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Charles Wright C. — 1002 Visual C++ Programming Tips |
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CFtpConncction class 499 530 531
CGopherConnection class 499 530
CGopherLocator class 499
CGraphicsView class 622
CHAR data type 27 244 315
char data type, declaration of 249 250
char data type, strings and 59
Characters 71—80
Characters, control 243
characters, formatting 75—79 866
Characters, sets of 71 72
Characters, unprintable 73
CHARFORMAT structure 639 640 642 866 867
CHARFORMAT2 structure 639 641
CHeaderCtrl class 522 816 888
Check boxes 829—830 834
CheckPoint() 686
child windows 109 397 502 504
ChildWndProc() 409
Choose(), CbooseColor() 769 770
Choose(), ChooseFont() 764
CHOOSECOLOR structure 769
CHOOSEFONT structure 763 764 765
CHotKeyCtrl class 522 816 853 928
CHtmlView class 513 514 559 616
CHttpConnection class 499 530
Cicero 470
CImageList class 522 541 738 816 853 854
CImageList class, CComboBoxEx class with 862
CImageList class, CListView class with 650
cin 80 121 358
CInternetConnection class 499 530
CInternetException class 535 974
CInternetSession class 499 530 531
CIPAddressCtrl class 816 853
CL.EXE 112
Class Info page 580
class libraries see "Libraries"
Classes 27 187 322 see "Specific
Classes as object of polymorphism 326
classes, abstract 348
Classes, access to 337—339
classes, adding 581—583 592
Classes, application architecture 492
classes, base 340 343
classes, creating new 541 542
Classes, customizing, CEdit class 823
Classes, customizing, control classes 817
Classes, customizing, CStatic class 819
Classes, definition of 39
classes, derived 375
Classes, dialog box code in 710
Classes, elements of 332
Classes, friend 345
classes, Generic 583
Classes, moving between 599
classes, naming 559
Classes, pointers to 369 375
Classes, registering 392
Classes, static variable in 52
Classes, structures compared 188
Classes, window class 390—391
ClassView panel 97 607
ClassWizard 61 565
ClassWizard, adding class with 581—583
ClassWizard, adding variables with 573
ClassWizard, deleting variables with 574
ClassWizard, dialogs 567
ClassWizard, invoking 566
ClassWizard, member functions window 570
ClassWizard, member variables 572
ClassWizard, message handlers 569 571
ClassWizard, message maps 568
ClassWizard, navigating code with 584
Client coordinates 437
CList class 498
CListBox class 522 813 816 837 839
CListCtrl class 522 654 816 853 893
CListView class 513 649 650 655 657
clog 80 121
Close window button 400
close() 125 991
CloseHandle() 953 991
CMainFrame class 536 613 734 735
CMap class 498
CMDIChildFrame class 613
CMDIFrameWnd class 502 504 613
CMemFile class 518
CMemoryException class 535 973 974 975
CMemoryFile class 494
CMemoryState class 686
CMenu class 497
CMetaFileDC class 434
CMonthCalCtrl class 816 853 935 936 937 938
CMultiDocTemplate class 615
CMultiLock class 529
CMutex class 529
CNotSupportedException class 535 974
CObject class 491 493
COleDispatchException class 535 974
COleException class 535 974
collection classes 498
Colon (:) after class name 322
Colon (:), conditional operator 33 154 169
Colon (:), scope resolution operator (::) 276 354
Color depth 443
Color map 712
colors, background 483 644 867
Colors, retrieving information 772
Colors, saving/reusing information 773
colors, selecting 509 761 768
colors, setting 772 867
CombineRgn() 453
Combo Box control 522 816 841—844
comma operator (,) 17 33 155
Command enablers 528 539
Command line, compiler running from 112
Command line, constant definition on 231
Command line, WinMain() arguments 387
Comments 14 60
common controls 379 506 522 808 809 816 853
Common controls, animation 906—911
Common controls, button 400 522 825—828
Common controls, calendar 934—938
Common controls, check box 829—830 834
Common controls, combo box 522 831—834
Common controls, customizing 817
Common controls, date 930—933
Common controls, edit 821—824
Common controls, extended combo box 859—863
Common controls, header 887—891
Common controls, hotkey 927—929
Common controls, image lists 853—858
Common controls, IP address 816 853 941
Common controls, list 652 813 892—899
Common controls, list box 836—840
Common controls, macros used by 812
Common controls, messages used by 811
Common controls, progress 870—874
Common controls, radio buttons 831—834
Common controls, rebar 816
Common controls, rich edit 864—869
Common controls, scroll bar 845—852
Common controls, slider 875—881
Common controls, spin 882—886
Common controls, static text 818—820
Common controls, status bar 918—921
Common controls, structures used by 813
Common controls, styles 810
