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Levine I.N. — Molecular Spectroscopy |
Предметный указатель |
Vibration of polyatomics, classical treatment of 235—245
Vibration of polyatomics, quantum treatment of 249—255
Vibration-rotation coupling constant 157—158 213 216
Vibrational angular momentum 271 273—277
Vibrational degrees of freedom 235
Vibrational modes, degenerate 241 271—276 430
Vibrational modes, IR active 262 457
Vibrational modes, IR inactive 262 457
Vibrational structure of electronic transitions 301—304 306—307
Vibronic wave function 283
Vinyl radical 104 377—378
Virtual orbitals 68 69
Water in interstellar space 231
Water in tissues, NMR spectrum of 363—364
Water on Mars 269
Water, calculation of, force constants of 245
Water, CI calculations on 317—318
Water, excited-state calculations on 313 317—318
Water, Fermi resonance in 279
Water, ionization potentials of 317—318
Water, IR bands of, table of 263
Water, MOs of 66—69
Water, normal modes of 242 247—248 262 431—437
Water, nuclear statistical weights for 288
Water, proton shielding constant in 337
| Water, Rydberg orbitals of 308—309
Water, symmetry of vibrational levels of 254
Water, symmetry orbitals for 423—426
Water, symmetry species for 60—62 66
Water, vibrational constants of 255
Wave functions 5 (see also “Asymmetric top” “Harmonic etc.)
wave number 131 132—133
waveguide 220
Wavelength 114 131 132
Weisskopf, V.F. 133
Weisskopf-Wigner line shape 133—134
Well-behaved functions 1
Width of spectral lines 133—134 139
Wigner, E. 133
Wilson, E.B. 220
Wolfsberg, M. 73
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy 319—320
X-ray spectra 130
Zavoisky, E. 366
Zeeman effect 51
Zero differential overlap (ZDO), approximation 75
Zero-order frequencies 262
Zero-point energy of diatomics 158 159
Zero-point energy of polyatomics 251
Zero-point vibrations 222
“Peanuts” 320
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