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Levine I.N. — Molecular Spectroscopy |
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Raman spectroscopy of polyatomics 269—271
Raman spectroscopy, lasers in 270 271
Raman spectroscopy, selection rules for 187—188 270 457
Raman, C.V. 186
Ramsey, N.F. 332 360
Rank of a tensor 187
Rate processes and ESR 380
Rate processes and NMR 364—365
Rayleigh scattering 186
Ray’s asymmetry parameter 217
Real matrix 84
Real quadratic form 92—93 200—201 238
Reduced mass 39
Reduction of representations 407—409
Reduction of the state function 9—10 114
Reflection 397
Relaxation, spin 361—364
Representation(s) 399—409
Representation(s), basis functions for 409—412
Representation(s), definition of 399
Representation(s), dimension of 399 403 404
Representation(s), direct product of 441 (see also “Direct product”)
Representation(s), direct sum of 402
Representation(s), equivalent 400
Representation(s), irreducible 402 403409 415—416
Representation(s), nomenclature of 405—406
Representation(s), reducible 401402
Representation(s), reduction of 407—409
Representation(s), symmetric direct product of 445—447 449
Representation(s), theorems for 403—404
Representation(s), totally symmetric 402
Representatives 94—97
Restricted Hartree — Fock (RHF) method 312
Right form 282
Rigid rotor, classical treatment of 197—203
Rigid rotor, quantum treatment of 203—216
Rigid rotor, two-particle 40—41
RKR method 161
Roothaan, C.C.J. 64
Rotation and group theory 439—440
Rotation of coordinates 22 87 394—398
Rotation of diatomics 144 148 149 188—191
Rotation of linear molecules 211—212
Rotation of polyatomics 195—231
Rotation, classical treatment of 197—203
Rotational angular momentum operators 204—208
Rotational barriers 226—228 364—365
Rotational constants of diatomics 148 157 158 165
Rotational constants of polyatomics 210 213 222
Rotational spectra see “Microwave spectroscopy” “Pure-rotation
Rotational structure of electronic bands 303—304 306
Rotational structure of IR bands for diatomics 171—174
Rotational structure of IR bands for polyatomics 259—260 265
Rotational subgroup 289n 392
Rotations, symmetry species of 434—436
Rousseau, D.L. 320
Rovibronic wave function 283
Row matrix 79
Row vector 80
Ruby laser 135—137
Rule of mutual exclusion 270 457
Running number 173
Russell — Saunders coupling 51
Rydberg constant 126
Rydberg defect 308
Rydberg orbital 308—309
Rydberg transition 308
Rydberg, R. 161
S branch 188
s levels 181 287
Saturation broadening 134 363
scalar 187
Scalar product 98
Scattering of radiation 186 188
SCF orbitals 65 (see also “Hartree — Fock method”)
Schawlow, A.L. 137
Schmidt orthogonalization 6
Schrodinger equation 4 102
Schrodinger equation, electronic 56—57
Schrodinger equation, nuclear 57 142—149 195—197
Schrodinger equation, time-dependent 3 110 112
Screening constant 332 334
Secular determinant 37—38
Secular equation 34 37 91 99
Secular equation and group theory 419
Secular equation for asymmetric top 213—216 218—219
Secular equation in ESR 373 374
Secular equation in NMR 341—342 355
Secular equation, vibrational 238—239 243 244
Selection rules 123—129
Selection rules and group theory 455—458
Selection rules and parity 126—127 128 178 299
Selection rules for atoms 127—128
Selection rules for electronic transitions of molecules 297—301 306—307 458
Selection rules for ESR 373
Selection rules for harmonic oscillator 124 126—127
Selection rules for hydrogen atom 124—126 127
Selection rules for NMR 326—327 333 343
Selection rules for particle in a box 124 127
Selection rules for positive and negative levels 178
Selection rules for Raman spectra 187—188 270 457
Selection rules for s and a levels 184
Selection rules for spin 125 127—128 298
Selection rules for transition states 458
Selection rules, rotational, for diatomics 163—164
Selection rules, rotational, for polyatomics 216—219 257—258
Selection rules, vibration-rotation, for diatomics 162—165
Selection rules, vibration-rotation, for polyatomics 255—260
Selection rules, vibrational 164—165 455—457
Self-adjoint operator 108
Semiclassical treatment of radiation absorption 116
Semiempirical methods 70—76
Separation of variables 19—20
Shielding constant 332 334
Shielding constant, calculation of 337
Shielding tensor 332
SI units 23
Sigma orbitals 68
Similar matrices 87 101—102
Similarity transformation 87 92 101 412
Simultaneous linear equations 15—16 87
Singlet 58 310—311
Singly excited function 311
Singularity 17
Skeletal vibrations 266 268
Slater determinant 48
Slater-type orbitals 65
Snow 328
Space-fixed axes 143 175 178 196 203
Spectrometer, ESR 368—369
Spectrometer, IR 260—261
Spectrometer, microwave 219—221
Spectrometer, NMR 328—330 354
Spectroscopic perturbations 283
Spectroscopy 110 129—133
Spherical harmonics 29 38
spherical polar coordinates 21
Spherical top, definition of 199
Spherical top, degeneracy for 210
Spherical top, degenerate vibrational modes in 276
Spherical top, energies of 209—210
