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Levine I.N. — Molecular Spectroscopy
Levine I.N. — Molecular Spectroscopy

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Íàçâàíèå: Molecular Spectroscopy

Àâòîð: Levine I.N.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Õèìèÿ/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1975

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 512

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 21.02.2007

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Matrix elements      5 94—96
Matrix isolation method      269
Matrix mechanics      93—102
Matrix representatives of functions      96—97
Matrix representatives of operators      94—96
Maxwell, J.C      114
McConnell equation      379—380
McConnell, H.M.      379
Mclver, J.W.      360 458
Measurement      9—10 113—114
Metastable states      128—129
Methane in planetary atmospheres      269
Methane, dipole moment of      225
Methane, meta, ortho, and para      289
Methane, symmetry number of      289
Methyl radical      367 379
Meyer, W.      317
Micrometer      132
Micron      132
Microwave spectrometer      219—221
Microwave spectroscopy      130 219—231
Microwave spectroscopy and molecular structure      221—225
Microwave spectroscopy and rotational barriers      226—228
Microwave spectroscopy and vibrational frequencies      225—226
Microwave spectroscopy, compilations of results of      231
Microwave spectroscopy, dipole-moment measurements in      225
Microwave spectroscopy, experimental procedures in      219—221
Microwave spectroscopy, frequency measurements in      220
Mid infrared      261
MINDO method      71 76
MINDO method and force constants      245
MINDO method and ionization potentials      318—319
Minimal basis set      65
Minor      14
Modal matrix      106
Molecular orbitals and group theory      418—427
Molecular orbitals for diatomics      58
Molecular orbitals for polyatomics      66 (see also “Hartree — Fock method Orbitals”)
Molecule-fixed axes      175 178 196
Moment of inertia      40 148 149 197 200
Momental ellipsoid      198—202 439—444
Morse function      161 162
Mossbauer spectroscopy      130—131
Mulliken, R.S.      405
Multiconfiguration SCF method      70
Multiplication table of a group      389—392
Multiplicity      50 58
Mutual exclusion rule      270 457
n orbital      310
Nanometer      132
Naphthalene negative ion      367 379 380
Natural line width      134
Near infrared      261
Near-degenerate vibrational levels      278—279
Negative levels      177 280
Negative spin density      378
Neutron      178 324
Nitrogen molecule, calculation of ionization potentials of      318
Nitrogen molecule, photoelectron spectrum of      316—317
Nongenuine vibrations      432
Nonradiative transitions      129 183—185
Nonsingular matrix      84
Normal coordinates      239—240 246—247 272
Normal modes      240—244
Normal modes and group frequencies      266—268
Normal modes and symmetry      246—249 430439
Normal modes of benzene      438—439
Normal modes of boron trifluoride      281 290
Normal modes of carbon dioxide      242 248 262 265
Normal modes of ethylene      291
Normal modes of water      431—437
Normal modes, IR active      457
Normal modes, Raman active      457
Normal operator      108
Normalization      6
Nuclear g factor      3 24
Nuclear magnetic moments      323—325
Nuclear magnetic resonance      129—130 323—366
Nuclear magnetic resonance and rate processes      364—365
Nuclear magnetic resonance and rotational barriers      364—365
Nuclear magnetic resonance for $B^{11}$ compounds      357
Nuclear magnetic resonance for $C^{13}$ compounds      356—357
Nuclear magnetic resonance for $F^{19}$ compounds      357
Nuclear magnetic resonance of solids      357—359
Nuclear magnetic resonance of water in tissues      363—364
Nuclear magnetic resonance, $A_mX_n$ case in      349—352
Nuclear magnetic resonance, $A_n$ case in      348—349 352—354
Nuclear magnetic resonance, AB case in      339—346
