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Charles Wright C. — 1002 Visual C++ Programming Tips |
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Set(), SetViewportOrgEx() 482
Set(), SetWindowLong() 436 890
Set(), SetWindowPos() 436 820 876 907 916 932
Set(), SetWindowText() 410 818
Set(), SetWizardButtons() 759
Setwidth 471
Shared memory 518 979 999 1000 1001
shift operators 33 34 146
Shift operators, extractors 360 367
Shift operators, inserters 359 366
shortcut keys 694
Show(), ShowControlBar() 605
Show(), ShowHeader() 631
Show(), ShowScrollBar() 846 850
Show(), ShowWindow() 393 423 488 705 708 827
signal() 981 982
SignalObjectAndWait() 998
Signature 286
Single-Document Interface 503
Single-stepping 677
single-threaded 942
SizeMinReq() 935 936
sizeof operator 31 58 186 209 248 264
sizeof operator for number of strings in array 266
sizeof operator for strings, length available 265
slash (/) 130
Slash (/), comments (//) 14 60
Slash (/), division operator (/) 32 141
sleep() 540
Slider control 522 816 853 875 876 881
Slider control, message interpretation 878
Slider control, styles 879
Slider control, tick marks 880
Slider control, using 877
Sockets classes 497 519
Software, definition of 1
SortItems() 899
Source Control toolbar 101
source files 8 9 63
Source files, adding 131
Source files, creating 113
Source files, switching between 597
Spacebands ( ) 84
spaces 14
spawn() 943
Spin control 522 816 853 882 883 885
Spin control, button styles 884
Spin control, messages 886
Splitter windows 109 505 666—667
Spool files 438 793
sprintf() 118 255
Stack pointer 280
stacks 2
Standard Template Library (STL) 245
Standard toolbar 101
Start directory 781
Start(), StartDoc() 438 793 799
Start(), StartPage() 438 793
Start(), StartPath() 441
statements 18
statements, break 176
statements, case 181
statements, compound 12 18 161
statements, conditional 171 172 174
statements, continue 176
statements, default 181
statements, empty 161
statements, switch 180 182 382
Statements, types of 161
static 51 351
Static colors 444
static data members 350 352 353
Static link libraries 564
static linking 379
Static text control 522 816 818—820
static variables 15 51 294 301
Static variables in classes 52
Static variables, definition of 302 303
Static variables, global 302
Status Bar 918 919
Status bar, adding controls 921
Status bar, control of 522 816 918—921
Status bar, saving message 671
Status bar, setting indicators 920
STDERR 80 120 125 680
stdin 80 120 125
stdio.h 10 25
stdout 80 118 120 122 125 680
Stepping into 677
Stepping over 677
stop() 911
Storage classes 15 300
Storage classes, automatic 49 300
Storage classes, register 50 300
Storage classes, static 51 52 301
strcat() 255 257 524
strchr() 258
strcmp() 256
strcpy() 245 255 257
strdup() 255
streams 80 121 126 358 361
Streams, definition of 361
Streams, random 363
Streams, sequential 362
StretchBlt() 443 715
stricmp() 263
strikeout text 643
string constants 205
String tables 408 726
String tables, creating 727
String tables, entries for 728
String tables, languages for 730
String tables, resource IDs 729
strings 239—269
Strings, allocating 268
strings, arrays of 251 266
Strings, copying with 257
Strings, dynamic 252—253
Strings, information functions 256
Strings, library functions 254
Strings, loading functions 255
Strings, locating characters in 258 267
Strings, number of 266
strings, parsing 261—262
Strings, pointers to 247
Strings, reversing characters in 269
Strings, size of 248 265
Strings, storage of 245
Strings, substrings in 259
Strings, tokens in 260
strlen() 193 248 256 265
strnicmp() 263
Stroke(), StrokeAndFillPath() 453 466
Stroke(), StrokePath() 441 453 466
Stroustrup, Bjarne 7 185
strrchr() 258
strset() 255
strstr() 259
strtok() 221 260—262 564 962
strtokex() 564
struct 38 186
struct.h 652
Structured Exception Handling (SEH) 534
structures 27 38 186
Structures, classes compared 188
Structures, unions compared 38 40
Subitems, menu 698 702
subtraction operator (-) 32 142
Support classes 497 528
Suspend count 954
| SuspendThread() 954
switch statements 180 182 382
Synchronization classes 497 529
