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Wedgwood I. — Lean Sigma: A Practitionaer's Guide |
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control plans, skills matrix
control plans, SOPs
control plans, standard work out
control plans, summaries
control plans, swimlane maps
control plans, training
control plans, training, materials
control plans, training, plans
control plans, validation
controls, building
corrective maintenance
costs of headcount
COV (Coefficient ofVariation) 2nd
COV, calculating
COV, measuring
critical parameters (control plans)
critical path analysis
critical path analysis, applying
critical path analysis, output
critical path analysis, overview
critical path analysis, pace
critical path analysis, process lead time
critical path analysis, setup/changeover times
cross-functional maps
cross-resource maps
current levels (time series analysis)
curvature, characterizing designs
curvature, screening DOE
customer, affinity diagram of customer requirements
customer, demand problems
customer, interviewing 2nd
customer, interviewing, conducting interviews
customer, interviewing, output
customer, interviewing, overview
customer, interviewing, planning/preparation
customer, interviewing, reviewing interviews
customer, interviewing, validation
customer, matrix [See sampling.]
customer, requirements
customer, requirements trees
customer, requirements trees, creating
customer, requirements trees, discovery
customer, requirements trees, output
customer, requirements trees, overview
customer, requirements, discovery
customer, requirements, processes
customer, surveys
customer, surveys, analysis plans
customer, surveys, conducting
customer, surveys, creating 2nd
customer, surveys, data collection methods
customer, surveys, designing
customer, surveys, following-up
customer, surveys, objectives
customer, surveys, output
customer, surveys, overview
customer, surveys, sampling plans
customer, usage, measuring
Cycle time
cycle time, global process
cycle time, global process, calculating
cycle time, global process, output
cycle time, global process, overview
cycle time, individual step
cycle time, individual step, calculating
cycle time, individual step, output
cycle time, individual step, overview
cycle time, measuring
cycle time, processes 2nd
cycle time, processes, delivery performance
cycle time, processes, measuring
cycle time, variations
Data collection
data collection, KPOVs
data collection, KPOVs, forms/tracking systems
data collection, KPOVs, sampling
data collection, KPOVs, testing
data collection, plan summary sheets
data integrity audits
data integrity audits, output 2nd
data integrity audits, reliability
data integrity audits, validity
data points
data points, distribution
data points, subgroups
data sheets
Days on Hand (DOH)
Days Sales Outstanding (DSO)
decision symbol (VSMs)
Defects per Million Opportunities (DPMO)
Defects per Unit (DPU)
defects, defined
defects, processes 2nd
defects, products
Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control (DMAIC)
deliveries, forecasting
deliveries, on-time delivery problems
deliveries, on-time delivery problems, industry examples
deliveries, on-time delivery problems, measuring performance
demand, buckets
demand, delivery variations
demand, inventory
demand, profiling
demand, profiling, applying
demand, profiling, customer usage
demand, profiling, delivery performance
demand, profiling, inventory levels
demand, profiling, output
demand, profiling, overview
demand, profiling, Profile tool
demand, profiling, statistical analysis of plot data
demand, profiling, variable demands
demand, segmentation
demand, segmentation, calculating
demand, segmentation, COV
demand, segmentation, delivery performance
demand, segmentation, entity types
demand, segmentation, forecasting
demand, segmentation, output
demand, segmentation, overview
demand, segmentation, setting inventory levels
demand, setting inventory
demand, variable
demand, variable, customer usage
demand, variable, industry examples
demand, variable, measuring
Design of experiments [See DOE (Design of Experiments).]
