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Herbert C.G., Johnstone R.A.W. — Mass Spectrometry Basics |
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Ion optics, advantages of orthogonal TOF arrangements 199
Ion optics, background 183 189
Ion optics, choice of quadrupole or magnetic-sector instruments 186
Ion optics, comparison of quadrupole and magnetic sector instruments 185
Ion optics, comparison with other mass spectrometers 191—193
Ion optics, details of equations of motion 186—188
Ion optics, electric focusing lenses 179
Ion optics, electrostatic analyzer 177—178
Ion optics, energy filter 181
Ion optics, equations of motion of ions 183—185 189—190
Ion optics, magnetic sector 175—177
Ion optics, magnetic/electric-sector mass spectrometers 175—181
Ion optics, magnetic/electrostatic analyzer combination 178—179
Ion optics, metastable ions 180
Ion optics, microchannel plate ion collector 197
Ion optics, MS/MS operation 198—199
Ion optics, orthogonal time-of-flight 195—199
Ion optics, physical basis of oa-TOF 196
Ion optics, pulsed main beams of ions 196—197
Ion optics, quadrupole 183—188
Ion optics, rate of application of pulsed-field gradient 197
Ion optics, reflection 191
Ion optics, resolution 190—191
Ion optics, resolution by m/z value 198
Ion optics, time-of-flight 189—194
Ion(s), abundance(s) 46 209
Ion(s), abundance(s), criteria 297
Ion(s), abundance(s), dead time and 223 224
Ion(s), aligning of in flight 321
Ion(s), arrival events 223
Ion(s), beam(s) 18
Ion(s), beam(s), cross-sectional area of 221
Ion(s), beam(s), dispersed 212
Ion(s), beam(s), focusing of after hexapole stage 165
Ion(s), beam(s), incident 203
Ion(s), beam(s), mass-selected main 198
Ion(s), beam(s), width and shape of 175
Ion(s), chamber, beam entering 79
Ion(s), chromium 134
Ion(s), collector, array 210
Ion(s), collector, microchannel plate 197 198
Ion(s), collector, multipoint 217
Ion(s), collector, point 202 206 210
Ion(s), current, chart plotting 84
Ion(s), cyclotron mass spectrometers 274
Ion(s), cyclotron resonance (1CR) 195 212 282
Ion(s), decomposition of 270
Ion(s), detection efficiency 241
Ion(s), detector, true baseline output from 320
Ion(s), detector, voltage from 319
Ion(s), dispersal of in space 212
Ion(s), emitters 25
Ion(s), entering of in quadrupole assembly 173
Ion(s), equations of motion of 183 189
Ion(s), evaporation 61 62
Ion(s), exchange chromatography 331
Ion(s), fast-moving 20 213
Ion(s), flight path of 191
Ion(s), formation of in atmospheric-pressure sources 371
Ion(s), fragmentation of molecular 173
Ion(s), guide, quadrupole 378
Ion(s), impact of on cathode 36
Ion(s), intense bombardment by 39
Ion(s), kinetic energy lost from 376
Ion(s), magnetic field for dispersing 208
Ion(s), mass, fragment 269
Ion(s), mass, range 207
Ion(s), metastable 180 see origin
Ion(s), metastable, abundances of 227 229
Ion(s), metastable, decomposition 226 239 244
Ion(s), metastable, formation of 226
Ion(s), metastable, how quadrupoles can be used to examine 233
Ion(s), metastable, linked scanning of 235
Ion(s), molecule collisions, gas pressure and 372
Ion(s), motion, stable 187
Ion(s), multicharged 57
Ion(s), negative 5
Ion(s), newly formed 2
Ion(s), optics, double-focusing 178 179
Ion(s), precursor 198 233 241
Ion(s), principal methods for producing 61
Ion(s), pulsed main beams of 196
Ion(s), quasimolecular 2 5
Ion(s), rate of evaporation of 51
Ion(s), reagent gas 1 4
Ion(s), removal of interfering 94
Ion(s), RF voltages applied to 184
Ion(s), scans, precursor 234
Ion(s), scans, product 233
Ion(s), separations of by magnetic-sector instruments 211
Ion(s), source(s) 14 290
Ion(s), source(s), alternative type of 276
Ion(s), source(s), assembly, suppressor grid in 45
Ion(s), source(s), atmospheric-pressure 167
Ion(s), source(s), CI 6
Ion(s), source(s), conversion of substances in 175
Ion(s), source(s), ions formed by 285
Ion(s), source(s), radioactive 157
Ion(s), source(s), reagent gas in 1
Ion(s), source(s), simple 15
Ion(s), source(s), thermospray 72
Ion(s), source(s), Z-SPRAY™ 154
Ion(s), thermal emission of 37
Ion(s), trajectory 67 187 227 376
Ion(s), transfer of to mass analyzer 95
Ion(s), translational energy of 232
Ion(s), transmission guides 376 377 378
