Авторизация |
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Charles Wright C. — 1002 Visual C++ Programming Tips |
Предметный указатель |
friend classes 345
friend functions 346
fseek 126
fstream 361
ftell 126
Full Screen Editor (Visual Studio) 108
Function activation record 292
function calls 21 280
Function calls, declaring variables in 45
Function calls, pointers in 282
Functions 22 23 270 see
Functions, adding 128
functions, callback 351 355 384 480
Functions, declarations of 271 274—275
Functions, definitions of 272 274—275
Functions, empty 272
Functions, friend 346
Functions, inline 277
Functions, library 25
Functions, macros compared 292 293
Functions, member 344 570 595
Functions, moving between 600
Functions, not case sensitive 263
Functions, overloaded 286 288 290 325
Functions, pointers to 289
Functions, prototypes 23 46 190 273
Functions, reference 291 306
Functions, reusable code in 24
Functions, scope of 281
Functions, static 351
Functions, templates 287 288
Functions, virtual 326 347 594
Fundamental data types 27 296
fwrite 126
Garbage collectors 686
Get(), GetAccel() 885
Get(), GetActivePage() 921
Get(), GetBase() 885
Get(), GetBuddy() 885
Get(), GetCharABCWidths() 471
Get(), GetCharFormatSelection() 641 642
Get(), GetCharWidth32() 471 478
Get(), GetClientRect() 437
Get(), GetColor() 772 936
Get(), GetComboBoxCtrl() 863
Get(), GetCurrentFont() 161
Get(), GetCurSel() 935
Get(), GetDC() 435
Get(), GetDefaultAccelarator() 697
Get(), GetDefaults() 800
Get(), GetDeviceCaps() 436
Get(), GetDlgItemText() 410
Get(), GetEditCtrl() 863
Get(), GetEnviromnentStrings() 217
Get(), GetEnvironmentVariable() 215 216
Get(), GetErrorMessage() 975
Get(), GetExitCodeProcess() 953
Get(), GetExitCodeThread() 951 952 953
Get(), GetFileExt() 782
Get(), GetFileName() 782
Get(), GetFilePath() 782
Get(), GetFileTitle() 782
Get(), GetFileVersionData() 742
Get(), GetFileVersionInfoSize() 741
Get(), GetFirstDocTemplatePosition() 614
Get(), GetFirstViewPosition() 504
Get(), GetFtpConnection() 499 535
Get(), GetGlobalBuffer() 625
Get(), GetGlobalSize() 625
Get(), GetHeaderCtrl() 890 894
Get(), GetHotKey() 929
Get(), GetIconIndex() 856
Get(), GetImageInfo() 855
Get(), GetImageList() 657 862
Get(), GetItem() 863 896
Get(), GetItemData() 515
Get(), GetItemDataPtr() 515
Get(), GetKeyState() 629 630
Get(), GetLastError() 990
Get(), GetListCtrl() 649
Get(), GetLogFont() 766
Get(), GetMessage() 381 382 425
Get(), GetMessageBar() 611
Get(), GetMessagePos() 424
Get(), GetMessageTime() 424
Get(), GetModuleFileName() 387 741
Get(), GetNextDocTemplatePosition() 614
Get(), GetNextView() 504
Get(), GetObject() 443
Get(), GetOpenFileName() 774 776 777 785
Get(), GetParaFormat() 866
Get(), GetParent() 759
Get(), GetParts() 920
Get(), GetPixel() 455
Get(), GetPos() 873
Get(), GetPrev() 498
Get(), GetProcAddress() 815
Get(), GetProductData() 142
Get(), GetProgramVersionData() 741
Get(), GetRange() 873 885
Get(), GetRange32() 885
Get(), GetRightPane() 505
Get(), GetRuntimeClass() 532
Get(), GetSavedCustomColors() 772 773
Get(), GetSaveFileName() 774 776 777 785
Get(), GetScrollInfo() 848
Get(), GetScrollLimit() 851 852
Get(), GetSelectionCharFormat() 866
Get(), GetSelRange() 935
Get(), GetStatus() 515 517
Get(), GetSysColor() 867
Get(), GetSystemImageList() 856
Get(), GetSystemMetrics() 718
Get(), GetTabControl() 754
Get(), GetText() 840
Get(), GetTextAlign() 473
Get(), GetTextExtent() 626
Get(), GetTextExtentExPoint() 411
Get(), GetTextExtentPoint32() 477 479 482
Get(), GetToolBarCtrl() 924
Get(), GetWindowLong() 890
Get(), GetWindowRect() 884 920
getchar() 237
getenv() 215 216
getpid() 981
Global data segments 2
global scope 170
Global variables 51 298 302
Global(), GlobalFree() 800 801
Global(), GlobalLock() 801 980 1000
Global(), GlobalUnlock() 801
Globally unique identifiers (GUID) 223
gmtime() 962
GOTO statement 20 174
Graphics 451 625
Graphics Device Interface (GDI) 431
Graphics device interface (GDI), bitmap 443
Graphics device interface (GDI), brush 442
Graphics device interface (GDI), drawing with 435
Graphics device interface (GDI), fonts 439—440
Graphics device interface (GDI), palette 444
Graphics device interface (GDI), pen 441
Graphics device interface (GDI), region 445
Graphics device interface classes 496
Graphics Editor, cursor creation with 718
Graphics Editor, toolbar creation with 732
Graphics Editor, toolbar modification with 733
GrayString() 480