Synchronous programming 377
System menu 399
System modal dialog boxes 706
system() 981
Tab characters 14
tab control 522 665 816 853 912 913
Tab control, adding controls 916
Tab control, adding pages 914
Tab control, image list with 915
Tab control, message interpretation 917
TabbedTextOut() 479
tanh() 25
tanh(), exit() 981
tellg() 363
Templates 287 288 410
TerminateProcess() 983
ternary operators 135 154
Text Box 821
Text files 62 631
Text metrics 467
Text on toolbar 735
Text, alignment of 473
text, formatting 75
Text, inputting 119
Text, outputting 76 116 118 124 476
text, rotating 482
Text, searching and replacing 783—792
Text, setting 483 642 643
text, static 818
TextOut() 453 473 477 478 482
TextOut(), TextOutEx() 453
This pointer 370
threads 538 945 946
Threads, definition of 424
Threads, priorities 948
Threads, resuming 954
Threads, return code 953
Threads, scheduling 947
Threads, sharing objects 955
Threads, suspending 951 954
Threads, synchronizing 956
threads, terminating 951 952
Threads, user interface 538 950
Threads, worker 538 945 949
Throw statements 161 534 965 967
Tick marks 880
Tilde (~), accent mark 242
Tilde (~), complement operator 31 139
Time control 816 853 930 931
Time control, formats 933
Time control, styles 932
title bar 398
Tokens 13 260
Tool tips, adding 735
Tool tips, control 522 816 925 926
Toolbars 401 536 731
Toolbars, adding 734 738
Toolbars, changing view with 653
Toolbars, control 506 522 816 922—924
Toolbars, creating new 104 732
toolbars, customizing 103 556 733
Toolbars, dockability 736 737
Toolbars, flyby text for 735
toolbars, hiding 102 586
toolbars, removing 738
Toolbars, Resource Workshop 691
Toolbars, showing 102 586
Toolbars, text for 735
Toolbars, ToolTips for 735
Toolbars, Visual Studio 100—104
Tools menu 88 90
TRACE macros 93 680
Translate(), TranslateAccelator() 406
Translate(), TranslateMessage() 413 425 696
Tree control 522 816 853 900 901
Tree control, adding branches 902
Tree control, collapsing/expanding branches 905
Tree control, image list with 904
Tree control, styles 903
TrueType fonts 469
TRY macro 972
try statements 161 534 966 978
Type Library 582
typedef statements 27 28 36 40 304
typography 468 see
unary operators 31 34 135
Unary operators, address (&) 56 137
Unary operators, complement (~) 139
Unary operators, decrement (—) 138 198
Unary operators, increment (++) 138 198
Unary operators, indirection (*) 57 136 311
Unary operators, minus (-) 140
Unary operators, negation (!) 139
Unary operators, plus (+) 140
Underline format 643
underscore (_) 16 36
Unicode 72
unions 27
Unions, definition of 38
Unions, structures compared 40
Universally unique identifiers (UUID) 65 223
Unlock() 958 998
UnrealizeObject() 442
Unsigned long data types 227
update() 553 575
Update(), UpdateAllViews() 625 662 672
Update(), UpdateData() 528 747 748 750 752
Update(), UpdateDialogControls() 711
UsePercent() 819
User dialog classes 511
user information 647 648
User interface threads 538 950
Utility projects 548
utility.cpp 652
Variables 15 294
Variables window 94
variables, adding 573
Variables, arrays of 192
Variables, automatic 15 49 300
Variables, casting 314 315
Variables, creating 304
variables, declaring 44 189
Variables, declaring, as char data type 249 250
Variables, declaring, in body of function 299
Variables, declaring, in case statement 183
Variables, declaring, in function calls 45
Variables, declaring, in switch statement 182
variables, definition of 15 294
Variables, deleting 574
variables, environment 67 133 214—219 221
Variables, external 15
variables, global 51 298 302
variables, local 297
Variables, macro definition with 235
Variables, modification of 284 296
variables, naming 16
Variables, pointers to 309 310
Variables, register 50 300
variables, scope of 305
variables, static 51 52 294 301—303
Variables, types of 15 295 296
Variant data type 38
VERIFY macro 963
VerQuery(), VerQueryFunction() 741
VerQuery(), VerQueryValue() 741
Version resource 739 740 741 743
Vertical bar (|), bitwise OR operator (|) 33 135 148 241
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