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Herbert C.G., Johnstone R.A.W. — Mass Spectrometry Basics |
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hybrid 160 161
ion optics 158
mass spectrometer 154 156 157
206 207 214 215 219
4-Bromofluorobenzene (BFB) 297 299
Ablation devices, major 116
Abundance ratio 259
Abundance ratio, accurate 340
Abundance ratio, approximate 339
Accelerating potential 239
Activators 49
Active Q-switching 127
Acyl coenzyme A compounds, LC/FABMS analysis of 289
ADC see “Analog-to-digital converter”
Adenine 327
Aerosol(s) 109
Aerosol(s), formation of 106 135
Aerosol(s), formation of, efficiency in 145
Aerosol(s), formation of, principles of 138
Aerosol(s), man-made 137
Aerosol(s), nature of 137
Aerosol(s), passing of through spray chamber 139
Aerosol(s), production of 138
Aerosol(s), size of droplets formed in 140
Aerosol(s), spray-can nozzle, action of 393
Affinity chromatography 331
Alkanes 3
Alpha particle, emission of 364
Amino acid(s), deletion of single 291
Amino acid(s), production of proteins from 327
Amino acid(s), residues, sequence of 288
Amino acid(s), sequential linking of 330
Analog-to-digital converter (ADC) 224 317 318
Analyte, solution of 65
Analyzer(s) 365
Analyzer(s), combinations 289
Analyzer(s), electrostatic 177
Analyzer(s), GC, coupling of to mass spectrometers 252
Analyzer(s), hybrid 153
Analyzer(s), LC, coupling of to mass spectrometers 252
Analyzer(s), magnetic/electrostatic 178
Analyzer(s), mass ranges achievable with 282
Analyzer(s), time-of-flight 153 155 156 290
Analyzer(s), time-of-flight, ions required for 159
Analyzer(s), time-of-flight, mass spectra measured by 171
Analyzer(s), time-of-flight, microchannel plate combined with 217
Analyzer(s), time-of-flight, quadrupole analyzer used in conjunction with 169
Anode 30
Anode, dark space 34
Anode, glow 34 35
APCI see “Atmospheric-pressure chemical ionization”
APCI/MS see “Atmospheric-pressure chemical ionization and mass spectrometry”
API see “Atmospheric-pressure ionization”
Arc(s) 387
Arc(s), forming process 39
Arc(s), lamps 122
Arc(s), of ions, radius of 176
Arc(s), striking of 37
Argon, carrier gas 152
Argon, density of 141
Argon, gas 89 90
Argon, gas, release of 368
Argon, gas, stream, flow of 143
Argon, ion, charge exchange of 93
Argon, laser 133
Array collectors 201 205—210 216
Array collectors, array detection 206
Array collectors, dynamic range 209
Array collectors, element of array 206—207
Array collectors, separation of array elements 207—209
Array collectors, uses of array collectors 209—210
Array, detection 206
Array, elements 206
Array, elements, ion mass range 215
Array, elements, number of 208
Array, elements, separation of 207
ASCII code 308
Aston dark space 32
Atmospheric-pressure chemical ionization (APCI) 38 55 71 73 277
Atmospheric-pressure chemical ionization (APCI), inlet 167
Atmospheric-pressure chemical ionization (APCI), transmission guides used in 377
Atmospheric-pressure chemical ionization and mass spectrometry (APCI/MS) 138
Atmospheric-pressure ionization (API) 55 60 61—63 79
Atmospheric-pressure ionization (API), background 61
Atmospheric-pressure ionization (API), drying gas 62
Atmospheric-pressure ionization (API), ionization process 61—62
Atmospheric-pressure ionization (API), ionization process, chemical ionization 62
Atmospheric-pressure ionization (API), ionization process, ion evaporation 61—62
Atmospheric-pressure ionization (API), number of ions 63
Atom(s), building blocks of 336 337
Atom(s), combinations of elemental 336
Atom(s), excitation 31 37
Atom(s), excited-state helium 131
Atom(s), gun 83
Atom(s), number of protons in 338
Atom(s), orbital levels of 30 31
Atomic bombs 353
Atomic mass(es), determination of 336
Atomic mass(es), for common elements 270
Atomic mass(es), relative 270
Atomic nucleus 335 339
Atomic structure 335
Atomic theory, modern 335
Atomization, flame promoting 139
Auto-samplers 284
Babington nebulizer 145
