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Burgener F., Kormano M. — Differential Diagnosis in Computed Tomography |
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Hypochondroplasia, spinal stenosis 136
Hypopharynx 108—109 109
Hypopharynx, carcinoma 109 110 111
Hypoproteinemia, pulmonary edema 192
Hypoproteinemia, small bowel 300 301
Hypoproteinemia, small bowel, thickening 293
Hypotympanum 56
Iatrogenic pseudolesions, extraperitoneal 364
Iliac artery, aneurysm 361
Immobilization in osteoporosis 156
Incisional hernia 289
Inclusion cyst 162 163
Infantile polycystic kidney disease vs. adult 330
Infarct, posterior fossa 30
Infarction, cerebral ventricle 46
Infarction, colon 304 305
Infarction, renal 336 337
Infectious mononucleosis 274
Inferior vena cava 318
Inferior vena cava, azygos continuation 236
Inferior vena cava, caval transposition 322 323
Inferior vena cava, duplication 322
Inferior vena cava, intrahepatic anomaly 322
Inferior vena cava, thrombosis 322 322
Inflammation, bladder 358
Inflammatory bowel disease, pelvic region 348 348—349
Inflammatory cyst/abscess, ruptured of ventricular margin 52
Inflammatory granulation with debris formation of middle ear/mastoid 64 65
Inflammatory lesions, cerebellopontine angle 34
Inflammatory polyps, paranasal sinuses 86 87
Inguinal hernia 364 364
Inguinal/femoral hernia 289 289
Inner ear 56
Inner ear, congenital anomalies 57 58
Inner ear, focal lesions 66 67—68 68
Innominate artery, buckling/aneurysm 232
Insufficiency fracture 156 178 179
Insulinoma 284 285
Interdinoid ligament see "Petroclinoid ligament"
Internal auditory canal 56
Internal auditory canal, focal lesions 66 67—68 68
Internal carotid artery 62
Interstitial lung disease 187—188 243
Intervertebral disc 120 121
Intervertebral disc, bulge 132 133
Intervertebral disc, free fragment 134
Intervertebral disc, free fragment, herniation 120 121 134 134—135
Intervertebral disc, free fragment, postoperative 136 137
Intervertebral disc, free fragment, sequestration 134
Intervertebral disc, protrusion 120 121
Intervertebral disc, spinous process 120 121
Intervertebral disc, vacuum phenomenon 132
Intestinal perforation 312
Intracavitary masses in heart 222
Intracerebral hemorrhage 22 23
Intraconal space 69
Intracranial pressure, increased 44 45 75
Intraocular calcification 69 70
Intraosseous ganglion 161 161
Intraperitoneal air, free 311
Intraperitoneal fluid 311
Intravenous drug use 184
Intravenous drug use, splenomegaly 274
Intraventricular hemorrhage 46 46
Intraventricular masses 49—50 49 51
Intraventricular tumors 46
Intussusception 300
Intussusception, pelvic region 348 349
Invemark's syndrome 275
Iodine-containing drug deposition 189
Iris 69
Iron overload 264
Irradiation see "Radiation"
Ischemia 144
Ischemia, colon 304 305
Ischemia, pelvic region 348 349
Ischemia, small bowel 302 303
Ischemia, small bowel, thickening 293
Islet cell tumor 284 285
Joint disease 152—155 153 154 155
Jugular bulb, nondehiscent high 65
Jugular foramen 56
Jugular vein, anomalies 118
Jugular vein, thrombophlebitis/thrombosis 98
Jugular vein, thrombosis 118
Jugular wall 56
Jugulo-omohyoid lymph node 108
Jugulodigastric lymph node 108
