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Levine I.N. — Molecular Spectroscopy
Levine I.N. — Molecular Spectroscopy

Îáñóäèòå êíèãó íà íàó÷íîì ôîðóìå

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Íàçâàíèå: Molecular Spectroscopy

Àâòîð: Levine I.N.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Õèìèÿ/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1975

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 512

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 21.02.2007

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Electron spin resonance (ESR) of radicals in solids      367
Electron spin resonance (ESR) of triplet-state molecules      367
Electron spin resonance (ESR), biochemical applications of      380—381
Electron spin resonance (ESR), coupling constants in      376—380
Electron spin resonance (ESR), electron spin-nuclear spin interactions in      369—380
Electron spin resonance (ESR), electron-$C^{13}$ interaction in      375
Electron spin resonance (ESR), electron-$N^{14}$ interaction in      375—376
Electron spin resonance (ESR), energy levels for      368 373
Electron spin resonance (ESR), experimental procedures in      368—369
Electron spin resonance (ESR), hyperfine structure in      369—380
Electron spin resonance (ESR), selection rules for      373
Electron volt      131
Electronic energy      57 64 148
Electronic spectra      130 296—314
Electronic spectra and molecular structure      311
Electronic spectra of diatomics      298—306
Electronic spectra of polyatomics      71—72 73 75 306—314
Electronic spectra, selection rules for      297—301 306—307
Electronic structure of molecules      56—76
Ellipsoid of inertia      198—202 439—440
Emission of radiation, spontaneous      121—122
Emission of radiation, stimulated      118 120 122 135—139
Energy conversion factors      468
Energy-localized orbitals      69 103—104
Equilibrium frequencies      147 262
Equivalent representations      400
Ethane, deuterated, dipole moment of      225
Ethane, rotational barrier in      226—228
Ethanol NMR spectrum      331 333—334 337 352 353 365
Ethyl radical      375
Ethylene, normal modes of      291
Ethylene, nuclear statistical weights of      288
Ethylene, structure of      265
Eulerian angles      203—204 257
Even function      32 33
Exchange operator      64
Excited-state wave functions      311—313
Extended basis set      66
Extended Huckel (EH) method      71 73—74 231
FE MO method      71—72
Fermi contact term      371—372
Fermi resonance      278—279
Fermion      46
Fine-structure constant      45
Fingerprint region      266
First-order NMR approximation      349—352
Flame spectroscopy      296
Fluorescence      128
Forbidden transitions      123
Force constant(s)      25
Force constant(s) for diatomics      146
Force constant(s) for polyatomics      237 244—245
Force constant(s), calculation of      245
Formaldehyde, ellipsoid of inertia      198 200
Formaldoxime      223—224 225
Formamide      225
Formic acid      264
Fourier transform IR      331
Fourier transform NMR      330—331 356
Franck — Condon factor      303
Franck — Condon principle      302—303 307
Free particle      25
Free radicals      269 296
Free-electron molecular-orbital (FE MO) method      71—72
Fundamental band      169 262
Fundamental frequencies      262
Fundamental level      252
g factor, electron      45 376
g factor, nuclear      324
Galois, E.      387
Gauss (unit)      52
Gaussian line shape      135 369
Gaussian units      23
Gaussian-type orbitals      66
Golay cell      260
Group and isomorphism      392
Group frequencies      266—268 270
Group of symmetry operations      53—56 388—389
Group theory      387—462
Group theory and degeneracy      412—415 416—417
Group theory and electronic structure      417—427
Group theory and evaluation of integrals      453—455
Group theory and molecular rotation      439—440
Group theory and molecular vibration      427—439 447—451 455—457
