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Charles Wright C. — 1002 Visual C++ Programming Tips |
Предметный указатель |
Palette 444 496
Paragraph, alignment of 645
Paragraph, formatting 866
Parameters 275 278
Parameters, passing to constructor 334
Parameters, template 287
Parentheses () for functions 271
Parentheses () for grouping 35 156
Parentheses () for macros 48
Parentheses (), cast operator () 31 34 156
ParseCommandLine() 497 669
Paths 452
PathToRegion() 453
Pattern control 709
Peek(), PeekMessage() 381 425
Peek(), PeekNamedPipe() 988 990
Pen 441 464 496
Percent sign (%), escape sequences with 75 76
Percent sign (%), modulo division operator (%) 32 141
period (.) 38
persistent data 670
pica 470
Picture control 713
Pie() 463
Pipes 130 979 985 987
Pipes, closing 991
Pipes, connecting/disconnecting 990
pipes, named 988
Pipes, operations 989
pipes, unnamed 986
Pitch of font 471
Pixel 405 451
Play() 906 911
Plus sign (+), addition operator (+) 32 142
Plus sign (+), increment operator (++) 31 138 198
Plus sign (+), plus operator (+) 140
Point of execution see "Threads"
Point-to-member operator (->) 284 311 368
pointer variables 309
Pointers 27 56
Pointers in function calls 282
Pointers to arrays 195
Pointers to classes 369 375
Pointers to environment strings 217
Pointers to functions 289
Pointers to objects 368 376
Pointers to strings 247
Pointers to variables 309 310
Pointers to void 308
Pointers, arrays of 312 313
Pointers, casting 316
Pointers, constant value modification with 212
Pointers, indirection 57 311
Pointers, null 373
Pointers, stack 280
Pointers, this 370
POINTS 451 470
Polyline() 460
Polymorphism 319 323 324
Polymorphism, class as object of 326
Polymorphism, function overloading as 325
PolyPolyline() 460
pop-up menus 91 407
Pop-up menus, adding 700
Pop-up menus, nesting 701
pop-up windows 396
Post(), PostQuitMessage() 951 953
Post(), PostThreadMessage() 952 953 983
Pound sign (#), concatenation operator (##) 37 48
Pound sign (#), replacement operator (#) 37 48
Pre(), PreCreateWindow() 625 651 652 656 665 666 672 864
Pre(), PreTranslageMessage() 696
precision() 364
PrevDlgCtrl() 485
primary expressions 35
Primary threads 538
Print previewing 537
Print(), PrintDlg() 797 798 799 800
Print(), PrintPage() 799
PRINTDLG structure 798 799 800
Printer device context 438
printf() 25 80 118
printf(), field width setting 77
printf(), outputting with 76 116
printf(), precision setting 78
printf(), space filling field 79
Printing 537 795
Printing without dialog box 801
Printing, page setup dialog box 794 795 796
Printing, print dialog boxes 509 793 797 800
Printing, print setup dialog box 802
Private access 39 187 322 337 339 341
Procedure-driven programming 377
Process control routines 981
Processes 942 see
Processes, communication in 979—1001
Processes, creating new 943
Processes, synchronizing 956—961
ProcessShellCommand() 669
program files 8
Programs, definition of 942
Programs, dialog-based 515 560—562
programs, event-driven 378
Programs, flow of 19—21 162
programs, procedure-driven 377
Programs, structure of 22
Programs, Windows 420
Progress control 522 816 853 870 871
Progress control, options 874
Progress control, range/position 873
Progress control, styles 872
Project menu 87
Project Settings 674
projects, creating 547
property pages 510 754
Property sheet classes 507
property sheets 507 510 753 756 760
Protected access 39 187 322 333 337 341
proto.h 652
Prototyping 23 46 190 273
Public access 39 187 322 333 337 341 749
PumpMessage() 381
punctuation marks 242
pure virtual function 343 348
Pushes 2
putchar() 237 247
putenv() 215 218
PutFile() 499
Quadded left 79
Quadded right 79
Question mark (?), conditional operator 33 34 154 169
Question mark (?), escape sequence 73
Queues 529
Quicksort 54
Quotation marks ("") 64 73 222
Radio buttons 831—834
Radio buttons, bitmaps/icons 834
Radio buttons, grouping 832
Radio buttons, pushbuttons for 833
raise() 981 982
Randomize() 957
Range syntax characters [] 602
Raster fonts 469
RC2 61
read() 518
Read(), ReadBitmap() 712
Read(), ReadFile() 988 990
Read(), ReadRegistry() 670
Read(), ReadString() 620
