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Burgener F., Kormano M. — Differential Diagnosis in Computed Tomography |
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Fracture, foot 154—155 154
Fracture, healing 178 179
Fracture, hip joint 152—154 153
Fracture, insufficiency 156 178 179
Fracture, labyrinth 60
Fracture, paranasal sinuses 86
Fracture, renal 336 337
Fracture, rib 220
Fracture, scaphoid 155
Fracture, shoulder 155 155
Fracture, stress/insufficiency 178 179
Fracture, temporal bone 59—60 60
Fracture, vertebra 234
Fume inhalation 186 196 213 214
Fungal infection see also "Mycotic infection"
Fungal infection, pleural thickening 217
Fungal infection, thoracic calcification 242
Gallbladder 266
Gallbladder, carcinoma 269 269
Gallbladder, cystic duct remnant 272
Gallbladder, edematous wall 268
Gallbladder, trauma 270 271
Gallstone, biliary obstruction 266
Gallstone, cholecystoduodenal fistula 268
Gallstone, disease 272 273
Gangliocytoma 18
Ganglioglioma 18 20
Ganglioneuroma 20
Ganglioneuroma, adrenal 342
Ganglioneuroma, mediastinal 230
Ganglioneuroma, retroperitoneal 324
Gardner's syndrome 298
Gardner's syndrome, mesentery 376
Gastric diverticulum 295
Gastric duplication 295
Gastric varices 296
Gastritis, emphysematous 296 297
Gastroenteric cyst 226 227
Gastrografin 294
Gastrohepatic ligament 309
gastrointestinal tract 293—294 294
Gastrointestinal tract, carcinoma 219
Gastropancreatic plica 309 310
Gastrophrenic ligament 309
Gastrosplenic ligament 309 310
Gaucher's disease 157
Geode see "Subchondral cyst"
Germinoma 20 21
Germinoma, pineal 20 21 52
Germinoma, suprasellar 38
Germinoma, third ventricle 43
Gerota's fascia 326
Gestational trophoblastic disease 352
Ghon lesion 242
Giant-cell granuloma, paranasal sinus 90
Giant-cell granuloma, reparative 168
Giant-cell tumor vs. ependymoma 130
Giant-cell tumor, bone 168 169
Giant-cell tumor, paranasal sinus 90
Glaucoma, juvenile 70
Glenohumeral dislocation 155
Glioblastoma, lateral ventricle 43
Glioblastoma, multiforme 16 17
Glioma, brainstem 26 33
Glioma, cerebellum 33
Glioma, chiasmatic 34 35
Glioma, fourth ventricle 44
Glioma, hypothalamic 34 35
Glioma, optic nerve 38
Glioma, sellar/juxtasellar 34 35
Glioma, third ventricle 43
Gliosis 30 31
Globoid cell leukodystrophy see "Krabbe's disease"
Glomerulonephritis 312
Glomus jugulare 32
Glomus jugulare, tumor 66 67 99
Glomus tumor vs. adenomatous polyp 295
Glomus tumor, bone 162 163
Glomus tumor, jugulotympanicum 64 65
Glomus tumor, tympanicum 64 65
Glomus tumor, vagale 66 99
Glottis 108
Glottis, carcinoma 109 113
Glottis, injury 109
Goiter 114 115 228 229
Goodpasture's syndrome 189 198 199
Gout 152
Gradenigo syndrome see "Petrous apicitis"
Graft versus host reaction 302 303
Graft versus host reaction, colon 304
Graft versus host reaction, pelvic region 348 349
Granular cell, myoblastoma vs. adenomatous polyp 295
Granular cell, tumor of neurohypophysis 39
Granulocytic sarcoma of spinal cord 130
Granuloma, adrenal 344
Granuloma, renal 327
Granuloma, thyroid 114
Granulomatosis see also "Wegener's granulomatosis"
Granulomatosis, allergic 212
Granulomatosis, necrotizing sarcoid 212
Granulomatous disease, chronic of childhood 186
Granulomatous disease, splenic 276 277