Background gas 374
Banned drugs, detection of in body fluids 268
Base peak 14
Bath gas 282 378
Beam deflectors 156
Benzaldehyde, separation efficiency for 249
BFB see “4-Bromofluorobenzene”
Binary arithmetic 303 304
Binary code 305 306
biotechnology 327—333
Biotechnology, genetics 327—329
Biotechnology, proteins 330—334
bits 306 308
Blood analysis 291
Boltzmann constant 46 49
Boltzmann equation 91 124
Brewster angle 128
Buffer agents, separation of analyte ions from 65
bytes 306 307 308
C programming language 309 314
CAD see “Collisionally activated decomposition”
Californium radionuclide 192
Camphor 278
Cancer research, use of DNA sequence data in 329
Capillary tubes 144
Carbohydrates, FD and 27
Carbohydrates, GC and 251
Carbohydrates, vaporization of 58
Carbon 12 standard, atomic weights of elements based on 346—347
Carbon compound, mass spectrum of 16
Carotene 246
Carrier gas 152
Cascade process 83
Cathode 30
Cathode, glow 32 33
Cathode, ions impacting onto 36
Central microprocessor, typical layout controlled by 308
Central processor unit (CPU) 309 311
CERCLA see “U.S. Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and
Cerium 351 352
Cesium salt, examination of 46
Charge neutralization 151
Charge-coupled television (CCTV) camera 112
Charged species 183
| Chauvenet t tables 364
Chemical derivatization 283
Chemical ionization (CI) 1—6 55 71 237
Chemical ionization (CI), example of chemical ionization process 1—2
Chemical ionization (CI), ion sources for 6
Chemical ionization (CI), ionization process 1
Chemical ionization (CI), negative ions 5
Chemical ionization (CI), other ionization routes 3—4
Chemical ionization (CI), other reagent gases 2—3
Chemical ionization (CI), suitability of beam entering ion chamber for 79
Chemical ionization (CI), use of CI/EI in tandem in GC/MS 4
Chemiluminescence 121
Chlorine, average atomic mass for 348
Chlorine, natural 259
Chlorophyll 246
Chromatogram(s), gas 247 257 259 298
Chromatogram(s), liquid 247 261 265
Chromatogram(s), mass 258 266
Chromatogram(s), resolution enhancement 258 266
Chromatogram(s), total ion current 84 257 259 267 323
Chromatographic apparatus, requirements for 246
Chromatographic peak areas, calculation of 301
Chromatography see also “specific type”
Chromatography, affinity 331
Chromatography, forms of 245
Chromatography, retention time for molecules in 248
Chromosomes 327
CI see “Chemical ionization”
CID see “Collision-induced dissociation”
Cinnamic acid derivatives 290
Clean Water Act 296
Clock(s), crystal 310
Clock(s), pulse 222
Clouds, formation of in atmosphere 137
CLP see “EPA Contract Laboratory Program”
Clusters 393
Cold plasma conditions 94
Collision(s), activation 234
Collision(s), cell 94 289
Collision(s), electrons produced by ionizing 33
Collision(s), energy of 29 376
Collision(s), frequency of 375
Collision(s), gas 74 374
Collision(s), inelastic 377
Collision-induced decomposition 243
Collision-induced dissociation (CID) 233 235
Collisionally activated decomposition (CAD) 373 377
Compound(s) 336
Compound(s), comparison of sample substance against standard 359
Compound(s), organometallic, isotope patterns for 350
Computer(s), aided background subtraction 22
Computer(s), instruction sets in 310
Computer(s), memory 309
Computer(s), movement of information in 311
Computers and transputers in mass spectrometers (part A) 303—310
Computers and transputers in mass spectrometers (part A), binary arithmetic 304—305
Computers and transputers in mass spectrometers (part A), bits and bytes 308—309
Computers and transputers in mass spectrometers (part A), clock 310
Computers and transputers in mass spectrometers (part A), computer memory 309—310
Computers and transputers in mass spectrometers (part A), electronic switching and binary code 306
Computers and transputers in mass spectrometers (part A), languages 309
Computers and transputers in mass spectrometers (part A), multibase arithmetic 303—304