Ion(s), trap(s) 3 209 243 281
Ion(s), trap(s), decomposition required from 378
Ion(s), trap(s), instruments 12
Ion(s), trap(s), ion/molecule collision in 284
Ion(s), trap(s), physical laws of 378
Ion(s), tunnel, view of 382
Ion(s), velocities of 193
Ion(s), yield 73
Ion(s), yield, activators used to improve 49
Ion(s), yield, effect of increasing temperature on 51
Ionic detergents 12
Ionization 105
Ionization, efficiency 50
Ionization, electron 225
Ionization, energies 47 49
Ionization, field 37
Ionization, flame 139 246
Ionization, inlet systems, MALDI 161
Ionization, laser desorption 192
Ionization, matrix-assisted laser adsorption 9
Ionization, methods 282
Ionization, mild 22 228
Ionization, potential 47
Ionization, process, electron ionization 13
Ionization, routes 3
Ionization, sample type and mode of 280
Ionization, secondary 10
Ionization, soft 4 27 160
Ionization, source, atmospheric-pressure inlet 163
Ionization, xenon atoms 82
Isotope ratios, background 353
Isotope ratios, basic facets of measuring isotope ratios 354—362
Isotope ratios, causes of variation in isotope ratios 362—365
Isotope ratios, examples of isotope ratio measurements 366—369
Isotope ratios, examples of use of accurate isotope ratios 350—352
Isotope ratios, instruments used to measure accurate isotope ratios 365—366
Isotope ratios, plutonium contamination in environment 369
Isotope ratios, radioactive and nonradioactive isotopes 354
Isotope ratios, routine mass spectrometry 343—350
Isotope ratios, standard for isotope ratios 354
Isotope ratios, use of 343—352
Isotope ratios, variations in 353—369
Isotope(s), analysis, materials used for thermal ionization sources in 115
| Isotope(s), approximate ratios of 340
Isotope(s), characteristics, standard substances 355—356
Isotope(s), dilution analysis 366 367
Isotope(s), effects 362
Isotope(s), naturally occurring 339 341 344—345
Isotope(s), nonradioactive 354
Isotope(s), pattern(s), effect of on mass spectrum 340
Isotope(s), pattern(s), organometallic compounds 350
Isotope(s), radioactive 354
Isotopes and mass spectrometry 335—341
Isotopes and mass spectrometry, atomic nucleus and isotopes 339
Isotopes and mass spectrometry, atomic structure and elements 335—338
Isotopes and mass spectrometry, isotope ratios 339—341
Jet separator 255
Kerr cell 127
Kinetic energy, distributions 171
Kinetic energy, ions having wrong 225
Kinetic energy, loss, ion 376
Kinetic energy, mass-selected main ion beam 198
Kinetic energy, product ion having insufficient 238
Kinetic energy, spread of in EI 177
Kinetic energy, total 91
Kinetic energy, vaporization of molecules due to 135
la see “Laser ablation”
Lamp(s), arc 122
Lamp(s), filament 121
Lamp(s), flash 134
Lamp(s), incandescent 120 121
Lanthanum 351 352
Laser desorption ionization (LDI) 192
Laser desorption ionization (LDI), ionization process 7—9
Laser desorption ionization (LDI), other considerations on 9
Laser desorption ionization (LDI), secondary ionization 10—11
Laser desorption ionization (LDI), type of laser 10
Laser desorption ionization (LDI), use of lasers 11—12
Laser desorption ionization (LDI), use of matrix 9
Laser(s), ablation (LA) 111
Laser(s), adsorption ionization (LDI) 7—12
Laser(s), argon 133
Laser(s), beam, degree of focusing of 112
Laser(s), cavity 126
Laser(s), data typical of 111
Laser(s), desorption, ionization sources using 216
Laser(s), desorption, mass spectrometry (LDMS) 290
Laser(s), dye 132
Laser(s), factors controlling use of 112
Laser(s), gas 129 131
Laser(s), light, emission of 125
Laser(s), light, sources 123
Laser(s), light, wavelength of 130
Laser(s), liquid-state 132
Laser(s), neodymium 134
Laser(s), power outputs of 119
Laser(s), pulse 7 8
Laser(s), ruby 133
Laser(s), solid-state 126 133
Laser(s), types of 10 112
Laser(s), uses of 11
Laser(s), YAG 134
Lasers and other light sources 117—136
Lasers and other light sources, characteristics of light as waveform 119—121
Lasers and other light sources, laser light sources 123—134
Lasers and other light sources, lasers in mass spectrometry 134—136
Lasers and other light sources, nonlaser light sources 121—123
Lasing 125
lc see “Liquid chromatography”
LC/MS see “Liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry”
