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Gullberg J. — Mathematics: from the birth of numbers
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Название: Mathematics: from the birth of numbers
Автор: Gullberg J.
Аннотация: A gently guided, profusely illustrated Grand Tour of the world of mathematics. This extraordinary work takes the reader on a long and fascinating journey — from the dual invention of numbers and language, through the major realms of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and calculus, to the final destination of differential equations, with excursions into mathematical logic, set theory, topology, fractals, probability, and assorted other mathematical byways. The book is unique among popular books on mathematics in combining an engaging, easy-to-read history of the subject with a comprehensive mathematical survey text. Intended, in the author's words, "for the benefit of those who never studied the subject, those who think they have forgotten what they once learned, or those with a sincere desire for more knowledge," it links mathematics to the humanities, linguistics, the natural sciences, and technology. Contains more than 1000 original technical illustrations, a multitude of reproductions from mathematical classics and other relevant works, and a generous sprinkling of humorous asides, ranging from limericks and tall stories to cartoons and decorative drawings. Over 1000 technical illustrations and cartoons and drawings
Рубрика: Математика /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Год издания: 1997
Количество страниц: 1110
Добавлена в каталог: 22.11.2014
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Предметный указатель
Grid, polar 577
Group theory 301
Grouping notations 122
Growth, population 1000
Guldin, P. 866 884
Guldin’s first rule 866
Guldin’s second rule 884
Gunter, E. 176 461
Guthrie, F. 203
Hadamard, J.S. 80 778
Haken, W. 204
Half-angle, functions 512
Half-cone 402
Half-life, radioactive isotopes 1001
Half-line 387
Half-open interval 111
Half-saw 43
Hamilton paths 203
HAMILTON, W.R., Hamilton paths 203
HAMILTON, W.R., laws of algebra 133
HAMILTON, W.R., matrices 639
HAMILTON, W.R., quaternions 601
HAMILTON, W.R., vector history 600
Hanoi, Tower of 285
Hardy, G.H. 778
Harmonic analysis 907
Harmonic differential equations 1022
Harmonic oscillations 1008
Harmonic sequence 264
Harmonic series 264
Harmonic series, finite 266
HARRIOT, T. 104 109 134
Hausdorff — Besicovich dimension 636
HAUY, R.-J. 399
Heating 1005
Heawood, P.J. 204
Hebrew, ancient, numeration 36
Hecto 54
Height, cone 402
Height, prism 400
Height, trapezium 394
Height, trapezoid 394
Height, triangle 393 439
Height, zone, sphere 403
Hein, P. 571
Heisenberg, W.K. 906
Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle 906
Helix, conical 596
Helix, conical, equations, parametric 596
Helix, cylindrical 595
Helix, cylindrical, equations, parametric 595
Helix, elliptic 597
Helix, spherical 596
Helix, spherical, equations, parametric 596
hemisphere 403
Heptadecagon, regular, Euclidean construction 417
Heptagon, definition 392
Herigone 134
HERMITE, Ch., e 85
HERMITE, Ch., matrices 658
Hermitian conjugate matrix 658
Herodianic numeration 36
HERON, cube roots 148
HERON, equations 316
HERON, formula of 444
Heron’s formula 444
Heuristic method, mathematics, teaching 370
Hexadecimal numeration 46 64
Hexagon 392
Hexagram/hexagrams 420
Hexagram/hexagrams, magic 213
hexahedron 397
Hilbert curve 635 see
Hilbert, D. 201
HILBERT, D., 23 important problems 369
HILBERT, D., history, mathematics 301 369
HILBERT, D., Koenigsberg 201
HILBERT, D., Peano curve 635
Hindu-Arabic numeration system 48
Hipparchos 90 366 462
Hippocrates of Chios 422
Hobbes, T. 3
HOEG, P. 70 370
Homeomorphism 369 378
Homogeneous constant-coefficient linear differential equations 1018
homogeneous differential equations 995
Homogeneous equations 328
Homogeneous linear differential equations 1016 1017
Hooke, R. 869
Hooke’s law 869
Horace 17
Hubbard, J. 634
Hundred, etymology 27
HUTTON, Ch. 673
HUYGENS, C., catenary 538
HUYGENS, C., cycloid, isochronous property 591
HUYGENS, C., history of calculus 678
HUYGENS, C., probability 963
Hypatia 366
Hyperbola, definition 406 564
Hyperbola, equations 565 568 588
Hyperbola, equations, parametric 588
Hyperbolic cosecant 534
Hyperbolic cosine 534
Hyperbolic cotangent 534
Hyperbolic functions 533
Hyperbolic functions, derivatives 702
Hyperbolic functions, inverse 539
Hyperbolic geometry 382
Hyperbolic secant 534
Hyperbolic sine 534
Hyperbolic spiral 580
Hyperbolic tangent 534
Hypocycloid/hypocyclods 593
Hypocycloid/hypocyclods, equations, parametric 593
Hypotenuse 393
Hypothesis 157 222
Hypothesis, continuum 262
Hypothesis, null 970
Hypothesis, Riemann 778
i, imaginary unit 71 87
Icelandic number names 25
icosahedron 397 448
Icosahedron, formulas 451
