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Karp D.A., Mott T., O'Reilly T. — Windows XP in a Nutshell |
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Format (format.com) 2nd
format command (Recovery Console) 2nd
formatting input fields
Forward and Back buttons (Internet Explorer)
fragmentation, Disk Defragmenter 2nd 3rd 4th
fragmentation, files, checking for
FreeCell (freecell.exe) 2nd
FreeSpace property (Drive)
FrontPage Server Extensions
FSO (FileSystem object)
ftp (file transfer protocol) 2nd
FTP, anonymous connections
FTP, ascii or binary mode
FTP, command-line parameters
ftp, commands
FTP, commands, ! (exclamation point)
FTP, commands, ? (question mark)
FTP, commands, abbreviation of
FTP, commands, append
FTP, commands, ascii
FTP, commands, bell
FTP, commands, binary
FTP, commands, bye
FTP, commands, cd
FTP, commands, debug
FTP, commands, delete
FTP, commands, DIR
FTP, commands, disconnect
FTP, commands, get
FTP, commands, glob
FTP, commands, hash
FTP, commands, help
FTP, commands, lcd
FTP, commands, literal
FTP, commands, lod
FTP, commands, ls
FTP, commands, mdelete
FTP, commands, mdirep
FTP, commands, mget
FTP, commands, mkdir
FTP, commands, mls
FTP, commands, mput
FTP, commands, open
FTP, commands, put
FTP, commands, pwd
FTP, commands, quit
FTP, commands, quote
FTP, commands, recv
FTP, commands, remoteshell
FTP, commands, rename
FTP, commands, rmdir
FTP, commands, send
FTP, commands, status
FTP, commands, trace
FTP, commands, type
FTP, commands, user
FTP, commands, verbose
FTP, examples
FTP, ftp.exe and tftp.exe
FTP, idle timeout on connections
FTP, pathnames
FTP, web browsers
Full Control choice, setting permissions
function keys
functions, VBScript
fxsclnt.exe (Fax Console) 2nd
fxscover.exe (Fax Cover Page Editor) 2nd
fxssend.exe (Send a Fax)
Game Controllers (joy.cpl) 2nd
Game Controllers (joy.cpl), command line, accessing from
game pads
games, card games
games, card games, FreeCell
games, card games, Hearts
games, card games, Solitaire (sol.exe)
games, card games, Spider Solitaire
games, Internet Backgammon
games, Internet Checkers
games, Minesweeper (winmine.exe) 2nd
games, MSN Gaming Zone
games, online gaming
games, Pinball
games, support by XP (vs. Windows 2000)
gateway, default, displaying for your computer
gateway, Route gateway option
Generic Packet Classifier (msgpc.sys)
get command (ftp) 2nd
GetFile method (FSO)
GetTempName method (FSO)
glob command (ftp)
Go button (Address Bar)
goto command
GPS units, Bluetooth-capable
gpupdate.exe (Group Policy Refresh Utility) 2nd 3rd
Graphical User Interface [See GUI]
graphics drivers
grayed-out controls 2nd
grayed-out controls, menu items
grayed-out controls, scrollbars
group command (Net)
Group Policy
Group Policy Editor (gpedit.msc) 2nd
Group Policy Editor (gpedit.msc), settings
Group Policy Refresh Utility (gpupdate.exe) 2nd 3rd
grpconv.exe (Program Manager) 2nd
GUI (Graphical User Interface) 2nd 3rd [See also Desktop; TweakUI]
GUI, address bar
GUI, buttons
GUI, changing to Web View
GUI, checkboxes
GUI, Classic Windows interface
GUI, Clipboard
GUI, command line, using as alternative
GUI, context menus
GUI, context menus, OWhat's This?O
GUI, Desktop metaphor
GUI, dialog boxes
GUI, File Open/Save dialogs
GUI, guidelines that apply to all elements
GUI, icons
GUI, input fields
GUI, labels
GUI, Listboxes
GUI, Log Off
GUI, menus
GUI, notification area (System Tray)
GUI, progress indicators
GUI, Properties window
GUI, radio buttons
GUI, Recycle Bin
GUI, response to mouse clicks
GUI, Run dialog
GUI, scrollbars
GUI, Send To
GUI, shortcuts
GUI, Shut Down
GUI, Start menu
GUI, Status Bar
GUI, styles and consequences of styles
GUI, tabbed dialogs
GUI, Taskbar
GUI, toolbars
GUI, toolbars, on the Taskbar
GUI, trees
GUI, turning tooltips off
| GUI, windows
GUI, Windows 9x/Me
GUI, Windows XP
hard disk drives
hard disks
hard disks, bad sectors
hard disks, format command (Recovery Console)
hard disks, formatting
hard disks, label, changing
hard disks, paging or swapping data from RAM to
hard disks, partitioning 2nd
hard disks, problems on