Group theory and normal modes      430—439
Group theory and quantum mechanics      412—417
Group theory and selection rules      455—458
Group, abelian      389 392 393 406—4107
Group, classes of      393 406 407
Group, definition of      387—388
Group, elements of      3 87
Group, multiplication table of      389—392
Group, order of      388
Group, representations of      399—409
Group, rule of combination for      387
Group, structure of      392
Group, subgroup of      392
Gwinn, W.D.      244
Half-width      133
Hamiltonian operator      3 4—5 47 56—57
harmonic oscillator      25—27 124 251
Harmonic oscillator, matrix elements for      152—155
Hartree (unit)      23
Hartree — Fock method      52 63—70 102
Hartree — Fock method and force constants      245
Hartree — Fock method and inversion barriers      229
Hartree — Fock method and ionization potentials      318
Hartree — Fock method and oscillator strengths      313
Hartree — Fock method and quadrupole coupling constants      231
Hartree — Fock method and rotational barriers      229
Hartree — Fock method for benzene      317
Hartree — Fock method for excited states      311—312
Hartree — Fock method, restricted      312
Hartree — Fock method, unrestricted      311—312
Hartree — Fock operator      63—64
Hartree — Fock — Roothaan method      64—68
Heisenberg, W.      93—94
Helium      47 128
Helium-neon laser      137
Helmholz, L.      73
Hemoglobin      131
Hermite polynomials      25—26
Hermitian conjugate of a matrix      85
Hermitian matrix      84—85 89—90 91—92 96
Hermitian operators      4 5—8
Herschel, W.      260
Hertz (unit)      132
High-resolution NMR      331
HMO method      71 72—73 313 379
Hoffmann, R.      73
Homogeneous linear equations      16
Hot bands      170 262
Huckel molecular-orbital (HMO) method      71 72—73 313 379
Hughes, R.H.      220
Hund, F.      188
Hund’s coupling cases      188—191
Hydrocarbons, conjugated      71—75
Hydrocarbons, dipole moments of      225
Hydrocarbons, radicals of      367 376—380
Hydrogen atom      41—42 124—126 374
Hydrogen bonding      264 334 366
Hydrogen chloride IR bands, table of      171
Hydrogen deuteride      190
hydrogen molecule      148 150 159 184—185
Hydrogen molecule, chemical shift in      335 337
Hydrogen molecule, molecular orbitals of      68
Hydrogen molecule, ortho and para forms of      185
Hydrogen molecule, rotation in liquid and solid phases      263
Hydrogen molecule, symmetry orbitals for      420—423
Hyperfine coupling constant      372
Hyperfine structure      52 129 374
Hyperfine structure in ESR      369—380
Identity element      387—388
Identity operation      54 395
Improper axis of symmetry      53
Improper rotation      396
Index of refraction      132
INDO method      71 75—76
INDO method and ESR coupling constants      380
INDO method and force constants      245
INDO method and ionization potentials      318
INDO method and NMR coupling constants      360
Induced dipole moment      187
Inertia tensor      201
Inertial defect      224—225
Infrared spectroscopy      130 260—269
Infrared spectroscopy and astrophysics      269
Infrared spectroscopy and group frequencies      266—268 270
Infrared spectroscopy and lasers      261—262
Infrared spectroscopy and matrix isolation method      269
Infrared spectroscopy and molecular structure      265
Infrared spectroscopy, biochemical applications of      268
Infrared spectroscopy, experimental procedures in      260—261
Infrared spectroscopy, Fourier transform method in      331
Infrared spectroscopy, rotational fine structure in      171—174 259—260 265
Inhomogeneous linear equations      16
Inner product      98
Integrals and group theory      453—455
Intensity distribution in IR band      173—174
Intensity of a transition      122
Intensity of radiation      115 119
Intersteller space, molecules in      231
Inverse of a group element      388