Juxtasellar region, mass lesions 6 7 34 35 36 37 38—39 39
Kaposi's sarcoma 89 190 191 320
Kartagener's syndrome 86 186
Keratocyst, paranasal sinus bone lesion 90 91
Keratosis obturans 61
Kidney 326—328 327—328 see
Kidney, carcinoma 219
Kidney, column of Benin 332 333
Kidney, dromedary hump 332
Kidney, fetal lobations 332
Kidney, hilar lip 332
Kidney, horseshoe 329 329
Kidney, multicystic dysplastic 330
Kidney, nodular compensatory hypertrophy 332
Kidney, pelvic 329
Kidney, shattered 336
Klippel — Feil syndrome 58 136
Klippel — Trenaunay syndrome, spleen 276
Knee joint 154 154
Koerner's septum 56
Krabbe's disease 8
Labyrinth 56
Labyrinth, fractures 60
Labyrinthine wall 56
Labyrinthitis, congenital obliterative 58 58
Labyrinthitis, obliterative 66 67
Laceration, colon 304
Laceration, liver 258
Laceration, renal 336
Lacrimal gland, inflammation 76 77
Lacrimal gland, tumor 78 79
Lacunar state see "Subcortical arteriosclerotic encephalopathy"
Langerhans cell histiocytosis 18 36
Laryngeal cyst, congenital 112
Laryngeal lesions 112—113 113 114 115 116 117
Laryngocele 112
Larynx 108—109
Larynx, injury 109
Lateral ventricles 3
Lefort fracture 82 84
Left atrial pressure, elevated 189
Leigh's disease see "Subacute necrotizing encephalopathy"
Leiomyoma, colon 306
Leiomyoma, mediastinal 230
Leiomyoma, mesenteric 316 317
Leiomyoma, pelvic region 352 352 353
Leiomyoma, small bowel 298 299
Leiomyoma, stomach 295
Leiomyosarcoma, bladder 356 357
Leiomyosarcoma, mesenteric 316
Leiomyosarcoma, pelvic region 352
Leiomyosarcoma, retroperitoneal 324
Leiomyosarcoma, small bowel 298 347
Leiomyosarcoma, stomach 296
Lens 69
Leptomeningeal carcinomatosis 130
Leptomeningitis, TB 12
Letterer — Siwe disease 176
Leucinosis 9
Leukemia 157
Leukemia, hairy cell 319
Leukemia, mediastinal 230
| Leukemia, pleural 215
Leukemia, pulmonary manifestations 190
Leukemia, renal 334
Leukemia, splenic 278
Leukemia, splenomegaly 274
Leukemia, ventricular margin enhancement 52
Leukemic infiltrate, extraocular 80 81
Leukodystrophy, metachromatic 8
Leukodystrophy, spongiform see "Canavan — van Bogaert disease"
Leukoencephalopathy, progressive multifocal 12
Leukokoria 69
Ligamentum flavum 120 121
Ligamentum flavum, hypertrophy 120 122 134
Ligamentum teres 309 310
Lingual thyroid tissue 104 105
Lipid storage diseases 157
Lipoblastoma 146
Lipoid pneumonias 189 212
Lipoma 30 31
Lipoma of infundibulum 39
Lipoma vs. adenomatous polyp 295
Lipoma, abdominal wall 290
Lipoma, arborescens 146
Lipoma, bone 162 163
Lipoma, brain parenchyma 20
Lipoma, cerebellopontine angle 33
Lipoma, colon 306
Lipoma, intraosseous 159 159
Lipoma, liver 256
Lipoma, lower carotid space 116
Lipoma, mediastinal 227 227
Lipoma, parapharyngeal 94
Lipoma, perinephric space 338
Lipoma, peritoneal 316
Lipoma, posterior cervical space 116
Lipoma, renal 332
Lipoma, small bowel 298
Lipoma, soft-tissue 146 147
Lipoma, stomach 295
Lipoma, subpial intradural 128
Lipomatosis, mediastinal 229 229
Lipomatosis, pelvic 362
Lipomatosis, renal sinus 327 329
Lipomatosis, symmetric 146
Lipomyelomenigocele 128
Liposarcoma, bone 162
Liposarcoma, mediastinal 227
Liposarcoma, perinephric space 338
Liposarcoma, peritoneal 316
Liposarcoma, renal 332
Liposarcoma, retroperitoneal 324 325