Nuclear magnetic resonance, AX case in      346—347
Nuclear magnetic resonance, biochemical applications of      357 363—364
Nuclear magnetic resonance, broad-line      359
Nuclear magnetic resonance, chemical shifts in      331—337
Nuclear magnetic resonance, classification of spectra in      346—348
Nuclear magnetic resonance, coupling constants for      339 345—346 352—354 360
Nuclear magnetic resonance, delta scale for      356
Nuclear magnetic resonance, deuterium substitution in      354—355
Nuclear magnetic resonance, double resonance in      354 356
Nuclear magnetic resonance, energy levels for      325 327 333 342—343
Nuclear magnetic resonance, experimental procedures in      328—331 354
Nuclear magnetic resonance, first-order approximation in      349—352
Nuclear magnetic resonance, four-spin cases      348
Nuclear magnetic resonance, Fourier-transform      330—331 356
Nuclear magnetic resonance, frequencies for nuclei      327—328
Nuclear magnetic resonance, high-resolution      331
Nuclear magnetic resonance, intensities in      337 343—344 351 352
Nuclear magnetic resonance, secular equation for      355
Nuclear magnetic resonance, selection rules for      326—327 333 343
Nuclear magnetic resonance, spin relaxation in      361—364
Nuclear magnetic resonance, spin-spin coupling in      337—356 357—360
Nuclear magnetic resonance, three-spin cases      347—348
Nuclear magneton      324
Nuclear Overhauser effect      354
Nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR), spectroscopy      366
Nuclear quadrupote moment      229—231 365—366
Nuclear Schrodinger equation      57 142—149 195—197
Nuclear spin      178—185 229 283—289 323—327
Nuclear statistical weights      182 284—289
Null matrix      83
Null operator      12
O branch      188
Oblate symmetric top      199 211
Odd function      32 33
Olefins, electronic spectra of      310
Olefins, NMR coupling constants of      346
One-electron methods      71
Operator(s)      1—11 12—13
Operator(s) and matrices      94—96
Operator(s) for electric dipole moment      62
Operator(s), adjoint of      107—108
Operator(s), Coulomb      64
Operator(s), difference      170
Operator(s), eigen functions of      2 98—102
Operator(s), eigenvalues of      2 5 98—102
Operator(s), exchange      64
Operator(s), Hamiltonian      3 4—5 47 56—57
Operator(s), Hartree — Fock      63—64
Operator(s), Hermitian      4 5—8
Operator(s), inverse of      108
Operator(s), linear      3
Operator(s), matrix elements of      94—96
Operator(s), matrix representatives of      94—96
Operator(s), normal      108
Operator(s), null      12
Operator(s), parity      32—33 56
Operator(s), projection      425 426
Operator(s), self-adjoint      108
Operator(s), symmetry      55—56 59—62 398
Operator(s), unit      12
Operator(s), unitary      108
Optical pumping      136
Optimized valence configuration method      70 245
Orbital angular momentum      27—29 49
Orbital degeneracy      61 62
Orbital energy      64
Orbital exponent      65
Orbitals      48
Orbitals and group theory      418—427
Orbitals, canonical      69 310
Orbitals, energy-localized      69 103—104
Orbitals, Hartree — Fock      see “Hartree — Fock method”
Orbitals, localized      69 103—104 309—310
Orbitals, n      310
Orbitals, pi      68 310 317
Orbitals, pi-star      309 310
Orbitals, Rydberg      308—309
Orbitals, SCF      65
Orbitals, sigma      68
Orbitals, Slater-type      65
Orbitals, symmetry      67 419—427
Orbitals, valence      309
Orbitals, virtual      68 69
Order of a group      388
Order of a square matrix      82
Ortho deuterium      185
Ortho forms of homonuclear diatomics      183—185
Ortho hydrogen      185
Ortho methane      289
Ortho water      288
Orthogonal matrix      85—86 87
Orthogonal transformation      93
Orthogonal vectors      86
Orthogonality      5—6
Orthonormal vectors      86
Orthonormality      6
Oscillator strength      307—308 313
OVC CI method      70 245
Overtone band      169
Overtone level      252
Oxygen molecule, localized MOs for      104