Realloc() 268
Rebars 506 556 816
RecalcLayout() 541
Recreate(), RecreateBuddy() 885
Recreate(), RecreateControl() 935
Recreate(), RecreateProgBar() 872
Recreate(), RecreateWindow() 819
Recursion 53—55
Redirection 122
Redistribution 549
Reference data type 27 57
Reference functions 291 306
Reference operator (&) 31 157 283 284 291
reference parameters 278
references 866
Regions 445 496
Register variables 15 50 300
Register(), RegisterClass() 392 809
Register(), RegisterClassEx() 392
Register(), RegisterHotKey() 928 929
Register(), RegisterShellFileTypes() 725
Register(), RegisterWindowClass() 399
Register(), RegisterWindowMessage() 783 786 791
Registry 521
Registry file 61
Relational operators 33 34 143—145
RelayEvent() 926
Release(), ReleaseDC() 435
Release(), ReleaseSemaphore() 998
remove() 517
Remove(), RemoveImage() 915
Remove(), RemoveView() 664
Renamed 517
Replacement operator (#) 37 48
ReplaceText() 783 784 785 787
ResetEvent() 994
Resource compiler 404 689
Resource Control file 61
resource files 403
Resource files, bitmaps in 409
Resource files, menus in 407
Resource IDs 690 692 729
Resource symbols 692
Resource toolbar 101
Resource Workshop 688
Resource Workshop, Properties dialog box 693
Resource Workshop, toolbars 691
Resources 384 687
ResourceView panel 98 608 690 707 727
restore() 540 721
ResumeThread() 945 954
reusable code 24
Rich edit control 522 816 853 864 865
Rich edit control, character attributes in 638
Rich edit control, character for matting in 866
Rich edit control, color setting in 867
Rich edit control, mask in 868
Rich edit control, menu items for 637
Rich edit control, message notification 869
Rich edit control, toolbar items for 637
Rich Text Format 637 725
Ritchie, Dennis 7 160 184
RTF 637 725
run() 538 950
runtime libraries 962
Sans serif 439
scanf() 25 119
Scope 170
Scope in conditional statements 171
Scope in loop 179
Scope of function 281
scope of variables 305
scope resolution operator (::) 276 354
Screen coordinates 436
scroll bars 402
Scroll bars as input control 852
Scroll bars, adding 846 847
Scroll bars, control 522 816 845—852
Scroll bars, hiding 850
Scroll bars, message interpretation 851
Scroll bars, showing 850
SCROLLINFO structure 848
Search button 604
seekg() 363
selection statements 161 162
SelectObject() 432 443
Semaphores 957 979 997
Semaphores as IPC device 995
Semaphores, creating/removing 996
Semaphores, locking/unlocking 998
semicolon (;) 12 17 47 161 172 202 271
Serialization 493 620
Serialize() 616 621 625 627 631 648 659 667 668 670 747
Serialize(), SerializeRaw() 621 627 631
serif 439
Server support 636
Set(), SetActivePage() 754
Set(), SetBackgroundColor() 867
Set(), SetBarText() 819
Set(), SetBase() 885
Set(), SetBitmap() 834
Set(), SetBkColor() 483 770
Set(), SetBkMode() 481
Set(), SetBrushOrgEx() 442
Set(), SetBuddy() 885
Set(), SetCharFormat() 639 640
Set(), SetCheck() 699 828
Set(), SetClassLong() 719
Set(), SetColor() 772 936
Set(), SetCurSel() 935
Set(), SetCursor() 719 834
Set(), SetDayState() 938
Set(), SetDefaultCharFormat() 641
Set(), SetDirectoryName() 656
Set(), SetEnvironmentVariable() 215 218
Set(), SetEventMask() 868
Set(), SetFileAttributes() 515
Set(), SetFont() 485 891 934 936
Set(), SetForegroundWindow() 708
Set(), SetFormat() 933
Set(), SetIcon() 834
Set(), SetImageList() 651 856 862 897 924
Set(), SetItem() 863 891 896 915
Set(), SetItemData() 515
Set(), SetItemDataPtr() 515
Set(), SetItemText() 896 898
Set(), SetModified() 755
Set(), SetMouseChar() 485
Set(), SetParaFormat() 866
Set(), SetPixel() 455
Set(), SetPos() 873
Set(), SetPriorityClass() 947 948
Set(), SetRange() 873 885
Set(), SetRange32() 873 885
Set(), SetRegistry() 670
Set(), SetROP2() 482
Set(), SetRules() 928
Set(), SetScrollInfo() 846 848 852
Set(), SetScrollSizes() 626
Set(), SetSelectionCharFormat() 866 867
Set(), SetSizes() 735
Set(), SetStatus() 515 517
Set(), SetTextAlign() 473
Set(), SetTextBackColor() 484
Set(), SetTextColor() 483
Set(), SetTextJustification() 477
Set(), SetThreadPriority() 948
Set(), SetTimer() 961
Set(), SetValue() 338
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