Inverse of a matrix      84
Inverse of an operator      108
Inversion of molecules      228—229 282
Inversion operation      393 395 405
Ionization potentials      317—320
Irreducible representations      402 403—409 415—416
Isobutane, dipole moment of      225
Isomorphic groups      392
Isotopes, table of properties of      470
Isotopic substitution in ESR      379
Isotopic substitution in IR spectroscopy      244
Isotopic substitution in microwave spectroscopy      221—223
Isotopic substitution in NMR      354—355
j-jcoupling      51
Jacobi method      101
Jahn — Teller theorem      313—314
Javan, A.      137
Jolly, W.L.      320
Jordan, P.      94
Karplus, M.      360
Ket notation      5
Ketene      226
kinetic energy      3
Klystron      219—220 368
Koopmans, T.C      318
Koopmans’ theorem      318
Kraitchman, J.      223
Krebiozen      268
Kronecker delta      6
Kronecker product      441
l-type doubling      277
Ladder operators      30—32 44 327
Lambda-type doubling      59 277
Laplacian      3
Laporte rule      126
Lasers      135—140
Lasers in electronic spectroscopy      296
Lasers in IR spectroscopy      261—262
Lasers in Raman spectroscopy      270 271
Lasers, chemical      137—138
Lasers, CW      137
Lasers, dye      138
Lasers, helium-neon      137
Lasers, pulse      137 139
Lasers, ruby      135—137
Lasers, semiconductor      138
Lasers, tunable      138
LCAO MO      65
Left form      282
Levels, atomic      50
Levels, diatomic      59
Lifetime      122
Light      see “Radiation electromagnetic”
Light, speed of      140
Line shape      133—134 135
Line spectra      297
line width      133—134 139
Line width in NMR      362—363
Linear independence      16
Linear molecules, nuclear statistical weights for      284—288
Linear molecules, parity of wave functions of      280
Linear molecules, rotational energy of      211—212
Linear momentum      27
Linear operator      3
Linear variation method      34—35
Localized orbitals      69 103—104 309—310
Lorentzian shape      133—134 135 369
Lowering operator      30
Magnetic dipole moment      29 45
Magnetic field strength      51—52
Magnetic flux density      51—52
Magnetic induction      51
Magnetic moment, electron spin      45 368
Magnetic moment, nuclear      323—325
Magnetic resonance      129—130 323—381 “Electron
Magnetic-dipole transition      123 127 221 326
Magnetically equivalent nuclei      348
Magnetogyric ratio      325
Maiman, T.H.      137
Maser      137
Mass-weighted Cartesian displacement coordinates      236 239
Matrix (-ces)      78—104 187
Matrix (-ces) and coordinate transformations      394—398
Matrix (-ces) and quantum mechanics      93—102
Matrix (-ces), addition of      79
Matrix (-ces), adjoint of      85
Matrix (-ces), associate      85
Matrix (-ces), column      79
Matrix (-ces), complex conjugate of      85
Matrix (-ces), determinant of      84
Matrix (-ces), diagonal      83
Matrix (-ces), diagonalization of      92 101 102
Matrix (-ces), direct product of      441—443
Matrix (-ces), direct sum of      402
Matrix (-ces), eigenvalues of      88—92 99—102
Matrix (-ces), eigenvectors of      88—92 99—102
Matrix (-ces), elements of      78
Matrix (-ces), Hermitian      84—85 89—90 91—92 96
Matrix (-ces), Hermitian conjugate of      85
Matrix (-ces), inverse of      84
Matrix (-ces), modal      106
Matrix (-ces), multiplication of      80—82 152
Matrix (-ces), nonsingular      84
Matrix (-ces), nuU      83
Matrix (-ces), order of      82
Matrix (-ces), orthogonal      85—86 87
Matrix (-ces), partitioned      88
Matrix (-ces), principal diagonal of      82
Matrix (-ces), real      84
Matrix (-ces), row      79
Matrix (-ces), similar      101—102
Matrix (-ces), square      82
Matrix (-ces), symmetric      84
Matrix (-ces), trace of      82—83
Matrix (-ces), transpose of      85 236
Matrix (-ces), unit      83
Matrix (-ces), unitary      85—86 87
1 2 3 4 5
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