Greater than symbol (>), extractor (>>) 360 367
Greater than symbol (>), greater than operator (>) 33 144
| Greater than symbol (>), greater than or equals operator (>=) 33 145
Greater than symbol (>), guillemotright (») 84
Greater than symbol (>), overloads (>>) 620
Greater than symbol (>), pointer-to-member operator (->) 284 311 368
Greater than symbol (>), shift right (>>) 33 146
Group control 704 835
Guardian directives 65 223
guidgen.exe 223
Guillemotright (») 84
Gutenberg, Johann 467
Handle(), HandleAbort() 982
Handle(), HandleInitDialogO 750
Handle(), HandleSetFont() 750
Handles 389 501 854 980
Hashing 498
Header control 522 816 887 888
Header control, hot tracking in 890
Header control, image lists with 891
Header control, reordering of fields 889
header files 10 224
Header files, changing 226
Header files, clearing 10 64 115 132 225
Header files, protecting with guardians 65 223
Heap 2
help 555
Help, dialog box 806
Help, Visual Studio 105
High-level languages 4
HighlightSelection() 485
Hook procedures 761 804 805
Hot Spot 416 720
Hot tracking 890
Hotkey control 522 816 853 927—929
Hungarian notation system 42
hyphen (-) 130
Hyphen (-), decrement operator (--) 31 138 198
Hyphen (-), minus operator (-) 140
Hyphen (-), pointer—to—member operator (->) 284
Hyphen (-), subtraction operator (-) 32 142
I/O manipulators 365
icons 384 405 722
Icons for check boxes 834
Icons for radio buttons 834
Icons, assigning 725
Icons, creating 724
Icons, default 723
IDCANCEL message 752
IDOK message 752
IF statements 163
if statements with else statements 167
if statements, multiple conditions 168
if statements, multiple objects 166
if statements, output control with 124
if statements, single objects 165
ifstream 361
image lists 650
Image lists, adding to contol 856
Image lists, building 651 855
Image lists, control 522 816 853—858
Image lists, drawing images from 857
Image lists, header control with 891
Image lists, list control with 897
Image lists, managing 858
Image lists, tab control with 915
Image lists, toolbar control with 924
Image lists, tree control with 904
include path variable 221
increment operator (++) 31 138 198
indirection operator (*) 31 57 136 311
Infix notation 29
inheritance 319 327
Inheritance, building using 328
inheritance, multiple 342
initialization files 516 670
InitializeList() 916
InitInstance() 384 399 504 511 538 552 555 613 632 661 668 669 670 686 705 725 742 764 816 864 950 988
inline functions 277
Input 119
Input from keyboard 411
Input from mouse 416
Insert menu 86
Insert mode 629
Insert() 628
Insert(), InsertItem() 861 863 896 902
Inserters (<<) 359 366
Instances 389
Instruction pointer register 942
Integral data type 27 296 315
integrated development environment (IDE) 9
Interface Description Language file 61
Interface ID (IID) 576
Internet services classes 499
Interpreted languages 5
Interprocess Communications 979—1001 see "Messages" "Pipes"
Interprocess communications, events as 993
Interprocess communications, handles in 389 501 854 980
Interprocess communications, semaphores as 995
Interprocess communications, shared memory as 999 1000 1001
Interprocess communications, signals in 982
Invalidate() 876
Invalidate(), InvalidateRect() 454
IP Address control 816 853 941
Is equal to operator (==) 33 143
Is not equal to operator (!=) 33 143
Is(), IsDialogMessage() 788
Is(), IsKindOf() 493 535 973
Is(), IsStoring() 621
istream 361
istrstream 361
italic font 440 643
iteration statements 161 162
jump statements 161 162
JustifyLine() 477
Kern 471
Kernighan, Brian 7 160 184
keyboard accelerators 406 694
Keyboard input 411
keywords 36
Label statements 161
Languages 11 see
Languages for string table 730
Languages, compiled 6
Languages, high-level 4
Languages, interpreted 5
Languages, low-level 3
languages, object-oriented 7
Languages, syntax in 12
Less than symbol (<), inserter (<<) 359 366
Less than symbol (<), less than operator (<) 33 144
Less than symbol (<), less than or equals operator (<=) 33 145
Less than symbol (<), overloads (<<) 620
Less than symbol (<), shift left (<<) 33 146
Libraries, class 486 488
Libraries, common controls 813 815
Libraries, dynamic link 25 379 563
Libraries, runtime 962
Libraries, static link 564
Libraries, type 582
Libraries, using 487
Libraries, Win32 564
Library functions 25 254
limits.h 26
lineTo() 459
link.exe 67 426 428
Linked lists 498 529
Linking 426 429
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