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Burgener F., Kormano M. — Differential Diagnosis in Computed Tomography |
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Schwannoma, posterior cervical space 116
Schwannoma, visceral space 113
Scimitar syndrome 184
Sclera 69
Scleroderma 188
Scleroderma, lung disease 198 199
Scleroderma, megaesophagus 234
Scleroderma, small bowel intramural gas 302
Scutum 56
Sderitis 72 73
Sebaceous cyst, abdominal wall 292
Sella, mass lesions 6 7 34 35 36 37 38—39 39
Sella, turcica 2 7
Semicircular canals 56
Seminal vesicle, cystic 356
Seminal vesicle, infection 356
Seminal vesicle, neoplasm 356 357
Seminoma 228
Seminoma, metastatic testicular 319
Sensorineural hearing loss 60
Septo-optic dysplasia 47
Septum pellucidum 40 41
Sequestra, button 160 160
Sequestration, bronchopulmonary, extralobular 202
Sequestration, bronchopulmonary, intralobular 202 203
Seroma, post-segmcntectomy 259
Seroma, retroperitoneal 320
Sheehan syndrome 39 39
Shoulder fracture 155 155
Shunt 238
Shunt, dependency 44
Sialadenitis, acute suppurative 102 103 107
Sialadenitis, chronic recurrent 102 103
Sialadenitis, granulomatous 102
Sialadenitis, sublingual/submandibular glands 106 107
Sialadenosis 102 103
Sialosis 102 103
Sicca syndrome 102
Sickle cell disease 236
Sickle cell disease, avascular necrosis of hip 154
Sickle cell disease, osteosclerosis 156 157
Sigmoid sinus thrombosis 60
Signet ring sign 186 186 213
Silicosis 189 194 195
Silicosis, thoracic calcification 243
Silo-fillers disease 196
Sinonasal abnormalities, congenital 82
Sinusitis 86 86
Sinusitis, allergic 86 87
Sinusitis, fungal 86 87
Sjoegren's syndrome 76 102 103 198 199
Skull, sclerosis 59 60
Slit-ventricle syndrome 44
Small bowel 293 294
Small bowel, abnormal 298 299 300 301 302 303
Small bowel, mesentery 309 310
Small bowel, obstruction 300 301
Small bowel, thickening 293 294
Smoke inhalation 196
Smooth muscle benign tumor vs. adenomatous polyp 295
Soft-tissue disease 144—145 145 146 147—149 148 150 151
Soft-tissue lesion 146 147—149 148 150 151
Soft-tissue lesion, benign vs. malignant 144
Soft-tissue lesion, calcification 144
Soft-tissue lesion, cyst 146 147
Soft-tissue lesion, malignant vs. benign 144
Soft-tissue lesion, ossification 144—145 145
Spherocytosis, hereditary 236
Spigelian hernia 289
Spinal accessory lymph node chain 108
Spinal cord 120 121—122 123—124 124 125
Spinal cord, abscess 126
Spinal cord, contusion 127
Spinal cord, extradural lesions 131—132 131—135 134 136 137
Spinal cord, extramedullary intradural lesions 128—129 129 130 131
Spinal cord, granulocytic sarcoma 130
Spinal cord, postoperative scar 136 137
Spinal cord, primary neoplasm 132 133
Spinal cord, root avulsion 127
Spinal cord, transection 127
Spinal cord, trauma 127
Spinal dysraphism, occult 128
Spinal epidural abscess 132 132
Spinal fractures 124 125 139—140 139 141
Spinal fractures, anterior column 124 125
Spinal fractures, atlanto-odontoid subluxation 140
Spinal fractures, chance 140 141
Spinal fractures, complete burst 139 139
Spinal fractures, impacted compression 139
Spinal fractures, incomplete burst 139 139
Spinal fractures, middle column 124 125
Spinal fractures, posterior column 124 125