Granulomatous disease, visceral space lesions 112
Gravese disease 226
Gravese disease of orbit see "Thyroid ophthalmopathy"
Greater omentum 310
Ground-glass infiltrate 189 189 193
Habenula 4 5
Hallervordern — Spatz disease 9
Hamartoma, astrocytic 73
Hamartoma, cerebral ventricles 48
Hamartoma, liver 254 255
Hamartoma, mesenchymal 254 255
Hamartoma, pulmonary 204 205
Hamartoma, renal 332 333
Hamartoma, splenic 278 279
Hamartoma, thoracic calcification 242
Hamartoma, tuber cinereum 38
Hamman — Rich syndrome see "Fibrosis pulmonary idiopathic"
Hand — Schueller — Christian disease 176
Hashimoto thyroiditis 114 115
Healing, fracture 178 179
Hearing loss, conductive/sensorineural 60
Heart 222 223—224 224—225 see
Heart, abnormal 238 239 240 240—241
Heart, chambers 224
Heart, coronary disease 240 241
Heart, pressure stress 238 239
Heart, size/shape evaluation 222
Heart, volume stress 238
Hemangioblastoma 18 28 29
Hemangioblastoma, spinal cord 127
Hemangioendothelioma 78 172 173 see
Hemangioma 66 see
Hemangioma of middle ear/mastoid 64
Hemangioma, abdominal wall 290
Hemangioma, bone 164 165
Hemangioma, capillary 78 100 104
Hemangioma, cerebellopontine angle 33
Hemangioma, choroidal 73
Hemangioma, liver 254 254
Hemangioma, lower carotid space 116
Hemangioma, parapharyngeal 94
Hemangioma, posterior cervical space 116
Hemangioma, soft-tissue 146 147
Hemangioma, splenic 276
Hemangioma, visceral space 112
Hemangiopericytoma 78 172
Hemangiopericytoma vs. adenomatous polyp 295
Hemangiopericytoma, retroperitoneal 324
| Hematoma, abdominal wall 290
Hematoma, bladder 358 359
Hematoma, bowel 293
Hematoma, calcified interosseous 176
Hematoma, colon 304
Hematoma, epidural 22 23 132
Hematoma, extraperitoneal 362
Hematoma, intrahcpatic 258 259
Hematoma, intraperitoneal 314 315
Hematoma, mediastinal 234
Hematoma, mesenteric 314
Hematoma, perinephric space 338
Hematoma, peritoneal 360
Hematoma, pulmonary 212
Hematoma, renal 327 336 337
Hematoma, retroperitoneal 321
Hematoma, small bowel 302 303
Hematoma, soft-tissue 150 151
Hematoma, splenic subcapsular 275 275
Hematoma, subcapsular 258
Hematoma, subdural 22 23—24 130
Hematoma, superior sulcus 219
Hematoma, visceral space 111 111 112
Hematopoiesis, extramedullary 220 220 236 237
Hematopoiesis, extraperitoneal 364
Hemia/hemiation see also "Hiatus hernia"
Hemia/hemiation, abdominal wall 289 289
Hemia/hemiation, bowel 293
Hemia/hemiation, diaphragm 221
Hemia/hemiation, extraperitoneal 364 364
Hemia/hemiation, femoral 289 289
Hemia/hemiation, femoral canal 364 364
Hemia/hemiation, foramen of Bochdalek 234
Hemia/hemiation, foramen of Morgagni 234 234
Hemia/hemiation, incisional 289
Hemia/hemiation, inguinal 289 289 364 364
Hemia/hemiation, intervertebral disc 120 121 134 134—135
Hemia/hemiation, intervertebral disc, postoperative 136 137
Hemia/hemiation, lumbar 289
Hemia/hemiation, paraumbilical 289 289
Hemia/hemiation, pit 161 161
Hemia/hemiation, subfalcine 48
Hemia/hemiation, transtentorial 48
Hemia/hemiation, umbilical 289
Hemiazygos dilatation 232
Hemivertebra 136
Hemochromatosis 137
Hemochromatosis, liver 264 265
Hemophilic pseudotumor 176 177
Hemorrhage 30 31
Hemorrhage, adrenal 344 344
Hemorrhage, intracerebral 22 23