Liposarcoma, soft-tissue 148 149
Lissencephaly 40 42
Liver 248—249 249
Liver flukes 272
Liver, abscess 256 257 258 258
Liver, bare area 248 249
Liver, diffuse disease 262 262—263 264 265
Liver, failure 266
Liver, fatty 262 263
Liver, focal fatty infiltration 260 261
Liver, focal lesions 250—260 250—261
Liver, infarction 260 261
Liver, parenchyma 248
Liver, precontrast scan 249
Liver, resection 258 259
Liver, vasculature 248
Loefflier syndrome, drug-induced 199
Lowe's syndrome 70
Lower carotid space, hemangioma 116
Lower carotid space, lesions 116—117 117 118 118
Lower carotid space, neurofibroma 116
Lower carotid space, schwannoma 116
Ludwig's angina 106 107
Lumbar hernia 289
Lumphoma, third ventricle 43
Lung 184—189 190—214 191—214
Lung, abscess 208 209 217 217
Lung, bilateral hyperlucent 184
Lung, density increase 184
Lung, disease, diffuse 190—202 191—203
Lung, disease, interstitial 187—188
Lung, disease, lymphangiomyomalosis 200 201
Lung, disease, primary bullous 184
Lung, embolism with oily contrast material 192
Lung, fissures 184 185
Lung, focal lesions 202—214 203—214
Lung, ground-glass appearance 189 189 193
Lung, healed disseminated infection 189
Lung, honeycombing 188
Lung, hypogenetic 184
Lung, interlobular septal thickening 187
Lung, malignant lesions 189
Lung, miliary nodules 188
Lung, radiation damage 202 203
Lung, rheumatoid 188 198 199
Lung, traumatic cyst 212
Lung, unilateral/lobar hyperlucent 184
Lyme disease 14 14—15
Lymph flow blockage 312
Lymph nodes, deep cervical 108
Lymph nodes, hyperplasia of mediastinal 222 232
Lymph nodes, hyperplasia, giant 230
Lymph nodes, hyperplasia, reactive 96 108
Lymph nodes, oral/sublingual/submandibular metastases 106 107
Lymph nodes, paratracheal 108
Lymph nodes, retroperitoneal 318 320 321
Lymph nodes, superficial cervical 108
Lymphadenitis, mesenterial 317
Lymphadenopathy, benign 320 321
Lymphadenopathy, extraperitoneal 360 361
Lymphadenopathy, inflammatory 118 118
Lymphangiectasia, intestinal 300
Lymphangioleiomyomatosis 188
Lymphangioma 78 79 146 147
Lymphangioma, cystic 116
Lymphangioma, mediastinal 229
Lymphangioma, mesenteric 314 315
Lymphangioma, splenic 276
Lymphangiomyomatosis 200 201
Lymphangitic carcinomatosis 188 190 191
Lymphatic obstruction 266
Lymphedema, pleural effusion 217
Lymphocele, extraperitoneal 362 362
Lymphocele, perinephric space 338
Lymphocele, retroperitoneal 320
Lymphoma, abdominal wall 290 291
Lymphoma, bladder 356 358
Lymphoma, bone 174 175
Lymphoma, cerebral 18 19
Lymphoma, choroid plexus 52
Lymphoma, colonic 308 308
Lymphoma, diffuse hepatic 264
Lymphoma, extraocular 80 81
Lymphoma, histiocytic 158 175
Lymphoma, lateral ventricle 43
Lymphoma, liver 252 253
Lymphoma, lower carotid space 116 117
Lymphoma, masticator/carotid space 98 99
Lymphoma, mediastinal 230 230—231
Lymphoma, mesenteric 314
Lymphoma, oral/sublingual/submandibular 106 107
Lymphoma, osteosclerosis 156
Lymphoma, pancreatic 286 287
Lymphoma, paranasal sinuses 88 89
Lymphoma, pelvic region 347 348 352
Lymphoma, pharyngeal 94 95
Lymphoma, pleural 215 219
Lymphoma, posterior cervical space 116 117
Lymphoma, posterior fossa 30 31
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