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Wedgwood I. — Lean Sigma: A Practitionaer's Guide |
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global process problems, forecasting, industry examples
global process problems, forecasting, measuring
global process problems, forecasting, time series analysis
global process problems, high inventory
global process problems, high inventory, industry examples
global process problems, high inventory, measuring
global process problems, high inventory, reducing
global process problems, high inventory, rightsizing inventory
global process problems, high inventory, setting to demand
global process problems, intermittent failures
global process problems, lead time
global process problems, lead time, industry examples
global process problems, lead time, measuring
global process problems, losses
global process problems, measurement systems
global process problems, measurement systems, D-Study
global process problems, measurement systems, destructive testing
global process problems, measurement systems, in-line testing
global process problems, measurement systems, industry examples
global process problems, measurement systems, measuring performance
global process problems, measurement systems, process variation studies
global process problems, measurement systems, reference materials
global process problems, meeting Takt
global process problems, on-time deliveries
global process problems, on-time deliveries, capacity too low
global process problems, on-time deliveries, industry examples
global process problems, on-time deliveries, intermittent process failures
global process problems, on-time deliveries, measuring performance
global process problems, on-time deliveries, process lead time too long
global process problems, on-time deliveries, variation in demand
global process problems, pace too slow
global process problems, performance characteristics
global process problems, planned maintenance
global process problems, quality
global process problems, resource usage
global process problems, rework
global process problems, sales
global process problems, sales backlogs
global process problems, sales, categories for growth
global process problems, sales, customer decisions
global process problems, sales, industry examples
global process problems, sales, measuring
global process problems, scheduling
global process problems, scheduling, cancellations
global process problems, scheduling, designed experiments
global process problems, scheduling, duration variability
global process problems, scheduling, improving schedule process
global process problems, scheduling, industry examples
global process problems, scheduling, measuring performance 2nd
global process problems, scheduling, operations process
global process problems, scheduling, segregating entity types
global process problems, setup/changeover times
global process problems, too many entity types
global process problems, unplanned maintenance
global process problems, unplanned maintenance, causes
global process problems, unplanned maintenance, downtime
global process problems, unplanned maintenance, industry examples
global process problems, unplanned maintenance, measuring 2nd
global process problems, uptime percentage
global process problems, uptime percentage, changeover time
global process problems, uptime percentage, industry examples
global process problems, uptime percentage, measuring
global process problems, uptime percentage, rework time
global process problems, uptime percentage, scheduled workforce breaks
global process problems, uptime percentage, unplanned maintenance
global process problems, variable demands
global process problems, variable demands, customer usage
global process problems, variable demands, industry examples
global process problems, variable demands, measuring
good project examples
guide (customer interviewing)
handoff, failures
handoff, maps
handoff, maps, as-is construction
handoff, maps, creating
handoff, maps, failures
handoff, maps, meeting Takt
handoff, maps, output
handoff, maps, overview
handoff, maps, to-be construction
headcount reduction
headcount reduction, industry examples
headcount reduction, measuring costs
headers of project charters
healthcare examples
healthcare examples, accuracy problems/defects
healthcare examples, broken measurement systems
healthcare examples, delivery problems
healthcare examples, high inventory
healthcare examples, intermittent process failures
healthcare examples, lead time problems
healthcare examples, pace problems
healthcare examples, planned maintenance
healthcare examples, process capacity problems
healthcare examples, scheduling
healthcare examples, setup/changeover times
healthcare examples, too many problems
healthcare examples, unplanned maintenance
healthcare examples, uptime
healthcare examples, variable demands
high inventory
high inventory, industry examples
high inventory, measuring
high inventory, reducing
high inventory, rightsizing inventory
high inventory, setting to demand
high-level VSMs
human entities
hybrid VSM-swimlane maps
identifying, demand buckets
identifying, entities
identifying, entities, primary
identifying, entities, types
identifying, problem categories
imbalanced lines (load charts)
implementation plans
implementing kanbans
improving, operations process of scheduling
improving, schedule process
