Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Ward S., Halstead R. — Computation Structures (MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) |
Предметный указатель |
Bus protocol, sample edge 248 250 255
Bus transactions 248—252 257—259
Bus transactions, block transfer 257—258
Bus transactions, event transaction 253—254
Bus transactions, master 248—259
Bus transactions, read transaction 249—254 258—259
Bus transactions, request transaction 258—259
Bus transactions, response transaction 258—259
Bus transactions, slave 248—254 257—259 357
Bus transactions, write transaction 249—254
Bus, 247 256
Bus, address lines 249
Bus, asynchronous 248 257
Bus, backplane 263
Bus, CLK (clock) signal 248—249
Bus, connector technology 245
Bus, cycles 357
Bus, data bus 184
Bus, data lines 249
Bus, deskew interval 248
Bus, drivers 187
Bus, errors 252—253
Bus, finish signal 249 255
Bus, FutureBus 247
Bus, IEEE 1196 standard 248
Bus, IEEE 896 standard 247
Bus, latency 245
Bus, locking 568—569
Bus, mastership 617
Bus, maximum transfer rate 258
Bus, memory bus 471 486
Bus, multiplexed address and data 251—254
Bus, NuBus 248
Bus, open-collector 121 237 247 263
Bus, operation code 250 252 257
Bus, performance 245
Bus, propagation velocity 246
Bus, reflected signals 246
Bus, shared 240—241 245—259 263—264 617—619
Bus, split-transaction 258—259
Bus, standing waves 246
Bus, start signal 249 253 255 260
Bus, synchronous 248—249 255 257
Bus, synchronous locally timed 250
Bus, terminators 246
Bus, three-state 178 183 283
Bus, throughput 245 257
Bus, time-out 252 254
Bus, tinning disciplines 247—248
Bus, transceivers 249
Bus, UNIBUS 245 264
Bus, voltage transients 247
Bus, wired-OR 237
Bus, wired-OR glitch 247
Busy-waiting 565 571 573 583 587—588
Bypass logic 518 520
Bypass paths 517—520 526 528 614
BYTE 33 286—287 368 435
Byte addressing 286—287 299 337 359—360 368
Byte addressing, big-Endian vs. little-Endian 286 310 326
Bytecodes 412
C programming language 336 339—340 344—345 348 351 365 381 404 609 625—634
C programming language, ! operator 626
C programming language, != operator 626
C programming language, " 633
C programming language, % operator see "%"
C programming language, & operator 627
C programming language, && operator 626
C programming language, ( and ) 626
C programming language, * operator 626—627
C programming language, + operator 626
C programming language, - operator 626
C programming language, -> 351 626 634
C programming language, . (structure selection) 338 633
C programming language, / operator 626
C programming language, /*...*/ (comment) 625
C programming language, : 630
C programming language, ; 628
C programming language, < operator 626
C programming language, << operator 626
C programming language, <= operator 626
C programming language, = operator 625—626
C programming language, == operator 626 630
C programming language, > operator 626
C programming language, >= operator 626
C programming language, >> operator 626
C programming language, A[...] notation 338 631—633
C programming language, Boolean conditions 626
C programming language, break statement 630—631
C programming language, case keyword 540 629 631
C programming language, char declaration 503 625 632—633
C programming language, constants 626
C programming language, continue statement 630—631
C programming language, default keyword 629
C programming language, else keyword 628 630—631
C programming language, equality test 630
C programming language, expression 626—627
C programming language, for statement 421 629—631
C programming language, goto statement 630—631
C programming language, if statement 628 630—631
C programming language, int declaration 345 625 630
C programming language, long declaration 625 632
C programming language, operators 626
C programming language, pointers 626
C programming language, procedure calls 627
C programming language, procedures as arguments 630
C programming language, programs 629
C programming language, register declaration 503
C programming language, return statement 630—631
C programming language, short declaration 625
C programming language, sizeof operator 626
C programming language, statements 628—631
C programming language, struct declaration 633—634
C programming language, switch statement 540 629—631
C programming language, unsigned declaration 625
C programming language, while statement 629—631
C programming language, [and] 626
C programming language, { and } 626 628
C programming language, | operator see "|"
C programming language, || operator 626
C programming language, ~ operator 626
C-element see "Muller C-element"
Cache 355 478 480—486 489 495—497 513 515 523 528 606 618—619
Cache size, optimum 482
Cache, blocked 485—487
Cache, coherence 618—619 623
Cache, contents field 480 482
Cache, fully associative 482—483
Cache, hit 480 495
Cache, hit ratio 480 482 484 490
Cache, instruction-stream 523
Cache, line 480
Cache, miss 481 494—495
Cache, miss ratio 480 482
Cache, nonassociative (direct-mapped) 483—484 486
