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Ward S., Halstead R. — Computation Structures (MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science)
Ward S., Halstead R. — Computation Structures (MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science)

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Íàçâàíèå: Computation Structures (MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science)

Àâòîðû: Ward S., Halstead R.


This book is very comprehensive, and drills deep down into the magic layers that make computers work. Anyone seriously interested in programming, and electronics should read this volume.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Computer science/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Óêàçàòåëü â ïðîöåññå çàïîëíåíèÿ

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 5th

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1989

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 812

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 12.03.2015

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Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
$\mu ROM$      see "MAYBE microarchitecture" "Microcode
$\mu SP$      see "Microstack pointer"
%      316 626
&      316 626
*      316 351 626
+      316 626
-      316 626
.      317 351 410 626
. notation, for structure selection      see "C programming language ."
/      316 626
7400 TTL series      106
7400 TTL series, 7400 quad 2-input NOR gate chip      106
7400 TTL series, 74151 8-input multiplexer chip      107—111
7400 TTL series, 74161 4-bit counter chip      119
7400 TTL series, 74163 4-bit counter chip      119
7400 TTL series, 74181 ALU chip, function select inputs      114
7400 TTL series, 74181 ALU chip, mode control input      114
7400 TTL series, 74181 arithmetic and logic unit (ALU) chip      114 132 284
7400 TTL series, 74190 4-bit counter chip      119
7400 TTL series, 74191 4-bit counter chip      119
7400 TTL series, 74194 4-bit shift register chip      118
7400 TTL series, 74198 8-bit shift register chip      118
7400 TTL series, 74LS181 arithmetic and logic unit (ALU) chip      386
:      317 629—631
=      317 404 626 630
@      368
Abstract machine      269 275—277 313—314 325
Abstraction      1—2 275—277 313 315 325 357
Abstraction barriers, nondiscretionary      348
Abstraction, design of      335
Abstraction, digital      2 4 89 100 173 246 276 335
Abstraction, layers of      276
Abstraction, levels of      275—276 363 533
Abstraction, mechanisms      348
Abstraction, memory      473
Abstraction, virtual memory      see "Virtual memory"
Access time $(t_{a})$      94 475 479—480
Access time $(t_{a})$, average      471 479—480
Accumulator      359 460
ACR      see "Addressing-context register"
Activation record      see "Stack frame"
Active high      see "Logic conventions"
Active low      see "logic conventions"
Actor      623
actual parameter      see "Procedure linkage"
Adder      111 201—210 214
Adder, binary n-bit      111
Adder, carry      111—116 322—323
Adder, carry chain      214
Adder, carry input      284
Adder, carry look-ahead      111—112 132 203
Adder, carry out      284 298 307
Adder, carry propagation      284
Adder, end-around carry      38
Adder, full      111 114 130 132 201
Adder, serial      114—116 218
Adder, tree-structured      203 210
Addition      see "Arithmetic"
Address      226 249—252 337 357 471—472
Address Assignment      249
Address in memory      127
Address register      288
Address size, maximum      472
address space      249 337 358 471 473 487 489 544—547 550
Address space, 32-bit      368
Address space, common      544
Address space, global      472
Address space, linear      545
Address space, segmented      545—547
Address space, separate      523
Address space, shared      544
Address space, single      547
Address space, virtual      489 539
address translation      494—495 545—547
Address, 32-bit      337
Address, physical      486—490 492—495 544—547 555
Address, virtual      486—495 544—547 555
Addressing      263—264
Addressing context      490 493—495 546—547 549
Addressing modes      428—434 460 514 520
Addressing modes, direct      429 431 520