Spinal fractures, translation injury 140
Spinal lesions 123 123
Spinal lesions, extradural 123 123
Spinal lesions, extramedullary 123 123
Spinal lesions, intramedullary 123 123 126—127 127
Spinal stenosis 123—124 124 127 133 136—138 137
Spindle cell tumors, peritoneal 316 317
Spinous process 120 121
Spleen 274 274
Spleen, abnormal 275—276 275 277 278 279
Spleen, accessory 274
Spleen, contrast enhancement 274 274
Spleen, wandering 274
Splenic bulge, medial 274 274
Splenic cysts vs. adult polycystic kidney disease 330
Splenic cysts vs. gastric duplication 295
Splenic cysts, congenital 278 279
Splenic infarct 276 277
Splenic laceration 275 275
Splenic vein thrombosis 276 277
Splenitis 276
Splenomegaly 263 274
Splenorenal ligament 274
Splenosis 274
Splenosis, peritoneal 316
Splenosis, pleural thickening 217
Split notochord syndrome 128
Split pleura sign 217
Spondylarthropathy, enteropathic 152
Spondylarthrosis 134 135
Spondylitis 131 131
Spondylitis, mediastinal 226
Spondylodiscitis 131 131
Spondylolisthesis 132 133
Spondylosis 134 135
Spongiform leukodystrophy see "Canavan — van Bogaert disease"
Stapes footplate, congenital fixation 57
Staphylococcus aureus 131 178
Sternoclavicular joint dislocation 152
Sternocleidomastoid muscle 108
Steroid therapy, avascular necrosis of hip 154
Stomach 293
Stomach, abnormal 295—296 295 297
Stomach, gaseous distension 294
Stomach, thickness 293 294
Stomach, viscous contents 293 294
Stress fracture 178 179
Stricture, biliary obstruction 266
Sturge — Weber syndrome 4 5 49 49
Sturge — Weber syndrome, calcification 49
Sturge — Weber syndrome, calcification, orbital tumor 69
Sturge — Weber syndrome, ventricular margin enhancement 54
Subacute necrotizing encephalopathy 9
Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis 10
Subarachnoid hemorrhage 40 42 46
Subarachnoid hemorrhage, syringohydromyelia 126
Subcapsular process, renal 326
Subchondral cyst 161 161
| Subclavian artery, buckling/aneurysm 232
Subcortical arteriosclerotic encephalopathy 14 15
Subdural empyema 24 25
Subdural hematoma 22 23—24
Subdural hematoma, spinal 130
Subependymal giant-cell astrocytoma 43
Subependymoma, fourth ventricle 44
Subependymoma, intraventricular 50 51
Subependymoma, lateral ventricle 43
Subfalctne herniation 48
Subglottic carcinoma 109
Subglottic injury 109
Subglottic stenosis 112
Subglottis 108
Sublingual gland carcinoma 105 105
Sublingual space 92
Sublingual space, lesions 104—105 105 106 107
Submandibular gland carcinoma 105 105
Submandibular lymph node 108
Submandibular space 92—93 108
Submandibular space, lesions 104—105 105 106 107
Submental lymph node 108
Subphrenic abscess 215
Subpial intradural lipoma 128
Subretinal space 69
Sulci 40 42
Superficial cervical lymph nodes 108
Superior cerebellar cistern 40 41
Superior mesenteric vein thrombosis 301
Superior opthalmic vein thrombosis 80
Superior vena cava, dilatation 232
Superior vena cava, left persistent 236
Suppurative adenopathy 118
Suprachoroidal space 69
Supraglottic carcinoma 108—109
Supraglottic injury 109
Supraglottis 108
Suprasellar teratoma 20
Supratentorial space 2
Supraventricular area 3
Surgery, cerebral ventricle 46
Swyer — James syndrome 184 186
Sympathicoblastoma 230
Sympathicogonioma, adrenal 342