Lens(es), curvature 179 180
Lens(es), rotation 179 180
Lens(es), Y-deflection 179
Lens(es), Z-focus 179 180
Lewis acids 136
Library, NIH-EPA mass spectral 301
Library, NIST 257 266
Library, searching 257 323
Ligase 329
Light, absorption of 123
Light, amplification by stimulated emission of radiation see “Laser”
Light, beam, intensity of 120
Light, characteristics of as waveform 119
Light, conversion of energy into 121
Light, emission of 31 117
Light, initial absorption of 125
Light, intensity, common units of 118
Light, sources see also “Lasers and other light sources”
Light, sources, laser 123
Light, sources, luminances of 119
Light, sources, nonlaser 121
Light, visible 117
Lightning 121
Linked scanning 226 243
Linked scanning, application of 242
Linked scanning, techniques 233
Linked scanning, V, E, and B fields 240
Liquid chromatography (LC), 55, 245 see also “Gas chromatography and liquid chromatography”
Liquid chromatography (LC), analyzers, coupling of to mass spectrometers 252
Liquid chromatography (LC), application of 81
Liquid chromatography (LC), connection between MS and 262
Liquid chromatography (LC), injectors for 250
Liquid chromatography (LC), mixture of peptides separated by 294
Liquid chromatography (LC), mixture separation by 74
Liquid chromatography (LC), reversed-phase 75
Liquid chromatography (LC), solid stationary phases for use in 249
Liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS) 261—268
Liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS), connection between LC and MS 262—264
Liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS), instruments, output from 324
Liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS), manipulation of scan data 265—268
Liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS), recording mass spectra 264—265
Liquid, chromatogram 247 261 265
Liquid, chromatographic phases 249
Liquid, films 145
Liquid, inlets 104
Liquid, secondary ion mass spectrometry (LSIMS) 17 81 287
Liquid, secondary ion mass spectrometry (LSIMS), commonly used solvents for 21 83
Liquid, secondary ion mass spectrometry (LSIMS), mass spectrum 22
Liquid, solid chromatography (LSC) 245
Liquid, state lasers 132
Liquid, target surface, bombardment of 17
m/z see “Mass-to-charge ratio”
Mach disc 95
Machine code 309 310
Magnet, directional focusing of 177
Magnetic flux, measurement of 242
Magnetic sector instruments, comparison of quadrupole and 185
Magnetic-sector mass spectrometry, scan 242
Magnetic-sector mass spectrometry, scan 241—242
Magnetic-sector mass spectrometry, scan 240—241
Magnetic-sector mass spectrometry, application of linked scanning 242
Magnetic-sector mass spectrometry, B/E scan 241
Magnetic-sector mass spectrometry, electric/magnetic-sector geometry 238
Magnetic-sector mass spectrometry, linked scanning and metastable ions in 237—244
Magnetic-sector mass spectrometry, linked scanning of V, E, and B fields 240
Magnetic-sector mass spectrometry, linked scanning, ion traps, and hybrid mass spectrometers 243—244
Magnetic-sector mass spectrometry, metastable ions decomposing in first field-free region 238—239
Magnetic-sector mass spectrometry, metastable ions decomposing in second field-free region 239—240
Magnetic-sector mass spectrometry, metastable ions decomposing in third field-free region 240
Magnetic-sector optics 238
Magnetic-sector time-of-flight instruments, AutoSpec-TOF® ion optics 158
Magnetic-sector time-of-flight instruments, hybrid 157—161
Magnetic-sector time-of-flight instruments, magnetic/electric-sector 158—159
Magnetic-sector time-of-flight instruments, operation of combined magnetic and TOF sectors as hybrid instrument 160—161
Magnetic-sector time-of-flight instruments, other advantages of hybrid 161
Magnetic-sector time-of-flight instruments, time-of-flight 159—160
Magnetic/electric-sector instruments, major variables of 244
Magnetic/electrostatic analyzer 178
MALDI see “Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization”
Man-made aerosols 137
Mass measurement, atomic and molecular mass 269—270
Mass measurement, high-resolution, accurate 269—274
Mass measurement, measurement of accurate mass 272—274
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