in-line testing measurement systems
in-process kanbans
inanimate entities
individual process problems
individual process problems, cycle time variations
individual process problems, not meeting Takt
individual process problems, pace
individual step cycle time
individual step cycle time, calculating
individual step cycle time, output
individual step cycle time, overview
individuals charts
industrial examples
industrial examples, broken measurement systems
industrial examples, delivery problems
industrial examples, failure to make product
industrial examples, forecasting
industrial examples, high inventory
industrial examples, intermittent process failures
industrial examples, lead time examples
industrial examples, pace problems
industrial examples, performance characteristics
industrial examples, planned maintenance
industrial examples, processes
industrial examples, processes, capacity problems
industrial examples, processes, losses
industrial examples, rework examples
industrial examples, scheduling
| industrial examples, setup/changeover times
industrial examples, too many products
industrial examples, unplanned maintenance
industrial examples, uptime
industrial examples, variable demands
industry examples
industry examples, accounts payable
industry examples, accounts receivable
industry examples, accuracy
industry examples, broken measurement systems
industry examples, capacity
industry examples, deliveries
industry examples, failure to make product
industry examples, forecasting
industry examples, high inventory
industry examples, intermittent failures
industry examples, meeting Takt
industry examples, order backlogs
industry examples, pace
industry examples, performance characteristics
industry examples, planned maintenance
industry examples, process
industry examples, process, lead time
industry examples, process, losses
industry examples, sales
industry examples, scheduling
industry examples, setup/changeover times
industry examples, too many products
industry examples, unplanned maintenance
industry examples, uptime
industry examples, variable demands
intermittent process failures
internal pull system implementation
interpersonal roles
interview teams (customer interviewing)
interviewing customers 2nd
interviewing customers, conducting interviews
interviewing customers, output
interviewing customers, overview
interviewing customers, planning/preparation
interviewing customers, reviewing interviews
interviewing customers, validation
inventory, demand
inventory, dollars
inventory, industry examples
inventory, measuring
inventory, processes
inventory, processes, forecasting
inventory, processes, problems
inventory, reducing
inventory, responsive processes
inventory, rightsizing
inventory, setting to demand
inventory, turns
kanbans, implementing
kanbans, in-process
kanbans, material
kanbans, operation
kanbans, pull systems
kanbans, supplier
kanbans, withdrawal
Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests
KPOVs (Key Process Output Variables) 2nd
KPOVs, attribute measures
KPOVs, collecting data 2nd
KPOVs, collecting data, forms/tracking systems
KPOVs, collecting data, sampling
KPOVs, collecting data, testing
KPOVs, continuous measures
KPOVs, discovery
KPOVs, effectiveness
KPOVs, efficiency
KPOVs, identifying data 2nd
KPOVs, operational definitions
KPOVs, overview
KPOVs, predictors
KPOVs, results
lead time problems
lead time problems, delivery performance
lead time problems, too long
Lean Sigma
Lean Sigma, process improvements
Lean Sigma, Roadmap
load charts
load charts, area applications
load charts, creating
load charts, imbalanced lines
load charts, line balancing
load charts, machines/equipment
load charts, meeting Takt
load charts, output
load charts, overview
load charts, pace
load charts, process lead time
load charts, resource usage
long-term continuous capability deviation
loop symbol (VSMs)
losses from processes
losses from processes, industry examples
losses from processes, measuring
LSL (Lower Specification Limit)
maintenance, breakdown
maintenance, corrective
maintenance, planned 2nd
maintenance, predictive
maintenance, preventive
maintenance, scheduled
maintenance, total productive maintenance
maintenance, total productive maintenance, overview
maintenance, total productive maintenance, timeline steps
maintenance, unplanned
maintenance, unplanned, causes
maintenance, unplanned, downtime
maintenance, unplanned, industry examples
maintenance, unplanned, measuring 2nd
maintenance, unplanned, problems
management, DOE
management, projects
market FMEA
material kanbans
Mean time between failures (MTBF)
Measurement System Analysis [See MSA (Measurement System Analysis).]
measurement systems
measurement systems, D-Study
measurement systems, destructive testing
measurement systems, in-line testing
measurement systems, industry examples
measurement systems, performance
measurement systems, process variation studies
measurement systems, reference materials
measuring, accounts payable
measuring, accounts receivable
measuring, backlogs
measuring, capacity (processes)
measuring, customer usage
measuring, cycle time 2nd
measuring, entity types
measuring, failures
measuring, first time right
measuring, forecasting
measuring, forecasting, eliminating noise from operation process
measuring, forecasting, time series analysis
measuring, headcount costs
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