Syndesmophytes vs. spondylosis 134
Synovial cell sarcoma 242
Synovial cyst 134 146 147
Synovial sarcoma 150
Synovitis, pigment villonodular 178 179
Syphilis 34
Syphilis, gastric wall thickening 296
Syphilis, myocardial infarction 245
Syringohydromyelia 126 127
Systemic lupus erythematosus, avascular necrosis of hip 154
Systemic lupus erythematosus, lung disease 198 199
Systemic lupus erythematosus, pleural effusion 215
Systemic lupus erythematosus, pulmonary hemorrhage 20
Talc exposure, pleural thickening 217
Talc exposure, thoracic calcification 244
Talcosis 196
Tarsal coalition 155
Tegmen tympani 56
Tegmen tympani, fractures 60
Temporal bone 56—61
Temporal bone, fibrous dysplasia 59 59
Temporal bone, fractures 59—60 60
Temporal bone, mastoid portion 56
Temporal bone, Paget's disease 59 60
Temporal bone, petrous portion 56
Temporal bone, squamous portion 56
Temporal bone, tympanic portion 56
Temporomandibular joint 155
Tenon's capsule 69
Tentorium 4 5
Teratoma 30
Teratoma, extraperitoneal 362
Teratoma, mediastinal 228
Teratoma, pelvic region 350 351
Teratoma, pineal 4 20
Teratoma, retroperitoneal 325
Teratoma, sellar/juxtasellar 39
Teratoma, stomach 295
Teratoma, suprasellar 20
Testes, undescended 324 345 345 356
Testicular neoplasm 319
Tethered cord 126 128
Tethered cord, syndrome 136
Tetralogy of Fallot 238
Thalassemia 236
Thalassemia, extramedullary hematopoiesis 220
Thalassemia, major 156—157 157
Thecal sac 120
Third ventricle 2—3
Thoracic calcification 242—245 243 245
Thoracic meningocele 226
Thornwaldt cyst 92 93
Thromboembolic disease, lung disease 200 201
Thromboembolic disease, pulmonary 215
Thromboembolism 184
Thrombosis, cortical vein 54
Thrombosis, extraperitoneal 362 363
Thrombosis, inferior vena cava 322 322
Thrombosis, portal vein 262 263
Thrombosis, renal vein 336
Thrombosis, sigmoid sinus 60
Thrombosis, splenic vein 276 277
Thrombosis, superior mesenteric vein 301
Thrombosis, superior opthalmic vein 80
Thrombus, atrial 245
Thrombus, intracardiac 240
Thrombus, venous extraperitoneal 362 363
Thymic cyst 228
Thymic hyperplasia 226
Thymic hyperplasia, rebound 226
Thymolipoma 227
Thymoma 228 229
Thymoma, malignant 219
Thymoma, pleural thickening 217
Thyroglossal duct cyst 104 110 111
Thyroid, adenoma 114 115
Thyroid, benign calcification 110
Thyroid, carcinoma 114 115
Thyroid, carcinoma, intrathoracic 228
Thyroid, carcinoma, osteolytic metastasis 158
Thyroid, granuloma 114
Thyroid, lesions 110 114 115 116 117
Thyroid, lingual tissue 104 105
Thyroid, medullary carcinoma 229
Thyroid, neoplasm with calcified metastases 242
Thyroid, ophthalmopathy 76 77
Thyroiditis 114 115
Tinnitus, pulsatile 60—61
Tissue expander 346 346
Tonsillar abscess 96 97
Tonsillitis 96 97 108
TORCH sydrome 4 5
Toxic fume inhalation 186 796 213 214
Toxocariasis 69
Toxocariasis, ocular 72 73
Toxoplasmosis 4 5 72
Toxoplasmosis, acquired 10
Tracheal stenosis 234 235
Tracheomalacia 234 235
Transitional cell carcinoma, bladder 358 360
Transitional cell carcinoma, renal 334 335
Transtentorial herniation 48
Trauma, adrenal hemorrhage 344
Trauma, aortic aneurysm 232
Trauma, biloma 258 259 see
Trauma, biloma, bladder 358 359
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