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Karp D.A., Mott T., O'Reilly T. — Windows XP in a Nutshell |
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mget command (ftp) 2nd
Microangelo package (icon editor)
microphone, adjusting for NetMeeting
microphone, controlling volume
Microsoft .NET Passport account
Microsoft .NET Passport account, required for Windows Messenger
Microsoft Chat (winchat.exe) 2nd 3rd
Microsoft Developer Studio IDE, running Java Command-Line Loader
Microsoft Fax service
Microsoft Internet Directory
Microsoft Jscript 2nd
Microsoft Knowledge Base
Microsoft Magnifier (magnify.exe) 2nd 3rd
Microsoft Management Console (mmc.exe) 2nd
Microsoft Management Console (mmc.exe), command-line options
Microsoft Management Console (mmc.exe), Disk Defragmenter
Microsoft Management Console (mmc.exe), Services Snap-in
Microsoft Management Console (mmc.exe), Snap-ins
Microsoft NetMeeting [See NetMeeting]
Microsoft server for Internet time synchronization
Microsoft Site Server
Microsoft TweakUI [See TweakUI]
Microsoft Windows Upgrade Advisor
migwiz.exe (Files and Settings Transfer Wizard) 2nd
MIME content types
Minesweeper (winmine.exe) 2nd
minimize button in windows 2nd
Minimizing windows
minus sign (-)
minus sign (-), changing folder/file attributes
minus sign (-), expanding/collapsing Registry structure
missing files, finding
mkdir command
mkdir command, ftp
mkdir command, Recovery Console
mls command (ftp)
MMC [See Microsoft Management Console]
mmc.exe [See Microsoft Management Console]
mmsys.cpl (Sounds and Audio Devices) 2nd 3rd
mobile phones, using Bluetooth
mobsync.exe (Synchronization Manager) 2nd
modems 2nd
modems, analog
modems, analog, cable and DSL vs.
modems, analog, dial-up Internet connection
modems, calling over standard phone lines
modems, configuring
monitors, accessibility options
monitors, color matching with cameras, scanners, and printers
monitors, Display Settings
more command
more command, Recovery Console
Mouse Properties (main.cpl) 2nd
Mouse Properties (main.cpl), command line, accessing from
mouse, accessibility options
mouse, Bluetooth-capable
mouse, Mouse Trails utility
mouse, MouseKeys utility
mouse, point and click operations
mouse, point and click operations, alternate behavior
mouse, point and click operations, default behavior
mouse, point and click operations, descriptions of
mouse, point and click operations, focus on an item
mouse, properties [See Mouse Properties]
mouse, settings for
mouse, TweakUI and
Move command
Move method
Movie Maker [See Windows Movie Maker]
moving objects, under any situation
Mozilla Thunderbird
Mozilla, security and privacy features
Mozilla, shortcuts to web pages
mplay32.exe [See Windows Media Player]
mput command (ftp)
MS Software Shadow Copy Provider (dllhost.exe)
MS-DOS [See also DOS]
MS-DOS, batch files 2nd
MS-DOS, name (property)
msconfig.exe (System Configuration Utility) 2nd
Msg (msg.exe) 2nd
mshearts.exe (Hearts) 2nd
msimn.exe [See Outlook Express]
msinfo32.exe (System Information) 2nd
msinfo32.exe (System Information), command-line parameters
msmsgs.exe [See Messenger]
MSN desktop icon
MSN Explorer (msn6.exe) 2nd
MSN Gaming Zone 2nd
msoobe.exe (Activate Windows)
mspaint.exe (Paint) 2nd
mstsc.exe (Remote Desktop Connection) 2nd
Multilingual User Interface (MUI) add-on
multimedia, controlling in Internet Options
multimedia, video player (mplayer.exe)
Multiple Document Interface (MDI) 2nd
multiple processor support, XP Professional edition
multiple users, support by XP vs. 9x/Me
multitasking, changing Windows handling of
music, My Music folder
music, synthesized
My Briefcase
My Computer [See also Windows Explorer]
My Computer, context menus
My Computer, Control Panel, accessing
My Computer, Registry and
My Computer, settings for
My Computer, TweakUI and
My Computer, upgrades
My Documents folder
My Documents folder, dragging items in
My Documents folder, settings for
My Music folder
My Network Places 2nd 3rd
My Pictures folder
name command (Net)
Name property
Name property, File
Name property, Folder
names, batch files
names, drive names
names, pathnames
names, Registry hives
names, renaming files/folders 2nd
names, VBScript variables
names, Web-style Desktop and
namespace icons 2nd
Narrator (narrator.exe) 2nd
Narrator (narrator.exe), Speech Properties dialog
NaturallySpeaking (Dragon)
navigation, menus, using keyboard accelerators and
navigation, Send To (context menu)
ncpa.cpl [See Network Connections]
NDIS Usermode I/O Protocol
nested menus
| Net (net.exe) 2nd
Net Logon
net use command (Recovery Console)
NetBIOS Interface
NetDDE protocol
NetMeeting 2nd 3rd 4th
NetMeeting, adjusting microphone and speakers
NetMeeting, Chat feature
NetMeeting, File Transfer feature