Idempotent laws, Boolean algebra 253
Identity/identities, addition 72
Identity/identities, cofunction 507
Identity/identities, compound-angle 509
Identity/identities, double-angle 510
Identity/identities, empty sets 250
Identity/identities, equations 303
Identity/identities, even-odd 508
Identity/identities, fundamental hyperbolic functions 541
Identity/identities, fundamental trigonometric 507
Identity/identities, half-angle 512
Identity/identities, hyperbolic 541
Identity/identities, inverse hyperbolic functions 544
Identity/identities, inverse trigonometric functions 514
Identity/identities, laws 132
Identity/identities, laws, Boolean algebra 252
Identity/identities, matrix 641
Identity/identities, multiple-angle 510
Identity/identities, multiplication 72
Identity/identities, odd-even 508
Identity/identities, principle of 216
Identity/identities, Pythagorean 508 541
Identity/identities, symbol 108
Identity/identities, trigonometric 507
Imaginary axis, number plane 788
Imaginary numbers, logarithms 156
Imaginary numbers, pure 71
Imaginary unit 71 87
Implications 222
Implicit differentiation 705
Implicit form, function 339
Impossible figures 374
Improper fraction 74
Improper integral 756
Improper subset 237
InCh 409
Inclusion theorem 528
Incompleteness theorem 160
Indefinite continuation of straight line, postulate 381
Indefinite integral 722
Independence, linear 1017
Independent variable 336
Indeterminate differences 785
Indeterminate forms, limits 360 779
Indeterminate powers 785
Indeterminate products 785
Indeterminate quotients 784
Index, column, determinant 646
Index, column, matrix 649
Index, root 138
Index, row, determinant 646
Index, row, matrix 649
Indirect proof 159
Indirect proof, symbolic logic 227
Indo-European languages 9
Inductance 1011
Induction, proof by 158
Inequality/inequalities 312
Inequality/inequalities, absolute 312
Inequality/inequalities, conditional 109 312
Inequality/inequalities, symbols 108
Inequality/inequalities, unconditional 109 312
Inference, chain rule 227
Infinite decimal fractions 76
Infinite geometric series 274
Infinite integrands 756
Infinite limits, integrals 760
Infinite series 270
Infinite sets 234
Infinitesimal calculus 673
Infinitesimals 673
infinity 29
Inflection point/points 798
Inflection point/points, derivative 798
Inflection point/points, functions 341
Inflection tangent 388
Inscribed circles, radii 440
Instantaneous acceleration 897
Instantaneous velocity 897
Integers 70 72
Integral/integrals 722
Integral/integrals, calculus 673 721
Integral/integrals, definite 722 747
Integral/integrals, double 753
Integral/integrals, equation 309
Integral/integrals, improper 756
Integral/integrals, indefinite 722
Integral/integrals, multiple 753
Integral/integrals, primitive 722
Integral/integrals, Riemann 749
Integral/integrals, triple 753
Integral/integrals, unrestricted 756
Integrand/integrands 722
Integrand/integrands, infinite 756
Integrated mean values 751
Integrating factors 996
Integration, acceleration 900
Integration, approximate 947
Integration, basic formulas 724
Integration, by parts 728
Integration, by power series expansion 746
Integration, by substitution 733
Integration, constant 722
Integration, methods of 723
Integration, numerical 947
Integration, partial fractions 745
Integration, power functions 723
Integration, recursion formulas 730
Integration, reduction formulas 730
Integration, trigonometric identities 727
Integration, velocity 900
Intercalarius 18
Interest, compound 1003
Interior angles 389
International system of units 52
Interpolation 926
Interpolation, graphical 927
Interpolation, linear 926
Intersecting lines, equations 556
Intersection 239
Interval/intervals 111
Interval/intervals, convergence 766
Invariants 369
Inverse 223
Inverse hyperbolic functions 539
Inverse hyperbolic functions, derivatives 704
Inverse hyperbolic functions, graphs 539 540
Inverse proportionality 350
Inverse trigonometric functions 477
Inverse trigonometric functions, derivatives 697
Inverse trigonometric functions, identities 514
Inverse, function 346
Inverse, matrices 655
Inverse, matrix, cofactors 659
Inverse, matrix, solution systems, linear equations 665
Inversion correction factor 648
Inversions 191
Invertible matrix 656
Ionic numeration 36
Irish number names 22 23
Irrational numbers 70 84
Irregular matrix 656
Isidore of Seville 5
Isosceles triangle 392
Isosceles triangle, Euclidean construction 415
Italian number names 20
Iterative methods, solutions, equations 935 941
J, joule 867
Jacobi, C.G.J. 639
John of Seville 463
Jones, W. 85
Jordan curve 379
JORDAN, C., history of geometry 369
JORDAN, C., Jordan curve 379
JORDAN, C., row operations 662
Joule, J 867
Joule, J.P. 867
Julia set 633
JULIA, G.M. 633
Julian calendar 18
K 55
Kant, I. 201
Kappa 37
Kasner, E. 29
Kempe, A.B. 204
KEPLER, J., combinatorial geometry 184