manager (SAM), HKLM\\\\SAM key
Security Center (wscui.cpl) 2nd 3rd 4th
Security Center (wscui.cpl), Virus Protection tab
Security Center (wscui.cpl), Windows Firewall
Security Center (wscui.cpl), Windows' Automatic Updates
Security Configuration and Analysis Snap-in (MMC)
Security setting (Connection Manager)
Security Template Utility (secedit.exe) 2nd 3rd
Security Templates Snap-in (MMC)
security, Bluetooth device connections
security, dial-up broadband connections
security, digital signatures, verifying
security, disabling unnecessary services
security, encryption of files and folders, XP Professional
security, Group Policy Editor and
security, HKLM\\\\SECURITY key
security, Improve Security Logging option (Group Policy Editor)
security, latest news on Microsoft's web site
Security, network
security, network, ICF firewall, using
security, network, passwords and encryption
security, network, security threats
security, network, shared folders and
security, network, tips, additional
security, network, Windows Firewall
security, Outlook Express
security, patches (Windows Update)
security, Remote Assistance and
security, Security tab in Internet Options
security, Telnet and
security, Windows Security Center [See Security Center]
security, wireless connections
Select Folder Options
Select Users or Groups window, getting permissions
selecting Desktop items
selecting Desktop items, default behavior
selecting Desktop items, in Web View
Self Extraction Directive (.sed) files 2nd
Send a Fax (fxssend.exe)
send command
send command, FTP
send command, Net
Send To (context menu item)
SereneScreen Aquarium screensavers
SerialKey devices
SerialNumber property (Drive)
Server (svchost.exe)
Server Edition (XP)
service packs 2nd
Service Packs, getting
service packs, installing
Service Packs, preparing your machine for installation
Service Packs, Service Pack 1
Service Packs, Service Pack 1, key features
Service Packs, Service Pack 1, Set Program Access and Defaults
Service Packs, Service Pack 2
Service Packs, Service Pack 2, Internet Explorer features
Service Packs, Service Pack 2, key features
Service Packs, Service Pack 2, Outlook Express security measures
Service Packs, Service Pack 2, Security Center
Service Packs, Service Pack 2, Windows Firewall
services (networking)
Services (services.msc) 2nd 3rd
Services (services.msc), accepting Telnet connection
services in Windows XP
Services tab (System Configuration Utility)
session command (Net)
set command
set command, Recovery Console
Set Program Access and Defaults tool 2nd
Set statement (VBScript)
set variable command (Telent)
Set/Cancel as Default Connection
SetDefaultPrinter method (Network)
Settings dialog box (Mouse)
Settings tab (Display Properties)
settings, transferring between computers
Setup program
Setup Wizard (Network) 2nd
share command (Net)
shared folders 2nd
shared folders, creating
ShareName property (Drive)
shares (network)
Sharing feature (NetMeeting)
sharing files (Simple File Sharing)
sharing printers
sharing resources over a network
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