Addressing modes, imm      430
Addressing modes, immediate      431 435
Addressing modes, implementation on MAYBE      442—447
Addressing modes, indexed      431—433 435 520 525
Addressing modes, indexed indirect      433
Addressing modes, indexed, implementation of      445
Addressing modes, indirect      431
Addressing modes, indirect indexed      431 433 446
Addressing modes, indirect register      431—432
Addressing modes, ix2      433
Addressing modes, offset      520
Addressing modes, PC-relative      389—391 435 451 525
Addressing modes, postincrement      434—435 442 446
Addressing modes, predecrement      434—435 442 446
Addressing modes, register      428 431
Addressing modes, register indirect      525
Addressing modes, short forms      450
Addressing modes, SP-relative      434—435 454
Addressing modes, stack pop      435
Addressing modes, stack push      435
Addressing-context register (ACR)      489—490 493—494
AdrTab      443
Agarwal, A.      xx
AGT      see "Timing disciplines"
Algorithm      225 325
Algorithmic transformations      609
Aliasing      495 507
Allen, Jon      xix
Alt      see "Timing disciplines"
ALT control modules      194
ALT operator modules      194
ALU      see "Arithmetic and logic unit" "7400 "74181
Amplifier      9
Analysis      621
Analysis of machines      269
And, bitwise      316
Anderson, T.      xx
Arbiter      93—100 195 560
Arbiter, control module      195
Arbiter, improved      96
Arbiter, naively designed      95
Arbiter, reliable asynchronous      196
Arbiter, specification of      93
Arbitration      99—100 241 263 560 616
Arbitration, anticipatory      176
Arbitration, asynchronous arbiter problem      94
Arbitration, problem      99—100 175—176 195—196 260 262
Arbitration, time      94
Architecture, complex-instruction-set (CISC)      363 530
Architecture, data-flow      see "Computers data-flow"
Architecture, general-register      354—355 427—469 514 537
Architecture, graph-reduction      607
Architecture, Harvard      523
Architecture, logical-inference      607
Architecture, mesh of processing elements      622
Architecture, microcoded      282 357 529
Architecture, microinterpreter      303
Architecture, multiple instruction stream, multiple data stream (MIMD)      613 616—619 623
Architecture, multiprocessor      264
Architecture, no instruction stream, multiple data stream (NIMD)      613
Architecture, one-address      see "Instruction formats" "One-address"
Architecture, parallel      363
Architecture, pipelined      225 531
Architecture, pre-von Neumann      364
Architecture, processor      363—366
Architecture, reduced-instruction-set (RISC)      134 299 363 365 513—532
Architecture, single instruction stream, multiple data stream (SIMD)      612—613 615—616
Architecture, single instruction stream, single data stream (SISD)      612—613
Architecture, stack (zero-address)      351 367—412
Architecture, tagged      339—340
Architecture, three-address      371 427 430
Architecture, two-address      427 514
Architecture, von Neumann      see "von Neumann machine"
Area on a chip      8 107
Area on a circuit board      289
Arguments      see "Procedure linkage"
Arithmetic      34—39 284
arithmetic and logic unit (ALU)      114 197 284 288 292—293 297—298 307 515
Arithmetic and logic unit (ALU), control inputs      284
Arithmetic and logic unit (ALU), function      284 297
Arithmetic and logic unit (ALU), function select      284
Arithmetic and logic unit (ALU), mode input      284
Arithmetic and logic unit (ALU), outputs      284
Arithmetic functions      127
Arithmetic modules      111
Arithmetic, 16-bit addition      322
Arithmetic, 16-bit, on MAYBE      308
Arithmetic, addition on Turing machine      270
Arithmetic, binary addition      35 111—116
Arithmetic, binary division      36
Arithmetic, binary multiplication      35
Arithmetic, binary subtraction      36
Arithmetic, fixed-point      35—36
Arithmetic, multiple-precision      322
Arithmetic, multiple-precision, in MAYBE microcode      322—323
Arithmetic, signed comparison      387
Arithmetic, signed test      387
Arithmetic, unsigned test      387
Arithmetic, vector addition      612
Array      338 631—633
array of characters      338 405 633
