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Charles Wright C. — 1002 Visual C++ Programming Tips |
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Linking, incremental 427
Linking, options 428
List Box control 522 813 816 836 837
List box control, directory functions 840
List box control, message interpretation 838
List box control, string functions 839
List classes 498
List control 522 813 816 853 892 893
List control, adding items 896
List control, callback modes 898
List control, displaying views 652
List control, full row selection 895
List control, image list with 897
List control, sorting 899
List control, styles 894
ListDirectory() 652 671 686
literal constants 203 206
Load(), LoadAccelerator() 696
Load(), LoadBitmap() 443
Load(), LoadCursor() 405 719
Load(), LoadFrame() 503
Load(), LoadIcon() 391 392 506 630 692
Load(), LoadImage() 443 506 541 630 719 855 858 888
Load(), LoadList() 515
Load(), LoadMainToolBar() 738
Load(), LoadStdProfileSettings() 521 555
Load(), LoadString() 408 729
Load(), LoadSystemImageList() 652
Load(), LoadToolbar() 536 738
Load(), LoadViewBarButtons() 738
loadpic.exe 625
local scope 170
local variables 297
Locality of execution 299
localtime() 962
Lock() 958 998
logical coordinates 449
Logical palettes 444
long double data type 27
Loops 173 174
loops, Do While 177
loops, for 129 155 178
Loops, scope within 179
loops, while 127 175
Low—level languages 3
lParam 411 417 914
lpCmdLine 386
lpStyle parameter 441
lvalue 29 30 152 306
macros 88 232 237
Macros for common controls 812
Macros, ASSERT 963
macros, definition of 48 233 235
Macros, functions compared 292 293
Macros, interpretation of 236
Macros, substitution of 234
Macros, VERIFY 963
main() 22 114 270
main(), arguments to 123
main(), returning zero 117
Makefiles 66
Makefiles for Windows program 385
Makefiles, compiling with 134
Makefiles, creating 133
Makefiles, dependency statements and 68
Makefiles, environment variables and 67
Makefiles, linker in 429
malloc() 255 268 314 371 976
Map classes 498
Mapping 446 498
Mapping, device coordinates 448
Mapping, logical coordinates 449
Mapping, message maps 568 696 746
Mapping, modes in 446 447
MapViewOfFile() 1000
masks 646 854 868
math.lib 25
Maximize window button 400 557
MBCS (multibyte character set) 72
Measure(), MeasureItem() 857
Measure(), MeasureText() 626
member functions 344 570 595
member operator (.) 38
Member variables page 572
Members of structure 186
Members of Windows class 391
memcpy() 1001
Memory files 518 999 1000
memory leaks 15 336 374 686
Menus 401 698
Menus in resource file 407
menus, customizing 89—90 700 702—703
Menus, hints in 703
Menus, pop—up 91 407 700 701
Menus, properties of items 699
Menus, subitems 698 702
Menus, system 399
menus, Visual Studio 82—91
message handlers 382
Message handlers, adding 569 593 824 827
Message handlers, deleting 571
Message handlers, overriding 619
message maps 568 696 746
Message reflection 484 812
MessageBox() 344
Messages in document/view 617
Messages, accelerator 696
Messages, between processes 983
Messages, control 751 811
Messages, control, calendar 938
Messages, control, combo box 844
Messages, control, list box 838
Messages, control, rich edit 869
Messages, control, scroll bar 851
Messages, control, slider 878
Messages, control, tab 917
Messages, default 618
Messages, dialog box 711
Messages, nonqueued 984
Messages, process for 381 424 425
Messages, queued 984
messages, responding to 382
Metafile 495
Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) 245 523 see "Specific
Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC), collection classes 498
Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC), control classes 497 506 522
Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC), database classes 497
Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC), device context classes 434 495
Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC), dialog classes 508 744 761
Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC), document classes 503 533
Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC), frame window classes 502 613
Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC), GDI classes 496
Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC), implementation of 489
Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC), Internet services classes 499
Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC), library 486 488
Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC), property sheet classes 507
Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC), sockets classes 497 519
Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC), support classes 497 528
Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC), synchronization classes 497 529
Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC), user dialog classes 511
Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC), view classes 512—514
Mini server support 636
Minimize window button 400 557
minus sign (-) see "Hyphen (-)"
mktime() 962
Modal dialog boxes 410 511 705
Modeless dialog boxes 410 511 705
ModifyStyle() 652 890 894 932
| Module definition file 383
Modulo division operator (%) 32 141
Monadic operators see "Unary operators"
most recently used (MRU) 516 521
Mouse, button flags 419
Mouse, input from 416
Mouse, messages 417
Mouse, responding to 418
Move(), MoveToEx() 458 459
Move(), MoveWindow() 436 754 818 827 884
Multiple-document interface (MDI) 504 551
multiplicative operators 32 34
Multiply operator (*) 32 141
multithreaded 424 538 945
Mutexes 957
Namespace 40
naming conventions 41
NCmdShow 386 388
Negation operator (!) 33 139
Negation operator (!) is not equal to (!=) 33 143
New Menu 543
new operator 252 268 372
Newline character (Vi) 73
newlines 14
Next button 758 759
Nmake.exe 66 69 133 134 385
NormalizeRect() 526
NULL 307
Null brush 466
Null terminated string (\0) 193
NULL, #-- (null directive) 37
NULL, (NUL character) 246
NULL, pointer 373
Numerical constants 206
object classes 493
object files 130
Object Module Format (OMF) 426
Object Windows Library (OWL) 486
object-oriented languages 7
object-oriented programming (OOP) 317—331
Object-oriented programming (OOP), CShape example 331
Object-oriented programming (OOP), principles of 319
objects, arrays of 194
Objects, definition of 15
Objects, pointers to 368 376
Objects, program division into 330
Objects, using 329
OemToChar() 741
offset() 525
ofstream 361
OLE (object linking and embedding) 533 632 635
On(), OnApply() 755 765
On(), OnCancel() 752
On(), OnChar() 628 672
On(), OnChildNotify() 887
On(), OnClose() 613
On(), OnColorButton() 111
On(), OnColumnClick() 652
On(), OnCreate() 506 541 605 637 646 653 657 671 734 737 738 756 765
On(), OnCreateClient() 613 657 666 667 668 670
On(), OnDblcklChecklist() 837
On(), OnDblcklListDirectory() 515
On(), OnDestroy() 652 657 898
On(), OnDialogInit() 821
On(), OnDraw() 622 623 624 625 626 654 655 665 895
On(), OnEditChange() 751
On(), OnFindReplace() 790 792
On(), OnGetdispinfoFontbox() 865
On(), OnHScroll() 883 886
On(), OnInitDialog() 484 485 631 647 750 756 814 816 834 856 858 860 901 916 921 926 928 932 940 961
On(), OnInitUpdate() 613 622 626 651 652 656 657 662 665 666 667 668 670 672 705 719 771
On(), OnKeyDown() 612
On(), OnKeyUp() 628
On(), OnKickIdle() 711
On(), OnKillFocus 652
On(), OnLButtonDblClick() 652 657 668 670
On(), OnLButtonDown() 485
On(), OnMouseMove() 485 926
On(), OnNewDocument() 631 648 667 668
On(), OnNotify() 901 921 932 938
On(), OnOK() 515 631 750 752
On(), OnOpenDocument() 661 668
On(), OnPaint() 485 515 623 625 626 662 715
On(), OnParaIndentminus() 645
On(), OnParaIndentplus() 645
On(), OnPrepareDC() 623
On(), OnQueryEnding() 613
On(), OnRunProgram() 541
On(), OnSelChanged() 646 657 662 670
On(), OnSelChangingTab() 665
On(), OnSetActive() 759 760 771
On(), OnSetFocus() 652
On(), OnSetFont() 750
On(), OnSetText() 671
On(), OnStatusbarInsertpane() 920
On(), OnUpdate() 662 672
On(), OnUpdateData() 759
On(), OnUser() 485
On(), OnViewCursor() 540
On(), OnVScroll() 871 883
On(), OnWizardFinish() 759
On(), OuCmdMessage() 617 619
open() 125
Open(), OpenBitmapFile() 116
Open(), OpenBmpFile() 116 805
Open(), OpenEvent() 994
Open(), OpenFileHookProc() 805
Open(), OpenFtpConnection() 530
OPENFILENAME structure 775 776 781 782
Operators 29 135
operators, arithmetic 32 34 141—142
Operators, array [] 58
operators, assignment 30 34 152—153
operators, bitwise 33 34 146—149 241
Operators, cast () 31 34 156
Operators, comma 17 33 155
operators, conditional 33 34 154 169
operators, equality 33 143
Operators, evaluation order for 34 159
operators, logical 33 34 135 150—151
operators, overloading 121 356 357 620
Operators, pointer-to-member (->) 284 311 368
Operators, reference (&) 31 157 283 284
operators, relational 33 34 143—145
Operators, scope resolution (:.) 276 354
operators, shift 33 34 146
operators, unary 31 34 135—140
OR operator, bitwise (|) 33 135 148 241
OR operator, exclusive bitwise (^) 33 149
OR operator, logical (||) 33 135 151
ostream 361
ostrstream 361
Other Documents 546
Output Description Language file 61
Output window 93 605 680
Outputting text 118 476
Outputting text to file 122
Outputting text, if statements for 124
Outputting text, printf for 76 116
Overloading 273 275 285
Overloading, address of function 290
overloading, constructors 335
overloading, functions 286 288 325
overloading, operators 121 356 357 620
Overstrike mode 629 630
Owner Draw 808 843
Page Setup dialog box 794 795 796
PAGESETUPDLG structure 795
PageSetupDlg() 794 795 802
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