Spherical top, microwave spectrum of 217 225
Spherical top, polarizability 202
Spherical top, wave functions of 209 211
Spin 42—45
Spin density 378
Spin labeling 381
Spin magnetic moment see “Magnetic moment”
Spin matrices 96
Spin relaxation 361—364
| Spin, electron 231
Spin, nuclear 178—185 229 283—289 323—327
Spin, selection rule for 125 127—128 298
Spin-lattice relaxation 361—362
Spin-orbit interaction 50 59
Spin-orbital 48
Spin-spin coupling constants see “Coupling constants NMR”
Spin-spin coupling, NMR 337—356 357—360 366
Spin-spin relaxation 362—363
Spontaneous emission 121—122
Standard deviation 10
Stanton, R.E. 458
Stark modulation 220
State 1
State function 1
State vector 97
States, atomic 51
Stationary state 5
Statistical weights 284—289
Steele, D. 161
Stimulated emission 118 120 122 135—139
Stokes lines 186
Stothers, J.B. 356
Structure of molecules, determination of, by electronic spectroscopy 311
Structure of molecules, determination of, by IR spectroscopy 265
Structure of molecules, determination of, by microwave spectroscopy 221—225
Structure of molecules, determination of, by NMR 359
Structure of molecules, determination of, by x-ray diffraction 130
Sub-Rydberg orbital 309
Subgroup 392
SubMatrix 88
Sulfur tetrafluoride 357 364
Sum rule 10—11
Sutherland parameter 161
Sweat 320
Symmetric direct product 445—447 449
Symmetric function 45
Symmetric matrix 84
Symmetric top 199—200
Symmetric top, degeneracy for 211
Symmetric top, energies of 210—211
Symmetric top, microwave spectrum of 217—218 221—222
Symmetric top, nuclear statistical weights for 288—289
Symmetric top, oblate 199
Symmetric top, polarizability of 202
Symmetric top, prolate 199
Symmetric top, selection rules for 217 258 259 265
Symmetric top, wave functions of 211
Symmetry and momental ellipsoid 198—200
Symmetry and normal modes 246—249
Symmetry coordinates 431
Symmetry element 53
Symmetry in polyatomics 59—62 (see also “Group theory”)
Symmetry number 289
Symmetry operation 53—54 55
Symmetry operator 55—56 59—62 398
Symmetry orbitals 67
Symmetry orbitals for benzene 426—427
Symmetry orbitals for hydrogen molecule 420—423
Symmetry orbitals for water 423—426
Symmetry orbitals, generation of 420—427
Symmetry point groups 53—56 388—389
Symmetry species 60—62 415—416
Symmetry species of electronic wave functions 451—452
Symmetry species of MOs 66—68
Symmetry species of normal modes 247—248 430439
Symmetry species of rotations 434—436
Symmetry species of translations 433—434
Symmetry species of vibrational wave functions 253—254 447—451
Symmetry-adapted orbitals 419—427
Tau chemical-shift scale 336
Taylor series 17—18 237
Teller, E. 268
Tensor 187
Tensor, electric-field-gradient 230
Tensor, inertia 201
Tensor, polarizability 187 202
Tensor, shielding 332
Terenin, A.N. 315
Terms for atoms 49—50
Terms for diatomic molecules 58—59
Terms for polyatomic molecules 59—62
Tesla 52
Tetramethylsilane (TMS) 336 356
Tiers, G.V.D. 336
Time averaging 329—331
Time-dependent perturbation theory 110—114
Time-dependent Schrodinger equation 3 110 112
Time-independent Schrodinger equation 4 102
Torque constant 245
Totally symmetric representation 402
Totally symmetric symmetry species 60—61
Totally symmetric vibrations 247
Townes, C. 137
Trace 82—83
Transition 114
Transition intensity 122
Transition moment 120 297—298 299—301
Transition probability 119—122
Transition rate 120
Transition states 458
Translations, symmetry species of 433—134
Transpose of a matrix 85 236
Triphenylmethyl radical 367 378
Triplet terms 58 310—311
Trivial solution 16
Tunable lasers 138
Turner, D.W. 315
Two-electron methods 71
Two-particle problem 39
Two-photon transition 139
U.S. Navy 219
Uncertainty 10
Uncertainty broadening 134
Uncertainty principle 10
Uncertainty principle for energy and time 10 133 134
Unit matrix 83
Unit operator 12
Unitary matrix 85—86 87
Unitary operator 108
Unity, roots of 14
Unrestricted Hartree — Fock (UHF) method 311—312 378
Urey — Bradley potential function 245
Vacuum wavelength 132
Valence orbitals 309
Valence state 74
Valence-electron approximation 71
Valence-force approximation 244—245
Van der Waals forces 156
Variation method 33—35
Variation-perturbation method 36
Varshni function 162
Vector space 97
Vectors 11—12
Vertical ionization potential 316
Vibration and group theory 427—439 447—451 455—457
Vibration and selection rules 162—165 255—260 455—457
Vibration frequencies 147 158—159
Vibration frequencies from microwave spectroscopy 225—226
Vibration frequencies of polyatomics 241 244 251
Vibration frequencies of polyatomics, tabulation of 252n
Vibration frequencies, dependence on phase 263—264
Vibration frequencies, equilibrium 147 262
Vibration frequencies, fundamental 262
Vibration frequencies, group 266—268 270
Vibration frequencies, numbering of 248 439
Vibration frequencies, zero-order 262
Vibration of diatomics 147—150 156—158 168—174
Vibration of polyatomics 195—197
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