destructive testing
discovery, customer requirements
discovery, project charter
discovery, SIPOC
discrete manufacturing project examples
discrimination metric
DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control)
documenting processes
DOE (Design of Experiments) 2nd
DOE, broad inference
DOE, characterizing
DOE, characterizing, 2-factor full factorials
| DOE, characterizing, analyzing 2nd 3rd
DOE, characterizing, ANOVA tables
DOE, characterizing, attribute Y data
DOE, characterizing, center points
DOE, characterizing, curvature
DOE, characterizing, designing 2nd 3rd
DOE, characterizing, Epsilon2
DOE, characterizing, noise variables
DOE, characterizing, overview 2nd
DOE, conducting
DOE, data points
DOE, designing
DOE, management
DOE, narrow inference
DOE, noise variables
DOE, optimizing
DOE, optimizing, analyzing 2nd
DOE, optimizing, central composite designs
DOE, optimizing, contour plot of yield
DOE, optimizing, designing 2nd
DOE, optimizing, optimization algorithm
DOE, optimizing, overview
DOE, optimizing, path of steepest ascent, calculating 2nd
DOE, overview
DOE, planning
DOE, problems
DOE, repetition
DOE, replication
DOE, screening
DOE, screening, analyzing 2nd 3rd
DOE, screening, attribute Y data
DOE, screening, center points
DOE, screening, curvature
DOE, screening, designing 2nd 3rd
DOE, screening, fractional factorials
DOE, screening, noise variables
DOE, screening, overview
DOE, screening, resolution
DOE, sequential experimentation
DOH (Days on Hand)
downstream demand problems
downtime for unplanned maintenance 2nd
DPMO (Defects per Million Opportunities)
DPU (Defects per Unit)
DSO (Days Sales Outstanding)
duration variability
effectiveness (KPOVs)
effects analyses (control plans)
efficiency (KPOVs)
entity types
entity types, identifying
entity types, segregating
entity types, too many
entity types, too many, industry examples
entity types, too many, measuring
executing processes
external pull system implementation
Failure Mode & Effects Analysis [See FMEA (Failure Mode & Effects Analysis).]
failure, attribute MSAs
failure, handoffs
failure, intermittent process
failure, measuring
failure, modes
failure, modes, control plans
failure, modes, FMEA
failure, processes
final reports
final reviews
finished goods out
first time right
fishbone diagrams
fishbone diagrams, creating
fishbone diagrams, output
fishbone diagrams, overview
fishbone diagrams, unplanned maintenance breakdowns
flag symbol (VSMs)
FMEA (Failure Mode & Effects Analysis) 2nd
FMEA, creating
FMEA, design
FMEA, failure modes
FMEA, market
FMEA, operations process scheduling
FMEA, output
FMEA, overview
FMEA, primary performance metrics
FMEA, process
FMEA, product defects
FMEA, project
FMEA, standard scoring tables
FMEA, unplanned maintenance breakdowns
forecasting, defined
forecasting, deviation problems
forecasting, eliminating noise from operation process
forecasting, industry examples
forecasting, measuring
forecasting, time series analysis
fractional factorials
fractional factorials, 3-factor interaction
fractional factorials, resolution
frequency plot check sheets
full factorials (2-factor) characterizing designs
full factorials (2-factor) characterizing designs, data interaction
full factorials (2-factor) characterizing designs, design matrices
full factorials (2-factor) characterizing designs, generic model
full factorials (2-factor) characterizing designs, graphical representation
full factorials (2-factor) characterizing designs, runs
gage R&R
gage R&R, analytical results
gage R&R, by part plot
gage R&R, components of variation plot
gage R&R, operator plot
gage R&R, operator-part interaction plot
gage R&R, studies
gage R&R, Xbar-R charts
gap analysis
global process cycle time
global process cycle time, calculating
global process cycle time, output
global process cycle time, overview
global process problems
global process problems, accounts payable
global process problems, accounts receivable
global process problems, accounts receivable, accuracy
global process problems, accounts receivable, customer non-payments
global process problems, accounts receivable, DSO
global process problems, accounts receivable, industry examples
global process problems, accounts receivable, measuring
global process problems, accounts receivable, payments
global process problems, accounts receivable, timeliness
global process problems, accuracy
global process problems, capacity too low
global process problems, capacity too low, industry examples
global process problems, capacity too low, measuring
global process problems, capacity too low, OEE
global process problems, capacity too low, pace
global process problems, capacity too low, rolled throughput yield
global process problems, capacity too low, throughput
global process problems, capacity too low, uptime percentage
global process problems, defects
global process problems, failure to make product
global process problems, failure to make product, industry example
global process problems, failure to make product, measuring defectiveness
global process problems, forecasting
global process problems, forecasting, eliminating noise in operations process
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