Cache, physical-address cache 495
Cache, set-associative 484—485
Cache, simulation 486
Cache, snoopy 619 623
Cache, tag 480
Cache, tag field 480
Cache, top-of-stack cache 427 478—479 496
Cache, uncached locations 619
Cache, uncached virtual addresses 619
Cache, virtual-address cache 495
Cache, write-through 481 491
Calculators, hand 367
CALL see "Procedure"
Call by value see "Procedure linkage"
callee see "Procedure linkage"
| caller see "Procedure linkage"
Calling sequence see "Procedure linkage"
Capacitance 16
Capacitance, stray 8 19
Capacitive effects 16
Capacitor 2 128
Capacitor, bypass 20
Capacitor, filtering 20
Carry see "Adder carry"
CAS see "Dynamic RAM"
central processing unit (CPU) 264 281 482
Chain 241
CHARACTER 3 33 286 292 338 633
character code 286
Character code, ASCII 33 404
Character code, collating sequence 33
Character code, EBCDIC 33
character strings 338
Charge 16 21
Charge, saturation 21
Charge, stored 16 290
Checkpoint 491
Checksum 43 263
Chip 105
Chip, cost 107
Chip, semicustom 128 134
Church's thesis 271—272 274
Church, Alonzo 271 277
Circuit elements, nonlinear 15
Circuits, acyclic 76
Circuits, arithmetic 111—116
Circuits, electronic 276
Circuits, synchronous 86
Circuits, synthesis of logic circuits 54—61
Circular increment 563
CISC see "Architecture"
Clipping divider 229
CLK see "Bus CLK
clock 8 89 91 93 172—174 182 188 211 247
Clock cycle 93 290
Clock edge 144 172 190 192 248
Clock edge, active 83 85—86 174 284
Clock frequency 212 260
Clock period 92 147 172—174 183 191 207 214 219—220 284
Clock phases 84
Clock pulse 83
Clock waveform, asymmetric 248
Clock, asynchronous 175
Clock, common 173 219 247—248 260
Clock, derived 119 173 260—263
Clock, gating of 174
Clock, independent clocks 93
Clock, local 176
Clock, remote 260
Clock, two-phase 84
Clock-to-Q 85
Clocked device 89—91 93
Clocked device, bistable 80
Clocked device, memory 91
Clocking disciplines 173
Clocking strategies 173
Clocking strategies, asynchronous 174
Closure 346—347 401
CMOS see "Logic families"
Cocke, John 530
Coercion 369
Cohen, Danny 286 299
Collating sequence see "Character code"
Collector resistor 16 19
Combinational circuit 4 7 61
Combinational composition 4
Combinational cycle 91 174
Combinational logic 75 86 122 201
Combinator 607
Combinatory logic 277 607
comment 625
Comment in microcode 319
Comment in program 625
Communication 3 7—8 237—268 291 472 539 606 610—611
Communication bus see "Bus"
Communication time, interchip 21
Communication topologies 238—245 610
Communication topologies, asymptotic properties 245
Communication topologies, crossbar 239—240 244 618 623
Communication topologies, fat trees 264
Communication topologies, hypercube 243
Communication topologies, logarithmic interconnect schemes 242—243
Communication topologies, mesh 241—242
Communication topologies, n-cube 243
Communication topologies, omega network 264
Communication topologies, performance 238
Communication topologies, point-to-point connections 241
Communication topologies, quadratic-cost 239—240
Communication topologies, scalable-cost 240—242
Communication topologies, scaling behavior 245
Communication topologies, three-dimensional mesh, optimality of 241
Communication topologies, tree 243
Communication, bandwidth 617
Communication, bidirectional 263 291
Communication, bit-serial 259
Communication, broadcast 254
Communication, broadcast medium 240
Communication, cost 8 238—245 608
Communication, intermodule 240
Communication, latency 237—245 610
Communication, local area network 263—264
Communication, local area network, protocols 263
Communication, locality 243 610 620—621
Communication, network gateways 264
Communication, networks 226 264 610 616 621 623
Communication, overhead 263
Communication, patterns 243 621
Communication, physical limits 237—238
Communication, point-to-point serial 262—263
Communication, serial 259—264 291
Communication, synchronous serial 262
Communication, throughput 237 239—243 259 262
Compactness of code 354 430
Comparator 138 212—223
Comparator, serial 218—221 224
Comparison see "Arithmetic"
Compatibility 353
Compilation 275—277 281 362 381—385 412 457 513
Compilation for stack machines 381—385
Compilation of lexically scoped procedures 402—404
Compilation to machine language 335
Compilation, algorithm 276
Compilation, code generation 514
Compilation, register allocation 354 457 461
compile time 365
Compilers 134 273 299 354 362—363 454 513—514 529 609 621
Compilers, optimizing 454
Completion status 252
Complex systems, structure of 1
complexity 1 452 496
Component characteristics, variations in 207
Component count 609
Component reliability 611
Component timing restrictions 180
Component, ideal 611
Component-level redundancy 611
composition 194
Composition operators 194
Composition rules 1
compound statement 628
Computability 271—275
Computability, Turing-machine 271
Computation 237
Computation latency 201
Computation modules 237
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