hardware hash
hardware, Add Hardware Wizard 2nd 3rd
hardware, Add Hardware Wizard, accessing from command line
hardware, configuring with Device Manager
hardware, Hardware tab (Sounds and Audio Devices)
hardware, Hardware Update Wizard
hardware, HKLM Registry key
hardware, Mouse Properties, Hardware tab
hardware, reporting on by System Information
hardware, System Properties
hash command (FTP)
hdwwiz.cpl [See Add Hardware Wizard]
Hearts (mshearts.exe) 2nd
Help and Support Center 2nd 3rd 4th
Help and Support Center, Remote Assistance
help command
help command, displaying Net commands
help command, displaying Recovery Console commands
help command, ftp
Help System (Windows) 2nd
help, online help
helpctr.exe [See Help and Support Center]
helpmsg command (Net)
hexadecimal values
hexadecimal values, converting to decimal
hexadecimal values, hex editors
hexadecimal values, keyboard equivalents (Calculator)
hibernation, enabling/disabling
hibernation, Hibernate option (Shut Down)
hibernation, Hibernate tab (Power Options)
hidden devices, displaying
hidden files
High Contrast option (Display)
high contrast screen colors
High-Speed Internet connections
High-Speed Internet connections, properties
High-Speed Internet connections, via PPPoE
High-Speed Internet connections, with static IP address
hives, names of
hives, Registry data, exporting
HKEY_USERS (HKU) key 2nd
Home edition (Windows XP)
Home edition (Windows XP), differences from Professional edition
Home edition (Windows XP), multiple users support
home networks
home page (default), choosing for IE
HOMEDRIVE variable
HOMEPATH variable
hop count for a route
Hosts 2nd
hotkeys [See keyboard accelerators]
Hotmail email service
hotspots (public Wi-Fi networks)
hourglass icon
hrtzzm.exe (Internet Hearts)
HTML, .html file
HTML, creating and modifying web pages
HTML, default editor
HTML, documents as email attachments
HTML, HTML Help, .chm files
HTML, HTML Slide Show Wizard
hubs and switches 2nd
Human Interface Device Access
HyperTerminal (hypertrm.exe) 2nd
ICF (Internet Connection Firewall) 2nd 3rd 4th
ICF, options for LAN or High-Speed Internet connections
ICF, Windows Firewall vs.
ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol)
IconLocation property (Shortcut)
icons 2nd
icons, arranging on Desktop
icons, default for file types
icons, deselecting
icons, desktop 2nd
icons, disappearing then reappearing on your Desktop
icons, downloadable icon libraries
icons, editors for
icons, folder windows, views through
icons, for network connections
icons, notification area (System Tray)
icons, notification area (Tray)
icons, notification area (Tray), removing
icons, opening 2nd
icons, popup messages
icons, renaming
icons, selecting a group of without using keyboard
icons, shortcut 2nd
icons, starting applications
icons, storing in files
icons, types of
icons, visual clues in the GUI
ICS (Internet Connection Sharing) 2nd 3rd
ICS, alternatives to
ICS, connection provided by another computer or router via
ICS, options for LAN or High-Speed Internet connections
ICS, setting up
ICS, troubleshooting
icwconn1.exe [See New Connection Wizard]
Identity Management (Outlook Express)
idle timeout on FTP connections
IDs (Network)
IExpress (iexpress.exe) 2nd
IExpress (iexpress.exe), command line parameters
if interface option (Route)
If Then Else statement (VBScript)
IIS (Internet Information Services)
ILS 2.0
Image Acquisition (Windows)
image editor (Paint)
image files
image files, for web pages
image files, JPEG, .jpg file extension
image files, Windows Picture and Fax Viewer
Image Resizer
image viewers
image viewers, alternative
image viewers, Windows Picture and Fax Viewer 2nd
IMAP4 (Internet Message Access Protocol 4)
IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service
import command (Registry Console Utility)
inactive controls 2nd
Indexing Service 2nd 3rd 4th
inetcpl.cpl [See Internet Options]
Information Bar (IE)
Information Bar (IE), downloads, warnings about
initializing (.ini) files [See system files]
input (<) symbol
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