Oxygen molecule, microwave spectrum of      221
Oxygen molecule, rotational levels of      191
P branch      171—173 218 303
Para forms of homonuclear diatomics      183—185
Para hydrogen      185
Para water      288
Parallel band      259 265
Paramagnetic contribution to shielding constant      332
Pariser — Parr — Pople (PPP) method      71 74—75 313
Parity      32—33 126—127 128
Parity and selection rules      126—127 128 178 299
Parity in atoms      52
Parity in diatomics      59 175—178
Parity in polyatomics      276 279—282
Parity operator      32—33 56
Particle in a box      23—25 71 124
Partitioned matrix      88
Pascal’s triangle      351
Pauli principle      45—47 178—182 284—287
Pauli spin matrices      96
Perpendicular band      259 265
Perturbation theory      35—38 102
Perturbation theory for nuclear motion      149—159
Perturbation theory, degenerate      36—38
Perturbation theory, time-dependent      110—114
Perturbation, spectroscopic      283
Phase      13
Phenol      225
Phosphorescence      128
Phosphorous trichloride, structure of      222 223
Photoelectron spectroscopy      314—320
Photoelectron spectroscopy, UV      315—318
Photoelectron spectroscopy, x-ray      319—320
Photosynthesis      381
Physical constants, table of      467
Pi orbitals      68 310 317
Pi-electron approximation      71
Pi-star orbital      309 310
Pigpen      320
Planarity      224—225
Planck, M.      122
Plane of symmetry      53
Plane polar normal coordinates      272
Plane-polarized wave      114
Point groups      53—56 388—389
Point groups, character tables of      458—462 (see also “Group theory”)
Polar vector      434
Polarizability      187 188 202 269 270 457
Polarizability ellipsoid      202 270
Poly water      320
Polyenes, conjugated      71—72
Polymethine ions      72
Pople, J.A.      75 337 360 380
Population inversion      135
Positive levels      177 280
potential energy      3
Potential-energy functions for diatomics      144—145 160—162
Potential-energy functions for polyatomics      244—245
Poynting vector      115
Precession      52
Predissociation      306
Pressure broadening      134
Principal axes      198—202
Principal diagonal      15
Principal moments of inertia      198—202
probability      9
probability density      9
Probability of a transition      119—122
Products of inertia      200
Progression      304
Project Ozma      374n
Projection operators      425 426
Prolate symmetric top      199 211
Propane, dipole moment of      225
Proper axis of symmetry      53
Proper rotation      395—396
Proton      178
Pseudovector      434
Pulse laser      137 139
Purcell, E.M.      328 360
Pure-rotation spectra      165
Pure-rotation spectra of diatomics      165—167
Pure-rotation spectra of polyatomics      216—231
Purely electronic energy      57
Q branch      173 218 265 303
Quadratic form      92—93 200—201 238
Quadratic integrability      1
Quadrupole coupling constants      231 366
Quadrupole moments      229—231 365—366
Quantum Chemistry Program Exchange      76 244 355
Quantum electrodynamics      116
Quantum field theory      116
quantum mechanics      1—11
Quantum mechanics, matrix formulation of      93—102
Quenching of radiation      129
R branch      171—172 218 303
R-centroid      301
Rabi, I.I.      328
Radiation, electromagnetic      114—117
Radiation, electromagnetic, absorption of      118
Radiation, electromagnetic, coherent      139
Radiation, electromagnetic, density of      119
Radiation, electromagnetic, electric and magnetic fields of      114—116
Radiation, electromagnetic, intensity of      115 119
Radiation, electromagnetic, polarized      114
Radiation, electromagnetic, scattering of      186 188
Radiation, electromagnetic, spontaneous emission of      121—122
Radiation, electromagnetic, stimulated emission of      118 120 122 135—139
Radiationless transitions      129 183—185
Raising, operator      30
Raman spectroscopy of diatomics      186—188
1 2 3 4 5
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