Hemorrhage, intraventricular 46 46
Hemorrhage, mediastinal 234
Hemorrhage, ocular 74 74
Hemorrhage, paranasal sinuses 86
Hemorrhage, perinephric space 338
Hemorrhage, pulmonary 189 202
Hemorrhage, seminal vesicle 356
Hemorrhage, soft-tissue 150 151
Hemorrhage, subarachnoid 40 42 46 126
Hemorrhage, superior sulcus 219
Hemosiderosis, idiopathic pulmonary 189 198 199
Hemothorax 215
Hemothorax, pleural thickening 217 219
Hemothorax, thoracic calcification 244
Henoch — Schoenlein purpura 202
Hepatic adenomatosis 254 255
Hepatic cyst 256 257
Hepatic cyst vs. adult polycystic kidney disease 330
Hepatic sarcoma 252
Hepatic veins 248 249
Hepatic venous occlusion disease 260 261
Hepatoblastoma 252
Hepatocellular carcinoma 250 250—251 264
Hepatocellular carcinoma, fibrolamellar 250 251
Hepatoduodenal ligament 309
Hepatolenticular degeneration see "Wilson's disease"
Hepatomegaly 248
Hereditary multiple exostoses 164 165
Herpes encephalitis 10 11
Herpes simplex encephalitis, type 2 9
Heteropia 48
Hiatus hernia 221
Hiatus hernia, esophageal 234 234
Hibernoma 146
Hip joint 152—154 153
Hip joint, avascular necrosis 154
Hip joint, dislocation 153
Hip joint, fracture 152—154 153
Histiocytoma, fibrous 164
Histiocytoma, fibrous, malignant 168 169
Histiocytoma, fibrous, malignant, soft-tissue 148 149
Histiocytoma, fibrous, retroperitoneal 324
Histiocytosis 34
Histiocytosis X 176 177 200 201 see
Histiocytosis, eosinophilic granuloma 91
Histiocytosis, third ventricle 43
Histoplasmosis 193
Histoplasmosis, diffuse air-space disease 189
Histoplasmosis, pulmonary 210
Histoplasmosis, thoracic calcification 242 243
HIV infection 184 see
Hodgkin's disease 116
Hodgkin's disease, bone disease 158 158
Hodgkin's disease, thoracic calcification 244
Holoprosencephaly 47 47
Homocystinuria 9
Horseshoe kidney 329 329
Hounsfield artifact 2 2 6
Huerthle cell tumor 114 115
Humidifier lung 196
Huntington's disease 46 48
Hydatid cyst, brain 22
Hydatid disease see also "Echinococcosis"
Hydatid disease, renal 327
Hydatid disease, splenic 276 278
Hydatid disease, spondylitis 131
Hydrocephalus 40 126
Hydrocephalus, obstructive 40 41
Hydromyelia 126
Hydronephrosis 329 329
Hydronephrosis, endometriosis 350
Hydrosalpinx 350
Hydroxyapatite deposition disease 138
Hypercalcemia 327
Hypercalcinuria 327
Hyperparathyroidism, brown tumor 176
Hyperparathyroidism, metastatic pulmonary calcification 243
Hyperparathyroidism, myocardial infarction 245
Hyperparathyroidism, nephrocalcinosis 327
Hyperparathyroidism, osteopenia 156
Hyperparathyroidism, primary 137
Hyperparathyroidism, secondary 156
Hyperparathyroidism, traumatic diastasis of sacroiliac joint 152 153
Hyperplasia, adrenal cortical 341 341
Hyperplasia, endometrial 352
Hyperplasia, nodular regenerative 254 255
Hyperplasia, pituitary 7 38 39
Hyperplasia, thymic 226
Hypertension 238 see
Hypertension, pulmonary arterial 184
Hyperthyroiditis, thymic hyperplasia 226
Hypervitaminosis D see also "Vitamin D"
Hypervitaminosis D, metastatic pulmonary calcification 243
Hypervolemia, pulmonary edema 192
Hypoalbuminemia 266
Hypoalbuminemia, ascites 312
Hypoalbuminemia, intestinal lymphangiectasia 300
Hypoalbuminemia, nephrosis 300
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