Computers and transputers in mass spectrometers (part A), other registers 307—308
Computers and transputers in mass spectrometers (part A), registers 306—307
Computers and transputers in mass spectrometers (part B) 311—315
Computers and transputers in mass spectrometers (part B), basic speed differential between parallel and serial modes 311—314
Computers and transputers in mass spectrometers (part B), Occam 314
Computers and transputers in mass spectrometers (part B), reduced instruction set for computing 314—315
Computers and transputers in mass spectrometers (part C) 317—325
Computers and transputers in mass spectrometers (part C), data processing 317—320
Computers and transputers in mass spectrometers (part C), instrument control 320—322
Computers and transputers in mass spectrometers (part C), manipulation of mass spectral data 322—325
Concentric tubular nebulizers 142
Constant mass difference scans 234 235
Coronas, arcs 37—38
Coronas, background 29
Coronas, effect of electrode separation on discharge 37
Coronas, effect of electrode shapes on discharge 38—39
Coronas, effect of gas flow on discharge 38
Coronas, effect of gas pressure on discharge 38
Coronas, effect of voltage changes on glow discharge characteristics 39—43
Coronas, electric discharge in gas 30—32
Coronas, electric-field gradients across glow discharge 35—36
Coronas, light and dark regions in discharge 32—35
Coronas, overall process 43
Coronas, plasma, and arcs 29—44
Coronas, self-sustaining discharge 36
Coronas, sputtering 36—37
Cosmic radiation 40
Cosmic rays, electromagnetic spectrum ranges from 118
CPU see “Central processor unit”
Crooke's dark space 33
Cross-flow nebulizers 141 144
Crystal clocks, ticks of 310
Curvature lenses 179 180
Cytosine 327
Czerenkov radiation 121
D-glucose, FI spectra of 26
DAC see “Digital-to-analog converter”
Dark space, anode 34
Dark space, Aston 32
Dark space, Faraday 34
Data, acquisition applications 315
Data, bus 313
Data, processing 300 317
DCI see “Direct chemical ionization”
Dead time 223 224
Debye length 95
Decafluorotriphenylphosphine (DFTPP) 297 299
Decimal system 303 304 305
Dendrochronology 350
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) 327 334
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), code 290
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), schematic diagram of 328
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), sequencing 329
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), synthesis of specific lengths of 328
Depleted uranium weapons 353
Depth profiling 12
Desolvation chambers 107 108 150 152
DFTPP see “Decafluorotriphenylphosphine”
Diatoms 341
Differential solvent removal 56 72
Diffraction gratings 119
Digital devices 306
Digital-to-analog converter (DAC) 317
Dimethylmercury 349 350
Dimethylplatinum 349 350
Dioxins, detection of in industrial waste 268
Dipolar field, development of 48
Direct chemical ionization (DCI) 283
Direct sample insertion (DSI) 105 114
Direct-insertion devices 115
Discharge, non-self sustaining 41
Discharge, self-sustaining 43
DNA see “Deoxyribonucleic acid”
Doppler shifting 130
Double-focusing mass spectrometer 195
Drift velocity 36
Droplet(s), diameters 146
Droplet(s), formation 141 152
Droplet(s), size, formula for estimating 142
Drying gas 62 63
DSI see “Direct sample insertion”
Dye lasers 132
Dynamic fast-atom bombardment and liquid-phase secondary ion mass spectrometry interface 81—86
Dynamic fast-atom bombardment and liquid-phase secondary ion mass spectrometry interface, atom or ion beams 82
Dynamic fast-atom bombardment and liquid-phase secondary ion mass spectrometry interface, dynamic-FAB/LSIMS interface 83—86
Dynamic fast-atom bombardment and liquid-phase secondary ion mass spectrometry interface, properties of solvent 82—83
Dynamic fast-atom bombardment and liquid-phase secondary ion mass spectrometry interface, types of ions produced 86
Edman sequential degradation 332
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