Array processors, associative      616
Array, dynamically allocated      433
Array, element      338
Array, element access      432—433
Array, zero-indexed      631
ART      621—622
ASCH      see "Character code ASCII"
Assembler      314 361
assembly      314
Assembly language      315—318 361—362 365
Assembly language, .include directive      318—319 370
Assembly language, .macro directive      317—318
Assembly language, arithmetic expressions      362
Assembly language, colon (:)      317
Assembly language, current location      317
Assembly language, pseudo-operations      389
Assembly language, symbolic names      314 317
Assembly language, vertical bar $(\mid)$      319
Assertion edge      see "Bus protocol assertion
ASSIGNMENT      277 630
assignment statement      365 609
Astable behavior      77
Asynchrony      176—177
Atomic action      372
Atomic instruction      see "Instruction atomic"
Atomic update      576
atomicity      566—569
Atomicity by disabling interrupts      567—568
Automata      154
Automata, cellular      607 613 621—622
Automata, trainable      607
automobile      597
Ayers, A.      xx
Back-out      491 543 576
backplane      245 248
Backtracking      607
Bandwidth      7—8
banking system      see "Systems on-line
Base      545 555
Base address      432
Base-of-frame pointer      368 393 395 454
Base-of-frame register      434
Batcher, Kenneth      222
Baud      7
BCD      see "Number representations binary-coded
Bell Telephone Laboratories      625
Berkeley, University of California at      530
BINARY      316
Binary tree      242—243
Binding      319
Bit      2 33—34 147—148 337
Bit frequency      261—262
Bit time      260—261
bits per second      7
Blair, M.      xx
Block      345 487 628
Block structure      348
Boolean algebra      16 49—54
Boolean algebra, absorption identity      52
Boolean algebra, associative law      49 52
Boolean algebra, commutative law      49 52
Boolean algebra, complement identity      52
Boolean algebra, DeMorgan's law      52 55
Boolean algebra, distributive law      52
Boolean algebra, duality      53—54
Boolean algebra, idempotence      52
Boolean expressions      49—51 58
Boolean expressions, implicant      59 126
Boolean expressions, implicant, prime      59 65
Boolean expressions, literal      59
Boolean expressions, manipulation of      52—54
Boolean expressions, product      49
Boolean expressions, product-of-sums      see "Product-of-sums expressions"
Boolean expressions, sum      49
Boolean expressions, sum-of-products      see "Sum-of-products expressions"
Boolean expressions, term      49 58
Boolean functions      4 14 47—51 58
Boolean functions, AND      47—54 58
Boolean functions, complete set      49
Boolean functions, NAND      48—49 51 55—56
Boolean functions, NOR      48—49 51
boolean functions, not      48—54 56 58
Boolean functions, OR      47—54 58 238
Boolean functions, XOR (exclusive OR)      47—49 51
Bound      555
Brain      605
Branch conditions      386—387 697
Branch delay      524—525
Branch, conditional      523
Branch, multiway      629
Branch, target address      307
Buffer memory, lookaside      480
Buffer memory, TLB miss      489
Buffer memory, translation lookaside buffer (TLB)      487 489—490 492 494—497 507 549
Buffer, circular      563
Buffer, first-in/first-out (FIFO)      563
Buffer, overflow      564—565 588
Buffer, underflow      563 589
buffered output      588
Bug      187
Bus      183 239—241 244—259 264 617—619
Bus arbitration      254—257 573
Bus arbitration, arbitration contest      254—257
Bus arbitration, arbitration priority      256
Bus arbitration, binary-OR      256—257 265
Bus arbitration, centralized      267
Bus arbitration, centralized arbitration logic      256
Bus arbitration, daisy-chained      256
Bus arbitration, fair      265 573
Bus arbitration, grant signal      254—255
Bus arbitration, request signal      254—255
Bus protocol      254
Bus protocol, assertion edge      248 255
Bus protocol, continue code      257
Bus protocol, hold code      258
Bus protocol, locally timed      248
Bus protocol, OK code      257
Bus protocol, overhead      257
1 2 3 4 5 6
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