NetMeeting, launching automatically at startup
NetMeeting, Remote Desktop Sharing
NetMeeting, video cameras, using with
NetMeeting, Whiteboard
Netscape, security and privacy features
Netscape, shortcuts to web pages
netstat.exe [See Active Connections Utility]
NetWare server running Novell NetBIOS
network adapters [See NIC]
network connections
Network Connections (ncpa.cpl) 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Network Connections (ncpa.cpl), command line, accessing from
Network Connections (ncpa.cpl), modems, using
Network Connections (ncpa.cpl), troubleshooting connections
network connections, configuring
network connections, configuring, dial-up broadband connections
network connections, configuring, LAN or high-speed Internet connections
network connections, configuring, wireless connection properties
network connections, IP address of any given connection
network connections, setting up
network connections, speed of
Network DDE (netdde.exe)
Network DDE DSDM
network drives
network drives, accessing in scripts
Network Identification Wizard
Network Interface Card [See NIC]
Network Location Awareness (NLA)
Network Neighborhood
Network Neighborhood, context menus
Network object (WSH)
network printers
Network Setup Wizard 2nd 3rd
Network Setup Wizard, starting with Rundll32
Network Setup Wizard, troubleshooting connections
networking, general procedures
networking, general procedures, connecting to the Internet
networking, general procedures, implementing security
networking, general procedures, LAN, setting up
networking, general procedures, sharing Internet connection
networking, general procedures, sharing resources
networking, Home and Professional editions, differences between
networking, Networking tab (Task Manager)
networking, settings
networking, settings, configuring, controlling, and troubleshooting
networking, settings, functionality, performance, and security
networking, terminology
networking, Windows 9x/Me vs. XP
networking, wireless
networking, Wireless (W-Fi)
networking, Wireless (Wi-Fi) 2nd 3rd
networking, Wireless (Wi-Fi), Bluetooth Devices
networking, Wireless (Wi-Fi), connection properties
networks, configuring network connections
networks, Internet connections
networks, pathnames and
networks, planning
networks, planning, points to consider
networks, protocols and services
networks, security, implementing
networks, terminal access to remote computers
networks, transferring files [See FTP]
New Connection Wizard (icwconn1.exe) 2nd 3rd
Newsgroup reader
newsgroups, filtering (Outlook Express)
Next statement (VBScript)
NIC (network interface card) 2nd
NIC, based on USB
NIC, connection icon for each
NIC, troubleshooting connections
NLA (Network Location Awareness)
Norman, Don
Norton Antivirus
Norton Personal Firewall
Norton Utilities
Notepad 2nd
Notepad, batch files, creating with
Notepad, Clipboard, using
notification area (System Tray)
notification area (System Tray), applications with icons in
notification area (System Tray), context menus
notification area (System Tray), customizing
notification area (System Tray), displaying or hiding the clock
notification area (System Tray), hiding inactive icons
notification area (System Tray), turning off
notification area (Tray)
notification area (Tray), removing unwanted icons
Notification option (Accessibility Options)
Novell NetBIOS, NetWare server running
NSLookup (nslookup.exe) 2nd
NT File System [See NTFS]
NT LM Security Support Provider (isass.exe)
ntbackup.exe (Backup) 2nd
ntbackup.exe (Backup), options for
NTFS (NT File System)
NTFS, compressed files, differentiating with color
NTFS, Compression Utility (compact.exe) 2nd
NTFS, Compression Utility (compact.exe), Disk Cleanup, using
NTFS, Encryption Utility (cipher.exe) 2nd 3rd
NTFS, FAT to NTFS Conversion Utility 2nd
NTFS, Format and
NTFS, partitioning hard drives
Nullfile (HKCR) key
numbers, customizing display
numbers, DWORD values (Registry)
numbers, in short filenames
numeric values (VBScript)
nusrmgr.cpl [See User Accounts]
Object Browser
object model, WSH [See WSH]
Object Packager (packager.exe) 2nd
object variables (VBScript)
object variables (VBScript), collections
ODBC Data Source Administrator (odbacad32.exe) 2nd
ODBC data sources
Offline Files 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Offline Files, Offline Files Folder
Offline Files, Synchronization Manager
Offline Files, temporary
offline printing
Offline Web Pages folder
OInstant OnO
OK button 2nd
OLook In ListsO
OmodalO dialog boxes
On Error Resume Next statement (VBScript)
On-Screen Keyboard (osk.exe) 2nd
OnamespaceO objects (Desktop), customizing
online gaming [See games]
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