Common controls, tab 665 912—917
| Common controls, time 930—933
Common controls, toolbar 922—924
Common controls, ToolTip 925—926
Common controls, tree 900—905
Common controls, use of 814
common dialogs 508 761 803
Common Object File Format (COFF) 426
Compare(), CompareItems() 652
Compare(), CompareStrings() 498
Compiled languages 6
Compiler Directives 37 112
Compilers 112 130
complement operator (~) 31 139
Compound document support 490 554 634
compound documents 490
compound statements 12 18 161
Concatenation operator (##) 37 48
conditional compilation 227—230
conditional operator 33 34 154 169
Conditional statements, errors with 172
Conditional statements, loops with 174
Conditional statements, scope within 171
ConnectNamedpipe() 990
Const modifier 200 210 211
Constants 200—212
Constants with values 203
Constants without values 204
Constants, defining 47 207 231
Constants, numerical 206
Constants, pointers modifying 212
Constants, string 205
Constants, undefining 208
Constructors 15 39 187 310 333
Constructors, CFileDialog 778
constructors, default 517
Constructors, multiple 335
Constructors, parameters passed to 334
containers 554
Context tracking 591
continue statements 176
Control characters 243
control classes 497 506 522
Controls 379 807 939 see
Controls, 32-bit 853
Controls, bitmap button 940
controls, dialog boxes 410 709
Controls, group 704 835
COpenFile class 977
cout 80 121 358
CPageSetupDialog class 761 796
CPaintDC class 434 488 622
CPalette class 496
CPen class 441 496
CPoint class 525
CPreviewDC class 537
CPreviewView class 513 537
CPrintDialog class 509 744 761 800
CProgressCtrl class 522 816 853 871
CPropertyPage class 510 755 758 759
CPropertySheet class 507 753
create() 501 536 667 790 810 814 821 908 921 923 926 932
Create(), CreateBrushIndirect() 442 466
Create(), CreateClientItem() 632 635
Create(), CreateEllipticRgn() 445
Create(), CreateEllipticRgnIndirect() 445
Create(), CreateEvent() 994
Create(), CreateEx() 536 734 737 809 810 814 820 821
Create(), CreateFile() 988 999 1001
Create(), CreateFileMapping() 1000 1001
Create(), CreateFont() 475 638
Create(), CreateFontIndirect() 475 767
Create(), CreateNamedPipe() 988
Create(), CreateObject() 668
Create(), CreatePallete() 444
Create(), CreatePen() 441 496
Create(), CreatePenIndirect() 441
Create(), CreatePipe() 986 987 989 991
Create(), CreatePointFont() 475 482 638
Create(), CreatePointFontIndirect() 475 482
Create(), CreatePolyRgn() 445
Create(), CreateProcess() 943 983 987 994
Create(), CreateRectRgn() 445
Create(), CreateRectRgnIndirect() 445
Create(), CreateRoundRectRgn() 445
Create(), CreateSemaphore() 996
Create(), CreateSolidBrush() 442
Create(), CreateThread() 538 945 946 951 953
Create(), CreateWindow() 422
Create(), CreateWindowEx() 422 423 501
CReBar class 506 816
CRecentFileList 516 521
CRecordView class 596 659
CRect class 488 526
CResourceException class 535 974
CRgn class 496
CRichEditCtrl class 522 816 853 864 865 866
CRichEditDoc class 647
CRichEditView class 490 513 558 559 632 636 864
CRichEditView class, boldface 642
CRichEditView class, containers in 554
CRichEditView class, font changes 641
CRichEditView class, project with 633
Critical selections 958
CRuntime class 532 615
CScrollBar class 522 816 849
CScrollView class 513 514 559 626 846
CSemaphore class 497 529 996 997
CSharedFile class 494 518 1000
CSingleDocTemplate 503 615
CSingleLock class 529 958
CSize class 527
CSliderCtrl class 522 816 853 876 881
CSocket class 497 519
CSocketFile class 519
CSpinButtonCtrl class 522 816 883 885
CSpinCtrl class 853
CSplitterWnd class 505 557 657 666 668
CStatic class 484 522 816 819 820
CStatusBar class 506 671 919 920
CStatusBarCtrl class 522 816 919 920 921
CStdioFile class 520
CString class 245 488 524 729
CSyncObject class 529 997
CTabCtrl class 522 816 853 913
CTextScrollView class 626
CTime class 523
CtlColor() 484 765
CToolBar class 506 536 541 734 922 923 924
CToolBarCtrl class 522 536 816 923 924
CToolTipCtrl class 522 816 926
CTreeCtrl class 522 816 853 901 905
CTreeView class 513 656 657
curly braces see "Braces"
cursors 405 416 716
Cursors, activating 719
cursors, creating 718
Cursors, setting hot spot 720
Cursors, standard 717
Cursors, wait 540 721
CUserException class 535 974
CVersion class 741 742
CView class 503 513 514 537 559 622 665 846
CView class, graphics, drawing in 625
CView class, text display in 624
CWaitCursor class 497 540 721
CWinApp class 487 492 501 521 721 946
CWindowDC class 434
CWinThread class 492 538 696 946 950 954
CWnd class 344 488 500 501 887 908
Data types 26 27 296
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